Feb 13, 2017 ~ John Daly, 'Megyn Kelly Derangement Syndrome' - By being fair and honest to both sides, she is attacked by both sides - she follows the facts and doesn't jump to conclusions which is why she has been almost always right in her career when others jumped to the wrong conclusions. [Politics]
Feb 12, 2017 ~ Hillary returns to make another sexist and divisive comment - 'The Future Is Female' she says excluding half the population - she never misses an opportunity to divide people and play identity politics. [Hillary, Politics, Identity Politics, Gender]
Feb 5, 2017 ~ Grant Starrett, Federal Employees are way too difficult to fire after 1st year protection kicks in - 2.7 million non-military federal workforce - only 0.2% are fired - nearly impossible - can take well over a year with appeal. [Politics]
Jan 29, 2017 ~ Jonah Goldberg, "What Trump Means When He Says, 'America First'". He just means he will put America's interests before any other country. It has nothing to do with some very old uses of the term despite Democrats trying to associate Trump with those. [Politics, Fake News]
Jan 29, 2017 ~ Trump plans to 'gift' hotel profits from foreign governments' payments to the U.S. Treasury - eliminates conflict of interest and will go directly toward paying down U.S. debt. [Trump Win, Politics]
Jan 23, 2017 ~ Obama lies about voter id laws. He says we are only nation to require it but the opposite is true. All other industrialized nations require. He said its like Jim Crow suppression but its nothing at like Jim Crow. He says fraud not a real concern, also not true. [Fake Racism, Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jan 22, 2017 ~ The Clinton Global Initiative closes its doors, proving its existence was always a pay to play, quid pro quo organization. If it was about charity, why stop it? The donations stopped when influence could no longer be bought. [Hillary, Politics]
Jan 17, 2017 ~ Obama commutes sentences of traitor Bradley Manning and terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera and releases many more from Gitmo on the way out the door - Manning released 400,000 wartime classified documents causing great harm to national security. [Politics, Terrorism]
Jan 14, 2017 ~ 67 House Democrats announce they are skipping President Trump's Inauguration. Some cite Trump's 'disrespect' of John Lewis which was simply a response to Lewis' greater disrespect of calling him an 'illegitimate president'. No other President has been treated so disgracefully. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Jan 13, 2017 ~ Trump responds to John Lewis calling him illegitimate. 'Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results.' [TDS, Russia Hoax, Politics]
Jan 13, 2017 ~ John Lewis goes on NBC and says 'I don't see this President-elect as a legitimate president.' Lewis says he's illegitimate because he would not have won if not for Russian interference. It is impossible for Lewis to know this but it seems to be an extremely unlikely theory. [TDS, Russia Hoax, Politics, Loathsome Left]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'The Animal Cunning and Instinct of Donald Trump. He grasped that what voters cared about were the very issues politicos were disdainfully ignoring' - His political instincts are incredible and they are likely instinct and not intentional calculating. [Victor Davis Hanson, Trump Win, Politics]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ Laura Hollis, 'Restoring Civility' - rules to live by including not assuming people you disagree with are motivated by hatred and evilness. The left constantly thinks 'Anyone who disagrees with me is not merely wrong, (s)he's evil' Stop calling names, rioting, using vulgarity. [Politics]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ Thomas Sowell retires - many celebrate his career and write tributes to an intellectual giant in economics and clear thought. [Economics, Politics]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ Ronald L. Rubin, 'The Downfall of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau', CFPB. Massive corruption and purposeful exclusion of any Republicans and oversight. Extreme and obvious racial discrimination in hiring. Bogus money grabs with no benefits to taxpayers. Stunning report. [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Dec 19, 2016 ~ The Clinton Campaign Can't come to grips with why they lost - Jen Palmieri accuses Conway of winning by making a 'platform for white supremacists' - still blind to the real reasons they lost. [Hillary, Politics, Fake Racism]
Nov 17, 2016 ~ Walter Williams, The nation's most dangerous cities 'for decades, all of them have been run by Democratic and presumably liberal administrations. Some cities - such as Detroit, Buffalo, Newark and Philadelphia - haven't elected a Republican mayor for more than a half-century.' [Walter Williams, Crime, Politics]
Nov 13, 2016 ~ John Hawkins, '7 Things Liberals Should Learn From This Election But Won't' 'Smearing People As Racists Has Consequences' Ditto for falsely calling them Nazis, Fascists, Sexist etc. 'Hillary Clinton? Seriously?' 'Liberals Have Gone Way Overboard With Political Correctness' [Politics, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Nov 8, 2016 ~ Pollster Frank Luntz on Election Night, 'Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States.' [Fake News, Politics]
Nov 7, 2016 ~ Election Eve. New York Times, 'Hillary Clinton has an 85% chance to win.' Many similar articles. Earlier articles: Newsweek, 'Hillary Clinton on Track for Electoral College Landslide'. The Hill, 'Clinton holds double-digit lead over Trump in national poll'. [Fake News, Politics]
Nov 7, 2016 ~ Election Eve. Almost all major polls show Clinton leading by 4 points on average. Dozens of polls. NBC News: 51%-44%. ABC News: 49%-46%, CBS News: 47%-43%, Washington Post: 49%-44%, New York Times: 47%-43% etc. Pundits discuss how much of a landslide Hillary will win by. [Fake News, Politics]
Nov 6, 2016 ~ Hillary Clinton is caught cheating again. First she had the DNC rig the nomination against Bernie Sanders. Now Donna Brazile is caught feeding the Clinton Campaign debate questions prior to the CNN debate. Brazile is fired from CNN but is still head of the corrupt DNC. [Hillary, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Jun 19, 2015 ~ Bill Maher asks Ann Coulter on Real Time, 'Ann, which Republican candidate has the best chance of winning the general election?' She said, 'Of the declared ones, right now, Donald Trump.' Maher's panel including Joy Reid laughs. The audience howls with laughter. [Politics]