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Feb 10, 2021 ~ French teacher Didier Lemaire was placed under police protection because he wrote a letter defending the Samuel Paty, the teacher who was beheaded by Islamists showing pictures of Mohamed in class. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Feb 10, 2021 ~ A barber in Nigeria’s majority-Muslim Kano state was arrested for cutting his clients’ hair in styles that were deemed offensive to the Islam and Mohammed. He had no idea what he did wrong. Some of the designs he cut had 'some similarities' to an old Islamic image they claimed. [Islam]
Jan 31, 2021 ~ Andrew McCarthy "'Democrats’ Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act Shields Jihadists" We already have a perfectly good domestic terrorism statute which covers everything. Dems want a new one that excludes foreign influenced. Dems want increased surveil without pissing off Muslim wing [Islam]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ The Islamic State (ISIS) is getting back into business. Two suicide bombings in Baghdad, Iraq, killed 32 and injured more than 100 others. 'the second bomber struck as people gathered after the first explosion.' [Iraq, Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 22, 2021 ~ Two American Muslims face prison sentences of up to ten years for blasphemy in Pakistan. Their website TrueIslam.com was deemed not to be the correct version of Islam and is therefore “blasphemous” against Islam and must be silenced. #silencing [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Thomas D. Williams, 'Islamic State Gunmen Kill Eleven Coal Miners in Pakistan' 'The militants blindfolded the miners and tied their hands behind their backs before shooting them, police video revealed.' [Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Thomas D. Williams, 'Militant jihadists killed at least 24 people, abducted 20 more, and torched a church in two Christmas Eve attacks in northeast Nigeria' Militants from Islamic State West Africa Province called the attack a "Christmas Present" in the video they made of it. [Islam, Terrorism]
Dec 28, 2020 ~ Chris Tomlinson, ''French Muslim Attacked After Posting Christmas Dinner Photo Online" Many Muslims in the world cannot safely escape Islam. They can't even say what they want, wear what they want or go to a friend's Christmas dinner. He was beaten by 5 other Muslims to keep him in his place. [Islam, Religion]
Dec 20, 2020 ~ Doug Bandow, 'Are You Committing Blasphemy?'84 countries have blasphemy laws, almost all are Muslim majority nations. 'Due process for defendants is often entirely absent. Attorneys who represent accused blasphemers are sometimes killed. Judges who fail to convict face attack.' [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing]
Dec 19, 2020 ~ Chris Tomlinson, 'French Academic Under Police Protection After Criticizing Islam' 'Islam does not recognize freedom of conscience. It’s still absolutely terrifying.' Receiving death threats. Under police protection after a teacher was recently beheaded by Muslims in the area. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Dec 16, 2020 ~ Islamic terrorist is arrested for plotting a 9/11 style attack on the US. Cholo Abdi Abdullah is arrested, charged with 'providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization, conspiracy to commit aircraft piracy and conspiracy to kill U.S. citizens.' [Islam, Terrorism]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ Christian Post, Radical Islamists have killed at least 30 Christians, raped 10 young women and girls, and kidnapped fifteen others in a spate of recent attacks in the Democratic Republic of Congo. [Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 29, 2020 ~ A mob of Muslims in Egypt attacked a church and assaulted Coptic Christians in retaliation for a Facebook post published by a young Coptic man, which Muslim locals considered insulting to the Prophet Muhammad. Over 100 arrested. Molotov Cocktails Chant 'There is no God but Allah' [Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 29, 2020 ~ Ryan Saavedra, 'Massive Islamic Terrorist Attack In Africa Results In Deaths Of At Least 110 People' Islamic Boko Haram “assailants tied up the agricultural workers and slit their throats in the village of Koshobe” AFP reported. [Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ French President Emmanuel Macron responds to those trying to blame all the recent Islamic terrorism including beheadings in France on France herself. 'I see them legitimizing this violence, and saying that the heart of the problem is that France is racist and Islamophobic.' BS [Fake Islamophobia, Fake Racism, Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 17, 2020 ~ Islamists affiliated with the Islamic State held a mass execution on a soccer field in Mozambique. They beheaded over 50 people and chopped their bodies to pieces. [Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 3, 2020 ~ Islamic terrorist Kujtim Fejzulai committed a mass shooting in Vienna killing 4 people before being killed by police. Fejzulai had previously been arrested for trying to join ISIS in Syria. His lawyer at the time argued that he was 'harmless'. [Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 3, 2020 ~ Over 1000 Muslims in NYC protested against French President Emmanuel Macron’s 'vilification of Islam'. Macron stood up for free speech and denounced several killings in France recently including 2 public BEHEADINGS. But it is Macron who needs to 'say sorry to Muslims' they say. