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Aug 13, 2023 ~ John Stossel, 'The Fake Climate Consensus' Climatologist Judith Curry says scientists have incentive to be alarmists. Path to "fame and fortune." She tasted it when her research showed hurricanes were getting worse. Not when she found that was in error. [Climate Change, Economics, Fake News, John Stossel]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ The #FakeNews @latimes says making black employees return to work is racist. 'Remote work gave them a reprieve from racism. They don’t want to go back' Previously the #FakeNews said remote work was racist because black people were less likely to have the opportunity. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ Mindy Weisberger, '50 million tons of water vapor from Tonga's eruption could warm Earth for years' This usually hot summer was predicted last year. "The explosive event increased atmospheric water vapor by 5%." Other estimates are as high as 13% [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ Devistating fire destroys most of Lahaina in Maui. Almost 100 have died and 2200 buildings and homes were destroyed. The fire had a multitude of causes; that side of the island is always very dry and the dwelings are made of closely spaced, old, dry wooden structures. Also, non-native grasses which are much more flamable than the native variety have somewhat taken over. A hurricane in the Pacific added to drought conditions by causing high winds. As is customary, Dems and the #FakeNews blame any tragety on man-made climate change. Bjorn Lomborg says, "This has to stop: AP makes up story to blame Hawaii fires on climate Peer-reviewed science finds no climate signal in Hawaii drought." Most of the world is under the 'climate change' narrative spell which causes them to attribute every natural or man-made disaster (things which have always happened) to 'climate change.' [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 3, 2023 ~ Black man Carlton Gilford in Tulsa, Oklahoma, killed two white men execution-style slayings. In addition to being charged with double murder, Gilford is being charged with a hate crime because he choose his victims at random simply because they were white. The #FakeNews ignores. [Crime, Fake News, Racism]
Aug 1, 2023 ~ Flashback: Julie Bindel, 'The truth behind America’s most famous gay-hate murder' Sadly, the #FakeNews narratives regarding 'racist' or 'homophobic' hate crimes are rarely true. The Matthew Shepard narrative "was that homophobic rednecks walked into a bar and saw an obviously gay man with money and targeted him and beat him to death for that reason." This triggered hate crime legislation from President Clinton. Celebrity filled vigils saying "Homophobia Kills", The Laramie Project, The Matthew Shepard Foundation and many books, dramas and documentaries. Then award winning journalist Stephen Jimenez spent 13 years interviewing more than 100 people with a connection to the case. Before he started, he believed the narrative but wrote 'The Book of Matt: Hidden Truths about the Murder of Matthew Shepard', to expose the truth that he found. Jimenez, a gay man, has been called a 'homophobe' for debunking the narrative. Jimenez found that Shepard not only used drugs, but was a dealer. He knew his killers and had "occasional sexual encounters" with one of them (McKinney) who was also gay. Shepard and McKinney also both engaged in gay prostitution - its unclear how often. The bar they were in was a "gay-friendly" bar. The killers knew Shepard had a $10K shipment of meth. They killed him to get that. Nothing to do with "homophobia" or hate crimes against gays by 'homophobic' violent right wingers. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, Fake News]
Aug 1, 2023 ~ After every prominent Democrat from Biden on down has said, "Climate change is an existential threat," (a ridiculous claim even by Democrat party standards), UN IPCC chief Jim Skea says stop the fear mongering: "This is not an existential threat to humanity. Even with 1.5 degrees of warming, we will not die out." "If you constantly communicate the message that we are all doomed to extinction, then that paralyses people." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 28, 2023 ~ Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore, demonstrates how climate change alarmists exaggerate negligible rises in temperature to create the illusion of impending climate apocalypse. Shows zoomed in graph going back only a relatively few years and has only a few degrees on the Y-axis to exaggerate the trend. Then shows a zoomed out graph with a reasonable Y-axis temp range."This has not been a very significant change in global temperature. The last 300 years is when it started, at the depths of the Little Ice Age. We certainly had nothing to do with the fact that it started warming again 300 years ago, after many hundreds of years of cooling, coming out of the Medieval Warm Period, into the Little Ice Age." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 28, 2023 ~ Carlee Russell has been charged with faking her kidnapping. She claimed she was kidnapped by a white man who forced her to take naked pictures. There were many details too ridiculous to repeat. She now admits it was made up. But many people spent time and money looking for her. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Smollett]
