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Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'The day Spain caved' "On 3/11/2004, 193 people are killed and nearly 2,000 are injured when 10 bombs explode on four trains in three Madrid-area train stations" Islamic al-Qaida Terrorists. This incident is thought to sway the election. Terrorists won. [Islam, Politics, Terrorism]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'El Salvador's Bukele offers to clean up Haiti' Haiti has totally collapsed. Government fled. Gangs running the the place killing many. Dead bodies piling up in the streets. 5000+ criminals let out of prison. Biden welcoming them all to enter the border. Remember when Trump called Haiti a 'shithole.' The #FakeNews fell all over themselves to claim it was paradise. [Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Politics]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ "Why Conservatives Need to Stop Saying ‘My Country’s Not Perfect’" Insightful article. No country is perfect. We don't introduce our mother saying "We know she's not perfect" "Our country’s successes doesn’t necessitate disclaimers about her sins." [Politics, Western Civilization]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ Ex Trump Administration economist Peter Navarro was sentenced to prison in yet another example of the judicial double standard that has become common. "For more than 50 years the DoJ supported the policy that senior White House advisers could not be compelled to testify before Congress. This is the first time a senior White House official has been charged with this alleged crime. In President Obama’s Administration, Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton each refused to hand over subpoenaed documents. They were not criminally prosecuted." [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Mar 6, 2024 ~ You wouldn't think it possible for @KeithOlbermann to take the role of "unhinged moron" to new heights but he keeps over achieving! He wants to 'dissolve' SCOTUS because they ruled that a single random bureaucrat can't decide for an entire state who the people are allowed to vote for. You don't need many functioning brain cells to know that is not compatible with democracy. Fortunately all 9 Justices have more brain cells than Olbermann. 9-0. Olbermann said on X: "The Supreme Court has betrayed democracy. Its members including Jackson, Kagan and Sotomayor have proved themselves inept at reading comprehension. And collectively the "court" has shown itself to be corrupt and illegitimate. It must be dissolved." Sadly, Oblbermann is not an outlier. Many Democrats are upset that they are not being allowed to remove candidates from the ballot. [Loathsome Left, Politics, SCOTUS]
Mar 5, 2024 ~ 'Apple Slapped with $2 Billion Fine by EU Over Anticompetitive Music Streaming Practices' The EU is a criminal organization whose primary purpose is to extort billions of dollars from successful companies. They do this regularly to companies such as FaceBook, Apple, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, Google, airlines and more. None of these extorted companies have done anything wrong. The EU takes the money because it can. [Loathsome Left, Politics, Regulations]
Mar 5, 2024 ~ Dennis Prager, 'The Left-Right Divide Is Not Bridgeable' Good but partial list on issues the right and left believe opposite things. Trans, colorblind good or bad, Israel good or bad, tough on crime vs. defund the police, free speech vs censorship, etc. [Dennis Prager, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Mar 4, 2024 ~ The Supreme Court restores Trump to the Colorado Primary Ballot in a unanimous 9-0 ruling. The Democrats, who claim they are "saving democracy", keep trying to remove their political opponents from the ballot but SCOTUS is not standing for it. Justice Barrett explained that the states cannot create a "chaotic state-by-state patchwork, at odds with our Nation’s federalism principles." Its incredibly scary that many democrats are upset with this decision, believing that they should be able to remove their political opponents from the ballot with no awareness of where such chaos would lead. They are, as always, the "by any means necessary" party. [Loathsome Left, Politics, SCOTUS, Trump Win]
Mar 3, 2024 ~ 'Why Biden Cooperated with the FBI in His Classified-Info Case' "For decades, Biden hoarded highly sensitive intelligence, including removing it from safekeeping on Capitol Hill, which senators well know they are not allowed to do. Biden, moreover, had many private locations — homes and offices — and irresponsibly spread the mounds of classified documents across them. It’s not like he had a single storage area, and it’s not like he made real efforts to keep his various storage locations secure — to deny access to people who were not authorized to read classified documents. Finally, Biden was so reckless and his offenses were so persistent, that he could not keep track of the classified documents he had retained." "Biden did not cooperate because he is a well-meaning, law-abiding person. He cooperated because his offenses were so extensive that the FBI needed to search several locations for lots of classified intelligence that he’d willfully retained for decades in violation of federal laws with which he was intimately familiar — laws that, by the time he was found out, he had taken an oath to execute faithfully." [Politics]
