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Nov 28, 2019 ~ Breitbart catalogs '117 Acts of Violence and Harassment Against Conservatives on Campus'. These 117 only include college campus incidents and so are only a fraction of the incidents nationwide. Violence, harassment and silencing have become common tools of modern democrats. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, College, Silencing]
Nov 28, 2019 ~ Former Dem Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley drove Ken Cuccinelli out of a DC pub with a tirade, 'cursing and screaming for real, to the point of veins bulging on his neck? got right up in my face, bumped up against me and invited me to take a swing at him.' The left cheered! [Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Nov 27, 2019 ~ Left wing students in Baltimore show their lack of class with booing and other rude behavior toward the First Lady, Melania Trump as she delivered a speech on avoiding drug addiction and how to find help if you struggle with it. Left wing children acting like left wing adults. [Loathsome Left]
Nov 26, 2019 ~ The Brexit Party rally in Plymouth, Devon was met with behavior that has become typical of the left no matter where in the world you go. People harassed as they were coming in. Heckling and shouting over speeches being made. Eggs thrown. Join their side or suffer their abuse. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Another campus another mob of deranged dems screaming, chanting and acting violent to stop free speech. Prevent over 100 people from seeing Ann Coulter at Berkeley. Try to shut down the speech. Many injured. 'You're a fucking Nazi!' scream the nuts. Equate police to the 'klan'. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Police]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ California fails to keep Trump's name off the ballot! CA Supreme Court strikes down the "Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act" that was passed solely to keep Trump's name off the ballot if they are not able to conduct a 5 year fishing expedition into his taxes. [Trump Win, Loathsome Left, Witch Hunt]
Nov 20, 2019 ~ @BrandonStraka speaking at Chico State University. On cue, the violent left shows up to protest. Much profanity, middle fingers, ripping down signs. American flag called a 'fascist ass flag'. President of the Chico State Republicans had a sign ripped out of his hand and was hit. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, College, Cancel Culture, #WalkAway]
Nov 19, 2019 ~ A group of violent left wing thugs shut down speech of world renowned economist Dr. Art Laffer at Binghamton University. Police tried to restore order but the police were attacked as well. Another event cancelled. Happens almost every day. The left despises free speech. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, College, Cancel Culture]
Nov 16, 2019 ~ Binghamton U leftist mob harass & shut down TPUSA promotion of economist Art Laffer speech. Mob overturns tables, removes signs, screams obscenities. 'Pack this shit up. It's time to go' 'Do you want to suck my dick'. Police arrive to protect TPUSA. Mob calls them 'racist police' [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Silencing, Fake Racism, Police]
Nov 14, 2019 ~ A gang of Young Democratic Socialists of America thugs attack Turning Point USA students who were advertising upcoming Charlie Kirk and Lara Trump event. Thugs paint over signs, shove students and then spray painted all over a student including his face who dared stand his ground [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, College, Cancel Culture]
Nov 12, 2019 ~ Daily Northwestern student paper apologizes for 'retraumatizing' Jeff Sessions protesters by covering their protest. 'We could not be more sorry.' Northwestern Dean of Journalism regrets the apology. 'They were beat into submission by the vitriol and relentless public shaming' [Cancel Culture, Silencing, College, Loathsome Left]
Nov 11, 2019 ~ Schumer praises retiring Peter King. 'Peter King stood head & shoulders above everyone else. He's been principled & never let others push him away from his principles... I will miss him in Congress & value his friendship' Left outraged. King is 'a racist' bc not for open borders [Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration, Loathsome Left]
Nov 10, 2019 ~ Harvard protesters are boycotting the campus newspaper because they did their job and requested a statement from ICE regarding the 'Abolish ICE' protests at the school. Harvard student government backs the protesters because subjects of a story should not be allowed to comment. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, College, Loathsome Left]
Nov 10, 2019 ~ Left wing protestors at Stanford University chant over Ben Shapiro's speech. 'Hey hey ho ho, Ben Shapiro's got to go!' They advertised for the 'Ben B Gon' protest. 'Please wear black if possible'. The left despises free speech. The refuse to allow any unauthorized speaking! [Cancel Culture, Silencing, College, Loathsome Left, Ben Shapiro]
Nov 7, 2019 ~ Melania Trump visited Boston Medical Center. Trump was there to meet with sick children as she often does and bring attention to the 'cuddling program' for infants born addicted to drugs. 200 leftists protested her. 'This is not a person that we want to come to our hospital,' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Nov 7, 2019 ~ University of Florida students are demanding that their student body president be impeached over inviting Donald Trump Jr. to speak on campus. The intolerant left even wanted UF president Kent Fuchs to resign. Shut down, silence, deplatform. You will hear no one we disapprove of. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, College, Loathsome Left]
