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Aug 23, 2020 ~ 2008 Video of Biden sounding a lot like Trump, 'I voted for a fence... I voted for 700 miles.' 'punish American employers who... hire illegals' 'I'm the guy... that setup a drug czar' 'People are driving across that border with tons of everything from meth to cocaine to heroin.' [Biden, Illegal Immigration, Wall, Drugs]
Aug 17, 2020 ~ Michelle Obama lies about 'kids in cages' at the Democratic National Convention. 'children are torn from their families and thrown into cages.' Dems 'proved' the kids in cages lie by REPEATLY showing Obama era photos of kids in cages. And one from Iraq and a staged one. [Illegal Immigration]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ Kyle Smith, 'Kamala Harris Is Far Worse Than Hillary Clinton' Single-payer federal health-care that covers illegal immigrants. Decriminalize illegal border crossings. Both are an open invitation to massive illegal immigration. Compared ICE to the KKK. Green New Deal. Gun bans. [Harris, Guns-Mass Shootings, Illegal Immigration]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ 4 police officers were killed by DACA illegal alien, Ivan Robles Navejas. Navejas plowed into the officers at the Thin Blue Line motorcycle club. At the time, Navejas was out on bail for pinning a man with a truck and biting his ear off. [Police, Illegal Immigration, Crime]
Jul 21, 2020 ~ President Trump is not allowing non-citizens to be counted for representation in Congress. CA Gov. Gavin Newsom said this policy is 'rooted in racism and xenophobia'. False. Its rooted in sanity. No sane country allows non-citizens governmental power over its citizens. [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ 200 miles of the border wall is now completed. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Apr 13, 2020 ~ Perpetually confused Joe Biden explains his immigration plan 'to put millions of citizens on the pathway to citizenship'. [Biden, Illegal Immigration]
Mar 5, 2020 ~ The apprehension of migrant families illegally crossing the border in February fell by 92% from the 2019 peak in May due to Trump's policies both in and out of the US. Ending the 'catch and release' policy. The 'stay in Mexico' policy. Convincing Mexico to secure its own borders. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Mar 5, 2020 ~ Biden promises amnesty for 11 million illegal immigrants. This is far beyond DACA; its essentially everyone who jumped the line and entered illegally. 'We're going to provide a pathway, a pathway for 11 million citizens.' 'Pathway' is shorthand for 'pathway to citizenship'. [Biden, Illegal Immigration]
Feb 26, 2020 ~ The U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that President Trump can withhold federal law enforcement grants from sanctuary cities that are refusing to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement laws. Cities must inform ICE when illegal criminals are being released from jail. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Feb 21, 2020 ~ John Binder, "Report: Trump's 'Remain in Mexico' Stopping Anchor Baby Schemes" San Diego reporter Max Rivlin-Nadler reports that the 'remain in Mexico' agreement Trump negotiated with Mexico is causing many pregnant women to have their babies in Mexico prior to court date. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Feb 16, 2020 ~ Joe Biden was asked by Univision's Jorge Ramos if he would apologize for the 3 million illegal immigrants deported by the Obama administration. Biden said 'It was a big mistake'. Biden said 'We didn't lock people in cages.' Ramos had to correct him, 'But you actually did'. [Illegal Immigration, Biden]
Feb 11, 2020 ~ Bill Barr and the DOJ file law suits against sanctuary states. 'When we are talking about sanctuary cities, we are talking about policies that are designed to allow criminal aliens to escape.' The policies are designed to shelter aliens arrested for actual non-immigration crimes' [Illegal Immigration, Crime]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ Jorge Ramos acknowledges that Trump has accomplished his promise of building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. Trump's negotiations with Mexico has gotten Mexico to become the wall for him at their expense and manpower. 'Mexico is now the wall. President Trump got his wish.' [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Carville on dems 'We're losing our damn minds' 'talking about free college tuition or debt forgiveness' 'I'm scared to death' 'We're talking about people voting from jail cells. We're talking about not having a border' 'Do we want to be an ideological cult or be a majority party' [Politics, Illegal Immigration]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ Michael Bloomberg runs an anti-Trump ad that AGAIN pushes the 'migrants in cages' narrative by showing Obama era footage of migrants in cages from 2014. Its hard to believe this keeps happening. Politicians, celebs, msm have tried to use Obama era photos to prove Trump is bad. [Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Jan 27, 2020 ~ AOC encourages 'tipping people off if you start to see that ICE and CBP are in communities to try and keep people safe? Sanders has actually committed to breaking up ICE and CBP.' Former ICE Director Thomas Homan, 'ICE Is keeping the community safe' 1000s of criminals off street. [Loathsome Left, Illegal Immigration, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders]
