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Mar 18, 2024 ~ 'Fani Willis Is the Resistance' "We’ve seen her like before." "James Comey, Adam Schiff, James Clapper, or the 51 former intelligence officials" "The common thread is the stretching of investigative and prosecutorial powers to — or beyond — the breaking point on the assumption that, whatever the facts, rules, or law, Trump is guilty or, at the very least, deserves whatever he gets." [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Politics, Rich Lowry, TDS]
Mar 17, 2024 ~ Democrats and all of the usual #FakeNews outlets are running with the headline that Trump said there is "going to be a bloodbath" if he is not elected. Heard in context, he was clearly referring to what will happen to the car manufacturing industry. The #FakeNews never changes. [Economy, Fake News, TDS]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'White girl beaten (to death?) by black classmate—school district offers ‘condolences’ to all involved while Big Media ignores' These videos of attacks are becoming way too common. Not like the fights of old where the victim can walk away - These are often trying to kill - many will never be the same if they live. One or often many more blacks beating the hell out of a white kid, kicking in the head, jumping on heads of an unconscious kid on the ground, slamming heads into concrete, many on one. You can see them almost daily on Twitter and would ALL be HUGE stories if the races were reversed but the #FakeNews ignores when the victims are white. [Crime, Fake News, Racism]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ "Of ‘Teen Takeovers’ and Television News" Events police are calling 'Teen Takeovers' are becoming more common in cities like Chicago. They are mobs of black youths that far outnumber the police, looting, stomping cars, etc. The #FakeNews does not report. [Crime, Fake News, Police, Race]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ "The Media’s Legal ‘Experts’ Botched the Trump Ballot-Access Case" Prior the the SCOTUS 9-0 decision that Trump would not be removed from the ballot, the #FakeNews 'experts' ALL got it wrong. This article goes through all the #FakeNews coverage. [Fake News, Politics, SCOTUS]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'El Salvador's Bukele offers to clean up Haiti' Haiti has totally collapsed. Government fled. Gangs running the the place killing many. Dead bodies piling up in the streets. 5000+ criminals let out of prison. Biden welcoming them all to enter the border. Remember when Trump called Haiti a 'shithole.' The #FakeNews fell all over themselves to claim it was paradise. [Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Politics]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ Teen Vogue and many others in the #FakeNews reported that Nex Benedict died from "complications from brain trauma" because "three older girls were beating her in the bathroom" for being non-binary. None of the story was true. She started the fight for laughing, not trans issues. They were younger and didn't even know her. And she died from an overdose of Benadryl and Prozac. Not from the injuries sustained in the fight. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, Fake News, Trans]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'Trump Not at the Wheel' Another #FakeNews story debunked. Dems and the #FakeNews pushed hard on a story that Trump tried to grab the wheel of the SUV from the back seat to get to the Capitol on J6 2021. BS as usual. Truth comes out years later. [2020 Election, Fake News]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'Study Says US Maternal Death Crisis Was a Case of Bad Data' The #FakeNews reported "Maternal deaths across the U.S. more than doubled over the course of two decades." But it was due to improperly accounding for a question. The real numbers are 'stable.' [Fake News, Health Care]
Mar 8, 2024 ~ Race hustler @MaraGay of the #FakeNews @nytimes looks really foolish writing an article titled 'The National Guard Might Help Subway Riders Feel Safer' saying "Gov. Houchel's decision was the right one," when she said "Running this puts black people in danger." when Tom Cotton suggested the same thing. [Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Mar 7, 2024 ~ Ann Coulter 'The Myth of Low Immigrant Crime' Democrats and the #FakeNews want us to believe that bringing in over 10 million unvetted people from poor countries will not increase crime. All based on one very flawed (Nowrasteh) study which only counts a fraction of the crimes committed by illegals vs. all the crimes committed by citizens plus the non counted illegals. [Crime, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Mar 6, 2024 ~ 'Polar bears and coral reefs are doing just fine' The #FakeNews alarmism about both have been totally wrong. They said polar bears were going extinct and their population is 3X. They said it would take 100 years for the Coral Castles Reef to recover from the 1988 El Nino but it was thriving just a few years later. The Great Barrier Reef is doing fine as well despite the #FakeNews about it. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Mar 3, 2024 ~ 'The Latest Despicable Anti-Israel Lie' Pro Palestinian lefties are just like #BLM supporting lefties. Every narrative they spew is a complete lie, usually the opposite of the truth. The ridiculous narrative is that Israel gave food aid to Gaza just to draw them out so they could massacre them as they went for the food. You would think only a moron could believe a story that stupid but the narrative has gotten traction. Over 100 people were killed almost all trampled by the crowd trying to get to the food before Hamas stole it. The few shot by the IDF were advancing despite numerous halt and back off warnings. [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Fake News, Israel, Loathsome Left]
