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Jun 14, 2024 ~ 'The DOJ’s Persecution of a Trans-Medicine Whistleblower' "Texas Children’s Hospital publicly announced that it would no longer be offering transgender drugs and surgeries to minors. This was a lie." Eithan Haim exposed the truth leading to "a bill outlawing the use of transgender drugs and surgeries in pediatric medicine." After that Haim was hit with 4 counts of felony HIPAA violations which were bogus. "Even if Haim is eventually cleared, with vindictive prosecutions, the process itself can be the punishment." [Health Care, Trans]
Jun 10, 2024 ~ The American College of Pediatricians is following European health agencies. After reviewing the science, they issued this statement: "Given the recent research and the revelations of the harmful approach advocated by WPATH and its followers in the United States, we, the undersigned, call upon the medical professional organizations of the United States, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Endocrine Society, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry to follow the science and their European professional colleagues and immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex. Instead, these organizations should recommend comprehensive evaluations and therapies aimed at identifying and addressing underlying psychological co-morbidities and neurodiversity that often predispose to and accompany gender dysphoria. We also encourage the physicians who are members of these professional organizations to contact their leadership and urge them to adhere to the evidence-based research now available." [Health Care, Trans]
Jun 9, 2024 ~ 'How Neuropsychology Lost Its Mind' "confronted by far-left activists demanding to transform it based on unfounded accusations of systemic racism." 'Unfounded' AS ALWAYS. "The preamble states that clinical neuropsychology must 'strive to repair historical and contemporary bias' as well as 'structural and systemic oppression.' Practically, our profession’s members should be taught to 'demonstrate awareness of intersectionality' and 'advocate for marginalized and/or minoritized individuals, populations, and perspectives.' The conference even decided to authorize an apology to be written for the field’s alleged complicity in systemic racism." Disagreement was silenced with the usual censorship, accusations and fear based tactics: "The academy’s leadership responded by increasing its moderation of speech on its internal listserv. Soon to follow were insinuations that racism was the real reason for opposition to far-left ideology replacing science and standards. With suppression of online discourse and neuropsychologists self-censoring out of fear of being labeled a racist, the momentum against the guidelines has been effectively squashed." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care, Silencing]
Jun 9, 2024 ~ The Canadian Cancer Society apologized for referring to a cervix as a cervix when talking about cervical cancer. In their 'Words Matter' section they say: "We recognize that many trans men and non-binary people may have mixed feelings about or feel distanced from words like “cervix.” You may prefer other words, such as “front hole.” We recognize the limitations of the words we’ve used while also acknowledging the need for simplicity. Another reason we use words like “cervix” is to normalize the reality that men can have these body parts too." [Anti-Semitism, Health Care, Trans]
Jun 1, 2024 ~ 'Trans-Identifying Women On Testosterone Suffering Menopausal Symptoms In 20s, Study Shows' "Symptoms like incontinence, sexual disfunction, and even bed-wetting were found among women in their 20s who tried to medically transition with cross-sex hormones." "The study found that more than 94% of the trans-identifying women experienced some type of pelvic floor disfunction.   About 87% experienced urinary symptoms such as incontinence, frequent bathroom visits, including during the night, and bed-wetting."   “It’s really sad when we hear people say, ‘nobody ever told me this,’ and they should have been informed of the risks in gender clinics,” [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
May 27, 2024 ~ UCLA is an examples of once good medical school that torched its education and reputation on the alter of DIE and CRT. UCLA dropped from 8th the 18th after Jennifer Lucero took over and made DIE a priority. "In some of the cohorts she admitted, more than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics." Lucero said, "The candidate's scores shouldn't matter. We need people like this [i.e. with this color skin] in the medical school." Failure rates increased 10 fold since 2020. "One professor said that a student in the operating room could not identify a major artery when asked, then berated the professor for putting her on the spot. Another said that students at the end of their clinical rotations don't know basic lab tests and, in some cases, are unable to present patients." "And for those who've seen the competency crisis up close, double standards in admissions are a big part of the problem. 'All the normal criteria for getting into medical school only apply to people of certain races,' an admissions officer said. 'For other people, those criteria are completely disregarded.'" "UCLA still produces some very good graduates," one professor said. "But a third to a half of the medical school is incredibly unqualified." "Race-based admissions have turned UCLA into a ‘failed medical school,’ a former member of the admissions staff said. “‘We want racial diversity so badly, we’re willing to cut corners to get it.’" Unfortunately, because these woke medical schools hold black people to lower standards, sometimes much lower standards, they've made it such that people can no longer take the risk of using a black doctor. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Health Care, Loathsome Left, Race]
