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Jun 26, 2022 ~ Republican Mayra Flores flips 85% Latino South Texas district. "I'm their worst nightmare. They claim to be for immigrants. I'm an immigrant. They claim to be for women. I'm a woman. They claim to be for the people of color. I'm someone of color. Yet, I don't feel the love.'" [Identity Politics, Politics, Race]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ WSJ, "Ken Griffin Moving Citadel From Chicago to Miami Following Crime Complaints" "I’ve had multiple colleagues mugged at gunpoint. I’ve had a colleague stabbed on the way to work. Countless issues of burglary." No one but criminals will be left in Democrat run cities/states. [Crime, Politics]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ DNC Chairman Jamie Harrison called Sen. Tom Cotton “a maggot-infested man.” He also said the GOP is "a party built on fraud, fear and fascism." This is the DNC Chair. Fitting for a party that has become rotten and lies non-stop. Almost 100% of the time. [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Apr 2, 2022 ~ David Harsanyi, "The Deep Dishonesty of ‘Don’t Say Gay’" "Why nearly every major media outlet and the entire left-wing punditry keep referring to FL’s Parental Rights in Education law as the 'Don’t Say Gay” bill.'" "Any honest debate on the matter would" be a loser for Dems. [Education, Fake Homophobia, Fake News, LGBT, Politics, Trans]
Mar 31, 2022 ~ The FEC fines Hillary and the DNC for lying about the money they spent creating the Russia Hoax. The DNC paid $850K and Clinton's campaign paid $150K to the Perkins Coie law firm and Fusion GPS to create the fake Dossier. They labelled the payments as “legal advice and services.” [Hillary, Politics, Russia Hoax, Spygate]
Mar 19, 2022 ~ Sad Quinnipiac University poll shows most Democrats (60%) would turn tail and run if the US were invaded. 68% of Republicans and 57% of independents said they would stay and fight. 52% of Democrats said they would flee. Only 25% of Republicans would flee and 36% of independents. [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Mar 6, 2022 ~ Jacob Bliss, 'Texas Sees Higher Voter Turnout After Election Integrity Law' "The primary election turnout saw over a 300,000 vote increase from the 2.56 million votes in 2018 to 2.93 million votes in 2022." And few issues. Proves Dems lied about GOP voter suppression. Shocker. [Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
Feb 28, 2022 ~ Larry Elder, "GOP 'Gerrymandering' is 'Racist' -- Obama-mandering is Just Politics" Everything is racist according to Democrats. Dems Gerrymander lots but when Republicans do it, they call it 'racist.' Obama also won his election by getting votes disqualified on technicalities. [Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Politics]
Feb 28, 2022 ~ Rep. Barbara Lee repeats ridiculous lies commonly spewed by Democrats saying Republicans are "trying to take away the voting rights of people of color, of African Americans, of young people, of seniors, of the disabled." Disgusting, deranged, divisive and totally false. Sad. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
Feb 6, 2022 ~ Toxic Trump tears down Gov. Brian while endorsing David Perdue. "Brian Kemp let us down. We can’t let it happen again." [Politics]
Jan 14, 2022 ~ Peggy Noonan 'Biden’s Georgia Speech Is a Break Point' He united us against him. Quoting McConnell "A president shouting that 52 senators and millions of Americans are racist unless he gets whatever he wants is proving exactly why the Framers built the Senate to check his power." [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jan 14, 2022 ~ Ted Cruz's bill to sanction Russia's Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline got 55 votes. Guess how Democrats killed it. They filibustered it! After screaming for months that the filibuster was racist, Jim Crow 2.0 and those who use it side with Bull Conner and slavery. Assholes! [Fake Racism, Politics, Russia, Slavery]
Jan 13, 2022 ~ If you oppose anything we want (even if we opposed it 5 minutes ago) you stand with George Wallace, Bull Connor and Jefferson Davis. You support slavery and Jim Crow and your alternative is worse than 9/11, Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust. -The Democrats (a totally serious party) [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics, Slavery]
Jan 12, 2022 ~ .@VP Harris' Communications Director Jamal Simmons used the same rhetoric Trump used about 2020. Said Bush was 'illegitimate,' 'stole' the election. "I ... believe W's 1st term to have been illegitimate." "I thought W stole the 2000" election. Dems do this more than GOP. [2020 Election, Politics]
Jan 12, 2022 ~ David Harsanyi 'Biden’s Big Elections Lie' Claimed "anyone opposing the Democrats’ voting-rights bill was not only a bigot but a seditious 'domestic' enemy." "Lies about the bill because "the specifics are actually quite popular and do not inhibit a citizen from casting a ballot" [Fake Racism, Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jan 12, 2022 ~ McConnell torches Biden's voting rights speech. "He used the phrase ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ to demagogue a law that makes the franchise more accessible than in his own state of DE." "GA has more days of early voting than DE or NY. GA has no-excuse absentee voting which DE and NY do not." [Fake Racism, Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jan 12, 2022 ~ Sen. Schumer could not look more ridiculous as Sen. Cotton makes an entire speech defending the filibuster out of Schumer quotes. Dems think we are so stupid that we won't notice they have used the filibuster hundreds of times a year and have all spoken out in favor of it. [Politics]