Jul 26, 2023 ~ The #FakeNews @guardian claims, 'Gulf Stream could collapse as early as 2025.' Physicists, even climate scientists beg them to stop spreading #FakeNews (They can't. Its what they do.) The Gulf Stream cannot collapse unless the Earth stops spinning! [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 26, 2023 ~ Flashback: 1922 article in the #FakeNews @washingtonpost: "Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish And Icebergs Melt." This article sounds EXACTLY like it was written today. In fact, if someone inserted it into today's paper and slapped today's date on it, NO ONE would blink. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 24, 2023 ~ Fake historian Nicole Hannah Jones of the #FakeNews @nytimes says the US did not need to drop atomic bombs in WWII. "They dropped the bomb when they knew surrender was coming because they'd spent all this money developing it and to prove it was worth it." "Propaganda is not history," she ironically concludes. [Fake News]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ Another hate crime hoax. The Today Show and other #FakeNews orgs fall for it as usual. Alabama Black woman Carlee Russell claims she was kidnapped by a white man and was stripped and photographed nude. The story fell apart in Jussie Smollett style with details too absurd to list. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Smollett]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ The #FakeNews is taking its usual born yesterday approach to climate, citing the current heat wave as 'unprecedented' and 'historic.' Zooming out just a bit, Real Climate Science catalogs '1,500 Years Of Heatwaves' listing many over the centuries that were as bad or worse. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ The #FakeNews @nytimes finally admits (after vilifying people as conspiracy theorists who said the same thing) that #COVID19 deaths were overstated by as much as 33%. "The official number is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death. Other CDC data suggests that almost one-third of official recent Covid deaths have fallen into this category." [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ Its nearly impossible to keep up with the new things being called racist every day. Now sleep is racist. Article in #FakeNews The Atlantic, 'The Racial Inequality of Sleep' explores "the consequences of a history of structural and systemic racism on sleep." Typical DIE garbage. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jul 18, 2023 ~ The #FakeNews focuses on deaths due to heat waves. Bjorn Lomborg reminds us there are 10x more deaths due to cold than due to heat. So rising temps will save lives on balance. Regardless, climate deaths are down over 95% over the last 100 almost entirely due to fossil fuels. Without them, climate deaths would be orders of magnitude higher. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 17, 2023 ~ Flashback: "The honeybees are dying — and we don’t really know why." #FakeNews @TIME, 2013. Another fake scare story where the alarming trendline disappears if you just zoom out the time scale a little bit. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 16, 2023 ~ .@EmilyYahr of the #FakeNews @nytimes says “As Luke Combs's hit cover of Tracy Chapman's "Fast Car" dominates the country charts, it’s bringing up some complicated emotions in fans & singers who know that Chapman, as a queer Black woman, would have an almost zero chance at that achievement herself.” The #FakeNews never misses an opportunity to lie about race to divide us further by falsely accusing the US and its people of racism. For one thing, she was nominated for 3 Grammy Awards including Record of the Year and Song of the Year. She won for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance and Best New Artist. She has 7 other nominations for Grammy Awards and two wins. Furthermore, a gay black man, Lil Nas X recently won 2 Grammy awards and went 16 times platnum with a country song. But none of that fits the #FakeNews narrative in which black people are 'oppressed' and can't get recognition for their achievements. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jul 15, 2023 ~ Flashback: Prince Charles (who Biden meets with to discuss 'climate change') said the world had just 8 years #ClimateScam [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 13, 2023 ~ Ridiculous race baiter and unserious person, @ElieNYC of #FakeNews @MSNBC responds to SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts regarding affirmative action, "I’s sho hopes Massa Roberts thinks I is a good Negro wit the determination to keeps learnin’ my letters at the fancy school." [Affirmative Action, Fake News, SCOTUS, Slavery]
Jul 7, 2023 ~ Another fake hate crime. Scott Rowin claimed he was attacked and set on fire because he was gay. Also lots of gay bashing slurs. Social media and the #FakeNews fell for it as always. Headlines: 'Gay Man Set On Fire In Homophobic Attack.' Was fake. He attacked a pregnant woman. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, Fake News]
Jul 7, 2023 ~ Ann Coulter, 'The Truth About Legacies' Dems and the #FakeNews tried to paint legacy admits as affirmative action for whites. But they distorted they picture by lumping legacies in with athletes and employee and donor offspring. Looking at legacies alone, they didn't need/get an affirmative action boost. [Affirmative Action, College, Fake News, SCOTUS]