Mar 2, 2024 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, "Despite breathless climate reporting about ever more fire The US burned area last year was the lowest this century It was less than 7% of the 1930s." Square that with how the #FakeNews reports that every modern fire is caused by 'climate change.' Its absurd as there is only a small fraction today compared to before so called 'climate change.' [Climate Change, Fake News]
Mar 2, 2024 ~ .@BjornLomborg calls out the @washingtonpost for ONCE AGAIN spreading #FakeNews about climate change. "The front page of Washington Post claims: 'disasters worsen for 85% of world' No, study shows no such thing." Article links increase heart disease deaths to increased heat but "Study finds exactly the opposite: cold kills." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Mar 2, 2024 ~ Adam Rubenstein, 'I Was a Heretic at The New York Times. I did what I was hired to do, and I paid for it." “The fight over Cotton’s op-ed was never about safety, or the facts, or the editing, or even the argument,” @RubensteinAdam writes, “but control of the paper and who had it. In the end, all that mattered was that an example had been made.” Rubenstein related a story from his first week where he mentioned that he liked Chick-fil-A and "The HR representative leading the orientation chided me: 'We don’t do that here. They hate gay people.' People started snapping their fingers in acclamation." He knew that early that it was a cult. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/02/tom-cotton-new-york-times/677546/ [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Homophobia, Fake News, Free Speech, Silencing]
Feb 26, 2024 ~ The death of Nex Benedict is the latest hate crime hoax pushed by the left and the #FakeNews. The narrative is that Nex had a history of being bullied by 3 older girls because she was 'non-binary'. The girls allegedly "beat her to death" on Feb 7. All the #FakeNews is covering. There are vigils. Blue states are crafting "Nex Benedict" laws. And they claim @libsoftiktok somehow contributed to her death. The reality is that these girls and Nex never met before the fight and there is no indication the conflict had anything to do with Nex being 'non-binary.' Nex thought they were laughing at her and instigated a fight with them by pouring water on them and pushing one into a towel dispenser. Nex was examined and released but died the next day. The autopsy has not yet revealed the cause of death but the medical examiner stated it was "not a result of trauma." Leaked reports are claiming it was an overdose of some substance but the toxicology report is forthcoming. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Trans]
Feb 25, 2024 ~ Dominic Miller and Lyndell Mays are charged with 2nd degree murder in the Chiefs Super Bowl parade in Kansas City. At least 20 people were injured in the mass shooting. 9 Children were shot. Local DJ Lisa Lopez-Galvan was killed. No mug shots for over a week. We were told because the were juveniles but it was because the shooters were black. Miller and Mays are adults. If the shooters were white, the mug shots would have been released immediately. But the #FakeNews always tries to cover up black crime for some reason. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Feb 25, 2024 ~ Jack Hellner, 'MSM recycling the threatened polar bears story despite it being viciously debunked' Like most of the #FakeNews narratives, this one is the opposite of the truth. The polar bear population is 5-6X what it was in the 1950s. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ Another fake race hoax. A video has gone viral allegedly showing a white man hit a black woman 'unprovoked.' The longer video shows that she hit him first. She was the one who hit him 'unprovoked' but as usual, the truth is the opposite of the narrative. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ "‘All Hell Broke Lose’: Harvard Economist Needed ‘Armed Guard’ After Study Found No Racial Bias In Police Shootings" Roland Fryer, The youngest tenured black professor in Harvard history "needed armed security with him to go out in public [for more than a month] after he published a study finding no evidence of racial bias in officer-involved shootings." Typical of the left which gets violent when their narratives are challenged. Fryer expected to find a different result after Michael Brown, not realizing that narrative was BS. He RE-DID the study to make sure when it didn't match the narrative. Fryer was placed on a 2 year leave by then dean Claudine Gay. Gay went on to become Harvard president but resigned due to scandals involving anti-semitism and plagiarism. @bariweiss asked, "Do you believe in karma?" [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police, Violent Left]
