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May 20, 2021 ~ Christian Walker, son of Hershel Walker says, 'I support Israel because the other side would behead me' in response to gay progressive groups like 'Queers for Palestine.' There are no open queers IN Palestine because they would be killed, jailed, harassed, and attacked. [Islam, Israel, LGBT]
Mar 16, 2021 ~ Columbia University will host six graduation ceremonies divided by sex, race, income, sexual orientation. Black, Asian, Latinx, LGBT, Etc. The left does everything it can to divide us. This is the world Democrats want. Separate water fountains can't be far behind. [College, Identity Politics, LGBT, Loathsome Left, Race]
Feb 25, 2021 ~ House passes the 'Equality Act.' Matt Walsh, 'Feminists are cheering as Democrats in congress legally erase women.' 'This bill is the most serious assault on women's rights in American history. It seeks to legally erase female as a category.' Forces males into female sports. [Feminism, Gender, LGBT, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 6, 2021 ~ Kelly Paul, 'Women Shouldn’t Accept Third Place In A Race They Won' 'Women should not be relegated to clapping politely from the bench' Democrats, who think they are the #partyofscience, pretend there was never any reason to segregate sports by sex. #bideneraseswomen [Anti-Science, LGBT, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 3, 2021 ~ Christiana Holcomb, ADF Legal Counsel on trans girls stealing biological girl's spots. 'Allowing boys to compete in girls' sports reverses nearly 50 years of advances for women under this law. We shouldn't force these young somen to be spectators in their own sports." [LGBT, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Biden repealed Trump's executive order barring people who identify as transgender from serving in the military. The military is back on the hook for paying for sex reassignment surgeries and providing the trans-soldiers their lifelong, daily medications to maintain transition. [LGBT, Trans]
Jan 25, 2021 ~ Miley Cyrus is called a transphobe for saying, 'Everyone knows tits are prettier than balls. That's what ended up making female relationships make more sense to me.' Trans activists are upset she associated balls with males. 'Genitals do not equal gender.' 'dangerous beliefs.' [LGBT, Trans]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Dr. Susan Berry 'Feminists from the Women’s Liberation Front are condemning Biden's executive order that removes any legal recognition of the two sexes and eliminates crucial protections for women' 'female people are no longer a discrete class with protected status under the law' [Feminism, LGBT, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ Out.com, 'Norway Has Made Biphobic, Transphobic Speech Illegal' "The penal code states that those who are guilty of hate speech face a fine or up to a year in jail for private comments, and a maximum of three years in jail for public remarks." No free speech. [Free Speech, LGBT, Silencing, Trans]
Nov 17, 2020 ~ PinkNews claims that "Joe Biden 'almost certain' to make Pete Buttigieg America's first out gay cabinet official." This #FakeNews was corrected by Richard Grenell, who is openly gay, and served as Trump's U.S. ambassador to Germany and as acting Director of National Intelligence. [Fake News, LGBT]
Nov 9, 2020 ~ LGBTQ Nation claims, 'Joe Biden will be the first president to enter the White House supporting marriage equality.' This is total #FakeNews. @realDonaldTrump was the first but the left has to lie and or pretend he is a cartoon villian: all bad and no good. [Fake News, LGBT, TDS]
Nov 5, 2020 ~ The Advocate, 'LGBT Support for Trump Doubled Since 2016'. Seems many have seen through the lies and smears of the Democrat party. #WalkAway was started by a gay man and one of the early members was a trans woman. @BrandonStraka @MsBlaireWhite [Fake Homophobia, LGBT]
Oct 14, 2020 ~ Sen. Hirono looks ridiculous scolding ACB for using the term 'sexual preference' which she says is 'offensive'. Immediately montages show dems including Biden and RBG using it. Webster dictionary changes the definition to match Hirono. The Advocate used the phrase a few weeks ago [Cancel Culture, LGBT, Loathsome Left, SCOTUS]
Oct 12, 2020 ~ Newsweek, 'Poll Shows 45% of Queer Men Backing Trump' Richard Grenell, the first openly gay cabinet member in U.S. history said, 'President Trump is the best President the gay and lesbian community has ever had.' @realDonaldTrump called the pro-Trump LGBT group, Outspoken. #LGBT [LGBT, Trump Win]
Jun 15, 2020 ~ The Supreme Court rules in Bostock v. Clayton County case. The 1964 Civil Rights Act says that employers cannot discriminate on 'race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. According to the 6-3 majority, 'sex' now means 'sex, gender identity and sexual orientation'. [SCOTUS, Trans, Gender, LGBT]
Apr 10, 2020 ~ Cake Maker Jack Phillips is sued again for not making a cake related to 'gender transitioning'. At this point it is obvious that activists seek him out to try to force him to make cakes that conflict with his values. He has already won at SCOTUS regarding same sex marriage. [Religious Freedom, Trans, LGBT, SCOTUS]