May 19, 2024 ~ ‘The Butchers And Liars Were Murderously Wrong’: New Study Finds 12-Fold Higher Suicide Risk For People Who Had Gender Surgery "The study utilized patient data from 56 health care organizations in the U.S. and over 90 million patients." “Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not.” The study concluded, “Gender-affirming surgery is significantly associated with elevated suicide attempt risks, underlining the necessity for comprehensive post-procedure psychiatric support.” [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Apr 10, 2024 ~ After the Cass Report debunked so-called 'gender affirming care' JK Rowling went OFF on the trans activists who have been pushing this barbary on children for years and bullying any critics into silence and cancellation. "Over the last four years, Hilary Cass has conducted the most robust review of the medical evidence for transitioning children that's ever been conducted. Mere hours after it was released to the press and public, committed ideologues are doubling down. These are people who've deemed opponents 'far-right' for wanting to know there are proper checks and balances in place before autistic, gay and abused kids - groups that are all overrepresented at gender clinics - are left sterilised, inorgasmic, lifelong patients. I understand that the review's conclusions will have come as a seismic shock to those who've hounded and demonised whistleblowers and smeared opponents as bigots and transphobes, but trying to discredit Hilary Cass's work isn't merely misguided. It's actively malign. Even if you don't feel ashamed of cheerleading for what now looks like severe medical malpractice, even if you don't want to accept that you might have been wrong, where's your sense of self-preservation? The bandwagon you hopped on so gladly is hurtling towards a cliff. And if I sound angry, it's because I'm bloody angry. I read Cass this morning and my anger's been mounting all day. Kids have been irreversibly harmed, and thousands are complicit, not just medics, but the celebrity mouthpieces, unquestioning media and cynical corporations. The consequences of this scandal will play out for decades. You cheered it on. You did all you could to impede and misrepresent research. You tried to bully people out of their jobs for opposing you. Young people have been experimented on, left infertile and in pain. The #CassReview may be a watershed moment, but it comes too late for detransitioners who've written me heartbreaking letters of regret. Today's not a triumph, it's the laying bare of a tragedy." [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Apr 10, 2024 ~ 'The Cass Report Should Be the End of Gender-Affirming Care' The Cass Report is a bombshell exposing the lie called 'gender affirming care.' The harm of that 'care' was obvious to many who were shouted down and silenced by bullies and virtue signalers to the detriment of countless children "left sterilised, inorgasimic, lifelong patients." Cass says "There are few other areas of healthcare where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views, where people are vilified on social media, and where name-calling echoes the worst bullying behaviour." "The former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health said there was no evidence the drugs “buy time to think” or “reduce suicide risk”... Dr Cass stated there was “concern that [puberty blockers] may change the trajectory of psychosexual and gender identity development” with most patients going on to take cross-sex hormones as a result. She said the NHS should exert “extreme caution” in giving out cross-sex hormones to under-18s as the research carried out by her review concludes there is “a lack of high-quality research” on their effectiveness." "Dr Cass said it was “extremely disappointing” to find World Professional Association of Transgender Healthcare (WPATH) guidelines which were taken as an industry standard and adopted very widely internationally, 'were very, very poorly evidence-based.'" Cass: ""The guidelines that recommend puberty blockers are not doing so on the basis of evidence... The guidelines that are most based on the evidence are the Swedish and the Finnish guidelines and they suggest a much more conservative approach, similar to our recommendations because the evidence isn't there. And genuinely I can't think of another area of pediatric care where we give young people a potentially irreversible treatment and have no idea what happens to them in adulthood." [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ "A prestigious Boston hospital stops reporting maternal drug abuse because of ‘racism’" Wokism poisons everything. They found out more black mothers than white were addicted so they stopped reporting endangering countless children of drug addicted mothers. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care]
