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Dec 5, 2021 ~ Donations to the Clinton Foundation have collapsed by 93% since 2009 peak. This is no surprise as the CF was a transparent "pay to play" influence purchasing organization. There was never any other reason to donate "through" the CF vs. donating directly to the cause in question. [Hillary, Politics]
Dec 3, 2021 ~ John F. Di Leo, 'Willie Horton and the Democratic Party's Greatest Fear' Then, only Dukakis was stupid enough to let out a vicious murderer to predicable results. But now many Democrats are that stupid letting out dangerous criminals like Darrell Brooks with their 'bail reform'. [Crime, Politics]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald, "The reason it's so vital to Democrats to insist that what happened on Jan 6 wasn't a 3-hour riot but an INSURRECTION, even though not one person has been charged with that by the DOJ is because that's the framework that lets them treat all their adversaries as criminals." [Capitol Riot, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ New York City will now allow non-citizens (almost 1 million) to vote. [Immigration, Politics]
Nov 18, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, 'The Racist of NBC News' "Democrats need black faces telling black people they’d better stay in line; to learn and accept their place." That's Joy Reid's job (in addition to lying non-stop and falsely accusing everyone of racism) and she does it well. @JoyAnnReid [Derek Hunter, Fake News, Fake Racism, Politics, Racism]
Nov 16, 2021 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Gerrymandering Is Normal' "The Democrats were perfectly happy with gerrymandering for the better part of 200 years, understanding it to be an utterly normal part of the political process. They began to object to it when Republicans got good at it." [Kevin Williamson, Politics]
Nov 14, 2021 ~ Stupid article on @FiveThirtyEight, 'Why White Voters With Racist Views Often Still Support Black Republicans.' According to the left, Republicans are racist no matter what that do. Racist if they don't vote for the black candidate, and racist if they do. These people need help. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Nov 9, 2021 ~ Trump tells Republicans not to vote. "If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting ’22 or ’24." Polls show that almost 10% of Republicans will not vote absent 'forensic audits.' [2020 Election, Politics]
Nov 3, 2021 ~ A woman in Chris Hurst's car was caught destroying and stealing political signs ahead of the election. Hurst is a Democrat representing Virginia’s 12th legislative district. Sad but unsurprising behavior from Democrats. Mcauliffe operatives staged hate crime hoax with fake nazis. [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Nov 3, 2021 ~ Glenn Younkin wins VA Governorship despite last minute Dem dirty tricks. Black woman Winsome Sears wins Lt. Governor. Dems of course ridiculously blame 'white supremacy' and 'racism' doubling down on the very same poisonous lies that led to these victories. They may never get it? [Fake Racism, Politics]
Nov 2, 2021 ~ After just being caught in a hoax where Dem operatives pretended to be 'white supremacists' for Youngkin, they try an even less believable stunt. Staged a guy in a cowboy hat with a new Confederate flag patch on his jacket at Youngkin rally from behind so he cant be identified. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Oct 29, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald on the staged Nazis, "The Democratic party believes it owns race... that it owns the accusations of racism... racism is now their little toy that they get to exploit and play with any time they want.. Its just something they use to destroy anybody that opposes them." [Fake Racism, Politics, Race, Racism]
Oct 29, 2021 ~ Democrat Party operatives and the #FakeNews spent all day pushing a photo staged to make it appear neo-Nazis were supporting Glenn Youngkin. They were caught lying yet again. All the Dems have is the race card. Its always a lie, yet they play it all day every day. They are scum. [Charlottesville, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Oct 24, 2021 ~ Rep. Terri Sewell (D-AL) is the latest Democrat to make a fool of herself by saying the filibuster has something to do with racism. An "archaic rule that was meant to keep black folks down." Absurd. And Democrats used the hell out of the filibuster until about 5 minutes ago. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Oct 23, 2021 ~ Massively violating the separation of church and state, more than 300 Black churches across Virginia will hear a video message from Vice President Kamala Harris during morning services each week as part of an outreach effort aimed to boost Terry McAuliffe's re-election. [Politics, Religion]
Oct 23, 2021 ~ The liberal Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a Hatch Act complaint with the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) against Jen Psaki for saying “we’re going to do everything we can to help former governor McAuliffe, and we believe in [his] agenda.” [Politics]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Ben Shapiro, "No, Government Spending Isn't 'Zero Cost'" Really sad that an article with this title would have to be written but the Biden administration is actually claiming a $3.5 Trillion "reconciliation package will cost 0 dollars" and the lapdog #FakeNews is playing along. [Biden, Debt, Deficit, Fake News, Politics]
