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Aug 14, 2017 ~ Cato Report: 'Terrorism Deaths by Ideology: Is Charlottesville an Anomaly?' 'Terrorists have murdered 3,342 people on U.S. soil from 1992 through August 12, 2017. Islamists committed 92% of all those murders and are, far and away, the deadliest group of terrorists by ideology.' [Islam, Terrorism, Charlottesville]
Aug 13, 2017 ~ Richard Dawkins gets de-platformed from speeches and interviews for being critical of Islam. He says they think Muslims are 'oppressed by people like us.' But 'Muslims are oppressed by Islam.' 'Muslims who don't oppress women or gay people are being persecuted by those who do.' [Islam, LGBT, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Aug 7, 2017 ~ Michael Brown, 'Parents Are Donating Their Daughters to Boko Haram in Nigeria to Become Suicide Bombers' - 'Boko Haram terrorists have so far used more than 145 girls in suicide bombing missions between January and July 2017'. Little outrage because unreported in the West. [Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 6, 2017 ~ a Jewish community in Australia was not allowed to build a synagogue for fear that it would be targeted by radical Muslims. 'A LOCAL council has banned the construction of a synagogue in Bondi because it could be a terrorist target ... caved in to Islamic extremism.' [Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 5, 2017 ~ There have been 1800 acid attacks since 2010 in LONDON ALONE. Notorious in Islamic world by angry suitors seeking revenge on women who rebuff marriage proposals, or commit other 'shameful acts - 80% of the victims are women. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jul 31, 2017 ~ Mass Nigerian arrests for gay sex in Lagos State - Gay sex is punishable by death in Nigeria and many Muslim nations - the tolerant, pro-gay left says don't criticize Islam or you are a bigot. But that standard requires you to ignore the jailing and killing of gay people. [Islam, LGBT]
Jul 31, 2017 ~ California Imam Ammar Shahin said 'Oh Allah, liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews.' 'annihilate them down to the very last one. Do not spare any of them.' The Imam said, "The Prophet Muhammad said: 'Judgment Day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews.'" [Islam, Anti-Semitism]
Jul 30, 2017 ~ 'Shocking' Violence Against Police as Riots, and Sexual Assaults Grip German Summer Festival - perps were Afghan immigrants [Immigration, Islam, Crime]
Jul 29, 2017 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'Why the Left Protects Islam' - Crazy Left even disinvites Richard Dawkins from speaking because he consistently criticizes Islam as well as Christianity - left protects Islam which is far worse because their common enemy is Western Civilization. [Western Civilization, Islam]
Jul 29, 2017 ~ Saudi Woman Arrested After Video Emerges of Her Wearing Miniskirt - Her fate is unknown - Women must not go outside without being totally covered except for their eyes - liberals support and excuse the true oppressors of women [Islam, Feminism]
Jul 29, 2017 ~ Pakistan Authorities Detain Christian Teenager on Charges of 'Insulting Muhammad' - penalty is death and Pakistan sentenced someone to death for Blasphemy in June - Liberals support and excuse the truly intolerant oppressors of liberty [Islam, Silencing]
Jul 29, 2017 ~ Muslims at UC Davis defend imam's call to 'annihilate' 'filthy Jews' - liberals either excuse, ignore or keep their heads deep in the sand. [Islam, Anti-Semitism]
Jul 27, 2017 ~ Linda Sarsour, apologist for FGM and other Muslim atrocities against women and darling of the left, Calls for 'Jihad' Against Trump Administration because there are 'fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House.' [Violent Left, Islam, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia]
Jul 16, 2017 ~ Under Mad Dog Mattis' command, ISIS is driven from Mosel and out of Iraq - Jihadis paraded for all the world to see after being caught. [Trump Win, Islam, Terrorism]
Jul 15, 2017 ~ David French, Afghan Refugees in Europe Launched a 'Rape Jihad'. Report by Cheryl Benard, 'Europe's Afghan crime wave.' They view western women as war spoils - in Iraq they would gang rape women and then convince them to be suicide bombers as only way to redeem their lost honor. [Islam, Immigration, Crime]