Mar 2, 2024 ~ Joy Behar said "That was the day democracy died" about when SCOTUS stopped the ridiculous, unconstitutional selective recounts that Gore demanded in the 2000 election. Bush had won all recounts including those but Gore wouldn't quit. And Dems call the GOP "anti-democractic." [Politics, SCOTUS]
Feb 25, 2024 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'Blue Laws for Red Citizens' Hason gives example after example of using the legal system in BS ways to go after GOP political opponents especially Trump. Several cases against Trump are total BS. Others throw the book at him while letting many Dems skate for the same thing. [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ David Strom, 'The Leftist Lynch Mob Attacking Trump' @JonathanTurley says "The NY Post is out with my column on the poison pill contained in the recent $455 million judgment against Trump. In order to appeal, he has to come up with that amount or a bond for that amount." "The supposed victims of Trump's perfidy testified in his defense." They all made money. No one lost money. Strom say "These people are, in my judgment, the scum of the Earth. Whatever claims they have to protecting democracy are exposed as lies, because they are tearing up the rule of law in order to get their way." In order to destroy a political opponent, making it impossible for him to even appeal their rulings. [Loathsome Left, Politics, TDS, Witch Hunt]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ Trump sent Dems into a tizzy again while bragging about how he got other NATO nations to pay their fair share. This time he went too far by claiming he encouraged Russia to do whatever they want to an ally. "One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, 'Well, sir, if we don't pay and we're attacked by Russia, will you protect us?' I said, 'You didn't pay? You're delinquent?' He said, 'Yes, let's say that happened.' 'No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.' And the money came flowing in." [Nato, Politics]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ 'Judge Arthur Engoron Fines Trump $354M, Bars Him from Business in NY for 3 Years' They claimed he inflated the value of his assets when obtaining loans but the banks have their own appraisers and were paid back for the loans. Trump has his flaws but his enemies are truly sick people. They are managing to use legal power to destroy him in BS case after BS case. Trump is right that if they can do this to him, they can do it to anyone they don't like politically. [Loathsome Left, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Feb 11, 2024 ~ Special counsel Robert Hur concluded his investigation of Biden's mishandling of classified documents. Hur said that Biden did in fact commit crimes by taking and stashing classified documents in many unsecure places. Biden "willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen," but that he should not be indicted because he was "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” Hur gave many examples of Biden's memory being incredibly bad including twice not remembering when he was vice president and not even knowing when his son died. Add to those recent examples of him mixing up several world leaders, thinking he recently spoke with leaders who have been long dead, mixing up the Presidents of Mexico and Egypt, forgetting the name of Hamas and more. It is now impossible to deny that Biden's mental capacity has severely declined. Who will the Democrats run in November? [Biden, Politics]
Feb 11, 2024 ~ Christine Blasey Ford is promoting her new book. @TedFrank says, "Remember when people were arguing Christine Blasey Ford had “no motive to lie” and Leah Lorber and Bloomberg Law and a right-wing thinktank that should know better tried to cancel me because I pointed out that even a false accusation against Kavanaugh would be good for her mediocre academic career, just as it was for Anita Hill, who has a named professorship sinecure at Brandeis and a pile of honorary degrees despite having no publications or academic record of note? Aside from the nonpecuniary benefits of an ESPN award and MSM fame, Blasey Ford now charges ~$50,000 for a speech, and will have a memoir coming out in 2024 that will surely get a million dollars of unpaid media if she wants it." People are saying book deals are like money laundering for political payoffs: It doesn't matter if no books are even sold; she gets her payoff for the hit job she performed. [Kavanaugh, Politics]
Feb 6, 2024 ~ President Joe Biden tells a story of how in 2021 he talked to President François Mitterrand of Germany (then corrected himself and said France) about how the Capitol was stormed to overturn an election and 2 police officers were killed. They used to say 5 officers were killed but the correct number is still 0. Also, Mitterrand died 25 years ago in 1996. Biden is beyond senile at this point. He barely knows who HE is but the Democrats are going to run him for president again. [Biden, Politics]
