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Jul 4, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Absurdly Misleading Attacks on Anti-CRT Rules' Democrats claim those who oppose CRT oppose teaching that there was slavery or racism in this country. False. That is not what CRT is. It divides everyone today into oppressors and oppressed based on skin color. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Slavery]
Jul 4, 2021 ~ #FakeNews Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah blames ‘white folks’ for Olympic swimming cap rule. "Crazy how in 2021 white folks are still trying to think of ways to make it harder for black people to swim in their pools." Pres. of FINA is Kuwaiti Muslim Husain Al-Musallam. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jul 1, 2021 ~ Chicago mayor Lori  Lightfoot @chicagosmayor takes no responsibility for Chicago being a disaster. Asked how many of her critics are racist and sexist, she said “About 99%.” Textbook Democrat Playbook. If you criticize a black woman, you are racist AND sexist. Can't be legit. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Jul 1, 2021 ~ Daniel Concannon resigns from the Manchester, NH School Dist. over CRT training like "Deconstructing white privilege... requires educators and students to understand the origin of whiteness and how the legacy of white supremacy endures." "I won’t be pathologized for being White." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jun 29, 2021 ~ Scottie Pippen says Phil Jackson is a ‘racist’ because he told him to inbound the ball to Toni Kukoc to take the last second shot in one game. Reggie Miller totally disagreed, "No. I don’t agree with that... The whole racial point, no. Absolutely not. That I don’t roll with.” [Fake Racism]
Jun 29, 2021 ~ Columbia Prof. John McWhorter says 'wokism' is a religion. "You can not reason with people like this. It’s very rare that you teach somebody out of their religion and this is a religion. And so to try to talk these people down doesn’t work. All they know is that you’re a racist." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jun 26, 2021 ~ The US military is requiring CRT 'training' called "Understanding Whiteness and White Rage.” It lies, “White rage is the operational function of white supremacy. It is the fear of a multicultural democracy. It is predicated on a sense that only whites are legitimate Americans.” [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jun 26, 2021 ~ Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 22.5 years in prison for his role George Floyd's death. George Floyd's brother Philonise Floyd said, "I just want to reiterate: not just black lives matter, all lives matter." Does he not know that Democrats have canceled people for saying that? [BLM, Fake Racism, George Floyd]
Jun 26, 2021 ~ Biden's DOJ is suing GA. "Georgia's recent voting rights law... [was] adopted with the intent to deny or abridge black citizen's equal access to the political process." 100% false. Kristen Clarke has previously claimed black people had "superior physical and mental abilities." [Fake News, Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jun 25, 2021 ~ The Portland police halt prosecution for minor traffic stops because they discovered that black people are stopped disproportionally more. That is not ususally due to racism. Black people are arrested more for murder also but that is simply because they commit more murders. [Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ The #CancelCulture mob gets another scalp. The Theodore Roosevelt (26th president of the US) monument, in front of New York City’s American Museum of Natural History will be relocated over claims that the statue 'supports a thematic framework of colonization and racism.' BS [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ Noted motherfucker Rashida Tlaib says 'Opposition to critical race theory is obviously rooted in racism and has just become the newest dog whistle for racists.' Democrats continue to believe that labeling everyone and everything 'racist' is the way forward. They never stop lying. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Tlaib]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ After many years of calling voter id laws 'racist' and 'Jim Crow' prominent Democrats including Stacey Abrams claim they were for it all along after learning that 80% of Americans support it including 82% of non-whites. Shameless gaslighting. They think you are this stupid. [Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jun 23, 2021 ~ Brandeis University is banning more words and phrases including previously very 'woke' phrases like 'trigger warning.' 'Picnic' is banned for a totally false link to lynching. Even 'People of Color' is banned. You should now use BIPOC. Why not just say 'non-white'? [College, Fake Racism, Identity Politics]
Jun 22, 2021 ~ Joy Reid, of #FakeNews @MSNBC who lied to the FBI says opposing CRT in schools makes you a racist. A parent says 'Just because I do not want critical race theory taught to my children in school does not mean that I am a racist.' @JoyAnnReid laughs and says 'It actually does.' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 22, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, 'How to Decimate Police Forces in Two Easy Steps' Why would anyone 'deal with elevated levels of crime and mayhem at risk to their own life and limb, while getting called racist oppressors and potentially thrown under the bus by elected officials.' [Crime, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police, Rich Lowry]