Jan 24, 2020 ~ Joe Biden says that DACA arrivals are 'more American than most Americans.' 'In many cases, they're more American than most Americans are because they have done well in school.' He recently said he would fire any ICE agent that deports for a non-felony including DUI. [Illegal Immigration, Biden]
Jan 22, 2020 ~ Trump working on shutting down 'Birth Tourism'. About 33,000 'anchor babies' are born to people with tourist visa's every year. There is a whole industry to make this happen allowing tens of thousands of people to take advantage of our 14 Amendment loophole, jumping the line. [Illegal Immigration, Immigration]
Jan 22, 2020 ~ AOC 'No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars. You didn't make those widgets! You sat on a couch while thousands of people were paid modern day slave wages, and in some cases real modern-day slavery. You made that money off the backs of undocumented people' [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Ocasionomics, Illegal Immigration]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ Roughly 2500 migrants were stopped at Mexico's southern border by the Mexican National Guard. Per the deal negotiated with President Trump, Mexico has not paid for the wall; Instead, Mexico has BECOME THE WALL. Mexico is deporting 500 a day back to Honduras on planes and busses. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Jan 16, 2020 ~ The FBI arrested, Patrik Jordan Mathews, a white supremacist neo-nazi and 2 others for planning violence at the Jan 20 2nd Amendment rally in Virginia. Mathews was an illegal immigrant who crossed into the U.S. illegally across the Canadian border. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Violent Right, Illegal Immigration]
Jan 11, 2020 ~ DHS announces first 100 miles of Trump's promised wall is complete, 'Today, as a milestone has been reached, a celebration is in order. Today I am proud to report that the Trump administration has now constructed 100 miles of new border wall system on the southern border.' [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Jan 10, 2020 ~ Department of Homeland Security has completed its investigation into the death of the seven-year-old Guatemalan child who died in US Border Patrol custody. Extremely sick when arrived. 'no misconduct or malfeasance on the part of DHS personnel' Wanda Sykes was sure it was racism. [Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration]
Jan 9, 2020 ~ Thanks to Trump immigration policies like 'remain in Mexico' and ending 'catch and release' and negotiation pressure with Mexico, migrant apprehensions at border have dropped for the seventh straight month. Down 75% from peak last year. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Dec 29, 2019 ~ Trump has defacto closed the border to illegal immigration without a wall. Cuccinelli, Apprehensions down 85% since May peak! 'Thanks to a number of policies we implemented, we have ended catch and release'. 'Wait in Mexico', policy. And pressuring Mexico to secure their borders. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Dec 18, 2019 ~ Democrats and the media showed their true colors after impeachment vote. House dems erupt in applause after vote tally. Rashida Tlaib makes joyful video. Washington Post tweets all smiles celebratory picture 'Merry Impeachmas from the WaPo team!' Fake News doesn't even hide bias. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News, Illegal Immigration, Tlaib]
Dec 18, 2019 ~ Rep. Al Green spoke next to a picture of migrant girl Yanela Denise at the impeachment vote. She became the face of child separation after Time cover. She also has nothing to with the impeachment. And she was also fake news. Her father said she was never separated from her mother [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Dec 15, 2019 ~ More than 90 Virginia counties have declared themselves to be 2nd Amendment Sanctuary cities. Like the Democrat Party pioneered illegal immigration sanctuary cities, these counties will not have to follow several upcoming gun control laws simply by declaring that they don't. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Politics, Illegal Immigration]
Dec 11, 2019 ~ CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan 'The number of enforcement actions involving families have declined 85% since the May high? you're no longer released into the interior of the United States simply because you have a child? remain home... The era of catch and release is done.' [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Nov 30, 2019 ~ ICE set up fake University that nabbed 250 illegal immigrants trying to scam the system. Democrats including AOC and Elizabeth Warren were outraged. Yet this is another example of something Obama did as well. Just like the detention centers, tear gas, deportations. OK for Obama. [Illegal Immigration, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Nov 19, 2019 ~ @AFP, @Reuters, @NPR and other 'news' reported that the US 'has world's highest rate of children in detention.' Over 100,000 children! DNC says 'This is a disgusting result of Trump's white nationalist bla bla bla' Many blame 'racist' Trump. Report was from 2015! Keeps happening! [Fake News, Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration]
Nov 17, 2019 ~ Washington Post, Obama deported far more people than Trump per year. Obama, 'removed 409,849 people in 2012... Trump... has yet to surpass 260,000 deportations in a single year. . . Obama deported 1.18 million people during his first 3 years in office, Trump... fewer than 800,000.' [Illegal Immigration]
Nov 14, 2019 ~ Victor Davis Hanson article, 'What Happened to California Republicans?' Explains how Proposition 187, which denied state social services to undocumented immigrants passed in 1994. Courts overturned the voters. Millions of people illegally entered, their kids automatic citizens. [Illegal Immigration, Entitlements]