Feb 17, 2024 ~ "Black girls on HS basketball team allege racial harassment, but specific facts ‘absent’" They claim there were n-word taunts and monkey noises from teh Scarsdale side. Investigation shows this "appears to be a total fabrication." [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Feb 15, 2024 ~ The #FakeNews @nytimes article, 'Why the Case Against Fani Willis Feels Familiar to Black Women': For the love of god, do they EVER tire of playing the race card. It doesn't matter what black people do, they think they should be above criticism by virtue of being black. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jan 31, 2024 ~ Richard Dawkins debunking another religion: the trans cult. "This ridiculous article (shame on the once-great Scientific American) ignorantly misunderstands the nature of the sex binary: 'Actual research shows that sex is anything but binary'. Sex is not defined by chromosomes, nor by anatomy, nor by psychology or sociology, nor by personal inclination, nor by “assignment at birth”, but by gamete size. It happens to be embryologically DETERMINED by chromosomes in mammals and (in the opposite direction) birds, by temperature in some reptiles, by social factors in some fish. But it is universally DEFINED by the binary distinction between sperms and eggs. You may argue about 'gender' if you wish (biologists have better things to do) but sex is a true binary, one of rather few in biology." [Anti-Science, Fake News, Trans]
Jan 18, 2024 ~ Democrats and the #FakeNews are caught red handed yet again spreading fake news to the masses. As has happened countless times before, a lie is created by the Dems and EVERY #FakeNews organization runs with it. A woman and her 2 children drowned while trying to enter the US illegally. Every major (fake) news outlet reported that US Border Patrol agents wanted to save them but "Texas officials blocked" them from rendering aid. @BillMelugin_ revealed that Border Patrol did not even request access from Texas until at least an hour after the drownings occurred. [Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Dec 17, 2023 ~ 'When the New York Times lost its way' James Bennet tells how he was fired from the @nytimes for allowing Sen. Cotton to write an opinion. Bennet explains how the Times went from mere #FakeNews to something far worse. "The Times’s problem has metastasised from liberal bias to illiberal bias, from an inclination to favour one side of the national debate to an impulse to shut debate down altogether." People are finally catching on to the #CancelCulture nature of the left. They despise free speech which they shut down by any means necessary. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ #FakeNews @CNN claims "Climate change poses a huge threat to the coffee business and to farmers" because "rising temperatures will reduce the area suitable for growing coffee by up to 50%." In reality, increased CO2 has had the opposite effect, considerably benefiting plants. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ Luke Rosiak, 'New Arrest Highlights How Italy Concealed Migrant Rape By Framing Amanda Knox' Meredith Kercher was raped and killed by African migrant Rudy Guede but Amanda Knox was falsely accused. Who knew this?? [Crime, Fake News]
Dec 2, 2023 ~ Linnea Lueken, 'Climate Change Is Not Threatening Human Health' Debunks a lot of nonsense. Its fashionable to blame everything on climate change [allergies, malaria, climate anxiety, etc.] but the data does not support the claims. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 29, 2023 ~ Vice publishes and article called '100 Ways White People Can Make Life Less Frustrating For People of Color' This racist piece of trash rudely explains what white people are allowed to do and not do, say and not say, where white people are allowed to live and not live, who they have to vote for, how they are allowed and not allowed to wear their hair, and emphasizes that they have great 'privilege' compared to black people for which everything is far more difficult. Don't have a spirit animal - its not allowed for white people. "Don’t rinse our culturally specific memes. They’re ours. Go enjoy that weird one about the plums." "Never try and tell a person of color what is or isn't racist." [That's racist btw] "Remember that your queerness/womanhood/transness/class background/disability doesn’t exclude you from white privilege." "Be grateful for the lesson when you’re called out on racism, getting defensive won’t help." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Cultural Appropriation, Fake News, Racism]
Nov 29, 2023 ~ Deadspin senior writer and extreme racist Carron Phillips falsely accuses a child Kansas City Chiefs fan of 'racism' and 'hate.' Headline: 'The NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in Black face, Native headdress.' "While it isn’t the league’s responsibility to stop racism and hate from being taught in the home, they are a league that has relentlessly participated in prejudice." FFS, the kid is a big fan and painted his face team colors black and red. Carron deceptively showed a picture of just one side of his face and accuses him of 'blackface.' And also said the native garb was racist. Ironically, kid IS part native American but even if he was not, he is supporting his team. As usual, the race hustlers have to create perpetual victimhood for themselves and doing so in America requires inventing fake incidents of racism so they will have something to point to. Shameful. [Cultural Appropriation, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Nov 29, 2023 ~ 'Alleged Hate Crime Victim in Texas Charged with Burning Down His Own House' Yet another hate crime hoax. Black man Mario Roberson claimed racists sprayed 'We don't like your kind [racial slur] on his door and burned the house down. But he set the fire. