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Jan 27, 2017 ~ Trump's temporary 'travel ban' from several terrorist hotbed countries is called a 'Muslim Ban' by Dems and the Fake News Media. Totally false. The 'Muslim Ban' does not include 46 Muslim majority nations including the 6 largest! Excludes 85% of the world's Muslims. Fake News. [Terrorism, Immigration, Fake News, Fake Islamophobia]
Jan 27, 2017 ~ Trump's enacts an 'Extreme Vetting' temporary 'travel ban' from several terrorist hotbed countries. Democrats are outraged but Trump used the same list of nations Obama flagged as 'jihadist conflict zones'. 3 are state sponsors of terror, and the other 4 are war zones. [Terrorism, Immigration]
Jan 27, 2017 ~ Trump signs EO imposing 3 bans: Due to terror concerns a 120-day ban on all refugees to improve vetting, an indefinite ban on Syrian refugees, and a 90-day ban on anyone entering the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority countries (Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen). [Terrorism, Immigration]

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