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Nov 11, 2021 ~ Total moron Cori Bush to oil execs "Promoting [fossil fuels] means promoting environmental racism and violence in Black and Brown communities. You all are still promoting and selling fossil fuels that are killing millions of people. This is a striking example of White supremacy." [Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Nov 9, 2021 ~ Jack Cashill, 'School Shootings and Students of Color' Despite the false narrative that school shooters are 'always white', "all of the 14 school shootings to date this school year" were POC. Including the Parkland shooter whose criminal record was ignored due to being a POC. [Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings, Race]
Nov 8, 2021 ~ #FakeNews MSNBC says this about Winsome Sears “The problem is, here, they want white supremacy by ventriloquist effect. There is a black mouth moving but a white idea running on the runway of the tongue of a figure who justifies and legitimates the white supremacist practices.” [Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Nov 7, 2021 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, 'We’re Safer From Climate Disasters Than Ever Before' 100 yrs ago "500K people died on average each year from storms, floods, droughts, wildfires and extreme temperatures.” 14K in 2020. 2021, 6Kr 99% drop with double population. Weather damage vs GDP down as well. [Climate Change, Economics, Fake News]
Nov 6, 2021 ~ National Review, 'The Dossier Deceit.' Durham indictment reveals the depths of how extensively the Clinton campaign created the #RussiaHoax. Long time Clinton insider Charles "Dolan would pass information to Danchenko [arrested by Durham], which Danchenko would embellish, sometimes beyond recognition, in passing it on to Steele, who dutifully included it in the dossier without disclosing its origins." The FBI and the #FakeNews ran with all the lies. [Fake News, Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt]
Nov 6, 2021 ~ Ted Cruz defends the 1st Amendment right for parents to use a Nazi salute to imply school boards were acting like Nazis. #FakeNews orgs Huffpo, CNN, DailyBeast and others write headlines that imply HE is defending Nazis. Textbook example of how the #FakeNews reverses the truth. [Education, Fake News]
Nov 5, 2021 ~ Elizabeth Segran, 'The Unbearable Whiteness of Camping' As usual, anything 'white' is 'unbearable.' "People of color have been excluded from the camping industry for decades," the #FakeNews article ridiculously claims. No one is being excluded from camping. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Nov 4, 2021 ~ Jack Helner, "Media peddling a new 'climate change' lie" #FakeNews @ABC says "Madagascar is on the verge of becoming the world's first climate-change induced near-famine in modern history," due to a drought that has happened many times before killing 10s of millions in the 1800s. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 3, 2021 ~ As the Kyle Rittenhouse trial is getting underway, newly released videos show Rosenbaum lies in wait and then attacks Rittenhouse. Others attack Rittenhouse who responds 100% in self defense. The Judge warns that there has been lots of false information in the #FakeNews. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Kyle Rittenhouse, Violent Left]
Nov 2, 2021 ~ Gina Loudon, 'The Climate Experts Have Never Been Right' "Not once. Ever." Great article listing many failed predictions over the decades. The leaders at the silly COP26 summit sound exactly like the wrong alarmist of the past. "This is our last chance." "We need to act now." No. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 31, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald on Democrats and the #FakeNews comparing the "Let's go Brandon" pilot to a terrorist. "It's a foundational view of liberal politics now that people who don't support Democratic politicians are criminals, terrorists, white nationalists,mentally unwell or all of" those [Biden, Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
Oct 29, 2021 ~ Democrat Party operatives and the #FakeNews spent all day pushing a photo staged to make it appear neo-Nazis were supporting Glenn Youngkin. They were caught lying yet again. All the Dems have is the race card. Its always a lie, yet they play it all day every day. They are scum. [Charlottesville, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Oct 27, 2021 ~ DailyMail, 'How did Florida end up with one of the best COVID-19 case and death rates in the US despite Gov Ron DeSantis refusing to implement mask or vaccine mandates?' While also having best job growth in the country. NY has more than double FL rate. Crickets from the #FakeNews [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Oct 23, 2021 ~ Another climate alarmist prediction fails. Not long ago the LA Times, Guardian, Atlantic and other #FakeNews orgs claimed "Humpback whales may be struggling to breed as climate crisis depletes food", "How climate change is reducing numbers of humpback whale." Now record numbers. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 22, 2021 ~ Joe Rogan called out #FakeNews @CNN for claiming he took 'horse de-wormer' as a #COVID19 treatment. Ivermectin has human uses. In fact a nobel prize was awarded for its applications in humans. As soon as Gupta got back to CNN, he and Don Lemon doubled down on the #FakeNews. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Oct 21, 2021 ~ AP caught in #FakeNews whopper. "Comedian and videographer Vito Gesualdi screams profanities as he engages with peaceful protesters begging him to leave." Opposite of the truth. The profanities were coming from the protesters and they were not peaceful. They destroyed his sign. [Cancel Culture, Fake News, Trans, Violent Left]
