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Jun 28, 2020 ~ More Fake News about Russia. New York Times reports, anon sources again, that Russia has been paying the Taliban bounties to kill US soldiers. People outraged Trump did nothing. Catherine Herridge debunks. Intel agencies found claims to be not credible so did not even brief Trump [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Jun 27, 2020 ~ David Litt in The Atlantic,'The Senate Filibuster Is Another Monument to White Supremacy'. The filibuster requires a 60 vote super majority to make sure anything passed has bipartisan support. The dem playbook: if you don't like something, label it 'white supremacy'. FAKE NEWS! [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ Ann Coulter, 'Great Moments in Racism: The Dash Cam Tapes'. Coulter details many high profile examples of supposed police racism that were disproven by dash or body cams. They were big international stories. The vilified officers all behaved respectfully and professionally. [Fake News, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ Jemele Hill who 'sees' 'white supremacy' literally everywhere insists 'It. Was. A. Noose' after the FBI debunked the Bubba Wallace noose hate crime hoax. After trashing NASCAR 'inside job' and all its fans, she can't back down. 'I agree with Jemele.' says actor Jussie Smollett. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Smollett]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ NYT, 'With Tweets, Videos and Rhetoric, Trump Pushes Anew to Divide Americans by Race' Proof: EO 'to protect national monuments at a time when statues of Confederate generals are being torn down' But EO is after they started tearing down Lincoln, Washington, Columbus etc. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ Professor Noam Chomsky said President Donald Trump is 'undeniably' the 'worst criminal in human history.' That means worse than Hitler, worse than Stalin, Worse than Mao, worse than Pol Pot, etc. These people are so unhinged by hatred, they have no remaining contact with reality. [TDS, Fake News, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left]
Jun 23, 2020 ~ After the fake Bubba Wallace noose was used to vilify the US and NASCAR, Horace Cooper screams, 'America isn't a racist country' 'Grand delusion that racism is running rampant in this country' Jussie Smollett 'had to hire foreigners to do the racism that Americans just won't do!' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Smollett]
Jun 23, 2020 ~ Matt Walsh 'There Has Been A Slew Of Violent Attacks Against White People. None Have Been Prosecuted As Hate Crimes. Why Not?' Walsh lists many recent crimes where black people violently attacked white people. Each would be huge stories and hate crimes if the races were reversed. [Racism, Fake News]
Jun 23, 2020 ~ Another Fake Hate Crime becomes a HUGE story. A 'noose' was supposedly left in black NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace's garage. NASCAR releases statement 'despicable act of racism and hatred? how much farther we have to go as a society'. Bubba on talk shows. Was a garage hand pull. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jun 21, 2020 ~ The Ferguson effect is ramping up again. As police are not allowed or motivated to do their jobs by politicians bowing to the 'abolish the police' mob, shootings are skyrocketing. 55 shootings in one week in NY compared to 12 last year. Chicago, 102 shot, 14 killed in one weekend [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jun 21, 2020 ~ Fake news from NPR to smear the right. 'Right-wing extremists are turning cars into weapons'. A picture is shown of a mob surrounding a car apparently driven by a 'right-wing extremist' about to drive forward into them. In reality, the mob OPENED THE DOOR & JUMPED ON THE CAR. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ Ben Shapiro calls out what he calls the 'incredible racism' of The Chicago Sun-Times because they will now capitalize the 'B' in Black and Brown, i.e. 'Black and Brown communities' but will continue to use a lowercase 'w' when talking about white people. No possible justification [Racism, Fake News, Ben Shapiro]
Jun 19, 2020 ~ Rep. Donna Edwards claimed on MSNBC that Trump scheduled his rally on Juneteeth and 'so near the Greenwood massacre' as a message 'to his hardcore white supremacist base' saying what? That he likes slavery and massacres of black people? These unhinged smears are disgusting. #TDS [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jun 19, 2020 ~ More 'nooses' found, this time in Oakland. The mayor denounces, 'Several nooses found on trees around Lake Merritt were removed and will be investigated as hate crimes. Symbols of racial violence have no place in Oakland.' They were swings put there by a black man Victor Sengbe. [Fake Racism, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News]
Jun 17, 2020 ~ Because Dems can never put down America too much, Sen. Tim Kaine makes one of the most absurd statements of all time, 'The United States didn't inherit slavery from anybody. We created it' Totally false. Slavery was pervasive throughout all of human history until the US ended it. [Fake News, Slavery]