Jun 27, 2017 ~ Simon Kent, University of Oslo 'Report. Muslim Extremists Drive Anti-Semitic Violence in Western Europe'. Followed closely by the radical left. Right wing % tiny. Example France attacks: 53% Islamic, 18% left wing, 4% right wing, 3% Christian. Other countries similar numbers. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 27, 2017 ~ Liberals are fake feminists. Outspoken about fake issues like gender pay gap and campus rape crisis but silent on honor killings, child marriages, polygamy, sex slavery and FGM. Senators Kamala Harris and Claire McCaskill snub and disparage real feminists like Ayaan Hirsi Ali. [Feminism, Harris, Islam]
Jun 25, 2017 ~ Ramadan Rage 2017 - Deaths Reach 1,627, Marking One of the Bloodiest Islamic Holy Months in Recent Memory - Islam is ironically called the Religion of Peace. This happens every Ramadan [Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 21, 2017 ~ Officer repeatedly Stabbed in the neck by Man Yelling 'Allahu Akbar' at Michigan Airport - Democrats are unsure of his motive. [Islam, Terrorism, Police]
Jun 19, 2017 ~ Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic are being fined by the EU for not taking their share of Muslim Refugees but they are basically saying the fines are better than the problems the rest of Europe is experiencing. [Immigration, Islam]
Jun 18, 2017 ~ Pamela Geller says 'Sharia is the most brutal and extreme system of governance ideology on the face of the Earth. It is Misogynistic, Anti-Semitic, Anti-Infidel, Anti-Gay, Anti-Free Speech'. The left overlooks all that because Islam is also anti-western society. [Islam]
Jun 18, 2017 ~ Pakistan Sentences Man to Death for 'Blasphemous' Facebook Post - The penalty for 'blasphemy' is death according to Islam's Sharia Law. [Islam, Silencing]
Jun 11, 2017 ~ YouTube Banned Michelle Malkin for criticizing Islam - YouTube has not banned the Hate Imams that incite actual violence [Tech Bias, Islam, Silencing]
Jun 11, 2017 ~ CNN Host Reza Aslan calls Trump a 'piece of shit' for pushing travel ban after more and more Islamic Terrorism - Long history of vulgarity - exposed many times by Sam Harris as an apologist for Islamic violence & FGM - fired by CNN. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Islam]
Jun 10, 2017 ~ London Bridge Attacks - Islamic Jihadists hit London again - two attacks. More than 20 people mowed down with trucks on London Bridge, then they went on stabbing spree killing 7 and injured dozens with knives, throats slashed saying 'This is For Allah' as they kill people. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 4, 2017 ~ ISIS continues the Ramadan festivities with a Massive Kabul truck bomb killing more than 80 people and wounding over 300 including many women and children. [Islam, Terrorism]
May 31, 2017 ~ ISIS suicide bomber Salman Abedi kills 22 and injures hundreds at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester England - specifically targets young girls - Son of Libyan immigrants - once again he was known to authorities. [Islam, Terrorism, Immigration]
May 30, 2017 ~ To kick off Ramadan, ISIS gunman kills 23 Coptic Christians in Egypt - many of them were children - given a chance to renounce Christianity to save themselves but the murdered did not. [Islam, Terrorism]
May 30, 2017 ~ Joel Gilbert, More history of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey beginning in 1915 - not an ethnic squabble - Deliberate Muslim Jihad against non-Muslims per Islamic teachings - over 2 million executed [Islam, Terrorism]
May 28, 2017 ~ Trump's very successful trip and speeches to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Italy trip - very different tone than Obama's - on the side of Israel and the Sunni Muslims against Shite Iran instead of appeasing Iran. Denounced Islamic terrorism in Saudi Arabia. [Israel, Iran, Islam, Terrorism]
May 28, 2017 ~ John Sexton, 'There are 23,000 jihadists living in Britain'. Ben Wallace, the UK Security Minister reports that their are that many 'potential attackers' that they are aware of. They can barely track 3000 but that is way too inadequate to stop terrorism. [Islam, Terrorism]
May 28, 2017 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Terrorism Is Not Random, We must look at Muslim immigration with clear eyes' The left wants to continue to bury its head it the sand comparing many dozens of Islamic terrorist attacks to Tim McVeigh, one guy, who wasn't Christian or even a typical right winger. [Kevin Williamson, Islam, Terrorism]
May 28, 2017 ~ Sharia court in Indonesia sentences gay couple to caning - 85 Lashes. Followed by mass arrests. Supposedly one of the tolerant Muslim countries but also just sentenced a Christian to 2 years prison for blasphemy against the Koran. [Islam, LGBT]