Jul 7, 2023 ~ Noah Rothman, 'No, Climate Change Is Not Making the Jersey Shore Unlivable' The #FakeNews just will not stop lying. There is literally nothing to an Axios article claiming the Jersey Shore is flooding more due to climate chage. Not happening. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 3, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Canadian smoke is racist.' The #FakeNews just can't let up on their bullshit for a single day. Fox9 reports "The smoke is impacting air quality issues for poor and Black communities." To 'prove' it, they use examples like Detroit that are majority white cities. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jul 3, 2023 ~ Justice Jackson is debunked making an absurd argument for why affirmative action is necessary. “For high-risk Black newborns, having a Black physician more than doubles the likelihood that the baby will live, and not die.” Totally false. "The difference is 99.96% vs 99.91%, not even statistically significant." And it doesn't account for the fact that the high risk infants are more likely to see White doctors in the NICU. [Affirmative Action, Fake News, Fake Racism, Health Care, SCOTUS]
Jun 23, 2023 ~ Elie Mystal @ElieNYC frequently wishes violence on people he disagrees with. He called for someone to kill Justice Alito: "please take him to see the Titanic," after a sub doing that imploded. He has previously admitted to wanting to drive his car through the lobby of Trump Tower and said "I want pitchforks and torches outside this man's house," because the man held a political fundraiser for Trump. The man is unhinged and violent but #FakeNews @MSNBC continues to give him air time. [Fake News, TDS, Violent Left]
Jun 19, 2023 ~ Biden says, "Guns are the #1 killer of kids in America." This is a lie. To make it true, you have to EXCLUDE kids 1 year old and less and INCLUDE 18 and 19 year old adults. He concludes from his lie that 'assault weapons' need to be banned even though they account for about 1% of the deaths of kids being killed by gun violence. [Biden, Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jun 17, 2023 ~ Wildfires in Canada has been creating poor quality air for New York and elsewhere in the US. Democrats and the usual alarmists blame 'climate change' as usual. And as usual, their claims have no basis in reality. Wildfires are happening with less frequency now than in the past. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jun 16, 2023 ~ Multiple Target stores were sent bomb threats by LGBT activists for “betraying the LGBTQ+ community” by toning down some of their pride line of merchandise. The #FakeNews tried VERY HARD to make it seem like the bomb threats came from the right. Their dishonesty knows no bounds. [Fake News, LGBT, Violent Left]
Jun 13, 2023 ~ Flashback: "The chance that there will be any permanent ice left in the Arctic after 2022 is essentially zero," said Harvard Atmospheric Professor James Anderson in 2018. As reported by #FakeNews Forbes magazine. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jun 8, 2023 ~ Flashback: Climate alarmist in chief James Hansen said in 2008: "We see a tipping point occurring right before our eyes." #FakeNews @AP: "Hansen, echoing work by other scientists, said that in five to 10 years, the Arctic will be free of sea ice in the summer." Wildly false. [Climate Change, Fake News]
May 30, 2023 ~ Nancy Armour in #FakeNews USA Today article 'What ESPN's Sam Ponder calls "fairness" is plain old bigotry', accuses people who want fairness in women's sports of being bigots. She says they are "screech[ing] about 'fairness' to cloak their bigotry." She is screeching about bigotry to cloak her ignorance and misogyny. She wants to destroy women's sports. Disgraceful. [Anti-Science, Fake News, Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 28, 2023 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'The MSM isn't biased. It's flatly corrupt' "[James] Comer laid out rock-solid proof that tens of millions of dollars came from very shady characters in China, Ukraine, and a bunch of other countries yet to come. And it wound up in the bank accounts of at least ten members of the Biden family." But the #FakeNews completely ignores it. [Biden, Fake News]
May 26, 2023 ~ #FakeNews @VanityFair says that Ron DeSantis @GovRonDeSantis announced "with Elon Musk @elonmusk, because apparently other Nazi sympathizers weren't available." In another section they said it was because "David Duke wasn't available." What ridiculous liars the #FakeNews is. [Fake News, Politics]
May 20, 2023 ~ Al Sharpton never misses an opportunity to create racial division with lies. He says "Nobody was threatened." and "If Jordan had been a different race and had been impersonating Elvis..." it would have been all different. First of all a black man helped restrain Neely. Neely wasn't impersonating Michael Jackson that day. But he WAS threatening the lives of people contrary to the lies Sharpton is telling. And he was letting people know that he would carry out those threats without caring if it meant he went to jail. Why would he care? He's been arrested 42 times, including other violent crimes against riders like old women and children and has always been let right out thanks to the way NYC deals with criminals. Al Sharpton is a garbage race hustler. Everything he's ever said about every case has been a lie starting with the Tawana Brawley hate crime hoax which caused riots and got people killed. [BLM, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