Jan 28, 2024 ~ Raheem J. Kassam, 'The Trump-Carroll Case is Blatantly the Greatest Miscarriage of Justice in Modern American History' "The awarding of nearly $90 million to the second-rate advice columnist E. Jean Carroll will doubtless be remembered for generations as the greatest miscarriage of justice in contemporary American history. Jean Carroll’s case was not just ludicrous on the face of it, but between the judge, the “experts” who testified, and the mechanisms by which the case even came to be, it’s impossible for any ordinary person in the West to see this as anything more than the continuation of a series of hoaxes perpetrated on former President Donald J. Trump with the desire to keep him from re-entering the Oval Office in January 2025." There was a mountain of exculpatory evidence that was not allowed to be presented at trial. Carroll has accused SIX OTHER MEN of raping her including powerful people like Les Moonves. Her ridiculous and not even plausible story was the plot of a Law and Order episode right down to the exact department store and trying on lingerie in the dressing room. The Donna Karan coatdress she claimed to be wearing and still has was not even made yet at the time she says she was raped. She will not allow it to be examined. And more. Zero chance this happened. [Fake Rape, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Jan 26, 2024 ~ E Jean Carroll's already ridiculous and implausible story now has another problem. The Donna Karan dress she was allegedly wearing when Trump allegedly raped her in a department store in broad daylight did not even exist until years after the alleged incident. Regardless, the court orders Trump to pay Carroll $83 million. [Fake Rape, Politics]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, "Biden 'Saves' Democracy by Destroying It" By removing Trump's name from the ballot, "five officials in two states [Colorado, Maine] have taken away the rights of some 7 million Americans to vote for the president of their choice." Yet Dems claim the GOP is anti Democracy. [Biden, Politics]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ David Harsanyi, 'A Short History of Joe's Long Record of Lying About Biden Inc.' Its hard to deny the corruption when the evidence is stacked up this well including having "blatantly lied about his role in the family influence peddling business." [Biden, David Harsanyi, Politics]
Dec 1, 2023 ~ Rich Lowry, 'No, Henry Kissinger Was Not a War Criminal' Kissenger dies at 100. Lowry debunks the typical left wing nonsense calling him a 'war criminal.' The facts say otherwise... [Politics, Rich Lowry]
Nov 10, 2023 ~ PRO-LIFERS ARE GOING TO WIPE OUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. IN ADDITION to losing Ohio Tuesday night, Gov Glenn Youngkin lost big in Virginia -- because of pro-life zealots. A 15-week abortion limit would have been fine with VA voters, but Republicans couldn't promise to stop there without risking a primary challenge from FULL-BAN pro-lifers. My No. 1 compromise position still stands: Make abortion illegal only for registered Republicans. [Abortion, Politics]
Oct 29, 2023 ~ Video shows Rep. Jamaal Bowman lied about thinking the fire alarm he pulled was the way to open the door as if anyone thought he might have been telling the truth anyway. Bowman never looks at the door, let alone tries to open the door, after pulling the alarm. And he took the emergency sign off of it and took it with him! [Politics]
Oct 16, 2023 ~ Is the world getting sick of left wing authoritarianism? Republican Jeff Landry won the governor's race in previously deep blue Louisiana. After booting out tyrannical dictator Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s next prime minister will be Christopher Luxon of the center-right National Party and he will lead a coalition with Act, a smaller libertarian party. Also, center right Daniel Noboa beats leftists to win Ecuador’s presidential election. [Politics]
Oct 6, 2023 ~ Biden posts a graphic showing his alleged "job creation" several times higher than almost all presidents since Reagan and shows Trump's job creation as negative. This is one of the most dishonest political claims of all time. Absent the pandemic which was out of Trump's control, Trump's economy and job creation was far better than Biden's. And most of Biden's "job creation" was people RETURNING to the workforce after a MANDATORY shutdown. [Economy, Fake News, Politics]
Oct 1, 2023 ~ Bill Maher tells Gov. DeSantis that despite the lies coming from Trump and the Democrat party, DeSantis handled Covid better than everyone else especially CA. “We’re on the same page there. And I think it’s unfair what they did to you because you did handle it better. You did handle it better. You were right. You were like, let’s target the people, protect the people who are most vulnerable, and everybody else can go on with their lives a little better. You opened schools sooner. And a lot of the stuff that’s come in, the information we have after now we’ve had a few years to look at it, you were more right, and they won’t give you credit with it.” “I saw The New York Times with such a despicable hit piece on you … I forget what the lead headline was, but it was basically Ron DeSantis fucked up the pandemic. And then like, at the very end, it says Florida’s death rate, overall, is better than the national average. And if you’re going to do an article about Florida and the pandemic, shouldn’t that be the lead? Shouldn’t that be the headline — I mean, talk about burying the lead.” [Coronavirus, Fake News, Politics]
