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Aug 28, 2021 ~ NY teacher Paul Rossi who wrote 'I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated' has been canceled. He refused to participate in “restorative practices” for the alleged harm he did to students of color. Almost every one else appeases the #CRT bullies to save their jobs. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Aug 28, 2021 ~ Lynn Wolfe, 'We have a problem, but it's not systemic racism' White man Kelly Thomas was unjustly beaten to death by officers in 2011. One of many incidents that no one hears about, protests about or riots about. Twice as many white people are killed by the police than black. [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
Aug 28, 2021 ~ Bill Maher tries to educate Dems again, "We’re not the bad guys." "The overriding thrust of current ‘woke’ ideology is America is rotten to the core, irredeemably racist from the moment it was founded and so oppressive, sexist and homophobic we can’t find a host for the Oscars.” [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Aug 28, 2021 ~ Bill Maher scolds the 'woke' left again for falsely claiming the US is 'oppressive' and 'systemically racist.' All immigrants trying to get here know modern Dems are full of crap especially Afghans clinging to the sides of planes trying to get out of an actually oppressive place. [Afghanistan, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Aug 28, 2021 ~ Popular and successful ESPN NBA reporter Rachel Nichols finally got cancelled after a private conversation was made public where she complained about unfairly losing her spot due to a Black reporter to fulfill diversity quotas. Nichols said that was a violation of her contract. [Affirmative Action, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Aug 28, 2021 ~ Vox spews another air conditioning is 'racist' article babbling about moronic concepts like 'cooling justice.' Besides the 'racist' angle being totally based on lies, people are not going to accept going backwards in the standard of living that they enjoy and are used to. [Climate Change, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 28, 2021 ~ The Black cop who killed white Ashley Babbitt said, "their failure to comply required me to take the appropriate action to save the lives of members of Congress and myself and my fellow officers." This is EXACTLY the explanation that #BLM calls 'racist' when the victim is Black. [BLM, Capitol Riot, Fake Racism, Police, Violent Right]
Aug 25, 2021 ~ George Leef, 'Asian Americans Disprove CRT' "Asian Americans have enjoyed great success in this country, despite not being 'white' and often overcoming great obstacles." "Asian Americans outperform whites." "What “works” for Asians? Education, foresight, productivity." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Aug 24, 2021 ~ Matt Mackowiak warns Minneapolis not to make Austin's defund the police ($150M) mistakes. 911 call response time up 20%. "A violent crime wave unlike anything Austin has ever seen." Record homicides. "Assault, robbery, battery, stabbings, rapes and arson are all up at least 20%." [Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Aug 23, 2021 ~ New 'racist' things every day. Blind auditions are now 'racist.' #FakeNews @nytimes, 'To Make Orchestras More Diverse, End Blind Auditions'. By definition, a blind audition cannot discriminate on race but anything that doesn't yield a sufficient number of black people is 'racist' [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Daily Wire, "‘Jim Crow 2.0’ Is Imaginary – And Divisive" Good article comparing the real Jim Crow perpetrated by Democrats to what Dems now call Jim Crow 2.0. Article lists the many reasonable provisions in the voter integrity laws being called Jim Crow 2.0 to show the absurdity. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ A complaint has been filed against Springfield Public Schools for forcing employees to affirm #CRT poison they don't agree with. Chris Rufo exposes. SPS 'teaches' that ideas like 'All lives matter' and 'Colorblindness' are actually forms of 'white supremacy.' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Erika D. Smith of the #FakeNews LA Times writes article titled, 'Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy.' Smith says Elder is 'skinfolk but not kinfolk.' Liberals demand black people parrot their views or they falsely smear them and try to bully them into silence. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Racism]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Chris Talgo 'Based on Left’s Definition of Racism, Vaccine Mandates Are Racist' Dems claim that anything that has a disparate on Black people is 'racist' regardless of of if it actually is. By their definition, requiring vaccine passports in NYC is racist. Affects 66% of Blacks. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Christopher Rufo exposes Bank of America forcing #CRT poison onto its employees. White people "contribute to racial tension, hatred and violence... have more limited imagination and creativity." "Policing grew out of efforts to control the labor of poor and enslaved people." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Police, Racism, Slavery]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Miami police officer Daniel Ubeda has been suspended for making the "OK" sign in a picture. 4chan trolls pranked liberals and other morons into thinking the symbol that has meant OK for at least 100 years is a 'white supremacist' gesture. Dems still falling for it. