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May 1, 2020 ~ Pakistan's Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Muhammad Khan said 'Beheading is the only punishment for those who mock the Prophet Muhammad' 'Separate the head from the body. Allahu Akbar!' 80 are imprisoned in Pakistan for blasphemy. Most face death or life in prison. [Islam]
Apr 29, 2020 ~ A 29-year-old jihadist rammed his car into Paris police cars and motorcycles sending three police officers to the hospital. He had pledged his allegiance to ISIS and stated he wants Sharia Law to be imposed on the whole world. Police have labelled the attack 'terrorism'. [Islam, Terrorism]
Apr 26, 2020 ~ Netflix cancels their new show 'Messiah'. The show was criticized as 'anti-Islamic propaganda'. It is unknown if Netflix cancelled the show so as not to offend Muslims or because they fear violence that is often delivered to those who allegedly 'insult Islam' like Charlie Hebdo. [Islam]
Apr 22, 2020 ~ Thomas D. Williams, 'Islamic radicals severely beat 23-year-old Lydia Nabirye in Eastern Uganda, after the woman shared her Christian faith with a Muslim woman who subsequently converted to Christianity.' Both women were beaten. Muslims are not permitted by Islam to convert. [Islam, Religion, Religious Freedom]
Apr 22, 2020 ~ Ashe Show, 'New Documentary Claims Bill Clinton Had Chance To Kill Osama Bin Laden But Didn't See Him As Threat'. Clinton chose not to kill Bin Laden because would kill 100s of civilians. But doc reveals another chance he had but CIA ordered not 'to intentionally kill bin Laden.' [Islam, Terrorism]
Apr 21, 2020 ~ Femi Fani-Kayode, Nigeria's former minister of culture and tourism, wrote 'What Obama, John Kerry and Hilary Clinton did to Nigeria by funding and supporting Buhari... was sheer wickedness and the blood of all those killed by the Buhari... and Boko Haram... are on their hands.' [Islam, Terrorism, Hillary]
Apr 19, 2020 ~ Bill Maher on the idea that 'its racist to attack any cultural practice' "I say liberalism lost its way when it started thinking like that. And pretended that forcing a woman to wear this (full body burka) was just a different 'way' instead of an abhorrent human rights violation" [Islam, Fake Racism, Political Correctness]
Apr 19, 2020 ~ Islamist Osama El Hannouny has been arrested for attempting to burn down a Palos Hills church with occupants inside. He was attempting to ignite a gas main outside the church. He was previously arrested for slashing tires at a church because he 'doesn't like Christians'. [Islam, Terrorism]
Apr 15, 2020 ~ German police have arrested four members of the Islamic State in Berlin alleged to be planning an attack on American military facilities. 'Prosecutors said the men joined ISIS in January 2019 and were instructed to form a cell in Germany.' 'contact with high-ranking ISIS figures' [Islam, Terrorism]
Apr 4, 2020 ~ Sudanese refugee Abdallah A.O perpetrated a knife attack in Romans-sur-Isère France shouting 'Allahu Akbar!'. The Jihadist killed 2 and wounded at least 7 others before being taken into custody. 5 victims remain in critical condition. 3 other Sudanese refugees taken into custody. [Immigration, Islam, Terrorism]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ Islamic Jihadist Hasher Jallal Taheb plead guilty to attempting to destroy, by fire or an explosive. planning 'an attack in the US against targets such as the White House and the Statue of Liberty' He told the FBI informant 'jihad was the best deed in Islam and the peak of Islam' [Islam, Terrorism]
Mar 26, 2020 ~ Palestinian Imam Jamil Al-Mutawa is preaching '25 million infected people in just one of the fifty [US] states. Allah be praised' 'The virus is a soldier in Allah's army. Today, it's toppling people as if they were insects' Also happy Israel suffering. Says 'believers' immune. [Coronavirus, Islam, Israel, Fake News]
Feb 25, 2020 ~ Mary Margaret Olohan, 'DC Sniper May Get Parole After Virginia Governor Northam Signs Juvenile Sentencing Law' The DC Snipers shot 27 people, killing 17. Nation of Islam member John Muhammad who spoke of 'jihad' and 'Allah' was executed but new law may apply to Malvo who was 17. [Islam, Terrorism, Guns-Mass Shootings, Crime]
Feb 23, 2020 ~ Chris Tomlinson 'France: Muslim on Trial for Beating Wife, Daughters for Not Wearing Hijab' Tomlinson lists similar cases all over the world. Muslim women usually are required to wear the Hijab under penalty of beatings or prison. Each beating or sentence keeps millions in line. [Islam, Silencing]
Feb 20, 2020 ~ UK Mirror, 'Lesbian couple from Saudi Arabia facing death penalty declare love for each other on TV'. In their home country, 'under sharia law, same-sex relationships can be punishable by death.' Fortunately, they have been 'granted asylum in the UK.' [Islam, LGBT]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ German doctor, Cornelia Strunz sounds the alarm on large numbers of FGM cases in Germany due to Muslim migration. Over 70,000 cases. Details horror stories of women who can't menstruate properly, can't have sex, 'passing stools through the vagina'. Enabled by Chelsea Clinton. [Islam, Immigration]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ Breitbart interviews persecuted Christian Iranians 'the majority of Iranians they support President Trump and his policies toward Iran' They say the majority support the killing of Soleimani who killed 1000s of Iranians. '1000s more thrown into prison for blasphemy' many will die [Iran, Terrorism, Islam]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ U.S. drone strike kills Qasim al-Raymi in Yemen. Al-Raymi was a founder and the leader of a-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and was a deputy for Ayman al-Zawahiri, the current leader of al-Qaeda. 