Oct 1, 2023 ~ Congressman Jamaal Bowman D-NY is caught on camera pulling a fire alarm to prevent a vote on the debt ceiling in Congress, a felony. Bowman, who used to be a high school principal, claims he didn't know pulling a fire alarm would set off a fire alarm. He thought it opened a door. [Debt, Deficit, Politics]
Aug 27, 2023 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Democrats And The Hitler Lie' More progressive/left means more and bigger government. More govt. control. Limit is dictatorship. More conservative/right means less government, more freedom; limit is anarchy. Therefore, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol  Pot, Castro, Mussolini, Marcos, Chavez, Kim are all progressive/leftists. The Nazi party were the 'National Socialists.' [Derek Hunter, Loathsome Left, Politics, Socialism, Violent Left]
Aug 16, 2023 ~ Trump is indicted again for several election offenses in GA. Ben Shapiro says, "Whatever you think of the Trump indictments, one thing is for certain: the glass has now been broken over and over again. Political opponents can be targeted by legal enemies. Running for office now carries the legal risk of going to jail -- on all sides." [2020 Election, Politics]
Aug 6, 2023 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'Two Sets of Laws for Two Americas' Trump charged with classified docs; Hillary, Biden not. Trump impeached for the same thing Biden bragged about doing. Trump charged with 'election denial' and destroying evidence and lying to authorities. Prominent Dems all did same. [Politics, Victor Davis Hanson]
Aug 3, 2023 ~ Dan McLaughlin, 'Donald Trump’s Stupid, Pointless War on Republican Governors' Shooting inside the tent as usual, its nearly impossible to keep up with how many prominent Republicans get trashed by Trump. Kemp, Ducey, Little, Ivey, DeWine, Hogan, DeSantis, Reynolds, Sununu and more. The man needs help. He's going to take down the whole GOP with him as he spirals into insanity. [Politics]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ Only Republicans will protect women and girls in sports. The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023 would amended Title IX to clarify that biological males cannot compete in female sports. 100% of the yeas, 219 were Republican. 100% of the nays, 203 were Democrat. [Anti-Science, Politics, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ Rep. Adam Schiff (D) was formally censured and condemned by his fellow members of Congress for 'conduct unbecoming.' In the #RussiaHoax, Schiff was caught lying many times to the American people, claiming to have seen evidence of the Trump campaign 'colluding' with Russia. In the #UkraineHoax, he fabricated a phone call transcript and lied about his team communicating with the 'whistleblower.' In telling these lies, he not only misled the American people for political gain and election interference purposes, he "abused his privileged access to classified information." [Loathsome Left, Politics, Russia Hoax, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ Rhode Island State Senator Joshua Miller (D) has been arrested for “keying” an SUV in the Garden City Center parking lot because the SUV had an 'anti-Biden' bumper sticker on it. Denied it but admitted after shown video. The bumper sticke rsaid "Biden Sucks." [Loathsome Left, Politics, Violent Left]
Jun 15, 2023 ~ Former AG Bill Barr on the Trump indictment, "If even half of it is true, then he’s toast. I mean, it’s a very detailed indictment and it’s very, very damning." Trump responded by calling Barr a 'gutless pig", a "coward", "lazy, weak and totally ineffective," a "lowlife." Yawn. [Crime, Politics]
Jun 15, 2023 ~ President Trump was indicted on 37 federal felony charges relating to mishandling classified information and obstruction of justice. No indictments for Joe Biden for similar or Hillary Clinton for worse infractions. Trump however refused to turn over the docs and lied about them. [Biden, Hillary, Politics]
Jun 2, 2023 ~ Trump continues to burn bridges by trashing his most loyal supporters if they are not actively fellating him with sufficient enthusiasm. For reporting on a poll he didn't like the results of he says, “Kayleigh ‘Milktoast’ McEnany just gave out the wrong poll numbers on FoxNews. I am 34 points up on DeSanctimonious, not 25 up. While 25 is great, it’s not 34. She knew the number was corrected upwards by the group that did the poll. The RINOS & Globalists can have her. FoxNews should only use REAL Stars!!!” What a jerk and a loser. This woman took bullets for Trump. Who would ever work for a guy like that? [Politics]