Nov 11, 2019 ~ Schumer praises retiring Peter King. 'Peter King stood head & shoulders above everyone else. He's been principled & never let others push him away from his principles... I will miss him in Congress & value his friendship' Left outraged. King is 'a racist' bc not for open borders [Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration, Loathsome Left]
Oct 24, 2019 ~ Former ICE Director Tom Homan was shouted off the stage at the University of Pennsylvania where he was supposed to give a speech on immigration. Despicable dems prevent another speaker from being heard. Don't debate, listen or allow others to hear. Silence all disagreement. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Illegal Immigration]
Oct 20, 2019 ~ Joaquin Castro makes false accusation, 'The Trump Administration intentionally separated kids from their parents and then put the kids up for adoption - permanently separating them.' To prove his point, he uses examples from the Obama administration. THIS KEEPS HAPPENING! [Illegal Immigration, Fake News]
Oct 17, 2019 ~ ICE identifies 100s of fraudulent families and 50 of fraudulent unaccompanied minors in El Paso alone. 'These children are being dangerously used as pawns by criminals to take advantage of loopholes in our immigration laws and avoid being detained by U.S. immigration authorities' [Illegal Immigration]
Oct 10, 2019 ~ Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office, failed to honor an ICE order to detain a migrant. He raped a woman soon afterward. 'Unfortunately, this is not an isolated event. A few months ago, Oklahoma County decided to no longer honor ICE detainers and began releasing criminal aliens' [Illegal Immigration]
Oct 2, 2019 ~ A Fairfax County VA police officer is suspended for calling ICE on an illegal immigrant wanted for being in the county illegally and failing to show up for his deportation hearing. The officer is reinstated after the suspension for upholding the law receives massive backlash. [Illegal Immigration, Police]
Oct 2, 2019 ~ No attempt is being made to make the fake news even plausible anymore. The New York Times reports that Trump wanted to use a snake and alligator-filled moat on the border. Trump responds 'The press has gone Crazy. Fake News!' [TDS, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Oct 1, 2019 ~ As if our southern border is not a strong enough magnet, AOC proposes a 'Just Society: Embrace Act' bill that requires the federal government to provide welfare benefits to illegal aliens. Elizabeth Warren calls it 'just the type of bold, comprehensive thinking we'll need.' [Entitlements, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Illegal Immigration]
Oct 1, 2019 ~ Chicago police are ordered to not cooperate with ICE by Mayor Lightfoot. 'We will never, ever succumb to the racist, xenophobic rhetoric of ICE," Lightfoot said. "We will continue to ban ICE from having access to any CPD databases.' Dems say you're 'racist' if not open border. [Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration]
Sep 27, 2019 ~ New York City will now fine you up to $250 thousand for using the phrase 'illegal alien' or for even threatening to call ICE. US code uses 'illegal alien' not 'undocumented' because undocumented refers only to lack of documents, not lack of legal status. [Illegal Immigration, Political Correctness]
Sep 23, 2019 ~ New DHS policy ends the catch and release loophole acting as a magnet to illegal immigration. 'DHS will no longer be releasing family units from Border Patrol Stations into the interior.' 'This is a vital step in restoring the rule of law and integrity to our immigration system.' [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Sep 16, 2019 ~ Julian Castro praised Obama's border enforcement in 2013 'I do believe that enforcement, both in terms of active enforcement on our borders and under this administration there has been tremendous progress with regard to enforcement.' Today's dems would call him a racist for that. [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Jonathan S. Tobin, 'Trump's starting to win big on controlling the southern border'. Trump was mocked when he said Mexico would pay for the wall but he has gotten Mexico to devote significant resources to reducing illegal immigration. '21,600 police and troops', more checkpoints. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ U.S. Border Patrol have arrested almost 1000 gang members this year trying to sneak in including 445 from MS-13. Trump is keeping his promise to MS-13, 'We will find you, we will arrest you, we will jail you, we will throw you the hell out of the country.' Dems want to abolish. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Crime]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Trump agreements and tariff threats have greatly reduced illegal immigration by gaining Guatemala's and Mexico's cooperation. Apprehensions are down 62% since the peak in May. Mexico deployed its National Guard, installed new checkpoints and conducted raids to avoid new tariffs. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Sep 12, 2019 ~ The Supreme Court issued an order ending all injunctions that had blocked the White House's ban on asylum for anyone trying to enter the U.S. by traveling through a third country, such as Mexico, without seeking protection there. Big step in curbing the rampant 'asylum abuse'. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]

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