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Apr 15, 2020 ~ Susan Rice blames Pres. Trump for 'many' deaths. 'we already lost more than 23,000 lives in barely two months. Lives that many of which necessarily did not need to be lost.' Disgusting Monday morning quarterbacking with hindsight. Not a chance dems would have handled it better. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left]
Apr 12, 2020 ~ TDS afflicted Michael Rapaport called the First Lady Melania Trump 'a hooker'. 'Just a reminder. A hooker and a con man are running America'. Rapaport previously has referred to Melania as a 'dumb animal'. Imagine if a Hollywood actor said these things about Michelle Obama. [Coronavirus, TDS, Loathsome Left]
Apr 10, 2020 ~ Philip Gourevitch of the New Yorker joked about Trump getting the Coronavirus. In response to a tweet that said, 'Boris Johnson's illness has helped unite Britain. Would America unite if Trump became ill?', Gourevitch said 'only one way to find out'. [Coronavirus, TDS, Loathsome Left]
Apr 8, 2020 ~ Detroit News, 'Southfield city clerk charged with 6 felonies tied to November election' Sherikia Hawkins is charged with altering 193 voter records including making '"unauthorized and inaccurate" changes to absentee ballots'. Exactly why GOP is wary of a full 'mail in election'. [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ More evidence that false charges of racism played a roll in the spread of Coronavirus. Lombardy Gov. Attilio Fontana 'You were the ones who told me that I was racist when I asked for checks on all citizens who came back from China' They chanted 'shame' like US left wing toddlers. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Mar 30, 2020 ~ Texas Tech University Professor Richard Wigmans said he might start believing in God if Trump died of Covid-19. 'I am personally an atheist, but if #45 would die as a result of this virus, I might reconsider. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, College]
Mar 29, 2020 ~ After delaying the relief package for days Pelosi says 'as the President fiddles, people are dying.' Hints of investigations 'What did he know and when did he know it?' Lindsey Graham, 'the most shameful disgusting thing I've heard' ' to blame another politician for people dying' [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Mar 28, 2020 ~ Laura Krolczyk, VP of External Affairs for Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, NY and former Hillary Clinton and Kirsten Gillibrand staffer was fired for saying Trump supporters who get COVID-19 should not get ventilators, should take ibuprofen and pack churches. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left]
Mar 26, 2020 ~ Actor and Director Michael Rapaport calls Trump a 'Fucking pig' and then again goes after his entire family, 'dick stain Donald Trump Jr., big-toothed Eric Trump, little fucking Barron, fucking Ivanka'. He recently called Melania a 'dumb animal.' Some think Obama was treated bad? [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Mar 26, 2020 ~ The US officially has the most Coronavirus cases. Its unlikely that China's numbers are accurate though. They have had no new cases in days. Regardless, Hillary Clinton seems to gloat about it, 'He did promise "America First"' Still a sore loser and still full of hate. [Coronavirus, Hillary, Loathsome Left]
Mar 24, 2020 ~ Democrats delay Coronavirus aid by trying to load it up with tons of unrelated agenda. 1400 pages. McConnell called it an 'encyclopedia of unrelated demands'. Airline emissions targets, $15 minimum wage, solar tax credits, forgive Post Office debt, voting rules, diversity rules. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Mar 24, 2020 ~ Nancy Pelosi's hate filled daughter Christine Pelosi says Rand Paul's neighbor was right to attack him. 'Rand Paul's neighbor was right.' Paul suffered 6 broken ribs, pneumonia and had part of his lung removed in the violent attack which makes him a high risk Coronavirus patient. [Coronavirus, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Mar 23, 2020 ~ Melania Trump appeared in a public service announcement in an effort to inform the public about the coronavirus. Melania was classy as usual. The left was loathsome as usual. Actor Michael Rapaport commented 'Look at this DUMB FKC!!! ... Dumb FKC! You dumb animal @FLOTUS'. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left]
Mar 23, 2020 ~ Leftist activist and political commentator, Chris Herstam called for Republican Lawmakers to be shot on taxpayer funded PBS. 'If they don't change the statute? they should be shot.' The host, Ted Simons, doesn't criticize. Deranged Democrat James Hodgkinson agrees. [Coronavirus, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Mar 21, 2020 ~ Monica Lewinsky tells Americans to send feces to the White House. 'They've now decided they will test EVERYONE for the Covid-19 Virus. Please send a stool sample to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500'. Her Twitter followers seem to be delighted by this idea. [TDS, Coronavirus, Loathsome Left]
Mar 19, 2020 ~ Melania Trump, classy as always, appeared in a Coronavirus PSA. Vile Never Trumper Rick Wilson who previously referred to Trump supporters as 'the credulous boomer rube demo' wished for Melania Trump to get the virus. He tweeted '#BeInfected' in response to her PSA announcement. [Loathsome Left, Coronavirus, TDS]
Mar 17, 2020 ~ Melania Trump who has exhibited nothing but dignity and class continues to the subject of profane verbal abuse from hateful democrats who think it's the Trumps who are bad people. Most recently, Chrissy Teigen repeatedly refers to Melania as a 'wifebot' and tells her 'Fuck you' [Loathsome Left]