Sep 22, 2021 ~ Ted Cruz praises Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema for "standing up to the crazies in their party." His narrative doesn't hold up because "the crazies" are now the entire Democratic Party except for exactly 2 people. [Politics]
Sep 1, 2021 ~ Matt Gaetz said in March, "The allegations of sexual misconduct against me are false. They are rooted in an extortion effort against my family for $25 million." Congresman Matt Gaetz has been exonerated after Stephen Alford was indicted by the Department of Justice for extortion. [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Aug 30, 2021 ~ John Green, 'Hunter Biden: A legend in the art community' "What do Hunter's art sales have in common with the Clinton Foundation? They are both selling influence... The art and the foundation are merely instruments to launder bribes." [Biden, Hillary, Politics]
Aug 9, 2021 ~ Republicans foolishly caving on the unnecessary 'infrastructure" bill. Claim its paid for. No. Claim it is narrowly focused on traditional infrastructure. No again. Claim Dems won't use that bill as a vehicle ram through their entire radical agenda via reconciliation. No again. [Politics]
Jul 28, 2021 ~ Big Democrat Party donor Ed Buck who's donated to Ted Lieu, Adam Schiff, Xavier Becerra, Gavin Newsom, Eric Garcetti, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has been convicted of 9 felonies. He gave several black men meth in xchange for sex. 2 died. One barely made it out of his house. [Crime, Hillary, Politics]
Jul 26, 2021 ~ Axios/Momentive poll finds that only 20% (including only 35% Dem/leans Dem) of voters think transgender women should be allowed to compete against biological females in sports. The anti-science Democratic Party is aligned against the will of the people and even their own voters. [Anti-Science, Politics, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 24, 2021 ~ Rep Hank Johnson calls "the filibuster... a relic of the racist past of this nation." The Dems continue to simply label everything they disagree with as 'racist'. For ex. the filibuster which they have used 100s of times a year forever. It has literally nothing to do with racism. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Jul 19, 2021 ~ Yes, Mike Lindell is a loon. But here [Jack Posobiec video] are many mainstream Democrat politicians sounding just like the looniest Republican citizens. They are all in on vote machine hacking and election conspiracy theories including VP Kamala Harris. [2020 Election, Politics]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ Victor Davis Hanson 'Democratic Party Won't Admit It's Become the Party of Wealth' "65% of the Americans making more than $500,000 a year are Democrats, and 74% of those who earn less than $100,000 a year are Republicans" Dems "control all 20 of the wealthiest congressional districts." [Economics, Politics, Victor Davis Hanson]
Jul 13, 2021 ~ Biden clownishly says There is “an unfolding assault taking place in America today, an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote. We’re facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War. That’s not hyperbole, since the Civil War.” None of this is true. [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Jul 4, 2021 ~ The Supreme Court upholds the Arizona voter integrity law which banned ballot harvesting and throws out ballots cast in the wrong precinct. The DNC falsely claimed those provisions discriminated against minorities. Doesn't bode well for the bogus DOJ lawsuit against GA's law. [Fake Racism, Politics, SCOTUS, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ The horrible S.1 'For the People Act' has been defeated 50-50. Based on a lie that states are 'suppressing the vote' when its never been easier and turnout has never been higher. Cruz, 'welfare for politicians with a 6-to-1 match of campaign donations with taxpayer money.' [Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jun 7, 2021 ~ Manchin disagrees with problematic aspects of the voting bill. @jemelehill says that 'white supremacy' [is] upheld by a cowardly, power-hungry white dude. @Sen_JoeManchin is a clown.' Hill is the female equivalent of Ibram X. Kendi. Everything and everyone is 'white supremacy.' [Fake Racism, Politics]
Jun 4, 2021 ~ Penny Starr, 'Biden’s Home State of Delaware Has Stricter Voting Laws than Texas' Biden looks ridiculous calling Texas voter laws 'Jim Crow' when his own state is more strict. 'Delaware voting laws are not just stricter but much narrower.' 'There is no early voting in Delaware.' [Politics]
Jun 4, 2021 ~ The claim that Voter ID is 'racist' has always been false and insulting to Black people who are just as capable as every other group of people of obtaining an ID. How can Democrats process the fact that 46 of the 47 European democracies have election voter ID laws? All racist? [Fake Racism, Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jun 2, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Texas Voting Lie' Once again, Democrats are lying calling the new law Jim Crow and Voter Suppression. 'None of the bill’s provisions would actually prevent anyone from voting.' 'There is zero chance that the bill would discernibly affect turnout.' [Politics, Rich Lowry]
May 17, 2021 ~ Molly Hemingway reminds us that many prominent Dems promoted a bogus election conspiracy but were not labelled misinformation or inciting violence. Nancy Pelosi, "Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts." [Fake News, Politics, Russia Hoax]