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Police]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ Dr. Susan Berry, "162 Minnesota School Principals Sign Pledge to ‘De-Center Whiteness’" Principal, "My work, every single day, is to work against the ways in which white supremacy defines the field of education." "organized whiteness ensures domination through" PTA @GTPrincipals [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Racism]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ Tim Tebow cut from the Jaguars. Stephen A. Smith says "There’s a whole bunch of black folks that never even get the opportunity, nor would ever get the opportunity ever in life." Right. The NFL which is 70% black doesn't give 'black folks' opportunities ever in life. [Fake Racism]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ George Leef, 'Critical Race Theory Versus Our National Survival' Tearing society. "CRT isn’t even an academic theory. Theories can be debated. The purveyors of CRT abhor debate and insist that America is irredeemably racist. Anyone who challenges that only proves his own racism." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Aug 15, 2021 ~ Liam Brooks, 'Umpires are racist too now' "Just when you think the accusations of racism can't get any more absurd, this ridiculous headline pops up... 'MLB umpires show discrimination against non-white players, according to new study.'" Brooks lists many problems with the study. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ North Korean defector Yeonmi Park said she was called “racist” by at least 20 white bystanders, who did not help her, when she called police to report 3 black women who mugged her. These #CRT morons literally said “Calling a black person a thief is racist” as she was being mugged [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, North Korea]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Tim Pearce, "Oregon Suspends High School Graduation Standards To Make ‘Equitable’ Rules For ‘Students Of Color’" Grads will no longer have to demonstrate a 10th grade proficiency to enable "equitable graduation standards." They choose to eliminate testing rather than fix the gap. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ John Murawski, 'Medicine is getting major injections of woke ideology' "Differences of any kind,  in income, education, school performance, and, of course, health, are manifestations of racism and racism alone." Equity outcomes "may necessitate tolerating a greater loss of life." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care, Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, 'The Hard Bigotry of No Expectations' Democrats used to expect less out of Black people. Now they are eliminating all standards. "The state of Oregon has suspended proficiency standards for students to graduate high school." They've given up trying to close the gap. [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Derek Hunter, Education, Fake Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ We learn the new racist things every day. Minnesota's real estate business has banned the term 'master bedroom.' The term has zero to do with slavery or plantation life. It originated in a different era entirely. No Black person is better off as a result of this. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Political Correctness, Slavery]
Aug 10, 2021 ~ The #AOC-bot said "misogyny and the racism that is so deeply rooted and animated that attack on Capitol... You know white supremacy and patriarchy are very linked in a lot of ways." This NPC is in serious need of a language upgrade. Very limited vocabulary currently. [Capitol Riot, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Aug 10, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Liberals Show You What They Really Think Of The Country (And You)' Regarding #Dingergate, Hunter points out that Democrats believe in a fake world where its plausible that a man could be yelling the n-word in a crowd and no one would call him out or care. Absurd. [Derek Hunter, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 10, 2021 ~ Rashida Tlaib says "Mike Brown is a tragic reminder that state sponsored murder exist. He and many others serve as angels of our conscious to keep fighting for true racial justice." Brown was a criminal killed while fighting a cop for his gun and charging at the cop. #BLM [BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police, Tlaib]
Aug 10, 2021 ~ Each day we find out the new 'racist' things. Today people are claiming the word 'curry' is 'racist.' "Cancel the word curry" says Chaheti Bansal. "popularised by white people." "Negative stereotype created by British colonialism." None of the Indian restaurants got the memo. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Aug 9, 2021 ~ A Rockies fan yelling "Dinger" at the mascot was accused of screaming the N-word repeatedly at a black player with no surrounding fans being offended. This is plausible to Dems and the #FakeNews. Reported in @nytimes, @washingtonpost, @cnn, @KeithOlbermann and many other morons. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 7, 2021 ~ With new things being declared 'racist' every day its hard to keep up. Titania McGrath, @TitaniaMcGrath is helping out by compiling a list of things of things it is important to know are 'racist'. There are currently 152 things on the list but it is growing quickly. Check it out. [Fake Racism]
Aug 7, 2021 ~ For years Democrat politicians ridiculously claimed that requiring voter id was 'racist.' 'Jim Crow on steroids' New Rasmussen poll makes fools of them. 74% of voters support voter id including 72% of Black voters and 61% of Democrat voters. [Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Aug 7, 2021 ~ The University of Wisconsin at Madison spent $50,000 to remove a rock that in 1 article 100 years ago was "referred to as a derogatory name for Black people... commonly used in the 1920s to describe any large dark rock." No better use for $50K. Black students are far better off. [College, Fake Racism]