Mar 16, 2020 ~ President Trump declared Sunday to be a National Day of Prayer regarding the Coronavirus pandemic. Rashida Tlaib retweeted, 'Fuck a National day of prayer.' spitting on millions of believers. Catholic League president Bill Donohue asks the House Ethics Committee to reprimand her. [Loathsome Left, Tlaib, Coronavirus, Religion]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell made the vile and claim that 'More people are sick in American tonight, because Donald Trump is president. More people are dead and dying in America tonight because Donald Trump is president.' Dr. Fauci has said Trump's actions have saved lives. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Mar 11, 2020 ~ The National Legal Policy Center filed Ethics Complaints against Chuck Schumer with the Senate Ethics Committee and New York bar for Schumer's threats against sitting Supreme Court Justices. 'The Senate must immediately reprimand if not censure... outrageous and dangerous attack' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion, SCOTUS, Kavanaugh]
Mar 11, 2020 ~ Berin Szóka, tech lobbyist and president of TechFreedom which receives funding from Google and is part of Google's Public Policy Fellowship program tweets, 'Serious question: could there possibly any greater poetic justice in the universe than for Trump to die of the #CPACvirus?' [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, TDS, Tech Bias]
Mar 9, 2020 ~ Stephen Green "Coed Receives 'Onslaught' of Hate, 'Threats of Violence' for Saying Socialism More Dangerous Than COVID-19" The undeniably true statement caused her to receive a sickening amount of threats and profanity laced hate from the hateful, intolerant left. Sadly, typical. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Coronavirus, Cancel Culture]
Mar 8, 2020 ~ The Bojangles Famous Chicken n' Biscuits restaurant in Charlotte, North Carolina locked its doors after a nearby Trump rally stating that they refused to serve Trump supporters. To the restaurant's credit, they fired the deranged democrat who was managing, and re-opened to all. [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Mar 7, 2020 ~ A deranged democrat puts the message 'Rot in hell fascist pig' on Congresswoman Elise Stefanik's car at the grocery store. Vile Howard Dean implied she deserved it, 'as ye sow, so shall ye reap. There is no excuse for the note writer or for you. You are a shame to your district'. [Loathsome Left]
Mar 5, 2020 ~ Turning Point USA activists were attacked by 2 deranged democrats at Evergreen State College. 1 deranged dem stole a sign and vandalized it and then hit the TPUSA activist with the sign. The 2nd deranged dem doused the TPUSA activist with water. Violent leftists almost every day. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, College]
Mar 5, 2020 ~ Chuck Schumer tried to defend his threats on Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. He said they weren't threats which is absurd. He said they were directed at GOP lawmakers but they were directed at Gorsuch and Kavanaugh by name. He said 'what about Trump?' But Trump criticized, not threatened. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion, SCOTUS, Kavanaugh]
Mar 5, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi on Schumer's SCOTUS threats. 'this an unprecedented attack on a justice of the Supreme Court... you won't be able to unearth a single instance in modern history of a member of Congress threatening a justice - by name, no less - for ruling against his wishes.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion, SCOTUS, Kavanaugh]
Mar 5, 2020 ~ President Trump rebuked Schumer for threatening SCOTUS Justices 'There can be few things worse in a civilized, law abiding nation, than a United States Senator openly, and for all to see and hear, threatening the Supreme Court or its Justices. This is what Chuck Schumer just did' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion, SCOTUS, Kavanaugh]
Mar 5, 2020 ~ McConnell rebuked Schumer for threatening SCOTUS Justices 'There is nothing to call this except a threat... He literally directed the statement to the justices, by name? His comments were astonishingly reckless' 'shameless efforts to bully... took a dangerous and disturbing turn' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion, SCOTUS, Kavanaugh]
Mar 4, 2020 ~ Chief Justice John Roberts responds to Senator Chuck Schumer's 'you will pay the price' threats against two sitting Supreme Court Justices. 'threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion, SCOTUS, Kavanaugh]
Mar 4, 2020 ~ Chuck Schumer threatened 2 Supreme Court Justices if they don't rule the way he wants, 'I want to tell you Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch: You have unleashed a whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion, SCOTUS, Kavanaugh]
Mar 3, 2020 ~ Democratic Denver City Council Member Candi CdeBaca advocates spreading the deadly Coronavirus at Trump rallies. Someone tweets, 'if I do get the coronavirus I'm attending every MAGA rally I can.' CdeBaca retweets and adds, '#solidarity Yaaaas!!'. Kill Trump supporters! Yaaaas! [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Coronavirus]
Mar 3, 2020 ~ Actor Rob Delaney captions a picture of Mike Pence looking unhappy, 'Mike Pence is informed it's impossible to develop a coronavirus strategy that will only help white people.' These disgusting and false smears do nothing but keep us divided. Hatred based on a fake worldview. [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Coronavirus]