May 31, 2023 ~ Republicans and Democrats trim a tiny amount off of our exploding, unsustainable spending to do what they have always done: kick the can down the road as it gets worse and worse. @RepNancyMace explains: "After factoring in a small cut to discretionary spending over the next 2 yrs, we are still talking about ~$6T more or less in spending bc of large increases in spending elsewhere. ... Govt grew massively over the past 3 years. This growth was supposed to be emergency funding only during COVID. During this time, govt grew 40% or by $2 trillion from 2019 to 2023. We went from spending just over $4T to spending just over $6T." Democrats and the #FakeNews lie about "deep cuts" when spending has really grown by $2T in just a few years! Everyone knows this is unsustainable but no one has the courage to deal with it. Most will be out of power by the time it really goes bust reducing their incentive to do the right thing. The majority would not go along with seriously dealing with the problem anyway. [Debt, Deficit, Fake Racism, Politics]
May 26, 2023 ~ #FakeNews @VanityFair says that Ron DeSantis @GovRonDeSantis announced "with Elon Musk @elonmusk, because apparently other Nazi sympathizers weren't available." In another section they said it was because "David Duke wasn't available." What ridiculous liars the #FakeNews is. [Fake News, Politics]
May 15, 2023 ~ NYC finds President Donald Trump liable for sexual abuse and battery of writer E. Jean Carroll. Orders damages of $5 million. Her story was not remotely plausible. Well known public figure rapes 50 something year old women in public department store. Zero evidence it happened. [Fake Rape, Politics]
May 12, 2023 ~ William Barr on voting for Trump because of his policies: "If you believe in his policies, what he’s advertising as his policies, he’s the last person who could actually execute them and achieve them.He does not have the discipline. He does not have the ability for strategic thinking and linear thinking, or setting priorities or how to get things done in the system. It’s a horror show, you know, when he’s left to his own devices.And so you may want his policies, but Trump will not deliver Trump policies. He will deliver chaos, and if anything lead to a backlash that will set his policies much further back than they otherwise would be." [Politics]
Apr 25, 2023 ~ Trump continues to make a fool of himself as he damages the GOP with lies. "The real DeSantis record is one of misery and despair. He has left a wake of destruction all across Florida." WSJ: "Florida is a model of successful GOP governance, and Republicans should be arguing they can do the same for the country if voters put them in charge of Washington. Instead Mr. Trump is borrowing lefty tropes and sources and making the same kinds of attacks on Florida that President Biden would. Who needs Democrats with Mr. Trump around?" [Politics]
Apr 10, 2023 ~ Scott Morefield, 'Abortion Absolutism Will Get Republicans Nowhere' Morefield points out that refusal to compromise leads not only to lost elections, but to more abortions. [Abortion, Politics]
Apr 9, 2023 ~ Glenn Kessler, the 'fact checker' for the #FakeNews @washingtonpost torches his reputation again. Claims it was false that George Soros gave $1M to corrupt DA Alvin Bragg. But Soros gave $1M to the Color of Change PAC a few days after it pledged $1M to Bragg's campaign. [Fake News, Politics]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ David Harsanyi, 'No One Is Above the Law? Give Me a Break' DH lists many Dems (criticizing Trump over this bogus charge) who were themselves above the law. Clapper, Brennan, Holder, Clinton. "She sent 110 emails containing marked classified information, and 36 of those emails contained secret information. Eight of the email chains contained "top secret" information. Every one of those instances was a potential felony punishable with up to 10 years in prison." [Crime, David Harsanyi, Hillary, Hillary Emails, Politics, Russia Hoax]
Apr 6, 2023 ~ Ann Coulter, 'You're Being Played, Republicans!' Democrats are not arresting Trump on bogus charges to stop him from running. They are doing it to ensure he becomes the Republican nominee instead of someone who can beat them. [Politics]
Apr 6, 2023 ~ Larry Elder points out the Democrats are the real 'election deniers.'  "A 2018 Gallup poll found 78% of Democrats believe that the Russian 2016 interference 'changed the outcome of the election.' This means a greater percentage of Democrats believe the 2016 election was stolen than Republicans who felt that way about 2020." [2020 Election, Larry Elder, Politics]
Apr 1, 2023 ~ Douglass Mackey is sentenced to 10 years for a stupid Twitter meme telling Hillary voters they can vote by text. It was a JOKE. Tucker showed an example of Hillary supporters making the same joke but there were no consequences. The justice double standard applies always. [Politics, Witch Hunt]
Mar 31, 2023 ~ Corrupt political hack Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted President Trump on 30 counts of BS. Bragg elevated misdemeanor record issues to a felony by tying it to a federal election crime the SEC already investigated and brought no charges. SDNY also did not charge. [Politics, Witch Hunt]

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