Aug 4, 2021 ~ Joy Behar calls Gov. DeSantis "a negligent, homicidal sociopath" who's "risking the lives of children, children’s parents, their grandparents... so that he can appeal to his white supremacist base." These disgusting liars constantly vilify good people as 'white supremacists." [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Aug 3, 2021 ~ John Sexton, 'Portland wants to walk back defunding the police but officers don't want the jobs.' After stupidly defunding the police, shootings and murders soared. More than doubled previous year. Trying to restaff, got only 4 applicants. "They’re demonizing and vilifying you." [Crime, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police]
Aug 3, 2021 ~ The ladies on The View claim criticism of VP Harris is due to racism and sexism of course. There is never legit criticism of a woman or POC. Behar, "she’s a woman, and she’s black." Hostin, “Well, it’s not surprising because it is all about race and gender, right?" As always. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Harris]
Jul 28, 2021 ~ The ACLU repeats the lie that "Racism is foundational to the Second Amendment and its inclusion in the Bill of Rights." Founder of Black Guns Matter Maj Toure said this is a tactic to “brainwash black people into believing that having the means to defend themselves is nefarious.” [Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jul 28, 2021 ~ Due to Democrat pro-crime policies, crime is skyrocketing in San Fran. Stores are leaving. Citizens say "My friends are scared for their children, and their husbands are scared for their wives." Kate Chatfield of the San Fran DA dismissed their concerns as 'white supremacy'. [California, Crime, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jul 28, 2021 ~ In an effort to amplify two fake narratives by multiplying them together, Gov. Kate Brown (D-OR) said “The impacts of climate change are not felt equally … The pandemic revealed that a ‘normal’ built on structures of white supremacy caused incredible harm.” Vile Democrat lies. [Climate Change, Coronavirus, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jul 28, 2021 ~ AOC falsely links 'white supremacy' and 'the patriarchy' to the Jan 6 riot. Again. Says she thought she was going to be raped and killed. She was not even in the Capitol. No one who was in the Capitol was raped or killed by the protestors. But she thought she would be. [Capitol Riot, Fake Racism, Fake Rape, Fake Sexism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Jul 27, 2021 ~ Jefferson County Public Schools in Louisville, KY has 'anti-racist math training' to 'challenge bias, racism and whiteness in mathematics.' Gotta root that out evil 'whiteness'! One session is called "White Supremacy in Mathematics." When will people stand up to this garbage. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism]
Jul 27, 2021 ~ Lying Adam Schiff says "We're so driven by bigotry and hate that we attack our fellow citizens as traitors if they are born in another country or they don't look like us." No one has done this. This jerk never stops lying in order to vilify his "fellow citizens" and country. [Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia, Loathsome Left]
Jul 26, 2021 ~ More info on the fake story of the police planting evidence on a black man. An officer of the Caledonia, WI Police Dept was vilified and doxxed not just by Twitter idiots and celebs but the #FakeNews including TMZ and New York Daily News got in on the action. Cop did nothing wrong. [BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 26, 2021 ~ New things are called 'racist' every day. Today its 'fighting obesity'. Scientific American article, "The Racist Roots of Fighting Obesity." Recommendations to be a healthy weight "reflect the racist stigmatization of black women’s bodies." Doctors recommend that to everyone FFS! [Anti-Science, Fake News, Fake Racism, Health]
Jul 25, 2021 ~ Shelby Steele "All the things that we protested back then are over with. We are as free as you can possibly be free." "This is not a systemically racist society. It is a systemically goodwill toward black people society. People... are rooting for us. They are not holding us back" [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jul 25, 2021 ~ A viral video spreads like wildfire of a white officer allegedly planting drug evidence in a black suspect's car. Bunch of 'celebs' including Rex Chapman (who often spreads #FakeNews) gin up outrage. The officer is Doxxed. Body cam video reveals he was just returning an empty bag [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 25, 2021 ~ Penn State Professsor Sam Richards said in class about white people "we’re oppressors, we’re arrogant... and dumb. White people are dumb." He then told white students that if they are breathing, they are oppressing people. Parents pay good money for their kids to be abused. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jul 25, 2021 ~ New things must be called 'racist' every day. Article in 'Today's Parent' magazine: 'Why The Way We Teach Kids Table Manners Is Actually Kind Of Racist.' Why not just declare everything racist up front instead of surprising us each and every day with a new list of racist things. [Fake Racism]
Jul 24, 2021 ~ Charles Hurt, 'Political Zealots Attempt to Destroy Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement' "to convince young people that there is somehow some kind of connection between these silly bozos today and the truly courageous men and women who fought and won the Civil Rights movement." [Fake News, Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jul 24, 2021 ~ Rep. Byron Donalds says that Dems disrespect Black people and history by calling reasonable voting laws "Jim Crow." “It not only cheapens it, it actually is a complete disrespect to all the black people in our country who were victimized, brutalized, because of Jim Crow laws.” [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Voter Integrity Laws]

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