Mar 20, 2024 ~ 'Hospital’s DEI Training Implied Racial Bias Is Killing Black Mothers, Former Nurse Says' Brad McDowell disagreed with the ridiculous and racist messages given in the Meritus Medical Center's DIE training which claimed "that white nurses like me are killing black mothers. I was supposed to internalize this message and somehow apply it to the management of my team." He revealed that the "“course ignored the complex factors that contribute to higher black maternal mortality, including comorbidities, while defining any death from any cause after a year of giving birth as maternal mortality – a logical stretch." He also had to endure the usual DIE poison saying the US was built on "an ideology of White supremacy that justifies policies, practices and structures which result in social arrangements of subordination for groups of color through power and White privilege." For mildly pushing back on this toxic garbage, Dowell predictably was fired. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care, Silencing]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ NHS England Permanently Bans Puberty Blockers From Being Prescribed To Minors "We have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of PSH to make the treatment routinely available at this time." It took the 'experts' years to conclude what was immediately obvious to anyone with half a brain. [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'Over 100 Pizzerias Could Shut Down Due to NYC‘s Green Rule' The Democrats just can't stop ruining everything! NYC Pizza is legendary and they are destroying for NO benefit. They can't afford the useless requirements and will shut down. [Economics, Environment, Health Care, Loathsome Left, Regulations]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'Study Says US Maternal Death Crisis Was a Case of Bad Data' The #FakeNews reported "Maternal deaths across the U.S. more than doubled over the course of two decades." But it was due to improperly accounding for a question. The real numbers are 'stable.' [Fake News, Health Care]
Feb 25, 2024 ~ 'Don’t Want to Pay for Health Care or Groceries? Then Don’t. Pretend to Be an Illegal Alien Instead.' While Americans are getting killed with health care costs, illegals get free health care. And free food, hotels. NY even gave them cards with $10k each! [Health Care, Illegal Immigration]
Feb 11, 2024 ~ The American College of Pediatricians reviewed more than 60 studies on mental health in adolescents with gender dysphoria and concluded "There are no long-term studies demonstrating benefits nor studies evaluating risks associated with the medical and surgical interventions provided to these adolescents.  There is no long-term evidence that mental health concerns are decreased or alleviated after 'gender affirming therapy.' Many individuals who have been treated with “GAT” later regret those interventions and seek to align their gender identity with their sex. Because of the risks of social, medical, and surgical interventions, many European countries are now cautioning against these interventions while encouraging mental health therapy." [Health Care, Trans]
Jan 11, 2024 ~ A perfect example of why DEI needs to DIE. The John Hopkins DIE Office informs people that groups like 'males', 'whites', 'middle class', have 'privilege' "at the expense of other groups." They must always divide us into the 'oppressed' vs the 'oppressors', poisoning the culture. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Health Care]
Sep 22, 2023 ~ Like a house of cards, trans ideology collapses under the slightest critical examinations of its claims. The next foundational card to fall is the idea that modern 'gender affirming care' is needed to prevent suicides. There were only 4 suicides out of 15,032 patients 2010-2020. [Fake News, Health Care, Trans]
Sep 21, 2023 ~ Ryan Ellis, 'Joe Biden’s 95% Drug Tax That You Didn’t Know About' With no authority, unelected government bureaucrats will set the Medicare price for many drugs and if companies don't accept the 'negotiated' price, those drugs will be taxed 95% on all sales. [Biden, Health Care, Regulations, Taxes]
Sep 19, 2023 ~ Heather Mac Donald's new book, "When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives" shows how almost all medical institutions have abandoned merit in the name of 'equity' and 'Antiracist Allyship.' The average black MCAT score is a standard deviation below white students. Many medical schools responded by dropping the MCAT. Black scores on the United States Medical Licensing Exam were also a standard deviation below white doctors so USMLE dropped grades and went to pass/fail. Medical schools are requiring courses in 'system racism' and literally spending billions of dollars on Diversity and Inclusion programs. This poison is pervasive and no one can speak out against it or their careers are over. Figure out how to vet your doctor because you can't use medical school or scores. The new 'equitable' system ensures that the best and worst doctors have indistinguishable records. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care]
