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May 31, 2017 ~ ISIS suicide bomber Salman Abedi kills 22 and injures hundreds at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester England - specifically targets young girls - Son of Libyan immigrants - once again he was known to authorities. [Islam, Terrorism, Immigration]
May 12, 2017 ~ Muslim in Australia who 'spent two hours grabbing women, aged between 15 and 24 years' on the beach says its ok in his culture and they should dress appropriately instead of in bikinis - this is his legal defense. Assaulted 9 women and girls. Only given probation. [Islam, Immigration]
Apr 19, 2017 ~ Ethel C. Fenig, Trump Was Right about Sweden - took some heat for a sloppy comment that made it sound like a terrorist attack just happened, but Sweden has had the same trouble rest of Europe has assimilating refugees - rape crimes are way up as are other criminal offenses. [Immigration]
Apr 7, 2017 ~ TERRORIST ATTACK IN SWEDEN - Several deaths and injuries - Another truck driven into a crowd in Stockholm and others fired guns - terrorist killed - Vehicles are becoming a favorite weapon of terrorists - ISIS claims responsibility. [Islam, Terrorism, Immigration]
Feb 5, 2017 ~ Two al Qaeda-Iraq terrorists who used IEDs against our soldiers came into US as refugees - found in Bowling Green, KY - caused Obama to suspend Iraqi Refugee program. [Immigration, Terrorism, Islam]
Feb 5, 2017 ~ Mike Hager Claimed his mother died in Iraq due to Trump's Temporary Refugee Travel Ban. The story got enormous coverage on Reddit and other news and was tweeted and shared widely. It turns out the man was lying. His mom died 5 days before the ban started. [Fake News, Terrorism, Immigration]
Jan 31, 2017 ~ Trump's whirlwind first week - pipelines, wall, sanctuary cities, immigration pause from states sponsoring terrorism, mostly good cabinet appointments, Obamacare rollback started. [Energy, Immigration, Obamacare, Terrorism, Trump Win]
Jan 27, 2017 ~ Trump's temporary 'travel ban' from several terrorist hotbed countries is called a 'Muslim Ban' by Dems and the Fake News Media. Totally false. The 'Muslim Ban' does not include 46 Muslim majority nations including the 6 largest! Excludes 85% of the world's Muslims. Fake News. [Terrorism, Immigration, Fake News, Fake Islamophobia]
Jan 27, 2017 ~ Trump's enacts an 'Extreme Vetting' temporary 'travel ban' from several terrorist hotbed countries. Democrats are outraged but Trump used the same list of nations Obama flagged as 'jihadist conflict zones'. 3 are state sponsors of terror, and the other 4 are war zones. [Terrorism, Immigration]
Jan 27, 2017 ~ Trump signs EO imposing 3 bans: Due to terror concerns a 120-day ban on all refugees to improve vetting, an indefinite ban on Syrian refugees, and a 90-day ban on anyone entering the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority countries (Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen). [Terrorism, Immigration]

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