Jan 4, 2022 ~ Rachel Alexander 'Many More Trump Supporters are Dying From COVID Than Dems' "Data across the US in counties with the same % of elderly people, the highest % of elderly in the country, shows that people in the reddest counties are dying at [4x] the rate" of "the bluest counties." [Coronavirus, Politics]
Jan 3, 2022 ~ Democrats are OUTRAGED that 29% of Republicans do not consider Biden to be a legitimate president. @ByronYork points out that 42% of Democrats said Trump wasn't a legit president in 2017. And more than 50% of Dems said Bush wasn't a legit president in 2001. Dems back Abrahms too. [2020 Election, Politics]
Dec 30, 2021 ~ Washington Free Beacon, 'Americans Fled Blue States for Red States in Massive Numbers in 2021, Census Finds' "CA, Illinois, and NY on the decline. Florida, Idaho, and Texas on the rise." No surprise. Left wing policies made those blue states unlivable, high crime hell holes. [California, Crime, Loathsome Left, Politics, Regulations]
Dec 30, 2021 ~ After spending an entire year blaming Trump for #COVID19 and also for the deaths caused by it, Biden all of a sudden blurts out "There is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level." His COVID results have been worse than Trump's so nothing the Federal Gov can do now. [Biden, Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Dec 22, 2021 ~ Brittany Bernstein, "How the Conservative ‘Save America Coalition’ Helped Kill Build Back Better" Spent $20M to educate the public about the radical elements of the bill like "80,000 new IRS agents or the climate corps" etc. The more they learned, the less they wanted it. [Politics, Taxes]
Dec 5, 2021 ~ Donations to the Clinton Foundation have collapsed by 93% since 2009 peak. This is no surprise as the CF was a transparent "pay to play" influence purchasing organization. There was never any other reason to donate "through" the CF vs. donating directly to the cause in question. [Hillary, Politics]
Dec 3, 2021 ~ John F. Di Leo, 'Willie Horton and the Democratic Party's Greatest Fear' Then, only Dukakis was stupid enough to let out a vicious murderer to predicable results. But now many Democrats are that stupid letting out dangerous criminals like Darrell Brooks with their 'bail reform'. [Crime, Politics]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald, "The reason it's so vital to Democrats to insist that what happened on Jan 6 wasn't a 3-hour riot but an INSURRECTION, even though not one person has been charged with that by the DOJ is because that's the framework that lets them treat all their adversaries as criminals." [Capitol Riot, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ New York City will now allow non-citizens (almost 1 million) to vote. [Immigration, Politics]
Nov 18, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, 'The Racist of NBC News' "Democrats need black faces telling black people they’d better stay in line; to learn and accept their place." That's Joy Reid's job (in addition to lying non-stop and falsely accusing everyone of racism) and she does it well. @JoyAnnReid [Derek Hunter, Fake News, Fake Racism, Politics, Racism]
Nov 16, 2021 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Gerrymandering Is Normal' "The Democrats were perfectly happy with gerrymandering for the better part of 200 years, understanding it to be an utterly normal part of the political process. They began to object to it when Republicans got good at it." [Kevin Williamson, Politics]
Nov 14, 2021 ~ Stupid article on @FiveThirtyEight, 'Why White Voters With Racist Views Often Still Support Black Republicans.' According to the left, Republicans are racist no matter what that do. Racist if they don't vote for the black candidate, and racist if they do. These people need help. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Nov 9, 2021 ~ Trump tells Republicans not to vote. "If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting ’22 or ’24." Polls show that almost 10% of Republicans will not vote absent 'forensic audits.' [2020 Election, Politics]
Nov 3, 2021 ~ A woman in Chris Hurst's car was caught destroying and stealing political signs ahead of the election. Hurst is a Democrat representing Virginia’s 12th legislative district. Sad but unsurprising behavior from Democrats. Mcauliffe operatives staged hate crime hoax with fake nazis. [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Nov 3, 2021 ~ Glenn Younkin wins VA Governorship despite last minute Dem dirty tricks. Black woman Winsome Sears wins Lt. Governor. Dems of course ridiculously blame 'white supremacy' and 'racism' doubling down on the very same poisonous lies that led to these victories. They may never get it? [Fake Racism, Politics]
Nov 2, 2021 ~ After just being caught in a hoax where Dem operatives pretended to be 'white supremacists' for Youngkin, they try an even less believable stunt. Staged a guy in a cowboy hat with a new Confederate flag patch on his jacket at Youngkin rally from behind so he cant be identified. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Oct 29, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald on the staged Nazis, "The Democratic party believes it owns race... that it owns the accusations of racism... racism is now their little toy that they get to exploit and play with any time they want.. Its just something they use to destroy anybody that opposes them." [Fake Racism, Politics, Race, Racism]