Mar 30, 2020 ~ Elton John runs afoul with the 'woke' gender police. John uses 'his' to talk about Sam Smith who he calls 'my dear friend'. Smith now says he's 'non-binary'. The gender police is all over Elton about 'misgendering', 'Shame on you Elton!', 'Do better.' Even Elton John is a bigot. [Trans, LGBT, Identity Politics, Political Correctness, Gender]
Feb 22, 2020 ~ New York Post, 'President Trump made history this week after appointing Richard Grenell to serve as acting Director of National Intelligence. The new job, a cabinet-level position, makes Grenell the highest serving openly gay man to hold federal office in United States history.' [Trump Win, LGBT]
Feb 21, 2020 ~ LGBT YouTuber Arielle Scarcella is 'officially leaving the left'. Familiar story, previously leftwing people bullied, harassed, cancelled by the 'woke' to the other side. 'I don't think like these people and I no longer want to be associated with them.' Its 'a hive mind cult'. [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, LGBT, Silencing, #WalkAway]
Feb 20, 2020 ~ UK Mirror, 'Lesbian couple from Saudi Arabia facing death penalty declare love for each other on TV'. In their home country, 'under sharia law, same-sex relationships can be punishable by death.' Fortunately, they have been 'granted asylum in the UK.' [Islam, LGBT]
Nov 2, 2019 ~ Andrew Sullivan worries about minors being advised to 'transition' when really they are just uncomfortable with being homosexual. 'What role does homophobia play in enabling transition?' Advises therapy 'as opposed to swift affirmation and handing out testosterone like candy.' [Trans, LGBT]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ Democrats look ridiculous grilling FaceBook's Zuckerberg. Many demand that FaceBook censor political ads based on if they are 'true' or not. This is of course impossible and no one should want FaceBook deciding what is true. Want to know percentages of LGBTQ+ and other identities [Silencing, Free Speech, Politics, LGBT]
Oct 8, 2019 ~ Natasha Chart of FeministCurrent.org insists 'a man can never be a woman'. Objects to 'gender transition treatments' that 'leave children sterile for life at ages where they can't possibly consent to such permanent decisions.' Objects to men being in all women's spaces now. [Trans, LGBT]
Sep 30, 2019 ~ Trans Cycling 'Champion' Rachel McKinnon declares that 'Genital preferences are transphobic.' and furthermore, 'Any sexual orientation other than pan is immoral because sexual genital preferences immoral'. All non bisexuals must be transphobic and immoral then. [Trans, LGBT, Gender]
Sep 23, 2019 ~ Andrew Sullivan worries about minors being advised to 'transition' when really they are just gay or 'girly boys and tomboys'. 'How many gay kids, I wonder, are now being led into permanent physical damage or surgery'? 'Instead of seeing effeminate men as one kind of masculinity' [Trans, LGBT]
Aug 28, 2019 ~ Trans activists vandalize the Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter with death threats and a dead rat nailed to the door. 'Kill TERFs, Trans Power' written on window. TERF is Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. VRRWS did not admit trans women with penis into rape safe space. [Trans, Violent Left, LGBT]
Aug 26, 2019 ~ Taylor Swift at the VMAs advocates 'the Equality Act which basically just says we all deserve equal rights under the law.' It means that because its named 'The Equality Act', obvi. It also means males competing in female sports and occupying female spaces like rape shelters. [LGBT, Trans]
Aug 18, 2019 ~ The Palestinian Authority banned LGBT groups in the West Bank and said it would arrest anybody participating in them 'They are calling us traitors and corrupt people and many are calling for our execution. We are afraid for our lives.' The penalty for being gay in Islam is death. [Islam, LGBT]
Jul 21, 2019 ~ Transgender law apparently requires women to handle scrotums. 'Brazilian immigrant living in Canada was forced to close up her small business after refusing to wax the male genitals of transgender LGBT activist Jessica Yaniv'. Procedure needs different training and wax on man. [Trans, LGBT]
Jun 29, 2019 ~ A Chick-fil-A in Manhattan was vandalized during the Pride Parade. 'Fuck Haters' written on the windows. Chick-fil-A does not discriminate against the LGBT community but is a frequent target because its owners do not agree with same sex marriage. [LGBT, Violent Left]
Jun 25, 2019 ~ U.S. women's soccer team co-captain Megan Rapinoe said 'I'm not going to the fucking White House'. She also won't stand for the American Anthem while representing America on the US team. Says Trump is anti-gay even though he is probably the most pro-gay president yet. [TDS, LGBT]
Jun 14, 2019 ~ USA Today article, '13 countries where being gay is legally punishable by death' All 13 countries are Islamic. 'The sentence for the crime of being gay in some countries is rooted in the interpretation of Sharia law, according to the ILGA report on state-sponsored homophobia.' [Islam, LGBT]
Jun 11, 2019 ~ The left is claiming that the Trump administration is anti-lgbt because it won't fly the rainbow flag on the main flagpole at US Embassies around the world. But only the American flag is flown on that pole or their would be other flag demands. There are no restrictions elsewhere. [LGBT, Fake News]