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Nov 24, 2023 ~ Ohio Palestinian Hesham A. Ayyad fakes a hate crime to make it look like Americans are attacking Palestinians. Ayyad said he was walking when a driver of an approaching car shouted, “Kill all Palestinians” and “Long live Israel” before swerving and hitting Ayyad with the car and driving away screaming, “Die!” Another group treated so well in America that they have to invent hate crimes and racism to achieve 'victim' status. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Israel]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ Seth Grossman, 'This local crime story deserves national attention, anger, and action' Black man Sabir Jones committed many violent crimes against white people in NYC. Most recently he punched a random man breaking his jaw and slammed a random woman's head into a departing train. She has permanent brain damage. Both were white. He has many previous incidents. These kinds of incidents would be big stories if the races were reversed. If the races were reversed, the crimes would allegedly prove something about America's 'systemic racism' even though those kinds of incidents are far more rare than black on white violent crime. But the #FakeNews ignores the stories unless the perpetrator is white. [Fake News, Racism]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ John Stossel, 'The Food Insecurity Lie' Joe Biden says 24 million Americans "suffer from food insecurity!" That sounds like 24M are starving. Far from it. In fact 'food insecure' people are MORE likely to be obese. "Food insecurity is not the same thing as hunger. It just means that they had to rely on cheaper foods, store-brand alternatives ... or reduce variety." This is similar to the lie Democrats and the #FakeNews tell about "food deserts." They get create their stats for food deserts by excluding all stores with sales less than $2 million. But if they include all the stores that sell food, the effect disappears. [Economics, Fake News, John Stossel]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad makes it clear that Hamas will never stop its massacres, promising to repeat the atrocities of 10/7 until Israel was annihilated. I.e. they are not trying to "Free Gaza" which was already under their control. They will commit mass murder and other atrocities as long as there is a state of Israel.   HAMAD: The occupation must come to an end.   Reporter: Occupation where? In the Gaza Strip?   HAMAD: No, I am talking about all the Palestinian lands.   Reporter: Does that mean the annihilation of Israel?   HAMAD: Yes, of course.   Almost all of the US #FakeNews fails to report this declaration, though they talk about 'cease fire' on Hamas unceasingly. [Anti-Semitism, Fake News, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Oct 22, 2023 ~ Tim Graham, "'Reliable' Media Aren't Ashamed of Fake News on Gaza Hospital Blast" Long list of all the #FakeNews orgs that spread the lie that Israel bombed a Gaza hospital killing 100s including sending alerts. AP, CNN, Reuters, NYT, BCC and many others. [Fake News, Israel]
Oct 19, 2023 ~ The @nytimes lives up to its well earned reputation for being #FakeNews. Not only is their headline false: 'Israel Strike Kills Hundreds, Palestinians Say', they literally used a picture of a completely different building to make it look like this is the hospital that was destroyed. The actual hospital wasn't even hit. The explosion caused by a rocket intended for Israel was in the parking lot. [Fake News, Israel]
Oct 14, 2023 ~ Unsurprisingly, Rep. @Ilhan Omar spreads lies about Israel. She claims to show "614 Palestinian children murdered by the Israeli IOF Forces," using a picture more than 10 years old of a sarin gas attack launched by Assad against E. Ghouta, Syria. [Anti-Semitism, Fake News, Israel, Omar]
Oct 9, 2023 ~ The latest #BLM hoax. LeKeian Woods. The fake narrative: he "was left unrecognizable after three white Florida cops beat him severely by kicking and smashing his face into the pavement during a brutal arrest for 'not wearing a seatbelt.'" He was not arrested for a seatbelt. He was a suspect of armed cocaine and meth trafficking, tampering with evidence, possession of a controlled substance, probation violation and more. He fled and hit his face on the pavement due to being tased violently resisting arrest. One of the arresting officers was Black. The #BLM narratives are always false. [BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Oct 6, 2023 ~ Biden posts a graphic showing his alleged "job creation" several times higher than almost all presidents since Reagan and shows Trump's job creation as negative. This is one of the most dishonest political claims of all time. Absent the pandemic which was out of Trump's control, Trump's economy and job creation was far better than Biden's. And most of Biden's "job creation" was people RETURNING to the workforce after a MANDATORY shutdown. [Economy, Fake News, Politics]