Jun 17, 2020 ~ A 'noose' was supposedly found in the Marcus Garvey park in Harlem. Much outrage. Governor Cuomo was 'disgusted' by it. Investigated by the New York Police Department's Hate Crimes Task Force which determined it was a scaffold hoist rope left over from construction in the area. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jun 9, 2020 ~ Aaron Maté, 'Dem Cyber-Firm's Sworn Testimony It Had No Proof of Russian Hack of DNC' First dems said all Intel agencies determined Russia hacked DNC. Then they said well CrowdStrike determined that for us. Now, CrowdStrike President under oath, 'We just don’t have the evidence.' [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Jun 7, 2020 ~ New York Times smears Senator Tom Cotton saying he 'called for military force against protesters in American cities.' Cotton, 'I called for using military force as a backup only if police are overwhelmed to stop riots, not to be used against protesters... retract this smear.' [George Floyd, Police, Silencing, Fake News]
Jun 7, 2020 ~ James Bennet, the New York Times editorial page editor was forced to resign after allowing Republican Tom Cotton to voice an opinion on the page. From now on, only approved opinions like "Cancel White People", "Fuck the Police", "Kill Men" and "Fuck White Women" will be allowed. [George Floyd, Cancel Culture, Police, Silencing, Fake News]
Jun 6, 2020 ~ The new orthodoxy which cannot be questioned is that America is a 'white supremacist' society that is 'systemically racist'. Time, 'White people have inherited this house of white supremacy, built by their forebears' Chicago Tribune, 'White people, you are the problem.' [Racism, Fake Racism, Race, Fake News]
Jun 6, 2020 ~ James Rogers, 'Controversial COVID-19 papers retracted from the Lancet, New England Medical Journal' It turns out the paper dems and the media used to criticize Trump's support for Hydroxychloroquine was total bunk. Paper falsely claimed using it led to higher death rate. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jun 6, 2020 ~ The COVID19 lockdowns are exposed as a sham. 1200 alleged 'health experts' say massive outdoor gatherings 'vital to the national public health' EXCEPT 'protests against stay-home orders'. Just a couple of weeks ago they were saying people gathering outside were 'terrorists'. [George Floyd, Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jun 4, 2020 ~ Insanely Fake News. Yahoo, "Trump says he hopes George Floyd 'is looking down' and celebrating jobs report: 'This is a great day for him'" He was clearly talking about the nationwide protests leading to change. Almost ALL other 'News Orgs' join in the lie. Too many to list. [George Floyd, Police, Fake News]
Jun 4, 2020 ~ John Hirschauer, 'The Sole Justification Offered for the Riots Is a Fiction' Another article debunking the narrative 'That black men cannot leave the house without getting shot by racist cops? It's an epidemic' 'This is not supported by the data.' Stories of white victims ignored [George Floyd, Police, Fake News]
Jun 4, 2020 ~ Andrew McCarthy, "The 'Institutional Racism' Canard" 'It bears no resemblance to reality - not in police forces, and not in America.' Whites are 2X as likely to be killed by police than blacks. Both armed and unarmed killings. Blacks commit 70-85% of interracial violent crimes. [George Floyd, Police, Fake News]
Jun 4, 2020 ~ Heather Mac Donald, 'The Myth of Systemic Police Racism. Hold officers accountable who use excessive force. But there's no evidence of widespread racial bias.' With statistics, Mac Donald completely debunks the lie that is tearing apart America. The facts don't support it at all. [George Floyd, Police, Fake News]
Jun 4, 2020 ~ Corey Booker, 'We have so many people in our country, African American men, mostly unarmed, being murdered by police officers and no way of holding them accountable.' Totally false. Only 9 unarmed black men killed last year. 19 white. None murdered. Almost all totally justified. [George Floyd, Police, Fake News]
Jun 4, 2020 ~ The New York Times again changes a headline due to complaints by the Biden campaign and AOC that the headline did not sufficiently make Trump look bad. Original headline was 'As Chaos Spreads, Trump Vows to 'End It Now'" Trump blasts 'Fake Newspaper' after they changed it. [George Floyd, Police, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Fake News]
May 29, 2020 ~ Fake News happening so fast, its hard to keep up with. Fake photo of Derek Chauvin supposedly at a Trump rally with 'Cops for Trump' shirt. Fake photo of KKK march carrying 'Trump Pence' banner. Debra Messing spreads fake pic of Hitler holding bible just like Trump at St. Johns. [George Floyd, Police, Violent Left, Fake News]
May 29, 2020 ~ Churches burned in the riots including the Lafayette Square St. John's church which has been attended by Presidents since Lincoln. Trump spoke at the church. Media lies saying he used tear gas to clear non-violent protestors. They were throwing projectiles and it wasn't tear gas. [George Floyd, Police, Violent Left, Fake News]
May 29, 2020 ~ Elizabeth Warren, 'Donald Trump is calling for violence against Black Americans. His advocacy of illegal, state-sponsored killing is horrific. Politicians who refuse to condemn it share responsibility for the consequences.' Vile smear. Black people now being killed by the rioters [George Floyd, Police, TDS, Fake News]
May 29, 2020 ~ Trump repeatedly calls for an end to the violence and condemns the weak democratic pols allowing the violence and destruction. Inartfully says, 'when the looting starts, the shooting starts.' Many falsely claim he was threatening violence but was just describing what's happening. [George Floyd, Police, Violent Left, Fake News]
May 29, 2020 ~ Former CNN contributor Reza Aslan is one of the fools pushing the ridiculous story that White Supremacists are the rioters. And then tries to tie the non-existent people to Trump. 'White Supremacists=Trump Supporters. These are Trump supporters burning and looting.' Vile smears. [George Floyd, Police, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Fake News, TDS]