Jun 11, 2019 ~ Having lost their gay wedding cake suit against Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, the left is now suing him a third time because he simply must submit to their tyranny. Sued by Autumn Scardina who wanted him to bake a cake with Satan licking a 9 inch black dildo. [LGBT, Loathsome Left]
Jun 6, 2019 ~ Police banned from marching in uniform in the CA Pride parade. Because 'When impressionable lgbtq kids see gay bankers and cops flaunting their lifestyles at the parade, they get the wrong idea that queer liberation is possible within capitalism.' Can't be for LGBT and capitalism [LGBT, Police, Silencing]
Jun 3, 2019 ~ Joe Biden stokes fears by falsely accusing Trump of murder, 'We've already had five, just this year, five black transgender women killed violently in 2019, That's outrageous. It must, it must, it must end. And the fastest way to end it is, end the Trump administration.' [TDS, Fake News, Fake Homophobia, LGBT, Loathsome Left, Biden]
May 31, 2019 ~ Trump is the first US President to acknowledge Pride Month, 'As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people' imprisoned or executed for who they are. [Trump Win, LGBT]
May 31, 2019 ~ Cher, always trying to make each tweet more ridiculous than the last said that if Trump wins in 2020 he will put LGBT people 'IN INTERNMENT CAMPS!!' This is totally plausible so everyone vote for dems or Internment Camps are BACK!! She either thinks you are that stupid or she is. [TDS, Fake Homophobia, LGBT]
May 30, 2019 ~ Segregation is back. Virginia Tech is running 10 different graduation ceremonies to segregate and divide people into separate but equal groups. There are ceremonies for black, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian, Jewish, Muslim and LGBT students among others. [Race, LGBT, Islam, College]
Apr 27, 2019 ~ Homosexuality is punishable by death in Saudi Arabia per Sharia Law. 37 were beheaded last week for being 'militants' but actual reason was for being gay. 'Amnesty International said they were convicted "after sham trials" that relied on confessions extracted through torture.' [Islam, LGBT]
Mar 6, 2019 ~ Jack Phillips, the Colorado cake shop owner who was sued by the state's civil rights commission for not baking a cake for a gay wedding in 2012 won at the Supreme Court 7-2. Now CO state is dismissing the case for the 2nd time. [LGBT, Religious Freedom, SCOTUS]
Mar 3, 2019 ~ In article 'Inside the suspicious rise of gay hate crimes in Portland'. Andy Ngo reveals that a 'surge' of 15 Portland hate crimes aimed at the LGBT community were hoaxes perpetrated by left wing activists. Activists advocated violence against innocent people they falsely accused [Fake Hate Crime, LGBT]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren is asked about Biden calling Pence 'a decent guy' for which he has apologized for. Warren says that 'No', Pence, a guy many think is 'too nice' for politics, is not a decent guy. She can't think of -anyone- decent in Trump admin. She's on board with the new rules [Loathsome Left, LGBT, Biden]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Joe Biden outrages his side by calling VP Pence 'a decent guy'. Most trot out the debunked idea that Pence supports gay conversion therapy. Biden didn't realize the era of honest disagreement is over. You must brand your opponents as evil for face the liberal mob. He apologized. [Loathsome Left, LGBT, Biden]
Feb 25, 2019 ~ Nikki Joly, who organized pro-LGBTQ events and initiatives in Jackson, MI is charged with burning down his home to make it look like an anti-gay hate crime - he was not happy with the lack of publicity for the gay pride parade he organized. [Fake Hate Crime, LGBT]
Feb 20, 2019 ~ The LGBT L's are starting to war with the T's - L's don't like men invading what were supposed to be 'women's spaces' like sports and women's shelters - feminism is to blame for preaching only 'superficial physical differences' between the sexes for decades. [Trans, Trans Athletes, LGBT]
Feb 20, 2019 ~ LGBTQ Sports Group Expels Martina Navratilova After Transgender Criticism. 'Athlete Ally' called Navratilova 'transphobic' and said she 'has been removed from our Advisory Board and as an Athlete Ally Ambassador, effective immediately.' Martina is anti-LGBT say the loons. [Trans, Trans Athletes, LGBT, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Feb 19, 2019 ~ Out Magazine says 'Trump's Plan to Decriminalize Homosexuality Is an Old Racist Tactic'. Trump is simply trying to 'demonize' Iran where a gay man was just hung for being gay. Claiming it's racist to condemn the killing gay people is a symptom of severe Trump Derangement Syndrome [TDS, LGBT, Fake Racism]
Feb 19, 2019 ~ The Trump administration will launch an effort to decriminalize homosexuality in countries where it is still illegal, as part of a diplomatic push for LGBTQ rights - 72 countries criminalize homosexuality and 8 apply the death penalty'. [Trump Win, LGBT]
Jan 25, 2019 ~ Nigeria Tells Gay Citizens - 'Leave the Country or Face Prosecution' 'If you are homosexually inclined, Nigeria is not a place for you? penalties of up to 15 years in jail.' [LGBT, Islam]

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