Aug 27, 2020 ~ Cardi-B for some reason is the only person Biden let interview him prior to the DNC. No Sunday shows. People could not believe he would not do a serious interview. Almost everything C-B says has to be bleeped. She just accused Melania of being a prostitute in a vulgar way. [Loathsome Left, Biden]
Aug 27, 2020 ~ Violent Kenosha protesters call for killing cops and say "Death to America". "Kill the fucking police" they say. Set fire to American flags. All this because a man fighting the cops was shot reaching for a weapon. The only thing they think police should be allowed to do is die. [BLM, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Police]
Aug 26, 2020 ~ Violent Democrat Marquise Damarius Asomani was arrested by the Fort Mill, NC Police Department, for firing his gun out his window at a political gathering of Trump supporters. Charged with 9 felony counts. 'I think it's a shame that we can't show our support for our president.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 26, 2020 ~ Rand Paul speaks at the RNC. Bette Midler celebrates violence against him. Calls for more. 'Where's #RandPaul's neighbor when we need him?' That neighbor attacked him, broke his ribs and damaged his lungs. Midler has called for Trump to be knifed and hung and his kids hung. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Aug 26, 2020 ~ Melania Trump speaks at the RNC. Democrats treat her disgracefully as usual. Bette Midler makes fun of her foreign accent, 'Oh, God. She still can't speak English.' Kathy Griffin, 'Seriously, fuck this bitch.' Teen vogue calls her a 'racist birther'. Lovely people these dems. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Aug 26, 2020 ~ Nicholas Sandmann addresses the RNC and describes how democrats and the Fake News Media falsely smeared him. Fake News CNN's political analyst Joe Lockhart picks up right where they left off last year and calls Sandman a 'snot nose entitled kid from Kentucky.' [Covington, Loathsome Left]
Aug 26, 2020 ~ A new Black Lives Matter tactic emerges: demanding that white diners raise their fist and repeat slogans in soladarity. Many comply. Those that don't have mobs of screaming people in their face, being called 'white supremacists', middle fingers, yelling an inch from their face. [BLM, Racism, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Aug 25, 2020 ~ A violent mob attempts to burn the East Precinct in Seattle. 'intent appeared to be to burn the building with the officers inside.' The thugs tried to seal the doors with concrete before setting the fire. Police had trouble getting out. Fortunately the thugs used too much water. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Police]
Aug 24, 2020 ~ Dems defend the BLM mob destroying Kenosha and beating innocent people say Blake should not have been shot. Blake fought with police and was reaching into car. Videos shared of police getting shot to educate ignorant dems about what happens when you let suspects get into car. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Police, Fake Racism, BLM]
Aug 24, 2020 ~ The violent BLM mob that destroyed Kenosha, WI after Jacob Blake was shot attacked police and business owners trying to protect their family business owners. Officer hit in head with a brick and crowd cheers. Man protecting his business is beaten unconscious. Very little left. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Police, Fake Racism, BLM]
Aug 24, 2020 ~ Police shoot Jacob Blake in Kenosha, WI after Blake resisted arrest, fought with police, woud not stop, reached for something in car. BLM 'protesters' LAID WASTE to Kenosha. They could not have done more damage with carpet bombing. Destroyed business after business after business. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Police, Fake Racism, BLM]
Aug 24, 2020 ~ Byron York, 'Latest TDS outbreak: Rose Garden mania' Melania Trump renovates of the White House Rose Garden. TDS afflicted loons see racism and fascism. 'a new-fascist parade ground' 'Devoid of color, they somehow brought a white supremacy vibe' compared to springtime pic. #TDS [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Aug 24, 2020 ~ Nancy Pelosi calls Republicans 'domestic enemies'. 'the domestic enemies to our voting system and our honoring of the Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States.' She's become a vile, hate filled woman inciting hatred [Loathsome Left]
Aug 23, 2020 ~ The two deranged Democrats who tore up Trump signs and stole a 7 year old's MAGA hat and then punched his parents have been arrested. Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy charged with robbery, conspiracy, endangering the welfare of a child and offensive touching. Happens routinely. [Trump Win, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 22, 2020 ~ The Portland rioters move on to an ICE facility chanting their usual slogans like 'Abolish Police' and 'No cops. No KKK no fascist USA.' Spray painting the building, starting fires, trying to break windows. Over 80 days of rioting ignored and enabled by Democrats and the MSM. [Antifa, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Aug 22, 2020 ~ After two deranged democrats took Trump political signs and destroyed them, stole the MAGA hat of a 7 year old and punched the 7 year old's parents all unprovoked, that 7 year old got a call from the White House and now ' Riley will be getting a very special replacement hat'. [Trump Win, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 21, 2020 ~ Viral video of two women outside the Democratic Convention taking the signs of Trump supporters and tearing them up, then stealing a MAGA hat from a kid and refusing to give it back. When the parents follow asking for the hat back, the violent Democrats punch them. Very common. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 21, 2020 ~ Black Lives Matter continues to march through residential neighborhoods in Portland screaming through megaphones at people things like 'Right here is another example of white men feeling comfortable. Fuck your flag. Fuck your flag!' Entire crowd cheers with fists in the air. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Aug 21, 2020 ~ Black Lives Matter protesters beat an effigy of a Minnesota journalist and her husband Bob Kroll on their driveway. The leader John Thompson, a Democratic candidate for the Minnesota House yells at Kroll's neighbors, 'Fuck your motherfuckin peace white racist motherfuckers!' [BLM, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Police]
Aug 20, 2020 ~ More video emerges of John Thompson, a Democratic candidate for the Minnesota House of Representatives. 'Fuck your motherfucking peace, white racist motherfuckers' To someone with a pro-police flag, 'You can take that sign and stick it in your ass.' 'Blue lives ain't shit'. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Aug 20, 2020 ~ Black Lives Matter marches through residential neighborhoods in Portland late at night yelling on bullhorns, 'Wake up! Wake up motherfucker wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up motherfucker wake up!' [BLM, Loathsome Left]
Aug 20, 2020 ~ Texas A&M Professor Filipe Castro calls Trump a 'fat klansman with a wife bought from a catalog.' Fantasizes about Trump dying while having sex with Ivanka. 'Trump having a heart attack on top of his daughter and crushing her with his fat' These people 'teach' your children. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, College]
Aug 17, 2020 ~ Portland Sgt. Brent Maxey says the protests have been hijacked by anarchists. 'started off as protests. . . but these have now devolved. They've been hijacked by anarchists... people that are just bent on destruction and hurting, mainly hurting police' or anyone who disagrees. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Aug 17, 2020 ~ Kyle Morris, 'Virginia Democrat, NAACP Leaders Face Felony Charges in Monument Destruction' Virginia State Senator Louise Lucas and Portsmouth NAACP Chapter President James Boydis are charged with felony destruction of monuments. A State SENATOR. Dems will be Dems. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Aug 17, 2020 ~ Seattle Cop resigns on camera. Tells #BLM activist 'I'm leaving. You guys won!' Spineless politicians cave to the mob lies. Defund and don't support the police. Allow them to be abused verbally and physically all day every day. Must endure extreme verbal abuse, racist and sexist. [BLM, Police, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Aug 16, 2020 ~ President Trump's brother Robert Trump has died. Many on the left celebrate with dancing cat videos and such. #WrongTrump trends on Twitter showing that large numbers of democrats are vocal about how they would have rathered it was President Trump who had died. [Loathsome Left]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ Another night in Portland where the Democratic mayor allows violent left wing criminals to run wild. They burned a pig's head, an American flag and a Trump flag. Threatened and injured officers with rocks, bottles, fireworks, paint cans and other weapons. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ The lies democrats tell are breathtaking in their boldness. Susan Rice, Trump 'sends troops into the streets of our cities to attack peaceful protesters.' Vile smear of good cops as 'troops' who never 'attacked peaceful protesters'. As if people can't see months of rioting. [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Police]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ The Oregon State Police is pulling out its 100 state troopers from protecting the Mark O. Hatfield US Courthouse in Portland after the Portland DA announced that he is not pursuing charges against the rioters. Why allow them to be attacked with rocks and mortars each night? [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Kamala Harris once joked about killing Trump, Pence and Sessions on Ellen and laughed about it. Which would you rather be stuck on an island with Ellen asked. 'Does one of us have to come out alive?' They laugh. Ellen claps. Outrage if anyone said that about Obama or Hillary. [Harris, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Aug 11, 2020 ~ Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best resigns after the 'Abolish Police' City Council cut her salary, reduced the size of the police force by 100 officers and slash four million dollars from the force's budget. Seattle's leadership are literally anti-police. Crime is skyrocketing. [Loathsome Left, Police]
Aug 9, 2020 ~ Danielle Muscato, another insufferable left wing cancel culture scold tries to publicly humiliate a Kroger manager for refusing to force a customer to wear a mask. Self described 'full time' 'Resist' activist tries to get him harassed on Twitter. @RealTargetTori to the rescue! [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Aug 9, 2020 ~ Joe Biden tweets, 'It's been six years since Michael Brown's life was taken in Ferguson - reigniting a movement. We must continue the work of tackling systemic racism and reforming policing.' Disgraceful lying to pander for votes. Brown was justifiably killed trying to kill a cop [Biden, Police, Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Aug 7, 2020 ~ Two elderly women stand up to the violent left wing mob in Portland trying to destroy a police station. Put out fires. Endure thugs screaming obscenities in their face and pouring paint on their head. Millons hang their heads in shame as they remain silent to keep their jobs. [Antifa, BLM, Crime, Loathsome Left, Police, Silencing, Violent Left]