Oct 29, 2021 ~ Democrat Party operatives and the #FakeNews spent all day pushing a photo staged to make it appear neo-Nazis were supporting Glenn Youngkin. They were caught lying yet again. All the Dems have is the race card. Its always a lie, yet they play it all day every day. They are scum. [Charlottesville, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Oct 24, 2021 ~ Rep. Terri Sewell (D-AL) is the latest Democrat to make a fool of herself by saying the filibuster has something to do with racism. An "archaic rule that was meant to keep black folks down." Absurd. And Democrats used the hell out of the filibuster until about 5 minutes ago. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Oct 23, 2021 ~ Massively violating the separation of church and state, more than 300 Black churches across Virginia will hear a video message from Vice President Kamala Harris during morning services each week as part of an outreach effort aimed to boost Terry McAuliffe's re-election. [Politics, Religion]
Oct 23, 2021 ~ The liberal Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a Hatch Act complaint with the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) against Jen Psaki for saying “we’re going to do everything we can to help former governor McAuliffe, and we believe in [his] agenda.” [Politics]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Ben Shapiro, "No, Government Spending Isn't 'Zero Cost'" Really sad that an article with this title would have to be written but the Biden administration is actually claiming a $3.5 Trillion "reconciliation package will cost 0 dollars" and the lapdog #FakeNews is playing along. [Biden, Debt, Deficit, Fake News, Politics]
Sep 22, 2021 ~ Ted Cruz praises Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema for "standing up to the crazies in their party." His narrative doesn't hold up because "the crazies" are now the entire Democratic Party except for exactly 2 people. [Politics]
Sep 1, 2021 ~ Matt Gaetz said in March, "The allegations of sexual misconduct against me are false. They are rooted in an extortion effort against my family for $25 million." Congresman Matt Gaetz has been exonerated after Stephen Alford was indicted by the Department of Justice for extortion. [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Aug 30, 2021 ~ John Green, 'Hunter Biden: A legend in the art community' "What do Hunter's art sales have in common with the Clinton Foundation? They are both selling influence... The art and the foundation are merely instruments to launder bribes." [Biden, Hillary, Politics]
Aug 9, 2021 ~ Republicans foolishly caving on the unnecessary 'infrastructure" bill. Claim its paid for. No. Claim it is narrowly focused on traditional infrastructure. No again. Claim Dems won't use that bill as a vehicle ram through their entire radical agenda via reconciliation. No again. [Politics]
Jul 28, 2021 ~ Big Democrat Party donor Ed Buck who's donated to Ted Lieu, Adam Schiff, Xavier Becerra, Gavin Newsom, Eric Garcetti, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has been convicted of 9 felonies. He gave several black men meth in xchange for sex. 2 died. One barely made it out of his house. [Crime, Hillary, Politics]
Jul 26, 2021 ~ Axios/Momentive poll finds that only 20% (including only 35% Dem/leans Dem) of voters think transgender women should be allowed to compete against biological females in sports. The anti-science Democratic Party is aligned against the will of the people and even their own voters. [Anti-Science, Politics, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 24, 2021 ~ Rep Hank Johnson calls "the filibuster... a relic of the racist past of this nation." The Dems continue to simply label everything they disagree with as 'racist'. For ex. the filibuster which they have used 100s of times a year forever. It has literally nothing to do with racism. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Jul 19, 2021 ~ Yes, Mike Lindell is a loon. But here [Jack Posobiec video] are many mainstream Democrat politicians sounding just like the looniest Republican citizens. They are all in on vote machine hacking and election conspiracy theories including VP Kamala Harris. [2020 Election, Politics]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ Victor Davis Hanson 'Democratic Party Won't Admit It's Become the Party of Wealth' "65% of the Americans making more than $500,000 a year are Democrats, and 74% of those who earn less than $100,000 a year are Republicans" Dems "control all 20 of the wealthiest congressional districts." [Economics, Politics, Victor Davis Hanson]
Jul 13, 2021 ~ Biden clownishly says There is “an unfolding assault taking place in America today, an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote. We’re facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War. That’s not hyperbole, since the Civil War.” None of this is true. [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Jul 4, 2021 ~ The Supreme Court upholds the Arizona voter integrity law which banned ballot harvesting and throws out ballots cast in the wrong precinct. The DNC falsely claimed those provisions discriminated against minorities. Doesn't bode well for the bogus DOJ lawsuit against GA's law. [Fake Racism, Politics, SCOTUS, Voter Integrity Laws]

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