Jun 22, 2021 ~ Dennis Prager, 'If America Is Racist, Why Have Millions of Blacks Emigrated Here? Did Jews Emigrate to Germany in the 1930s?' BIPOC people around the world understand America is not racist. Democrats probably don't even believe their own lies or they would warn migrants away. [Dennis Prager, Fake Racism, Immigration]
Jun 22, 2021 ~ Leaked docs from Iowa School System CRT training 'instruct' that the following are examples of 'White Supremacy': Make America Great Again, Colorblindness, We're one human family, Anti-immigration policies. Implies the police 'murders POC' though their examples don't show that. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism]
Jun 22, 2021 ~ AP: Police in Portland, OR are being advised to no longer pursue low-level traffic infractions in most cases because of data showing a disproportionate impact on Black drivers for traffic stops and vehicle searches. Black people also arrested more for murder so legalize that too. [Crime, Fake Racism]
Jun 21, 2021 ~ Juneteeth becomes a national holiday. The #FakeNews @CNN uses it as an opportunity to divide us and lie. CNN Headline:  'A federal holiday dawns as rights of Black Americans under assault.' The rights of Black Americans are not under assault lying #FakeNews @CNN. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Slavery]
Jun 21, 2021 ~ While Democrats refuse to back down on their absurd lie that voter id is 'racist', polls show that 80% of voters support it including 62% of Democrats. 84% of non-whites support voter id. 77% of whites. Democrat politicians could not look more ridiculous on this issue. [Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jun 21, 2021 ~ Bill Maher tells Hamilton composer Lin-Manuel Miranda, 'Please Stop apologizing. You’re the guy who made the Founding Fathers Black and Hispanic!... This is why people hate Democrats.' The #CancelCulture mob took issue with the skin shades of the Hispanics of 'In the Heights.' [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Identity Politics]
Jun 21, 2021 ~ The #FakeNews Washington Post puts out a video about "Whiteness" the point of which is to claim that 'racism' and 'White Supremacy' is deeply rooted in every aspect of our society. 'White people really don't understand racism.' And White people need to feel a deep sense of shame. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jun 21, 2021 ~ Democrat officials in Fairfax County, VA posted a flyer they supposedly found made by the KKK that is almost certainly fake to accuse parents opposed to schools remaining closed of being KKK sympathizers. The desperation is pathetic. Dems simply reply 'RACIST' to every issue. [Coronavirus, Education, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 18, 2021 ~  Christina Cauterucci and Julia Craven, 'Kyrsten Sinema Has Toxic White Lady Energy' These racist 'journalists' think something called 'toxic white lady energy' is why Sinema supports the filibuster which Democrats have supported for decades and have used 100s of times a year. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jun 15, 2021 ~ Robbie Soave, 'A Composer Condemned Arson. Now No One Will Hire Him.' #CancelCulture rolls on. Daniel Elder lost his entire promising career for coming out against 'burning it all down.' in the George Floyd riots. Was called a 'racist' and 'white supremacist.' 'You are canceled.' [BLM, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Violent Left]
Jun 15, 2021 ~ Chrissy Teigen was the queen of #CancelCulture. She GLEEFULLY destroyed a guy she KNEW was innocent. He pleaded with her 'I never called anyone the n-word. Those fake images were photoshopped.' She replies 'Racist people like you deserve to suffer and die.' 'Your career is over.' [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Jun 13, 2021 ~ Bill Maher slammed 'progressophobia' where the left cannot acknowledge progress. 'If you think America is more racist now than ever, more sexist than before women could vote, and more homophobic than when blowjobs were a felony, you have progressophobia.' [Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Jun 13, 2021 ~ Ashe Schow, "Hate Crime Hoax: She Claimed Racial Targeting After Her Door Was Egged. Police Say She Egged It Herself." 'She said she was targeted “all because [she was] a black person living in their space.”' Police spent over 200 hours investigating yet another fake hate crime. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Jun 12, 2021 ~ Fake hate crime at Wayne State U . Zoriana Martinez claimed that someone threw eggs at her dorm door on 2 occasions. She claimed her Pride sticker was torn down. She said she was targeted “all because [she was] a black person living in their space.” Police say she did it. [College, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Jun 11, 2021 ~ Matt Vespa, 'Do Liberals Know That Biden Is Keeping Illegals Separated from Their Families?' 'Thousands of kids are still waiting to be reunified with their families' Biden is running into the reality of the situation. Easy to lob bombs and Trump and call him a monster from afar. [Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia, Illegal Immigration]
Jun 11, 2021 ~ #BLM's narrative of systemically racist police usually goes unchallenged because attempts to bring up facts showing the victim was attacking, or even shooting at the cops or trying to kill someone else is called 'victim blaming' which makes you a 'racist' which shuts people up. [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