Nov 7, 2019 ~ Protesters from the Women's March harass guests and visitors at the Trump International Hotel. Recruited for a 'Noise Protest' for the GOP strategy meeting. 'BYO pots, pans, whistles, drums'. Used all of those. Chanted at visitors. Blocked the path of people. Police had intervene [Women's March, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Nov 6, 2019 ~ Jeff Sessions has to be escorted from Northwestern University under heavy security. Signs, 'Fuck Jeff Sessions' 'No racism, No KKK, No Fascist USA' Disruptors were unsuccessful in cancelling the speech because 'police officers formed a shoulder-to-shoulder wall'. [Fake Racism, Silencing, College, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Nov 6, 2019 ~ North Carolina State TA Christian Alberg corrects paper 'Candace Owens has been an ardent supporter of the "New Racism"? Conservatism has white supremacist traits and supports the ideology of white supremacy.' Almost impossible to be conservative on campus. Most just keep silent. [Fake Racism, Silencing, College, Loathsome Left]
Nov 3, 2019 ~ Gage Halupowski, one of the masked idiots running around hitting innocent people in the head with batons as part of the 'Anti-Fascist Resistance' was sentenced to 6 years for his attack on Adam Kelly. Attack was so violent, Kelly needed 25 staples in his head and got a concussion [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 30, 2019 ~ Democrat Matthias Ajple was arrested in Florida for assaulting a man in a MAGA hat and spitting on him. His defense to the arresting officer was that 'Trump supporters are communist and racist.' Dems have really lost it and are increasingly letting their delusions fuel violence. [TDS, Violent Left, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Oct 30, 2019 ~ Cuccinelli is furious that Wasserman Schultz accused him of white supremacy 'That's false.' 'That's defamatory.' 'I am not a white supremacist as you alluded, nor is the president' 'You're certainly cloaked in legislative privilege... you can get away with not telling the truth.' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Oct 30, 2019 ~ Debbie Wasserman Schultz accused President Trump and Ken Cuccinelli of being 'white supremacists'. 'You and Mr. Trump don't want anyone who looks or talks or differently than Caucasian Americans to be allowed into this country... heinous white supremacist ideology at all costs.' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Oct 30, 2019 ~ Brent Bozell, 'Media Can't Stand Trump Winning - Ever'. Gives many examples how they all gushed over Obama's leadership when bin Laden was killed. 'proven master and commander' 'had the courage and the guts and the coolness' But this mission succeeded 'in spite of' Trump. [Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Oct 29, 2019 ~ Samantha Davis, staffer to Sen. Maggie Hassan was sentence for 'aiding and abetting computer fraud'. Helped a Sheila Jackson Lee staffer to "burglarize" a GOP office, steal gigabytes of data which they used to try to blackmail GOP senators into voting their way against Kavanaugh. [Loathsome Left, Kavanaugh, Silencing]
Oct 29, 2019 ~ Prager, The left tells young people, 'Your Past Is Terrible, And Your Future Is Terrible' 'The American past is a story of genocide, slavery, racism, patriarchy and colonialism.' Currently America is racist and sexist. And your future is so bleak you shouldn't even have kids. [Loathsome Left, Climate Change, Fake News, Dennis Prager]
Oct 28, 2019 ~ A deranged democrat tries to silence speech at the University at Buffalo. Caught ripping down posters advertising an event featuring Dinesh D'Souza. Happens all the time. 'People tear them down. People draw on them'. Despicable people want to decide what you can and cannot hear. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College]
Oct 27, 2019 ~ Dwight Pierre Lewis is charged with felony assault for punching a man outside the Minneapolis Trump rally. The victim who was punched in the mouth by Lewis after leaving the rally required several stitches. One of many attacks perpetrated by violent Dems on peaceful Republicans. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 27, 2019 ~ Rapper YG who kicked a fan offstage because he wouldn't yell 'Fuck Donald Trump'. 'Get his ass outta here. Get him off stage. Fuck up outta here. He a Donald Trump supporter. Get his ass out of here.' YG has invited fans onstage to beat a Trump likeness pinata. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 26, 2019 ~ Clarence Thomas on racism double standard, 'If you criticize a black person who's more liberal, you're racist. Whereas, you can do whatever to me, or to now, Ben Carson, and that's fine. Because you're not really black. Because you're not doing what we expect black people to do.' [Racism, Loathsome Left]
Oct 24, 2019 ~ Rob Smith, black member of TPUSA and Kathy Zhu explain the routine bullying, harassment, and vilification directed at non-white conservatives by the left. 'implied that my thoughts and motivations were for sale to the highest bidder' 'White Supremacists on campus... dangerous' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Fake Racism]
