Jul 1, 2020 ~ Democrats will not sign Mike Lee's resolution praising peaceful protesting, condemning mob violence and rioting, condemning tearing down statues of former presidents, praising law enforcement, ' the overwhelming majority of such officers are honest, courageous, patriotic' [Loathsome Left, Police]
Jun 29, 2020 ~ Fletch Daniels, 'Driving Conservatives Underground' No one can display Trump, GOP yard signs or bumper stickers because that will attract violence, vandalism or cancel culture. 'liberty-minded people almost operate like a secret society, sending quiet signals to one another.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Jun 29, 2020 ~ Fox News' Dan Springer and crew were accosted by violent protesters at Seattle's CHOP. They shut down the live shot with vulgar language, assaulted him, threw coffee him. Forced to get in car. 'he's trying to get away'. They jumped in front of the car and pounded on the hood. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jun 29, 2020 ~ Washington Post editor Karen Attiah posted a list of crimes committed by white women against black people including 'voting for Trump.' She said, 'White women are lucky that we are just calling them 'Karen's'. And not calling for revenge.' Better vote how she demands white women. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jun 29, 2020 ~ Ryan Lizza, Politico's chief Washington correspondent asked White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany: 'Does President Trump believe that it was a good thing that the south lost the Civil War?' Its not possible for the media to be more biased, more embarrassing or more fake. [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Slavery]
Jun 28, 2020 ~ Violent 'protesters' setup a guillotine in front of Jeff Bezos' house. A group called "Abolish The Present Reconstruct Our Future' held a 'March on Jeff Bezos' House' event one goal is to 'Abolish The Police, The Prisons'. Bezos has made everyone's life better by creating Amazon. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jun 28, 2020 ~ The left wing cancel culture mob decided the next statue to come down needs to be King Louis IX who lived in the 1200s. Catholics showed up to defend the statue and a priest tried to explain the history of St. Louis but the mob shouted him down. Vow to destroy St. Louis cathedral [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jun 27, 2020 ~ The despicable democrats are now saying that having July 4th Independence Day celebrations is 'glorifying white supremacy'. DNC, 'a rally glorifying white supremacy at Mount Rushmore' These vile, disgusting liars must be defeated in November or there will be no country left. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 25, 2020 ~ Project Veritas exposes strong political bias, censorship of Trump supporters and discrimination against conservative and white male employees at Facebook. MAGA in same category at Facebook as Hitler, Nazis 'We rig the game so it can work on the left side' Hand over Trump to Iran [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Tech Bias]
Jun 25, 2020 ~ After Shaun King declared artwork of Jesus to be 'a form of white supremacy', said artwork started to get vandalized. A Mary and baby Jesus mosaic erected to the memory of Polish soldiers who helped liberate cities from the Nazis was vandalized with Black Lives Matter graffiti. [Loathsome Left, Religion, Cancel Culture, BLM]
Jun 25, 2020 ~ Dr. Priyamvada Gopal of the University of Cambridge said, 'White Lives Don't Matter.' and 'Abolish whiteness.' You're not allowed to say 'All Lives Matter' but say 'White Lives Don't Matter' and you are a celebrated, proud member of the left. These 'academics' poison our youth. [Racism, College, Loathsome Left]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ A Black Lives Matter 'protester' Devonere Johnson was arrested in Madison after he brought a baseball bat into Cooper's Tavern. He was screaming 'You're a racist. Why are you a racist' in people's faces with the megaphone and baseball bat on his shoulder. Resisted arrest. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Fake Racism, BLM]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ The violent left wing mob in Madison tore down the statue of abolitionist Col. Hans Christian Heg who died in the Civil War. Democratic state Sen. Tim Carpenter was assaulted after filming the protesters. Punched many times, kicked in the head. Possible concussion, vision blurry. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Cancel Culture, Slavery]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ Antifa and BLM have been trying to tear down The Emancipation Memorial of President Lincoln freeing the slaves. Many black people are preventing the thugs from tearing it down. It was paid for by black Americans with their first paychecks as free people. The mob vows to destroy. [Antifa, BLM, Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Slavery, Violent Left]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ As usual, democrats direct racist insults at any black person they disagree with. Senator Tim Scott who is leading the GOP efforts on police reform is called 'Uncle Tim', 'the lowest piece of shit' and many more despicable things. [Loathsome Left, Racism, Police]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ Nancy Pelosi disgustingly blames Republicans for George Floyd's death. 'they were trying to get away with murder, actually, the murder of George Floyd.' She was given a chance to apologize and said 'Absolutely, positively not.' Loathsome and vile. [George Floyd, Loathsome Left]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ Professor Noam Chomsky said President Donald Trump is 'undeniably' the 'worst criminal in human history.' That means worse than Hitler, worse than Stalin, Worse than Mao, worse than Pol Pot, etc. These people are so unhinged by hatred, they have no remaining contact with reality. [TDS, Fake News, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left]