Jun 11, 2021 ~ The problem is not that #FakeNews NYT Mara Gay said that American flags on Memorial Day were 'disturbing'. The real problem is she said 'I think that as long as they see Americanness as the same as one with Whiteness, this is going to continue.' No one said anything of the sort. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jun 11, 2021 ~ Candace Owens nails it. 'I love that we listened to 4 years of baseless accusations that the Trump family was racist—only to have the media stay mum about Hunter using the n word.' Everything Trump did and said was 'racist' including things Democrats have always said and done. [Biden, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jun 10, 2021 ~ Cori Bush executes textbook Democrat playbook. @IlhanMN was not criticized because she compared the US to the Taliban and Hamas. It was due to racism and Islamophobia. 'Enough with the anti-Blackness and Islamophobia.' Still an amateur because she could have charged sexism too. [Fake Islamophobia, Fake Racism, Omar, Terrorism]
Jun 10, 2021 ~ Celebrated teacher Dana Stangel-Plowe at prestigous Dwight-Englewood School quit over the toxic environment created by CRT. 'I reject the hostile culture of conformity and fear that has taken hold of our school.' Students 'must locate themselves within the oppressor or oppressed' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism, Silencing]
Jun 10, 2021 ~ Rashida Tlaib @RashidaTlaib says 'Freedom of speech doesn't exist for Muslim women in Congress.' Accuses Democrats of racism. 'House Democratic leadership should be ashamed of its relentless, exclusive tone policing of Congresswomen of color.' Both accusations are totally absurd. [Fake Islamophobia, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Tlaib]
Jun 10, 2021 ~ The Oak Park, Illinois school board diversity 'training' is so toxic that the narrator literally says, 'All schools are rooted in white supremacy. Racism is really systemized. So its in the air we breath. Its in the water we drink. It is truly all around us.' CRT is poisoning us. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism]
Jun 10, 2021 ~ Another #FakeNews fake hate crime debunked. Supposedly Black students at a Spokane WA middle school were ordered to “pick cotton” as a school assignment. Assignment was about cotton gin. All students told to 'clean' not pick cotton. Students only singled out after mom complained. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jun 9, 2021 ~ Chris Harrison who hosted The Bachelor for 20 years is now permanently canceled for saying a girl might not have been racist for attending an antebellum costume party as a teen. Never apologize to the #CancelCulture mob if you've done nothing wrong. It won't save your bacon. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Jun 9, 2021 ~ Dr.  Donald Moss paper/talk, 'On Having Whiteness' 'Whiteness is... a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility.' Whiteness creates 'deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples.' 'There is not yet a permanent cure.' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jun 8, 2021 ~ R.R. Reno 'Why I Stopped Hiring Ivy League Graduates' They're either woke racists who accuse everyone of racism in the name of 'anti-racism' or they're cowards who accept the charges silently. “The first things you learn your freshman year is never to say what you are thinking.” [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism, Silencing]
Jun 8, 2021 ~ Allahpundit 'Ellie Kemper shouldn't have apologized for her participation in that pageant' Kemper continues to apologize for participating in something that ceased being racist before she was born. All Dems should apologize for being a part of the party of slavery, KKK, Jim Crow. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Jun 8, 2021 ~ Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) said that Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is 'upholding a system of white supremacy' for refusing to eliminate the filibuster, a tool who Democrats themselves used over 300 times last year. But now its is a symbol of 'racism.' [Fake Racism]
Jun 8, 2021 ~ The left wing effort to rewrite history continues. Carol Anderson’s book 'The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America' argues that “The Second Amendment is not about guns — it’s about anti-Blackness." Total garbage as dishonest as the claims of the 1619 Project. [Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jun 7, 2021 ~ Manchin disagrees with problematic aspects of the voting bill. @jemelehill says that 'white supremacy' [is] upheld by a cowardly, power-hungry white dude. @Sen_JoeManchin is a clown.' Hill is the female equivalent of Ibram X. Kendi. Everything and everyone is 'white supremacy.' [Fake Racism, Politics]
Jun 7, 2021 ~ Kamala Harris @VP says during news conference with Guatemalan president “I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United States-Mexico border Do not come.” Trump was called racist and xenophobic for saying the same thing. [Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia, Illegal Immigration]
Jun 6, 2021 ~ Rob Jenkins, 'No, Western Culture Is Not About “White Supremacy”' Very good defense of Western Civilization and why the 'white supremacy' charge is false. References other excellent similar articles. [Fake Racism, Western Civilization]
Jun 5, 2021 ~ Emmanuel Cafferty is suing SDGE for firing him for making an 'OK' sign. He did nothing wrong. He was not making a 'White supremacy' sign. Even the original accuser admits that but SDGE caved to the mob due to #CancelCulture cowardice and ruined his reputation anyway. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Jun 5, 2021 ~ Katie Herzog, 'What Happens When Doctors Can't Tell the Truth?' "Whole areas of research are off-limits. Top physicians treat patients based on their race. An ideological 'purge' is underway in American medicine." Criticizing a resident for being late is seen as 'racism' as 1 ex. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Silencing]

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