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ After 10 years Pamela Gellar's organization, The American Freedom Defense Initiative is allowed to run ads in Detroit offering to help people wanting to leave Islam. It can be very difficult to leave Islam as becoming non-Islamic is not permitted by Sharia under penalty of death. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ Frances Martel and Edwin Mora, 'The Collapse of ISIS: Terrorist Group Sees 60% Drop in Casualties, over 70% Drop in Beheadings in Trump Era' ISIS grew huge under Obama who underestimated them, calling them 'JV'. Trump decimated them. [Islam, Terrorism, Trump Win]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ An Islamic terrorist killed 3 people including decapitating a woman in Notre-Dame Basilica in France. He yelled 'Allah Akbar!' over and over before being apprehended. This attack is shortly after another Islamic jihadist beheaded a French teacher in Paris. [Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 27, 2020 ~ France warned its citizens in several Muslim-majority countries to be very careful. Anger is brewing over the free speech stance taken by Macron. Posters of Macron are being torn up and stomped on after he called the beheaded teacher 'a hero'. Protests outside French Embassies. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Oct 26, 2020 ~ After a French teacher was beheaded for insulting Islam, several Muslim students have been arrested for threatening the lives of other teachers. The students argue that Sharia law is superior to French law. The students cheered the burning of French flags. [Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 21, 2020 ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali, 'Why is free speech something you can be murdered for in Western Europe?' Gives examples of other people like film director Theo van Gogh killed for the slightest offense against Islam. van Gogh and Hirsi Ali made a movie exposing 'Islam’s treatment of women.' [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Oct 16, 2020 ~ A teacher in a high school outside Paris was de-capitated for showing cartoons of Muhammed in a lesson on free speech.  Education Minister Blanquer. "the monstrosity of Islamist terrorism." Macron, He "was murdered today because he taught the freedom to believe or not believe." [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Sep 26, 2020 ~ Two Islamic Jihadists, Abdur Rahim and Ali Jibreel, were arrested for plotting terror attacks on NY City targets including Trump Tower. 'You are my enemy (America) and never will I wear your flag… but I will raise the black flag of Allah!' 'we need to take a lot of casualties.' [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 26, 2020 ~ Four more people are stabbed near the Charlie Hebdo offices where the decided to re-run the cartoons that led to Islamists killing 17. 'I saw a young woman with a huge head wound, blood was running all over her face.' Follow the rules of Islam or random fellow citizens will die. [Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Sep 22, 2020 ~ Charlie Hebdo HR director Marika Bret had to flee her home and go into hiding because Islamic terrorists are threatening her after CH republished for the trial, the Mohammed drawings that led to 17 people being killed, 11 injured. 11 months later, 130 killed at Bataclan theater. [Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ 13 year old Omar Farouq was sentenced in Nigeria to 10 years in prison for blasphemy against Islam for using 'foul language toward Allah in an argument with a friend.' Muslims in countries like this must live in fear of saying one errant word or stepping one toe off the line. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing]
Sep 14, 2020 ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains what the 'woke left' and 'radical Islam' have in common.  'Only their truth matters and no one else's' 'They don't want to debate.' 'They're bringing statues down everywhere.' 'They hate America.' 'They want to destroy America.' They are both a religion. [Cancel Culture, Islam, Silencing]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ On 9/11, recall that @JoeBiden advised President Obama not to get Bin Laden. ABC News 2012, 'Joe Biden confessed this weekend that he advised President Obama not to launch the mission that ultimately killed Osama bin Laden' 'Mr. President, my suggestion is, don’t go.' [Biden, Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 3, 2020 ~ Ben Whedon 'Iraq's Kurdistan Regional Government estimated in a report published Wed. nearly 3,000 Yazidis remain missing in the wake of the Islamic State genocide against them.' 'the enslavement, systematic rape, and trafficking of Ezidis was an essential part' of the caliphate. [Islam, Terrorism, Cancel Culture]
Sep 2, 2020 ~ Islamic terrorists who killed 17 people in Paris in 2015 attacks on Charlie Hebdo offices and a Jewish supermarket are finally going on trial. Charlie Hebdo republished the cartoons of Muhammad that were supposedly the reason that 17 people had to die. 'We will never give in.' [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 1, 2020 ~ Joy Reid in hot water with Ilhan Omar for anti-Islamic statements, 'When leaders... in the Muslim world, talk a lot of violent talk and encourage their supporters to be willing to commit violence... they are radicalizing... people... That's how we talk about the way Muslims act.' [Omar, Islam, Islamophobia]