May 27, 2020 ~ Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has to correct fake news story titled 'Grenell to join Trump campaign' from Politico. 3 years in and still fake news with anon sources daily. Grenell, 'Fake news. Do you even check before writing?' 'The entire story isn't true.' [Fake News]
May 24, 2020 ~ New York Times 'Why Does the U.S. Military Celebrate White Supremacy?' For almost 50 years, 'white supremacy' was never mentioned except in historical context. Now in 2020, 'white supremacy' IS EVERYWHERE! Except NONE OF IT is real. ONE GUY, 5 years ago, proves its a big problem. [Fake Racism, Fake News]
May 23, 2020 ~ A Michigan dam breaks and Gov. Whitmer blames climate change. It turns out the levels were kept unnecessarily high to meet environmental regulations protecting mussels. 'The dam's owner, Boyce Hydro Power LLC, claims Michigan pressured it to raise lake levels before the flood.' [Climate Change, Fake News, Regulations]
May 20, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald on the Fake News 'Resistance Media' 'It is this "resistance journalism" sickness that caused U.S. politics to be drowned for three years in little other than salacious and fact-free conspiracy theories about Trump and his family members and closest associates.' [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Fake News]
May 19, 2020 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'The Arts of Government Criminality'. The Fake News is trying to downplay the latest #Spygate revelations but it was a massive abuse of power plus coverup. Spying, Falsifying, Doctoring Documents, Destroying Evidence, Lying under Oath, Leaking Classified Docs [Spygate, Fake News]
May 17, 2020 ~ Ben Smith 'Is Ronan Farrow Too Good to Be True?' Debunks Farrow's 2018 'attention-grabbing headline "Missing Files Motivated the Leak of Michael Cohen's Financial Records."' which 'set off a frenzied reaction' 'Two years after publication, little of Mr. Farrow's article holds up' [Russia Hoax, Fake News]
May 16, 2020 ~ Brandon Tatum ('Officer Tatum') debunks the false narrative about the shooting of Breonna Taylor. They claim the police had the wrong address and did not have a warrant. False. They had a no knock warrant and she was on it. She and/or her boyfriend was shooting at the cops. [Fake News, Police]
May 16, 2020 ~ Democrat Ron Kim on the NY nursing home scandal, 'The fact we maintained and pushed Covid-positive patients into facilities that were not equipped to handle them, it was a fatal error.' NY has 5400+ nursing home deaths, leading the nation. But Cuomo gets better press than Trump? [Coronavirus, Fake News]
May 14, 2020 ~ Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia writes article, 'Wikipedia Is Badly Biased' 'The original policy long since forgotten, Wikipedia no longer has an effective neutrality policy.' [Fake News, Tech Bias]
May 13, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald on Bill Carter STILL being all in on the Russia Hoax 'This person worked at the NYT for two decades and now (needless to say) works at CNN as an "analyst." Tells you all you need to know. Look at how completely unhinged they are. Why don't people trust the media?' [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Fake News]
May 13, 2020 ~ Wall Street Journal on Adam Schiff, 'Newly released documents show he knew all along that there was no proof of Russia-Trump collusion.' Schiff told the American people at least 12 times he saw evidence of Russia-Trump collusion after Clapper, Yates and Lynch told him otherwise. [Fake News, Russia Hoax, Spygate]
May 12, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager is smeared again. After being falsely accused of mocking Anne Frank and claiming 'slavery was not that bad', several outlets accuse him of 'bemoaning' that he can 'no longer using racist language coined during eras of slavery and segregation' Totally false as usual. [Dennis Prager, Fake News, Fake Racism, Slavery]
May 11, 2020 ~ Allen Guelzo, '1619 and the Narrative of Despair' Another historian debunks falsehoods masquerading as the new history of America. The Project claims 'everything that has truly made America exceptional' was due to slavery. But 25X as many slaves went to South. America vs. the US. [Slavery, Fake News]
May 11, 2020 ~ Rachel Alexander, 'Behind the Misleading Statement That Blue States Subsidize Red States' Alexander demolishes this common democrat myth. Blue states receive more federal money per capita. And when money does go to 'red states' it goes 'overwhelmingly' to democrats. [Entitlements, Fake News]
May 10, 2020 ~ Brandon Tatum ('Officer Tatum') debunks some false narratives about the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery. The claim was he was just out for a jog. Actually no evidence that he was. He was in neighborhood 10 miles from home. Walking around a private prop. dwelling. Only ran when spotted. [Fake News]
May 10, 2020 ~ John Oliver spreads the same Fake News as NBC. Used Barr's quote, 'history is written by the winners' out of context to claim Barr thinks he can make up whatever he wants. He cut out 'I think a fair history would say that it was a good decision because it upheld the rule of law.' [Fake News, Russia Hoax, Spygate]
May 10, 2020 ~ Chuck Todd lies about Barr's comments on the Flynn decision. He claims, 'He didn't make the case that he was upholding the rule of law' He admitted 'this is a political job.' Barr said, 'it was a good decision because it upheld the rule of law... it undid what was an injustice.' [Fake News, Russia Hoax, Spygate]

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