'The United States, our interests, and our allies are safer as a result of his death' [Trump Win, Islam, Terrorism]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ A French teenager, Mila has to be taken out of school and placed under police protection for criticizing Islam. She says she does not regret speaking her opinion despite all the death threats she now faces. Denis Lacorne 'What is worrisome is' people will self-censor out of fear. [Islam, Terrorism]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Young Turks contributor Hasan Piker, nephew of Cenk Uygur, mocked Kayla Mueller in a Bernie shirt. 'Oh, she likes CBT (cock and ball torture) and S&M (sadism and masochism).' Mueller was kidnapped by ISIS and spent 18 months as a sex slave for al-Baghdadi before being murdered. [Loathsome Left, Islam, Terrorism, Sanders]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ As Islamic terror attacks becoming more routine in the UK including by some who have committed prior acts, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, 'rehabilitating people who succumb to Islamism, it's very, very hard... Deradicalising people is a very, very difficult thing to do.' [Islam, Terrorism]
Feb 3, 2020 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'UK to crack down on Islamic terrorists after latest stabbing attack'. Another Islamic Jihadist, Sudesh Amman, stabs 3 in London. Shot dead by police. He already served years in prison for terrorism. Let out early. UK doubling terrorism sentences, and no early release. [Islam, Terrorism]
Feb 1, 2020 ~ A.J. Caschetta, 'The Irony and Hypocrisy of World Hijab Day' Inviting Western women to freely put on a hijab for a day while Muslim women all over the world have no choice but to wear it every day. Beaten and/or imprisoned if they don't. The Hijab is a symbol of their oppression. [Islam, Feminism, Silencing]
Jan 28, 2020 ~ Indonesia, the world's biggest Muslim-majority nation, is proud to announce that it now employs female floggers known as 'Sharia officers' who publicly whip violators of Sharia Law including for homosexuality, adultery, etc. 'we never sleep looking for violations of Sharia.' [Islam]
Jan 5, 2020 ~ Islamic Terrorist Organization Al-Shabab Attacks Joint U.S.-Kenyan Base destroying a few planes and helicopters. One U.S. service member and two American DoD contractors were killed. 5 terrorists were killed. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Catholic News Service reports that Islamic Boko Haram beheaded a Christian bride-to-be and her entire bridal party in Nigeria. This was on the same day that they released a video of 11 aid workers being killed, 10 by beheading. 'This message is to the Christians in the world.' [Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 3, 2020 ~ Another knife attack in London. Stabbed 3, killed 1. Injured two police officers. Shouted 'Allahu akbar'. Killed by police. [Islam, Terrorism]
Dec 30, 2019 ~ US retaliates for the al-Shabaab jihadist bomb that killed 80 in Somalia. AFRICOM, 'In coordination with the federal government of Somalia, US Africa Command conducted three airstrikes in two locations targeting al-Shabab militants'. Several jihadists were killed. [Islam, Terrorism]
Dec 29, 2019 ~ The al-Shabaab jihadist group which has ties to al-Qaida detonated a suicide car bomb in Somalia killing 80 people and injuring at least 125 others. Witness, 'Some of those dead were police officers, but most of them were students.' They have previously bombed hotels and malls. [Islam, Terrorism]
Dec 27, 2019 ~ Islamic State West Africa Province, ISWAP released a video showing the murder of 11 Christians, 10 were beheaded reportedly as revenge for the killing of ISIS leaders. The Christian Post reports that Islamic militants have killed over 1000 Christians in Nigeria in 2019 alone. [Islam, Terrorism]
Dec 22, 2019 ~ Pakistan sentenced Junaid Hafeez to death for blasphemy against Islam. Hafeez has been in prison for over 6 years, mostly in solitary to protect him from being killed by Muslims before trial. Each blasphemy sentence ensures the silence and obedience of millions of other people. [Islam, Silencing]
Dec 17, 2019 ~ Dennis Prager, 'The left doesn't concern itself with Islam, because it perceives Islam as an ally in its war against Western civilization, and because leftists do not have the courage to confront Islam. They know that confronting religious Muslims can be fatal' not so Christians. [Islam, Politics, Dennis Prager]
Dec 13, 2019 ~ Islamic group Boko Haram committed 100 attacks in the last 3 months near Nigerian border. 30 people were killed in a single village. 'Boko Haram terrorists have been fighting for over a decade to establish an Islamic caliphate in Nigeria.' UN says they killed 27,000 since 2009. [Islam, Terrorism]