Aug 27, 2020 ~ NYPD release body cam footage of an Islamic terrorist Dzenan Camovic, an illegal alien. He stabbed an officer in the neck and took his gun using it to shoot at two other officers. Yelled 'Allahu Akbar' Officers returned fire incapacitating him. All 3 officers were hospitalized. [Islam, Terrorism, Police]
Aug 26, 2020 ~ Headlines from just one day: 'Islamists Storm Christian Church in Nigeria, Killing Four Worshipers', 'France Pays Tribute to Six Citizens Killed in Suspected Islamist Terror Attack', 'Nigeria: Islamic Court Sentences Young Singer to Death for Blasphemy'. No one can dissent. [Islam, Terrorism, Silencing]
Aug 26, 2020 ~ Two Islamic State jihadists blew themselves up in suicide attacks in the Philippines. At least 14 people were killed and at least 75 injured. [Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 5, 2020 ~ Katie Pavlich, "Hezbollah Hoarded Fertilizer That Blew Up Beirut, Planned to Use it Against Israel in 'Nuclear' Style Attack". Huge explosion that leveled part of Beirut was 3000 tons of ammonium nitrate and other munitions stockpiled to be used on Israel. [Islam, Terrorism, Israel]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ A U.S. Appeals Court has overturned the death sentence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of the two Boston Marathon Bombers. Dzhokhar and his brother were radical Islamists who bombed the Boston Marathon in 2013 killing three and severely wounding hundreds. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jul 25, 2020 ~ Video released by Boko Haram jihadists show them killing five humanitarian workers. They warn Christians, 'This is a message to the infidels who are using you to... turn our people into unbelievers... you should repent and turn to God, or else' this fate 'will befall you too.' [Islam, Terrorism, Silencing]
Jul 21, 2020 ~ Islamic Jihadist attacks party goers in a Paris suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis armed with a knife and a semi-automatic rifle. The terrorist shouted 'Allah hu Akbar' as he attacked guests. Fortunately, he was stopped by a quick thinking person with a car. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jul 16, 2020 ~ Two Islamic teens were sentenced in France for plotting a terrorist attack on the Saint-Etienne police station. Planned to attack officers with knives. [Islam, Terrorism, Police]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ Jihadist Mohiussunnath Chowdhury was sentenced to life for plotting deadly terror attacks on London landmarks including Madam Tussauds, an iconic open-top double-decker sightseeing bus, and the gay pride festival. Had previously attacked police with sword yelling 'Allahhu Akbar'. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 21, 2020 ~ Libyan National Khairi Saadallah has been arrested for terrorism knife attack in Reading park, London. Saadallah who had been granted asylum in Britain went around stabbing random people. 3 killed, 3 injured. Saadallah was 'known to MI5' and was on their terror watch list. [Islam, Terrorism, Immigration]
Jun 19, 2020 ~ Trump signed the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act into law requiring sanctions for the mass incarceration of ethnic Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in concentration camps where they are slaves. 'We are deeply grateful to the U.S. government for passing this important act.' [Trump Win, Islam, Slavery, China]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Dzenan Camovic ambushed a New York City police officer stabbing him in the neck. Camovic yelled 'Allahu Akbar,' which means 'God is Great' in Arabic while in the process of committing the crime. Camovic was charged with attempted murder. [Police, Islam, Terrorism]
May 21, 2020 ~ Islamic Jihadist Adam Alsahli attempted to speed through a gate at the Naval Air Station Corpus Christi. He shot at a sailor who closed the gate on him. He got out and started shooting at others before being killed by security. Alsahli made posts supporting groups like Al-Qaeda. [Islam, Terrorism]
May 17, 2020 ~ Wall Street Journal, 'FBI Discovers al Qaeda Ties in Pensacola Shooter's iPhones' This is unsurprising considering Saudi airman Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani quoted Osama bin Laden hours before his shooting spree that killed 3 people. [Islam, Terrorism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
May 8, 2020 ~ Professor Nicholas Damask of Scottsdale Community College is receiving threats of violence and death because he taught that Islam justifies terrorism and Jihad. His whole family is in hiding including his parents and grandson. Don't say Islam is violent or they'll kill you! [Islam, Terrorism]
May 5, 2020 ~ Iranian boxing champion Ahmad Shirazi and his wife have been sentenced to 74 lashes and 9 years in prison for posting 'obscene and vulgar' content and 'spreading moral corruption' simply because she posed without a hijab. They leave 2 young children behind as they head to prison. [Islam, Silencing]

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