Jun 22, 2020 ~ Left wing mob paints BHAZ (Black House Automous Zone) on St. John's church in Washington DC as they trying to create their own Automous Zone in DC. Meanwhile the mob is also trying to destroy the statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Park. Will never run out of things to destroy. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jun 22, 2020 ~ Trump was mocked 2 years ago when he said they would not stop at Confederate statues. He predicted this; Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln, Jackson, Roosevelt. Now BLM leader Shaun King says ALL statues and artwork of Jesus must be destroyed. 'They are a form of white supremacy.' [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Religion, Fake Racism, BLM]
Jun 22, 2020 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, The election is no longer about Trump, Biden, a virus, the economy etc. Its an existential choice between whether you want civilization that doesnt have to be perfect to be good or the US is so cancerous it must be killed. 'I'm going to vote for civilization' [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Politics, Victor Davis Hanson]
Jun 22, 2020 ~ Karol Markowicz "The cancel crew will come for you someday soon" Today's statues are Voltaire & Teddy Roosevelt. Cancel culture is 'the cruel, mindless and life-destroying process taking place all around us in the name of "fighting racism"' 'ordinary people will have to be brave' [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jun 22, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture went after columnist Rachel Alexander. 'It all started when I complained? about how sick and tired I am of being called a white supremacist simply because I'm a conservative.' Having no real reason to cancel her, they posted racist things to a fake account. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jun 21, 2020 ~ The Ferguson effect is ramping up again. As police are not allowed or motivated to do their jobs by politicians bowing to the 'abolish the police' mob, shootings are skyrocketing. 55 shootings in one week in NY compared to 12 last year. Chicago, 102 shot, 14 killed in one weekend [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jun 21, 2020 ~ Fake news from NPR to smear the right. 'Right-wing extremists are turning cars into weapons'. A picture is shown of a mob surrounding a car apparently driven by a 'right-wing extremist' about to drive forward into them. In reality, the mob OPENED THE DOOR & JUMPED ON THE CAR. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ Democrats and the media are doing their best to cause panic and economic damage by spinning a narrative of 'spiking' COVID19 cases. But almost all of that is due to increased testing. The daily deaths and hospitalizations have continued to trend down since the mid-April peak. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ After Tulsa rally several Black Lives Matter protestors are on video screaming at Trump supports that they have to leave. 'You all go now. We told you to fucking go. You all need to fucking go' Some push back 'Hey fuck you, you fucking go.' Same group harasses many in this way. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, BLM]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ Shootings are occurring inside the 'Autonomous Zone' where they have declared a sovereign country in the middle of Seattle. One dead, one injured. People are upset the police but they couldn't get through the violent left wing mob to help. But didn't they want no police in there? [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Police]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ The statue of President Ulysses S. Grant who helped end slavery by leading the Union Army during the Civil War was torn down. No one is acceptable to the left wing cancel culture mob. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ The statue of Francis Scott Key who wrote the lyrics to our National Anthem, 'The Star-Spangled Banner' was torn down. And 'Kill Whitey' was spray painted on the base. No one is acceptable to the left wing cancel culture mob. The left advocates raced based killing. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Racism]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ Stephanie Jones of Cincinnati.com writes the standard 'you're a racist if you vote for Trump' column. 'Voting for Trump doesn't necessarily make you a bigot, but it does makes you look like one' She says 'you support the candidate of white supremacy'. Disgusting lie and smear. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ Andy Ngo reports and shows video of the violent left wing mob controlling the Seattle 'Automous Zone' surround and chase out a black man with an American flag harassing him, 'Keep on walking you race traitor ass bitch' on a bullhorn. The mob tried to take his flag. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ British journalist Peter Hitchens is chased away from a Black Lives Matter rally. Hitchens said he was just trying to listen but a large crowd of people followed him as police had to walk with him for protection. The mob said he 'provoked them' because he refused to take a knee. [Fake Racism, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, BLM]