May 17, 2023 ~ Special Counsel John Durham released his long awaited report on the #RussiaHoax confirming that the collusion between the Hillary campaign, the Obama administration and the FBI was even deeper and more problematic than we knew. The FBI knew the dossier paid for by the Hillary campaign, created by foreign intelligence op Christopher Steele, was bogus but they based a 4 year long investigation on it anyway because they thought it was their duty to stop or cripple a Trump presidency. "We’ll stop it," Strzok told Page. Democrats and the #FakeNews beat the drum every day. Adam Schiff lied several times to the American people saying he has seen the evidence but we now know there never was any evidence. The FBI went so far as to doctor emails to get the FISA warrants needed to spy on the Trump campaign and administration. Hillary Clinton lied repeatedly about ties between Trump and Russian banks. "Donald Trump has a secret server. It was set up to communicate privately with a Putin-tied Russian bank called Alfa Bank. When a reporter asked about it, they shut it down. One week later, they created a new server with a different name for the same purpose." @benshapiro calls this "The worst political scandal in American history." "This collusion is significantly worse than Watergate. It involves the former secretary of state and Democratic candidate for president laundering false intelligence information to the FBI; and the FBI, overseen by the candidate's political allies in the Obama administration, using that information as the predicate to open a full-scale investigation knowing full well that the Clinton campaign could well be behind the allegations in the first place." All of the #FakeNews (especially @MSNBC and @CNN) ran hard with the false narrative incessantly. "The walls are closing in on Donald Trump!" The New York Times @nytimes and Washington Post @washingtonpost received Pulitzer Prizes for their role in perpetrating the hoax. The intended damage to Trump was done but the price is that no one trusts the media or the intelligence agencies any longer. For good reason... [Fake News, Hillary, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
May 15, 2023 ~ #FakeNews organization 'The Nation' puts out ridiculous article, 'How Women's Swimming Got So Transphobic' Full of woke garbage like "Transphobia is often closely linked to white supremacy, as gender non-conformity threatens norms regarding white, Western gender ideals, and swimming’s history is decidedly anti-Black." [Anti-Science, Fake News, Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 8, 2023 ~ Mass shooting at a mall Allen, Texas. 8 dead. Shooter used an AR15. Democrats say, "See, this NEVER would have happened if AR15's were banned!" The #FakeNews calls the shooter, a 'white supremacist' to fulfill their predetermined narrative. Unfortunately for them, the shooter, Mauricio Garcia, was not white. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
May 6, 2023 ~ As it becomes more and more clear that closing schools during the pandemic was very harmful to students, Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers is trying to claim she fought to open them. #FakeNews Politifact tries to enable the lies. Debunked by many. [Coronavirus, Education, Fake News]
May 6, 2023 ~ Black FSU Criminology professor Eric Stewart left FSU after studies that allegedly showed the US criminal justice system is 'racist' against black people were fraudulent. "the original, untampered data, showed that there was no relationship between the growth of minority groups and the severity of criminal sentences handed to them." Update: fired for Stewart has been “faking data” to prove that the legacy of lynching “makes whites want longer sentences for blacks” as part of his long-running work on “systemic racism.” Six of his studies have so far been retracted. New York Post: "Eric Stewart was a guru of the claim that 'systemic racism' infests America’s police and American society." [Anti-Science, College, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Apr 20, 2023 ~ 16 year old Ralph Yarl is shot by 84 year old Andrew Lester after Yarl mistook Lester's house for a different house where his brothers were. This became a huge national outrage - massive media, celebrities and politicians spoke out, protests occurred and Biden invited Yarl to the White House! They and the #FakeNews portrayed this as YET ANOTHER example of white on black violence while they ignore black on white interracial violence even though that is the vast majority (84%) of black/white interracial violent crime. Within DAYS of the Yarl incident, there were several similar incidents in the country which received much less attention and no White House invitation. The day after Yarl, 20-year old Kaylin Gillis was shot and killed by an elderly man for going down the wrong driveway by mistake. I.e. very similar to Yarl except Gillis was white so no one cared. A day or so later, a cheerleader in Texas tried to get in the wrong car and the occupant got out and started shooting at her and her friends. More than one girl was hit and one, Payton Washington, was very seriously wounded. The story was mostly ignored because the shooter, Pedro Tello Rodriguez Jr., was Hispanic and some of the girls were white. A couple of days after that a black man, Robert Louis Singletary shot a 6 year old white girl and her father because their basketball rolled onto his yard. Neither Democrats, celebrities, #BLM nor the #FakeNews care about any of these shootings because they don't fit the false narrative they are trying to push which is that there is some kind of epidemic of white on black crime in the US. There is not. That is the rare exception. [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings, Racism]