Mar 2, 2020 ~ Disgraceful politicization of the Coronavirus continues. After a New York Times columnist said, 'Let's Call It Trumpvirus', Paul Krugman also of the NY Times began calling it that. 'Boring but possibly useful thread on economics of Trumpvirus.' These are not serious people. [TDS, Coronavirus, Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Mar 2, 2020 ~ Spike Lee makes fun of the black people who met and prayed with President Trump at the White House. 'Massa, We Love You, Massa. We Gonna Pray Fo' You Massa.' A Twitter follower of Lee comments, 'Lee loses his mind anytime another black person wanders off the plantation.' [Loathsome Left, Racism, Race]
Mar 2, 2020 ~ On SNL Chris Redd called many black people including the Surgeon General and 2 presidential candidates, who attended the Black History Month White House meeting 'House Negros'. This is after they were called 'Uncle Toms' on CNN. 'Look at these White House negroes' he sneered. [Loathsome Left, Racism, Race]
Mar 2, 2020 ~ On SNL, John Mulaney wants to bring back Senators assassinating the 'powerful maniac' in charge. He explained, Caesar 'was such a powerful maniac that all the senators grabbed knives, and they stabbed him to death. That would be an interesting thing if we brought that back now.' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Mar 2, 2020 ~ Legal immigrants Jorge and Betty Rivas, owners of Sammy's Mexican Grill in AZ are getting threats and bad reviews because they were at a Trump rally. The left always tries to 'cancel' the opposition. Trump tweeted, 'The food is GREAT at Sammy's Mexican Grill... Support Sammy's!' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Feb 29, 2020 ~ CNN's Keith Boykin calls former NFL safety Jack Brewer and about 2 dozen other black people who met with Trump at a Black History Month event 'Uncle Tom' on Don Lemon's show. 'It shows just what kind of Uncle Toms were sitting in that room'. One was Martin Luther King's niece. [Racism, Silencing, Loathsome Left]
Feb 28, 2020 ~ CNN commentator Angela Rye shamed black Trump supporters literally, 'You want to give Donald Trump kudos for throwing Cheez-It bits at you? Shame on you.' Katrina Pierson says this is what democrat 'Overseers' do to black people 'When people get too far out of line'. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Race, Politics]
Feb 25, 2020 ~ Katie Hopkins, 'There is no freedom of speech in the UK because people cannot say what they think because if they do, they lose their jobs, they lose their homes, their families will be attacked, they'll lose their income, they'll lose their ability to sustain themselves.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Free Speech]
Feb 25, 2020 ~ At least seven Bloomberg campaign offices have been vandalized over the last two weeks. Violence, property damage, vandalism, etc. are common tools of the left which they will even turn on other dem candidates during primaries. The right essentially never engages in this crap. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Feb 23, 2020 ~ AP History teacher in Loch Raven HS, MA compares Trump to the Nazis and the Soviets. A slide puts Trump above pictures of the Soviet Union flag and the Nazi Swastika. Captions 'wants to round up a group of people and build a giant wall' 'oh, THAT is why it sounds so familiar!.' [TDS, Fake News, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left]
Feb 22, 2020 ~ MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson says that black people who support Sanders are 'misfits'. 'I don't care how many people from the island of misfit black girls you throw out there to defend you on a regular basis'. Blacks who don't vote the way liberals want are routinely vilified [Racism, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Sanders]
Feb 21, 2020 ~ LGBT YouTuber Arielle Scarcella is 'officially leaving the left'. Familiar story, previously leftwing people bullied, harassed, cancelled by the 'woke' to the other side. 'I don't think like these people and I no longer want to be associated with them.' Its 'a hive mind cult'. [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, LGBT, Silencing, #WalkAway]
Feb 21, 2020 ~ Kyren Perry-Jones & Cailyn Smith arrested for intimidation, criminal recklessness, theft & criminal mischief. Drove their car at boys who had Trump flag on their bikes. Yelled expletives & 'pull that flag down.' Stole and ran over a flag. Warned would cry racism if police called. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Feb 19, 2020 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'Michael Bloomberg and the Politics of Money'. Great point about all the democrat candidates complaining about Bloomberg 'buying' the nomination or the election. At least he's using his own money! The rest of them are buying votes with YOUR money or borrowed money. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Free Speech, Ben Shapiro]
Feb 18, 2020 ~ Another day, another conservative speaker canceled. GOP Senate candidate Bryant Messner's speech was canceled 'due to threats of violence'. Democrats have decided that ONLY THEY are allowed to speak anymore in this country. They can stop our speech, but they can't stop our votes. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Free Speech]
Feb 18, 2020 ~ 2nd Amendment activist Kaitlin Bennett is harassed and driven off campus at Ohio University by a mob of modern Democrats. Screaming obscenities, middle fingers in the air, throwing things at her and her car, demanding she leave. Never any discussion. Just daily mob behavior. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Guns-Mass Shootings, College]
Feb 13, 2020 ~ The UC Santa Cruz College Republicans table and signs were destroyed by 2 deranged democrats. They destroyed numerous expensive signs and tried to take their Betsy Ross flag calling it a 'flag of white supremacy'. Spit on the flag. Frequent incidents like this always from dems. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Fake Racism]

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