Sep 7, 2023 ~ .@joerogan on 'trans affirming care' for children: "“What scares me about this is what they’re doing with children. It’s terrifying that they’re calling it ‘gender affirming care’ when it’s really childhood mutilation before you have the ability to figure out what ‘permanent’ means... And this idea that you should be able to make life changing choices like hormone blockers, which are not reversible, no matter what the f*** they say. They say it’s reversible. No, the changes happened to your body during puberty and if you stop those changes, that change, you can’t reverse that. You’re going to have a micro penis, you’re taking estrogen while your body is developing, you’re blocking testosterone. If you’re doing all that stuff, it’s going to have an effect on your body... And how many detransitioners are there who have horrible stories? And you’re a monster and a bigot if you even bring that up, which is f***ing insane.” [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Aug 27, 2023 ~ Wesley Smith, 'Denmark Joins the European "Gender-Affirming Care" Backpedalers' "By 2018, Denmark’s centralized gender service was medically transitioning 65% of referred youth." Now its down to 6%. Not yet 0% but MAJOR progress! [Health Care, Trans]
Aug 21, 2023 ~ Another myth busted: the 'placebo effect.' "Whenever you have a group with extreme values, they tend to exhibit regression to the mean. Eg. on average, sick people tend to become more healthy over time." Therefore, "The placebo group will also tend to get better over time." [Fake News, Health Care]
Aug 20, 2023 ~ Beege Welborn, 'Tragedy: When a colon just won't work as a vagina' Puberty blockers prevent penis development so insufficient material is available for a 'neovagina.' Some doctors try to use colon material with horrific results including death. At best, these medical patients for life are left with a very poor substitute for a vagina and will likely never be able to experience orgasm. "You are left sexually crippled for life, because you made a decision as an 11 year old." This madness, this barbarism has got to stop. [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Aug 16, 2023 ~ A GA woman is suing a hospital and physician after her baby was decapitated during delivery. False charges of racism predictably followed: "You know damn well this would never happen to a white woman." The delivering physician was black! Dr. Tracey Lynn St. Julian. [Fake Racism, Health Care]
Jul 30, 2023 ~ Headline that could only exist post 2021: '18 Year-Old Boy Died After Doctors Tried To Create A Vagina From Part Of His Colon' This madness, this butchery has got to stop. You can't 'create a vagina' from a colon or anything else. Confused people are being lied to for profit. [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Jul 28, 2023 ~ Richard Bosshardt, a surgeon and a member of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) was canceled for not wanting to go along with all of the DIE poison doctors are required to parrot like affirming the ACS is 'racist.' "If we discover racism in the ACS, let’s deal with it. But if we state blandly and generally that the ACS is racist, I think that’s wrong." Members of the mob cried about how much 'harm' his questions had done. He was banned with no due process. "To say that I can’t raise an objection to something as controversial as DEI — I don’t care if you’re for it or against it, I like to see the conversation. And this is what’s being basically prevented." “This kind of cancellation has been going on everywhere.” Most people see the cancellations and toe the line with self censorship. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 28, 2023 ~ Jack Butler, 'Is Your Doctor Racist?' Starts with Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson's fake claim that black babies have twice the survival rate with black doctors. Exposes the cancellations of several doctors that question any of the DIE poison. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care, SCOTUS]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ Not a day goes by without woke infested organizations making false accusations of racism. The AMA has proclaimed that BMI has been "used for racist exclusion." As if a black person with BMI over 30 has less of a chance of getting diabetes than a white person with a BMI over 30. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ John Haywad "New Zealand ‘Equity Adjustor Score‘ Asks Surgeons to Prioritize Non-White Patients" The extremely racist 'equity' virus is worldwide. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Health Care, Racism]
Jul 3, 2023 ~ Justice Jackson is debunked making an absurd argument for why affirmative action is necessary. “For high-risk Black newborns, having a Black physician more than doubles the likelihood that the baby will live, and not die.” Totally false. "The difference is 99.96% vs 99.91%, not even statistically significant." And it doesn't account for the fact that the high risk infants are more likely to see White doctors in the NICU. [Affirmative Action, Fake News, Fake Racism, Health Care, SCOTUS]
Jun 28, 2023 ~ Denmark study shows suicidality among trans patients increased AFTER sex reassignment, contrary to what we have been told. "The overall mortality for sex-reassigned persons was higher during follow-up than for controls of the same birth sex, particularly death from suicide." [Health Care, Trans]
Jun 12, 2023 ~ The once prestigious @JohnsHopkins is participating the full erasure of women by defining lesbian as "a non-man attracted to non-men." Gay men are still 'men' but now lesbians are 'non-men' to include 'non-binary' people that want to call themselves lesbians. Unacceptable. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Health Care, LGBT, Trans]
May 30, 2023 ~ Norway, Finland, Sweden & the UK are now restricting the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone & transition-related surgeries to children under 18. The US is more and more becoming an outlier as the rest of the world is waking up to the harm caused by these false treatments. [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