Aug 7, 2020 ~ NYT, 'Abolish the Police? Those Who Survived the Chaos in Seattle Aren't So Sure' As Democrats and the MSM lied about the 'summer of love', 'block party', 'peaceful protest' that was CHAZ/CHOP, business owners tell the truth. Without cops, violent, armed, left wing thugs ruled. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Crime, Police, Fake News]
Aug 4, 2020 ~ Sen. Hirono and other dems repeatedly smear federal law enforcement with lies. 'Beaten Up by Unidentifiable Federal Agents.' 'outfitted as if for war'. Some called them 'secret police'. Ted Cruz exposes their lies. "the words 'police' in bright yellow all caps across their chest" [Loathsome Left, Police]
Aug 2, 2020 ~ Large mob of BLM protesters show up at Republican Senator Warren Limmer's house in Minnesota demanding he address them. Banging on his door. Banging a drum on his lawn. 'Now we turn up the sound'. 'Make some noise!' Yells and screams. Bullhorn, 'We're going to be here all night.' [BLM, Loathsome Left]
Aug 2, 2020 ~ Vile, police hating democrat Vincent J. Sessler is arrested for spitting in the coffee of police officers while working at Dunkin' Donuts in Chicago. [Loathsome Left, Police]
Aug 2, 2020 ~ Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best Slams her clueless city council leadership after the mob targets her home: 'You Must Forcefully Call For The End Of These Tactics'. Best is barking up the wrong tree. The city council is on the side of the mob except when they target their homes. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ AOC points out a statue of Father Damien, canonized Catholic Saint and beloved 'hero' in Hawaiian history. Spent his life and 'gave his life' caring for people with leprosy which he died of himself. AOC explains, 'This is what patriarchy and white supremacist culture looks like!' [Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Loathsome Left]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ Police around the country show tremendous restraint as 'woke' democrats scream obscenities in their face for long periods of time including calling black officers 'race trading ass fucking coons' 'fucking pigs', 'fucking piece of shit', 'little dick bitch', 'fuck the po-lease'. [Loathsome Left, Police]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ A group of 80-100 protesters were walking through a residential neighborhood in Seattle looking to harass a City Council member. A man who came out to ask them to quiet down so people could sleep was physically attacked by the mob. Lasers in eyes. Hospitalized for a head injury. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Obama makes very political speech at John Lewis' funeral. Compares police to 'George Wallace' 'George Wallace may be gone but we can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators.' Lies about voter race based suppression. [Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Newsweek, 'Charles Barkley Blasted For Supporting Players Who Stand For National Anthem' 'The national anthem means different things to different people? if people don't kneel, they're not a bad person? should not be vilified.' Dems are furious. Hating the USA is mandatory. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ Many Democrats were extremely rude in the Barr hearing. Did not allow him to speak, demanding he answer yes or no, etc. they were hostile and rude. They were extremely upset that Barr would defend courthouses from mob destruction. They lie about arresting peaceful 'protesters' [Loathsome Left]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ More than 100 police agencies are pulling out of security agreements for the Democratic National Convention. Democrats have consistently sided with the people killing and attacking police on a daily basis. They created and feed the false narrative that the police are the enemy. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Police]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ At every turn Dems and the Fake News Media lie about the police and protects the criminals. Chris Hayes falsely claims a woman was 'kidnaped' by the police. NYPD sets the record straight. Put in van quickly because arresting officers were being pelted with rocks and bottles. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Police, Crime]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ Andrew McCarthy, "Democrats Make Mockery of Barr 'Hearing'". 'It was an embarrassing spectacle' Dems were extremely rude. Made vile false accusations. Would not let Barr answer. 'It is impossible that Democrats do not know the difference between peaceful protesters and rioters'. [Loathsome Left, Crime]
Jul 28, 2020 ~ Rep. Pramila Jayapal says to Barr, 'When White men with swastikas storm a government building with guns, there is no need for the president to activate you'. Totally ridiculous. They were not Nazis. The swastikas were to protest the Gov. And they were not destroying the building! [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 28, 2020 ~ Barr exposes Dem lies at hearing. 'We're protecting federal property, specifically US Courthouses? We have the obligation to protect federal courts? Since when is it okay to try and burn down a federal court?... That's what we are doing in Portland... defending the courthouse.' [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]