Apr 12, 2023 ~ Its being called 'The Tennessee Lie.' Yet another example of false accusations of 'racism' amplifed by the #FakeNews. The false narrative is that two Black state representatives were expelled while protesting gun policy for choosing to “defy Republican-endorsed policies.” And that they didn't expell another Rep. because she was white. As usual (as always), the narrative is a total lie. Black Reps Justin Jones and Justin Pearson brought protesters in the gallery, shouted into a bullhorn; slogans like "No justice, no peace," waved protest signs, banged on the podium like a drum, and led chants on the House floor. Doing this broke many house rules, but instead of stopping when repeatedly asked, they carried on like this for more than an hour. Rep. Gloria Johnson defended them. Johnson was not expelled because she broke no rules. But the 'justice Justins' claim it was due to 'racism' and the relative color of their skins. Lies every time. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Apr 9, 2023 ~ Glenn Kessler, the 'fact checker' for the #FakeNews @washingtonpost torches his reputation again. Claims it was false that George Soros gave $1M to corrupt DA Alvin Bragg. But Soros gave $1M to the Color of Change PAC a few days after it pledged $1M to Bragg's campaign. [Fake News, Politics]
Apr 9, 2023 ~ Rebekah Jones’ son was arrested for threatening to shoot up a school. The #FakeNews Miami Herald lied that he was arrested "over memes." They still call Jones a "whistleblower" even though every one of her claims were proven to be lies. [Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ #FakeNews @NPR which Twitter now correctly labels as 'State Sponsored Media' makes the ridiculously anti-scientific claim that biological males have "limited scientific evidence of physical advantage" over biological females in sports. Embarrassing how fake the #FakeNews can be. [Anti-Science, Fake News, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'The more you trust the media, the less accurate you are' Strom shows how liberal democrats are wildly wrong about basic facts like how many unarmed black people are killed by police. Strong correlation with trust in the #FakeNews media. [Fake News, Police]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ Whoopi Goldberg mocks tornado victims for being climate change deniers. "Yeah, I think my house just got blown down … for the fourth or fifth time." She says, "there's been so much evidence saying something is wrong." Except the real evidence shows decrease in violent tornadoes. [Climate Change, Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ Anthony Watts, 'Tornadoes, Climate Change, and the Media' Tornadoes tear up parts of the midwest and south and #FakeNews orgs Salon, Axios, and @washingtonpost claim its due to 'climate change.' Watts shows how the data does not remotely back that up. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Apr 3, 2023 ~ .@nypost, "Bjorn Lomborg @BjornLomborg notes that, for more than 50 years, the United Nations and the media have regularly predicted we’re on the verge of calamity. And they always seem to forget about the last warning."   UN in 1972, "We have ten years to stop the catastrophe."   1982: NYTimes, "Mostafa K. Tolba, executive directory of the United Nations environmental program, told delegates that if he nations of the world continued their present policies, they would face by the turn of the century [year 2000] 'an environmental catastrophe which will witness devastation as complete, as irreversible, as any nuclear holocaust.'"   1989: AP: "A senior environmental official [Noel Brown, UNEP director] says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000... Governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control."   2004: Guardian: "Major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020."   Rajendra Pachauri, co-chair of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change in 2009: “If there is no action before 2012, that is too late. What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future. This is the defining moment.”   But thankfully the UN moved the date out so its in the future once again. In 2019 the UN announced, "Just over a decade is all that remains to stop irreversible damage from climate change." General Assemby President Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garces said we have 11 years left [now 7] to avert catastrophe. Pfew, there is time... [Climate Change, Fake News]

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