Jun 19, 2020 ~ Rep. Donna Edwards claimed on MSNBC that Trump scheduled his rally on Juneteeth and 'so near the Greenwood massacre' as a message 'to his hardcore white supremacist base' saying what? That he likes slavery and massacres of black people? These unhinged smears are disgusting. #TDS [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jun 19, 2020 ~ Vanity Fair special correspondent Joe Hagan tweeted a picture of a very large group of KKK members in white sheets implying this is who will be showing up for Trump's upcoming rally in Tulsa. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 19, 2020 ~ The violent left wing mob set fire to an American flag on top of a George Washington statue after the mob pulled down and destroyed the statue. 'Fuck Cops', 'Defund white men' and 'Damn white men' spray painted at the base. Portland says they will not put a Washington statue back. [Antifa, BLM, Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Police, Racism, Violent Left]
Jun 16, 2020 ~ Since no one stopped the left wing mob when they were tearing down Confederate statues, they have moved on to statues of Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln, Columbus, Churchill and even Gandhi. They want to cancel all of Western Civilization. These decisions should not be up to the mob. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Western Civilization, Cancel Culture]
Jun 15, 2020 ~ Ari Shapiro, "'There Is No Neutral': 'Nice White People' Can Still Be Complicit In A Racist Society" 'Racism is the foundation of the society we are in... nice, white people who really aren't doing anything other than being nice people are racist... There is no neutral place.' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 14, 2020 ~ London Mayor Sadiq Khan ordered the statues of George Washington, Sir Winston Churchill and Mahatma Gandhi boarded up to protected them from mobs of left wingers wanting to vandalize or destroy them. Lefty mobs have been targeting anything associated with Western Civilization. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Western Civilization, Cancel Culture]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Liberal Matt Taibbi on the toxicity of cancel culture, The left is 'replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Liberal Matt Taibbi on the toxicity of cancel culture, 'the American left has lost its mind. It's become a cowardly mob of upper-class social media addicts, Twitter Robespierres who move from discipline to discipline torching reputations and jobs with breathtaking casualness.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Jeremy Fox, 'Berklee College of Music apologizes for allowing Boston police to use restrooms during protest'. The virtuous people of Berklee College of Music are sorry for allowing the sub-human police who were protecting them from other virtuous people destroying the city. Sick. [George Floyd, Police, Loathsome Left]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Trump responds to the disgusting charges of racism and white supremacy for Trump's June 19 rally. 'As the Party of Lincoln, Republicans are proud of what Juneteenth represents and the Emancipation Proclamation.@realDonaldTrump has a solid record of success for Black Americans.' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Democrats falsely accusing Trump of EXTREME racism just because he scheduled a rally on June 19 which is Juneteenth. Kamala Harris, 'This isn't just a wink to white supremacists-he's throwing them a welcome home party' Al Green, 'overt racism' Maxine Waters, ' it's a jab at us.' [Fake Racism, Harris, Loathsome Left]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ From Tom Ciccotta article, 'Arizona State University revoked a job offer from professor Sonya Forte Duhé after she praised "good police officers"... Duhé was scheduled to assume the role of dean of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State.' [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Loathsome Left]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Activists at Louisiana State University are protesting their mascot, a Tiger, demanding it be changed because it represents 'racism' and 'white privilege'. Change.org petition 'Change the Racist Mascot of LSU!' You can't make this up. A tiger! Cancel Culture out of control. [George Floyd, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, College]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Donald Trump Jr. highlights yet another case of extreme cancel culture. 'They're canceling the pastor of the largest (and most racially diverse) church in Alabama just because he liked some of [Charlie Kirk's] @charliekirk11's posts. Absolutely insane.' Kirk is not a racist. [George Floyd, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Left wing mobs are starting to target suburbs for their destruction. American flags displayed outside four homes in the Sungarden neighborhood of Citrus Heights in California were set on fire. Fortunately the fires were extinguished before catching the homes on fire. [George Floyd, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ More people fired for questioning the orthodox narrative. One lost radio gig for debating white privilege, one fired for saying Canada not systemically racist. Nigel Farage fired from his show. Data scientist fired for sharing a study showing that rioting is counterproductive. [George Floyd, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Left wing mobs continue their destruction of cities and monuments. Tearing down statues again including 3 of Christopher Columbus. They scream 'This is what democracy looks like' but its not. There is a democratic process in place that would allow people to decide these things. [George Floyd, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Anarchists, Antifa, BLM take over 6 blocks of Seattle including a police station. They name it CHAZ, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. They built a wall around it patrolled with armed guards. Sign on wall says 'You are now leaving the USA'. Helpless mayor pretends its not happening [Antifa, BLM, George Floyd, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]