Oct 21, 2021 ~ Special counsel John Durham has obtained the complete FBI investigative file on the bureau’s conclusion that there was no secret internet communication channel in 2016 between Donald Trump and Alfa Bank, a large Russian lender controlled by Kremlin-tied billionaire oligarchs. [Fake News, Hillary, Russia Hoax, Spygate]
Oct 20, 2021 ~ More false accusations of racism from #FakeNews MSNBC. Jason Johnson, "Is this really about people being upset about mask mandates or are there sort of underlying disruptive forces, White nationalists... that are using mask mandates and a public health crisis to wage chaos?" [Coronavirus, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Oct 20, 2021 ~ Lying racist Joy Reid of #FakeNews MSNBC says "The Republican Party, they don’t believe, they do not believe that non-white voters have the right to choose the president of the United States or any other officers." WTF is wrong with this woman? Who actually believes her lies? [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Oct 15, 2021 ~ The #FakeNews and Big Tech censorship in a nutshell. 3 Reet Capital @bostonpolkadot, "NYT got a Pulitzer for the fake news Russian story — NY Post got banned for the true news Hunter Biden story. Any questions?" [Fake News, Russia Hoax, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Matthew G. Andersson, Mary Grabar book, 'Debunking the 1619 Project' "Ms. Grabar doesn’t merely "debunk” the 1619 Project, she devastates it, by a relentless, professional marshaling of facts and data, and with thoughtful argumentation, choice sourcing, and careful footnotes." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism, Slavery]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Being anti-vax is now 'racist' CBC News, "Legal experts say protests against vaccine mandates are being fueled by a pseudo legal ideology that has ties to white supremacy and extremist groups." EVERYTHING is RACIST. How can anyone believe these liars anymore? [Coronavirus, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Mark Ross, 'When climate change causes flood and also causes droughts' "Perhaps because of desperation or just plain ignorance, climate alarmists are now blaming both droughts and floods on global warming/climate change." Lynda Hopkins, "climate change caused my son’s pneumonia." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Ben Shapiro, "No, Government Spending Isn't 'Zero Cost'" Really sad that an article with this title would have to be written but the Biden administration is actually claiming a $3.5 Trillion "reconciliation package will cost 0 dollars" and the lapdog #FakeNews is playing along. [Biden, Debt, Deficit, Fake News, Politics]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ John Stossel sued Facebook for defamation. A so-called fact-checker group called Climate Feedback labeled one of his quotes 'misleading' but it wasn't anything Stossel ever said. Labelled his video "partly false." Stossel demonstrated they lied but Facebook still censored him. [Climate Change, Fake News, Free Speech, John Stossel, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ And another hate crime hoax. Racist graffiti containing racial slurs and calls for the death of Black people was found in multiple bathrooms at Parkway Central High School in Chesterfield, Missouri. Caused protests and student walkouts. Made the news. Once again, perp was Black. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ The lawsuit against Subway that claimed there was no tuna in their tuna sandwich (“We found that the ingredients were not tuna and not fish.”) has been dismissed. The #FakeNews including the Washington Post fell for it but its now clear that the case had no merit. [Fake News]
Oct 8, 2021 ~ Yet another hate crime hoax. Black woman Terresha Lucas was sending messages to her Georgia neighbors. She pretended to be a white KKK member. Sent letters "using the N-word, talking about the KKK, hanging people, killing kids, killing whole families, and setting houses on fire." [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Oct 8, 2021 ~ The #FakeNews New York Times claimed that 900,000 kids have been hospitalized with #COVID19. The real number was 63,000, less than a tenth of what they claimed. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 22, 2021 ~ Fauci said more kids die of #COVID19 than the flu. This was easily debunked by Kyle Lamb and others. And if we don't mask at school for the flu which has more deaths per year, why would we do it for Covid? [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 21, 2021 ~ The Biden administration's open border policies have created a new massive crisis in Del Rio Texas. 16,000+ Haitian illegal immigrants with 1000 or more arriving every day. A #FakeNews story was falsely called horse reins 'whips' to create a fake story about 'racist' treatment. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration]
Sep 21, 2021 ~ Politico finally admits what everyone knew all along. The Hunter-laptop story was legit after all. Dems and all the #FakeNews lied prior to the election saying it was 'Russian Disinformation.' Twitter and Facebook banned the story. Massive election interference censorship. [Biden, Fake News, Russia, Russia Hoax, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Sep 21, 2021 ~ Biden lies about and further demoralizes his border patrol, “It was horrible to see what you saw, to see people treated like they did. Horses barely running them over people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you those people will pay.' Biden added, “There will be consequences. It’s an embarrassment. But beyond an embarrassment is dangerous, it’s wrong.” [Biden, Fake News, Fake Xenophobia, Illegal Immigration]