Oct 1, 2023 ~ Bill Maher tells Gov. DeSantis that despite the lies coming from Trump and the Democrat party, DeSantis handled Covid better than everyone else especially CA. “We’re on the same page there. And I think it’s unfair what they did to you because you did handle it better. You did handle it better. You were right. You were like, let’s target the people, protect the people who are most vulnerable, and everybody else can go on with their lives a little better. You opened schools sooner. And a lot of the stuff that’s come in, the information we have after now we’ve had a few years to look at it, you were more right, and they won’t give you credit with it.” “I saw The New York Times with such a despicable hit piece on you … I forget what the lead headline was, but it was basically Ron DeSantis fucked up the pandemic. And then like, at the very end, it says Florida’s death rate, overall, is better than the national average. And if you’re going to do an article about Florida and the pandemic, shouldn’t that be the lead? Shouldn’t that be the headline — I mean, talk about burying the lead.” [Coronavirus, Fake News, Politics]
Oct 1, 2023 ~ NYC receives more than 7 inches of rain in less than 24 hours from tropical storm Ophelia causing some flooding in subways and streets. Partly to blame were sewers blocked by garbage etc. Many locales handle that amount of rain just fine. Of course the #FakeNews blames 'climate change' as they currently do for anything other than a partly cloudy day of average temperature.. They said it was 'unprecedented' and as always, that claim never true. They go on to say things like, "This is the new normal.' like they did with the 2005 hurricane season. And that never ends up being true either. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 25, 2023 ~ Flashback: #FakeNews @TIME magazine, 'Your Baby Is a Racist - and Why You Can Live With That' Congrats to Time for making false accusations of racism way back in 2014, before it was all the rage. Damn those 'racist' babies! [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Sep 22, 2023 ~ Like a house of cards, trans ideology collapses under the slightest critical examinations of its claims. The next foundational card to fall is the idea that modern 'gender affirming care' is needed to prevent suicides. There were only 4 suicides out of 15,032 patients 2010-2020. [Fake News, Health Care, Trans]
Sep 21, 2023 ~ James Taylor, 'Fewer hurricanes are hitting New England' As usual, reality is the opposite of the #FakeNews narrative. Several #FakeNews outlets like @AP and @USATODAY blame hurricane Lee on climate change but historical data indicates that is total BS. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 15, 2023 ~ Tropical storm Daniel dumped a lot of rain on Libya and thousands died in the resultant flood. The #FakeNews blamed 'climate change' as they do for every weather event in today's world. In reality, that area flooded many times in the past so they built dams. Those dams both broke because they were old and poorly maintained. And a massive amount of people lived downstream from them. According to Derna's deputy mayor, Ahmed Madroud, the first dam that broke had not been maintained since 2002! After that dam broke, the second one failed because it could not hold the water on its own. They didn't maintain the dams for more than 20 years in a region that is prone to flooding before fossil fuels and the #FakeNews ignores all that and simply moos, 'climate change.' This is a religion. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 15, 2023 ~ "The three men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer have been acquitted." This was clearly a setup by the feds. All the key actors were either law enforcement or FBI informants. The accused didn't even fall for the blatant entrapment attempt. [Crime, Fake News]
Sep 14, 2023 ~ The #FakeNews now lies 100% of the time on the subject of climate change. Example: @NPR article, 'Venice may be put on the endangered list, thanks to human-created climate change' The article claims Venice floods due to man-made climate change sea level rise and also repeats the myth that wildfires are increasing and that the Maui fire was caused by climate change. All of these things are false. For land that is neither sinking nor rising, sea level rise has been constant for hundreds of years. It did not accelerate after humans started using fossil fuels. Venice is one of the locations on Earth that is sinking. "It’s long been known that Venice suffers from subsidence. Built on a muddy lagoon with inadequate foundations, the ground beneath it has slowly compacted over time... Underlying plate tectonics are also to blame, thanks to the subduction of the Adriatic plate beneath the Apennine mountains." Pumping ground water from under the city also contributed but they have since stopped that practice. "It’s even been discovered that the whole area also tilts very slightly to the east, with the city itself on the slightly higher end and this is why Venice is sinking." Sink rate due to these factors is 1-2 mm per year. The #FakeNews will continue to falsely blame this and dozens of other normal events on man-made climate change. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ .@AlexEpstein debunks another popular climate change myth. "The trend of real (inflation-adjusted) weather damage is flat—despite many factors increasing vulnerability, like increasing coastal populations and bad incentives from government bailout policies. This is the opposite of an emergency.” Every part of the alarmist narrative is a lie. [Climate Change, Fake News]

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