May 16, 2023 ~ City Journal, 'The Harm Caused by Masks', "Evidence continues to mount that mask mandates were perhaps the worst public-health intervention in modern American history. While concluding that wearing masks “probably makes little or no difference” in preventing the spread of viruses, a recent Cochrane review also emphasized that “more attention should be paid to describing and quantifying the harms” that may come from wearing masks. A new study from Germany does just that." "In other words, while eight times the normal level of carbon dioxide is toxic, research suggests that mask-wearers (specifically those who wear masks for more than 5 minutes at a time) are breathing in 35 to 80 times normal levels." "Masks are also uncomfortable and unhygienic, and they profoundly compromise human social interaction." [Coronavirus, Health Care]
Mar 12, 2023 ~ IMPORTANT. Whistleblower: Queer, left of Bernie Sanders Jamie Reed worked at a gender clinic, 'I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle.' "What’s happening to children is morally and medically appalling." "By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to “do no harm.” Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care." "What is happening to scores of children is far more important than my comfort. And what is happening to them is morally and medically appalling." "Sometimes clusters of girls arrived from the same high school." "The girls who came to us had many comorbidities: depression, anxiety, ADHD, eating disorders, obesity. Many were diagnosed with autism, or had autism-like symptoms. A report last year on a British pediatric transgender center found that about one-third of the patients referred there were on the autism spectrum." "Frequently, our patients declared they had disorders that no one believed they had. We had patients who said they had Tourette syndrome (but they didn’t); that they had tic disorders (but they didn’t); that they had multiple personalities (but they didn’t)." "To begin transitioning, the girls needed a letter of support from a therapist—usually one we recommended—who they had to see only once or twice for the green light. To make it more efficient for the therapists, we offered them a template for how to write a letter in support of transition. The next stop was a single visit to the endocrinologist for a testosterone prescription. That’s all it took." "When a female takes testosterone, the profound and permanent effects of the hormone can be seen in a matter of months. Voices drop, beards sprout, body fat is redistributed. Sexual interest explodes, aggression increases, and mood can be unpredictable. Our patients were told about some side effects, including sterility. But after working at the center, I came to believe that teenagers are simply not capable of fully grasping what it means to make the decision to become infertile while still a minor." "Many encounters with patients emphasized to me how little these young people understood the profound impacts changing gender would have on their bodies and minds. But the center downplayed the negative consequences, and emphasized the need for transition." "There are no reliable studies showing [transition improves mental health]. Indeed, the experiences of many of the center’s patients prove how false these assertions are." "clinics like the one where I worked are creating a whole cohort of kids with atypical genitals—and most of these teens haven’t even had sex yet. They had no idea who they were going to be as adults. Yet all it took for them to permanently transform themselves was one or two short conversations with a therapist." "Being put on powerful doses of testosterone or estrogen—enough to try to trick your body into mimicking the opposite sex—-affects the rest of the body. I doubt that any parent who's ever consented to give their kid testosterone (a lifelong treatment) knows that they’re also possibly signing their kid up for blood pressure medication, cholesterol medication, and perhaps sleep apnea and diabetes." 18 year old crying she "wants her breasts back." "In front of the team, the doctors said that my colleague and I had to stop questioning the 'medicine and the science' as well as their authority. Then an administrator told us we had to 'Get on board, or get out.'" " Biden admin "Dr. Levine, the U.S. assistant secretary for health, said that clinics are proceeding carefully and that no American children are receiving drugs or hormones for gender dysphoria who shouldn’t." "I felt stunned and sickened. It wasn’t true. And I know that from deep first-hand experience." [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Mar 11, 2023 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'Doctors: 4 out of 5 children will outgrow gender confusion' Which is why "Finland's leading expert on 'pediatric gender care,' Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, does not support surgical or chemical/hormone therapy for prepubescent children who express gender confusion." [Health Care, Trans]