Sep 20, 2021 ~ The #FakeNews won't stop lying about #COVID19. NPR, "A man who suffered a cardiac emergency died after being turned away from 43 ICUs in 3 states — all at capacity from COVID." Absurd story falls apart after the slightest scrutiny which no one in the #FakeNews applied. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 16, 2021 ~ More #FakeNews from the Fake News. The Associated Press reported that 70% of poison control cases in Mississippi were due to the use ivermectin. The actual number is around 2%. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Immediately after a big #FakeNews scandal about Ivermectin, the #FakeNews media is at it again. "Ivermectin causes sterilization in 85 percent of men, study finds." Another totally fake story but Democrats who live in a fake world all thought it was completely legit. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Rolling Stone story "Gunshot victims left waiting as horse dewormer overdoses overwhelm Oklahoma hospitals, doctor says" was totally false. Despite their reputation for #FakeNews, Newsweek, New York Daily News, Daily Beast, MSNBC, Daily Mail and other #FakeNews orgs ran with it. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 9, 2021 ~ A White woman in a gorilla costume threw an egg at Black gubenatorial candidate @larryelder and assaulted her team. The #FakeNews media which ridiculously called Elder a white supremacist ignores the story which would be called a racist hate crime if Elder was a Democrat. [Fake News, Larry Elder, Loathsome Left, Racism, Violent Left]
Sep 8, 2021 ~ Environmentalist @BjornLomborg exposes a lot of #FakeNews regarding climate change alarmism. They say "Global heat deaths for 65+ increased 50+%" without telling you 65+ population increased as much. Climate related deaths have been steadily falling for 100 years. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 5, 2021 ~ Another fake story spread like wildfire by the #FakeNews. Started by Rolling Stone using a doctor who lied. Picked up by 'all #FakeNews Maddow', "Patients overdosing on ivermectin backing up rural Oklahoma hospitals, ambulances... vision loss." Echoed by Daily Mail, many others. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Aug 31, 2021 ~ Michael Shellenberger, 'Democrats More Likely To Believe False Information About Climate Change, New Survey Finds' Democrats are many times more likely to believe outright falsehoods about climate change. They think more people are dying from natural disaters, cost is rising etc. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 28, 2021 ~ Vox spews another air conditioning is 'racist' article babbling about moronic concepts like 'cooling justice.' Besides the 'racist' angle being totally based on lies, people are not going to accept going backwards in the standard of living that they enjoy and are used to. [Climate Change, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 23, 2021 ~ DeSantis puts on a clinic for dealing with the #FakeNews. He destroys AP smear story claiming DeSantis pushed a #COVID19 treatment to financially benefit a top donor. "Your false narrative jeopardizes the health of those who could otherwise benefit from treatment with monoclonal” [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Aug 23, 2021 ~ New 'racist' things every day. Blind auditions are now 'racist.' #FakeNews @nytimes, 'To Make Orchestras More Diverse, End Blind Auditions'. By definition, a blind audition cannot discriminate on race but anything that doesn't yield a sufficient number of black people is 'racist' [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Daily Wire, "‘Jim Crow 2.0’ Is Imaginary – And Divisive" Good article comparing the real Jim Crow perpetrated by Democrats to what Dems now call Jim Crow 2.0. Article lists the many reasonable provisions in the voter integrity laws being called Jim Crow 2.0 to show the absurdity. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Erika D. Smith of the #FakeNews LA Times writes article titled, 'Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy.' Smith says Elder is 'skinfolk but not kinfolk.' Liberals demand black people parrot their views or they falsely smear them and try to bully them into silence. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Racism]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ The #FakeNews @nytimes is pushing the lie that some Repbulican governors are 'banning masks' Headline: 'The Biden Administration will use a federal civil rights office to deter states from banning masks in the classrooms.' No one has banned masks in the classroom or anywhere else [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ FBI concludes the Jan 6. riot was not an 'insurrection' attempt despite what Dems and the #FakeNews have been claiming. "90 to 95% of these are one-off cases. There was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages. [Capitol Riot, Fake News]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ 1981 @nytimes, 'STUDY FINDS WARMING TREND THAT COULD RAISE SEA LEVELS' Nasa including Alarmist in Chief James Hanson was predicting sea level rise of 80 FEET by 2080. Almost half way to 2080 and we are only up 4 inches. But you're a 'denier' if you don't believe the #FakeNews. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ Aron Ravin, 'The Pandemic’s Lesson for Dealing with Climate Doomsayers' " Past divinations have constantly overstated our impending doom." Massively wrong predictions since 1970s. Ever moving goalposts. We have passed several "doomsday targets." They just keep moving them. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]

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