May 15, 2021 ~ Trump is trashing any Republicans who don't support his 'stolen election' theory. The latest is Karl Rove, 'He’s totally ineffective and does not represent the MAGA Movement in any way, shape, or form.' GOP pols are in a terrible spot. Either support Trump's lies or get trashed. [2020 Election, Politics]
May 5, 2021 ~ 'Fact Chekers' like PolitiFact prove that they are just #FakeNews Democrat party operatives. Politifact refuses to call the claim that the GA voter integrity law is worse than Jim Crow a lie. Its a colossal lie. Not even a small one and an insult to all the real Jim Crow victims. [Fake News, Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
May 1, 2021 ~ Cher says, Republicans 'ONLY LET WHITE PPL VOTE.THEY STILL DONT KNOW WHY BLACK,BROWN,NATIVE AMERICANS R ALLOWED 2 VOTE' Is she actually this dumb or just a huge liar? Cher doesn't think black people are capable of obtaining a free photo ID. Democrats live in a #Fake world. [Fake Racism, Politics, Racism]
May 1, 2021 ~ Andrew McCarthy, 'Race Demagogues Are Poisoning Our Politics' If we think 'the best way to root out any vestiges of racism is willfully to adopt race-obsessed policies, and to privilege some people over others based on the color of their skin, then we haven’t learned very much.' [Fake Racism, Politics, Racism]
Apr 26, 2021 ~ Florida and Texas gain House seats while New York and California lose House seats. Why? Because people are fleeing NY and CA in droves because Democrats have continued to make those places more and more unlivable and unaffordable. [California, Politics]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Stacey Abrams, Fount of Disinformation' 'She’s managed to convince almost all Democrats to accept her ridiculous contention that she was the rightful winner of her 2018 gubernatorial race against Brian Kemp, which she never conceded.' RL debunks of all of her claims. [Politics, Rich Lowry]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Sen. Warren compresses 2 big lies into 1 sentence: “The Republican who is sitting in Stacey Abrams’ chair just signed a despicable voter suppression bill into law to take Georgia back to Jim Crow.” Abrams lost by 50K votes. The voter integrity law has no resemblance to Jim Crow. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ President Trump, not content to merely cause the Democratic majority in the Senate seems determined to destroy the Republican Party. Calls McConnell a 'dumb son of a bitch.' and 'I wish that Mike Pence had the courage to send it back to the legislatures... I was so disappointed.' [2020 Election, Politics]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Charles C. W. Cooke, 'Biden’s Lies about the Filibuster Are Brazen Beyond Belief' 'Having supported the provision for nearly five decades, Biden now says that he considers it a "relic of Jim Crow."' 'For half a century, Biden was one of the most emphatic defenders' in history. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ #FakeNews CBS News runs article, '3 ways companies can help fight Georgia's restrictive new voting law.' This is naked 'partisan advocacy.' And is total #FakeNews as usual. The law's rules are expansive and far less restrictive than many blue states. [Fake News, Politics]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Rasmussen poll finds 75% of likely voters say voter id is 'necessary to a fair and secure election process’ including 65% of Democrats and 73% of Black voters. This very popular measure is what Dem politicians want you to believe is 'racist.' Yes, they think you are that dumb. [Fake Racism, Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Mitch McConnell says the Dem narratives about the voting laws and filibuster being 'Jim Crow' is 'a fake narrative... Nobody actually believes this.' Hours were not cut. Days were expanded. 'Plenty of Democrat-run states allow fewer days of early voting' than the GA law requires. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Voter-Suppression Lie' 'Biden says the new law is “Jim Crow in the 21st century” and “an un-American law to deny people the right to vote.”' 'Jim Crow on steroids.' 'The old Jim Crow was billy clubs and fire hoses.' The GA law does nothing to suppress votes. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Schumer looks like a total fool, 'Racist voter suppression laws are now hurting Georgia's voters AND its economy. Georgia Republicans should be ashamed. We would welcome MLB to come to come play the All-Star Game in New York where' our laws are FAR more restrictive than GA's. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Apr 6, 2021 ~ Lots of corporations like Delta, American Airlines, PayPal look ridiculous condemning the GA & TX voter laws for requiring IDs because that is supposedly 'racist' when they all require IDs themselves. The actual racism is assuming black people are incapable of getting a photo ID. [Cancel Culture, Politics]
Apr 6, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, "Anyone Using the ‘Jim Crow’ Charge as a Political Weapon Should Hang His Head in Shame" Lowry reminds us what Jim Crow really was. Biden trivializes all that by associating the filibuster and GA's voting laws with Jim Crow. Democrat narratives are always false. [Loathsome Left, Politics, Race, Racism, Rich Lowry]

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