Oct 24, 2019 ~ Eminem investigated by the Secret Service for threats against the First Daughter. 'how the fuck is Ivanka Trump in the trunk of my car? cause I feel somewhat responsible for the dumb little blonde Girl, that motherfuckin' baton twirler that got dumped in the pond, Second murder ' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 24, 2019 ~ Former ICE Director Tom Homan was shouted off the stage at the University of Pennsylvania where he was supposed to give a speech on immigration. Despicable dems prevent another speaker from being heard. Don't debate, listen or allow others to hear. Silence all disagreement. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Illegal Immigration]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ Bette Midler praises the man who violently attacked Rand Paul saying we should all be 'more grateful for the neighbor who beat the shit out of Rand Paul.' Senator Paul suffered 6 broken ribs and had to have part of a lung removed due to the attack Midler is grateful for. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 22, 2019 ~ In what is becoming a daily occurrence, deranged democrats destroy the signs and posters of Turning Point USA, this time at University of New Hampshire. Harass the TPUSA students, 'I hate you, and I hope you die.' 'Eat shit', throw something at them. Another takes every sign. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Oct 19, 2019 ~ Rand Paul harassed at in CA by unhinged democrats while trying to have lunch. Screaming obscenities, all the typical behavior. This unfortunately happens all the time. Paul says 'The left blames incivility on @realDonaldTrump. Watch this video and decide who the rude ones are.' [Loathsome Left]
Oct 19, 2019 ~ Barbra Streisand is the next 'celebrity' in a long line to fantasize and talk about Trump's assassination. She shares a picture of Trump impaled with Pelosi's spike heal. She recently spread climate change fake news 'Freak summer hailstorm buries Mexican city in five feet of ice!' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 17, 2019 ~ Tom Arnold is the next 'celebrity' in a long line to fantasize and talk about Trump's assassination. When President Trump tweeted about the large crowds that were gathering for his Dallas rally, Arnold tweeted, 'Don't get too cocky traitor. They showed up for JFK too.' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 16, 2019 ~ Another deranged democrat decides that he's not going to permit people to read signs he doesn't like. He's on video at UNLV stealing Turning Point USA signs and punching them into the garbage. Sadly this kind of silencing is almost a daily occurrence always from the left. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College]
Oct 11, 2019 ~ The left again shows who they are. Many people who went to the Trump rally in Minneapolis were called 'Nazis' and punched. MAGA hats stolen off heads, lit on fire. Threw urine bottles. 'Endless vulgarities. Intimidate Trump supporters & media Surround cars' and blocked them. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Oct 8, 2019 ~ Protesters shut down the Georgetown University speech of Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan. Typical vile behavior of today's spoiled democrats who won't let anyone hear a opposing point of view. Constant interrupting and chanting until speaker is silenced. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College]
Oct 3, 2019 ~ Another democrat, David Jarvis, thinks its ok to take and destroy the signs of pro-life protesters. This time in Columbus, Ohio. Police question him and he admits, 'I pulled some signs down.' Jarvis charged with criminal damage/endangering. Dems shut down speech almost every day. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Abortion]
Oct 2, 2019 ~ Charity game called The Blue Bowl to raise money for the families of fallen officers was cancelled by Thousand Oaks Police Chief Tim Hagel because Trump supporters would be speaking at the event. Hagel demanded Republicans be silenced. Cancelled event when they were not. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Police, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Sep 30, 2019 ~ Destructive democrats have vandalized the University of Minnesota College Republicans for the 4th year in a row! Writing crap like 'White Supremacy Kills' on their mural, democrats never debate - they just vandalize, assault, threaten and silence the opposition by any other means [Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 29, 2019 ~ Ivanka Trump can't even post a nice family picture with her kid in a Star Wars costume saying 'The force is strong in our family' without getting inundated with vulgar hate. Like 'Fuck You' from a blue check. Mark Hamill replies 'You misspelled "Fraud."#GoForceYourself'. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Sep 23, 2019 ~ A group of leftist activists shut down a Georgetown University College Republicans event designed to rebut the MSNBC climate change townhall. Blew horns, disrupted the event with shouting until they silenced it. Know their ideas don't hold up to scrutiny so can't allow debate. [Climate Change, Silencing, Loathsome Left]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Rashida Talib is selling 'Impeach the MF' shirts on her campaign site which quotes herself publicly saying 'we're going to impeach the motherfucker' the day she was elected. Revealingly, this was long before the pretext-de-jour for impeachment even existed. Are dems psychic? [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Loathsome Left, Tlaib]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Dozens of black leaders wrote a letter to the Sanders campaign, complaining that self-identified Sanders supporters have targeted them 'with hateful, violent and racist threats' for supporting Warren. 'reminiscent of the threats Black people would receive when daring to vote'. [Racism, Loathsome Left, Sanders]
Sep 16, 2019 ~ Gordon Heyworth, aide to freshman Virginia congresswoman Abigail Spanberger said this about Trump and his supporters 'Mr. President, I' m using this opportunity to call you and everyone who supports you an irredeemable white trash piece of shit.' Lots of other similar comments. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Another unhinged democrat screams at conservative Marilyn Synek of the Nebraska Family Alliance. 'You are fucking bigoted trash, and we do not want you in our restaurant, so get out and don't come back! If you do try to come back we will all refuse any service to you.' Too common [Loathsome Left, Silencing]

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