May 28, 2017 ~ ISIS attacks the Philippines - takes over many buildings, holds hostages, burns down a Catholic Church - Martial Law is declared. [Islam, Terrorism]
May 28, 2017 ~ Andy Ngo, 'Inside the Secret World of Ex-Muslims' They explain how you must pretend to follow everything or you LITERALLY cannot survive - fear rules worse than any cult - slightest dissent or diversity of thought is violently not tolerated. Must meet in private 'Even in America' [Islam]
May 13, 2017 ~ Indonesian governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama jailed two years for 'blasphemy'. The popular Christian politician made an off the cuff remark about how a Koran verse was being used against him. Islam's brutal self protection mechanisms. High profile designed to silence everyone else. [Islam, Silencing]
May 12, 2017 ~ Muslim in Australia who 'spent two hours grabbing women, aged between 15 and 24 years' on the beach says its ok in his culture and they should dress appropriately instead of in bikinis - this is his legal defense. Assaulted 9 women and girls. Only given probation. [Islam, Immigration]
Apr 29, 2017 ~ Iran Arrests More Than 30 men suspected of homosexuality, Will Subject Them to 'Sodomy Tests' - Iran has executed over 4000 homosexuals since 1979 per the requirements of Islam [Islam, LGBT]
Apr 29, 2017 ~ Islamic Terrorist shoots people in Fresno. Kori Ali Muhammad yells 'Allahu Akbar' as he shot random white people, killing 3. Muhammad who is black told police that he 'hates white people' so this shooting is classified both as terrorism and a hate crime. [Islam, Terrorism, Racism]
Apr 28, 2017 ~ Chelsea Clinton defends FGM - says calling it female genital mutilation is 'racist'. Should be called 'genital cutting' says it 'has many health benefits' and 'is practiced in many beautiful cultures.' '#ImWithMuslims'. Ayaan Hirsi Ali sets her straight, explains 5 levels of FGM. [Islam, Fake Racism]
Apr 20, 2017 ~ Another Islamic Terrorist attack in Paris - ISIS claims responsibility - Muslim gunman uses AK-47 to shoot 3 police officers - would have shot many more people but he was killed in the act. [Islam, Terrorism]
Apr 19, 2017 ~ Female Genital Mutilation - first case in America - FBI arrests Muslim doctor Dr. Jumana Nagarwala - She correctly says it was basic religious practice of Islam. [Islam]
Apr 17, 2017 ~ Huffpo, Islamic Chechnya is arresting gay men, 'dark cells so small they can't even lie down, the men are mercilessly beaten? Some who survive are released to their families, a move that is usually a death sentence? taken by their male relatives to remote places to be killed.' [Islam, LGBT]
Apr 11, 2017 ~ Coptic churches are devastated by double ISIS bombers. More than 55 Coptic Christians are killed at two Palm Sunday services in Cairo Egypt. [Islam, Terrorism]
Apr 10, 2017 ~ Hollywood director Josh Whedon warns Trump will start rounding up, arresting and killing gay people after that happened in 95% Muslim Chechnya. 'This is harrowing, and it's where we're headed if we don't unite and act. Please use your #resistance skills to address this atrocity.' [TDS, LGBT, Fake News, Islam]
Apr 7, 2017 ~ TERRORIST ATTACK IN SWEDEN - Several deaths and injuries - Another truck driven into a crowd in Stockholm and others fired guns - terrorist killed - Vehicles are becoming a favorite weapon of terrorists - ISIS claims responsibility. [Islam, Terrorism, Immigration]
Apr 2, 2017 ~ Muslim Chechnya police arrest 100 alleged gay people, 3 killed - penalty for being gay in much of the Muslim world is death yet liberals and democrats defend Islam and Sharia while fighting the injustice of sales tax on tampons. [Islam, LGBT]
Mar 30, 2017 ~ Muslim ISIS member Khalid Masood drives truck into people in London then stabs others with a knife before being killed by police - the usual suspects keep their heads in the sand - London's Muslim mayor says just life in the a big city. [Islam, Terrorism]
Mar 11, 2017 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Why Do American Jews Want Thousands of Jew Haters in America?' - Need to be honest about how their beliefs have been shaped - Many Jews no longer feel safe in Europe and are leaving as attacks are increasing. Atlantic, 'Is It Time for the Jews to Leave Europe?' [Dennis Prager, Islam, Anti-Semitism, Terrorism]
Mar 11, 2017 ~ Amal Clooney to UN - Don't let Islamic State get away with genocide - protect evidence of mass graves and rapes so they can be brought to justice. Amal Clooney represents the victims of Islamic State rapes and kidnappings. [Islam, Terrorism]

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