Mar 11, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'British Medical Journal: the evidence is very weak for "gender affirming care"' "The evidence is weak to non-existent that it helps children, while the evidence that it creates permanent health problems is growing." Norway, Sweden, Finland, France and the UK are backing off." [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Mar 10, 2023 ~ Betsy McCaughey, 'Doctors and Nurses Are Not Racists' Black women die during childbirth or lose their newborns more often than white women. #FakeNews @nytimes says racism to blame. But obesity, early teen pregnancy and hypertension (high blood pressure) are major causes of the higher deaths rates. 'Racism' always has to be blamed for any outcome - therefore good doctors and nurses have to be smeared. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism, Health Care]
Jan 30, 2023 ~ National Review, 'Medicare for All Would Worsen Our Existing Health-Care Problems' "The NHS reports that as of November 2022, 2.9M of the 7.2M patients referred for treatment waited more than 18 weeks to start treatment. Over 450,000 patients waited more than a year." [Entitlements, Health Care]
Jan 27, 2023 ~ Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations - mRNA Scientific Planner was caught by Project Veritas admitting they are mutating #COVID19 via a process called “directed evolution” to create new strains of the virus. “selected structure mutations to try to see if we can make them more potent.” Why are they doing it? To turn COVID into a “cash cow”. More strains = more vaccines sold and mandated. “It’s going to be a cash cow. COVID will probably be a cash cow for us for a while going forward.” How can they get away with this? Because Pfizer “is a revolving door for all government officials. All the government officials who review our drugs, eventually come work for pharma companies. It’s pretty good for the industry to be honest. It’s bad for everyone else in America.” [Coronavirus, Health Care]
Dec 14, 2022 ~ Once reputable Lancet goes full #CRT woke: "Racism, xenophobia, and discrimination exist in every modern society causing avoidable disease and premature death" bla bla "legacies of colonialism and exploitation" bla bla "ideologies of racism" bla bla "racial capitalism" RIP Lancet. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia, Health Care]
Dec 4, 2022 ~ The British Medical Journal (BMJ) goes insane on #CRT, White supremacy culture and the assimilation trauma of medical training: ungaslighting the physician burnout discourse' "Bla bla whiteness, bla bla white supremacy bla bla whiteness and related white supremacy culture bla bla white able-bodied cisgender, heterosexual men depend on the subjugation, pathologising and exploitation of all others. "bla bla intertwined matrices of oppression, including ableism, cissexism, classism and sexism bla bla this paper highlights the trauma medical students and residents experience when forced to assimilate into medicine’s white supremacy and related white supremacy culture." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care, Loathsome Left]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ A paper called "Fat acceptance as social justice" is released by the Canadian Medical Association Journal. About 'fatphobia' and "the deeply problematic medical term, 'obesity.'" "Scholars of fat studies" "structural racism in health care experienced by BIPOC communities." #CRT [Anti-Semitism, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health, Health Care]
Oct 10, 2022 ~ Christopher Rufo, "Medical students at the University of Minnesota must now take an oath to "honor all Indigenous ways of healing that have been historically marginalized by Western medicine" and fight "white supremacy, colonialism, [and] the gender binary." This poison is difficult to fight because any dissent is met with charges of 'racism' which can damage or even end your career. Everyone hates it but no one can object. Therefore the poison keeps accumulating. [Anti-Science, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care, Trans]
Oct 2, 2022 ~ David Strom, 'Trans treatments are the new lobotomy' At one time the 'experts' supported lobotomy. Now we realize that they did great and permanent harm to almost all subjected to it. Few if any were helped by them. [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Oct 1, 2022 ~ No one really knows what 'equity' means? Affirmative action on steroids. Actual discrimination against the wrong kinds of people. Allowing crimes to happen. Letting criminals out of jail or not even prosecuting. Now it also means not sending kids with lice home. American Academy of Pediatrics says kids with lice should not be sent home due to "significant stress and stigma. [Affirmative Action, Health, Health Care]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ National Review, 'The Monkeypox Deception' "Monkeypox is a disease that affects gay, sexually active men far more than any other group of people. As in, 99% of all cases are in men, and 94% of those infected reported recent same-sex intimate contact." 75% had 2 or more partners. [Fake News, Health, Health Care]
Aug 15, 2022 ~ Colin Wright, @SwipeWright: FACT: Nearly 100% of children who are put on puberty blockers continue on to cross-sex hormones. Puberty blockers are not a harmless "pause button," they SOLIDIFY gender dysphoria and practically GUARANTEE the child will transition. [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Aug 3, 2022 ~ FL Gov. Ron DeSantis: "They talk about young kids getting gender-affirming care. They don't tell you what that is. They're actually giving very young girls double mastectomies. They want to castrate these young boys. That's wrong. You don't disfigure 10, 12, y/o kids." [Anti-Science, Health Care, Loathsome Left, Trans]

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