Dec 7, 2019 ~ Saudi airman training in the US, Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, went on a shooting spree at U.S. Navy base in Pensacola. Killed 3 people before quick responders killed him. 'act of terrorism'. Quoted Osama bin Laden hours before. Claimed to be against America because 'against evil'. [Islam, Terrorism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Dec 1, 2019 ~ Boko Haram hacked to death a 12 year old Christian boy who refused to become an Islamic 'child soldier'. One of many offered the convert or die choice. Breitbart, 'more than 170,000 Cameroonians, mostly Christians, have been driven from their homes by Boko Haram.', UN Estimates. [Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 30, 2019 ~ Another Islamic terrorist attack on London Bridge. Usman Khan killed 2 people with a knife before being overpowered by bystanders and shot dead by police. Khan was previously sentenced to 16 years for terrorism but was insanely released 8 years early. Khan spoke of 'martyrdom'. [Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 15, 2019 ~ In retaliation for killing the terrorist leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, 450 rockets have been launched from Gaza into heavily populated areas of Israel. Iron Dome intercepted most but 85 people have been treated for injuries including children. Many homes destroyed. [Israel, Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 14, 2019 ~ Raymond Ibrahim article, 'The Other Genocide of Christians'. House Resolution 296 to acknowledges the Armenian Genocide properly recognizes others as well, 'Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites, and other Christians.' '750,000 Greeks, and 300,000 Assyrians.' [Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 11, 2019 ~ American-Syrian priest, Father Ibrahim Hanna was executed by the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria. The jihadists open fired on his car killing Hanna and his father. Two others in the back of the car barely escaped. ISIS often hits Qamishli with car bombs and gun fire. [Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 29, 2019 ~ The house overwhelmingly passes resolution to recognize and condemn the Ottoman Empire's genocide of 1.5 million Armenians. Rep. Ilhan Omar was one of the few who would not vote for the resolution. Perhaps because this genocide was committed by Turkish Muslims against Christians. [Islam]
Oct 27, 2019 ~ Raids on ISIS continue in Syria after ISIS leader al Baghdadi was killed. The next day, al Baghdadi's right hand man and ISIS spokesperson Abu al-Hassan al-Muhajir was also killed in a raid. Al Baghdadi was the most wanted terrorist in the world. Killed and tortured thousands. [Trump Win, Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 26, 2019 ~ The media can't give Trump credit for anything good. Washington Post headline about one of the most sadistic terrorists of all time. 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48.' NYT, 'in spite of, and not because of, Mr. Trump's actions' [Trump Win, Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 26, 2019 ~ US Forces kill leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in daring Syria raid. Operation in planning since the summer. Coordination with Russia, Syria and the Turkey. Dems upset they were not informed but reason is they leak like a sieve. 'Schiff is the biggest leaker in Washington' [Trump Win, Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 26, 2019 ~ Arizona Democrat Party Chairman Felecia Rotellini claims that President Trump 'has aligned himself with ISIS'. 'The other reason why people are going to vote is because Donald Trump is manipulating the White House and has aligned himself with ISIS and Saudi Arabia.' Pure TDS lies [TDS, Fake News, Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ Trump Administration negotiates a 'permanent ceasefire agreement' between Turkey and the Kurds in Syria. The Kurdish commander thanks Trump, 'We THANK President Trump for his tireless efforts that stopped the brutal Turkish attack and jihadist groups on our people.' [Trump Win, Syria, Islam]
Oct 20, 2019 ~ A Hindu man in Bhola, Bangladesh *may have* said something bad about the prophet Muhammad on FaceBook. He denies it but a mob of Muslims descended on Bhola demanding justice. Four people ended up dead and over 100 were wounded including about 12 police officers. [Islam]
Oct 10, 2019 ~ Cory Booker was asked about the Pulse Night Club shooting which was carried out by a Muslim associated with ISIS. He responds 'the majority of the terrorist attacks in this country since 9/11 had been right-wing extremist groups, the majority of them had been white supremacist' [Fake News, Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 3, 2019 ~ 4 killed in a knife attack on the Paris police headquarters. 3 officers killed and an administrative worker. The attacker converted to Islam 18 months prior to committing the attack. Attack was the fourth public Islamic stabbing incident in France in two years. [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 27, 2019 ~ A gang of 16 targeted a group of six young athletes in Finsbury Park, London. Only the three who were white were robbed and threaten with knives. They told the black victims 'You're good'. The attack happened in area known for its links to radical Islam. [Racism, Islam, Immigration]
Sep 27, 2019 ~ Reuters, 'More than 300 boys and men, some as young as five and many in chains and bearing scars from beatings, have been rescued in a raid on a building that purported to be an Islamic school' in Nigeria. ' There bc 'I've become a Christian, I've left the Islamic way of life.' [Islam]

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