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Nov 2, 2021 ~ Dennis Prager, "Leftists truly believe that blacks are intellectually and morally inferior to whites. The evidence? They do not believe blacks should be held to the same intellectual and moral standards to which leftists hold whites." They demand we accept any behavior or results [Affirmative Action, Dennis Prager, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism]
Oct 31, 2021 ~ Rutgers Professor Brittney Cooper spews race hate. "White people are committed to being villains." "We got to take these motherfuckers out." History = "White people showed up being raggedy and violent and terrible and trying to take everything from everybody." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism, Violent Left]
Oct 31, 2021 ~ Prof. John McWhorter on his book, 'Woke Racism: How a New Religion has betrayed Black America' "It’s about how a certain subset of ‘the woke’ these days are hurting Black people in the name of something that they’re calling anti-racism." Most know its BS but are unable to oppose. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Race, Religion]
Oct 30, 2021 ~ Harvard allows only Black people into certain theatrical performances. "We have designated this performance to be an exclusive space for Black-identifying audience members." Its unreal what's happening in this country. The left wants to undo all the progress we've made on race. [Race, Racism]
Oct 29, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald on the staged Nazis, "The Democratic party believes it owns race... that it owns the accusations of racism... racism is now their little toy that they get to exploit and play with any time they want.. Its just something they use to destroy anybody that opposes them." [Fake Racism, Politics, Race, Racism]
Oct 20, 2021 ~ Helen Andrews, "The End Result of ‘Karen’ Panic" Black man and illegal immigrant Fiston Ngoy raped a woman for 8 minutes. No bystanders intervened or called 911. This is the predictable result of many incidents where it was deemed 'racist' to call the police on a black person. [Crime, Fake Racism, Police, Race]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ CA Governor Newsom signs a bill requiring all California students to take Ethnic Studies Classes before graduation. "This bill would add the completion of a one-semester course in ethnic studies, meeting specified requirements, to the graduation requirements." [California, CRT DIE Wokeness, Identity Politics, Race]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Bates College has been assimilated by the woke mob. They demanded a picture of a Republican be taken off Instagram. Bates did and apologized for 'the harm.' Now they are demanding courses including Calculus focus on "race, colonialism, white supremacy, power, and privilege." [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Race]
Oct 8, 2021 ~ NY Post, 'Sage Steele pulled off ESPN in wave of controversy, COVID diagnosis' She dared to criticize the vaccine mandates and says she identifies as mixed race rather than Black. Criticized Obama for choosing only Black when it was the White side of the family that raised him. [Cancel Culture, Coronavirus, Race, Silencing]
Sep 4, 2021 ~ Heather Mac Donald 'Playing the Race Card on Larry Elder' "Blacks committed 127,350 non-lethal violent crimes against whites, while whites committed 17,690 non-lethal violent crimes against blacks... blacks commit 88 percent of all interracial violence between blacks and whites." [Crime, Fake Racism, Race]
Jul 20, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Assault on America’s National Identity' "The NFL is joining a hostile redefinition of the American nation." Playing the "The Black National Anthem" before every game before the real National Anthem which they are making "by implication" the white national anthem. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Identity Politics, Race, Rich Lowry]
Jun 25, 2021 ~ A riot almost started in Portland until they found out the victim was white. Then they lost interest as they do for all white people killed by the police (2X). 'CALL TO ACTION. BLACK MAN KILLED BY POLICE' Police had to correct, 'The subject involved is an adult white male.' Pfew. [Police, Race, Violent Left]
Jun 13, 2021 ~ Mass shootout on 6th Street in Austin. 14 people shot. Austin American Statesman hides the fact that the shooter was a skinny black man with dreads because 'such publication could be harmful in perpetuating stereotypes.' Withholding that information put the community in danger. [Crime, Guns-Mass Shootings, Identity Politics, Political Correctness, Race]
May 30, 2021 ~ Nature Magazine openly discriminates based on race in their hiring decisions. 'We are looking for a Black candidate with a passion for science...' Once shunned, open racism is now routinely practiced and celebrated by the left. [Race, Racism]
May 21, 2021 ~ Dan Grotting, superintendent of the school district in Beaverton, OR said CRT training 'isn’t optional.' “I do want the message to get out there that this [anti-racism training] isn’t optional anymore... if you’re not willing then maybe this isn’t the right place for you to work” [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Race, Racism]
May 10, 2021 ~ John McWhorter, 'CAN WE PLEASE DITCH THE TERM "SYSTEMIC RACISM"?' The systemic racism of the 60s is 'long gone' but it instilled an anti-school 'attitudinal' issue in the black community. So, addressing current 'racism' is unhelpful, even harmful because that's not the problem. [Education, Fake Racism, Race, Racism]
Apr 24, 2021 ~ Joanna Williams, 'The racism racket.' 'Mounting evidence points to workplace diversity training actually having unintended negative consequences.' 'By all measures, race has never been less of a barrier to advancement in the workplace.' Hucksters are getting rich dividing us. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Race, Racism]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ George Leef, "If You Want to Work in the UNC System, Prove Your ‘Wokeness’" A required document is a ‘Diversity Statement.’ ‘that addresses how their cultural, experiential, and/or academic background contributes to the building of an equitable and diverse scholarly environment.’ [College, Identity Politics, Race]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Two black teens steal an Uber Eats car driven by Mohammad Anwar and crash it killing him. They attacked him with a taser during the carjacking. The #FakeNews treats it as an accident. If the attackers were white, the narrative would be 'white supremacists' kill man of color. [Crime, Race]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ LWIT Prof. Elisa Parrett who pushed back briefly against segregated by race 'white fragility' training was subjected to a 9 month 'investigation' because her comments 'led to substantial harm to hundreds of colleagues on campus.' Others learn they must agree and remain silent. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Race, Racism, Silencing]
Apr 6, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, "Anyone Using the ‘Jim Crow’ Charge as a Political Weapon Should Hang His Head in Shame" Lowry reminds us what Jim Crow really was. Biden trivializes all that by associating the filibuster and GA's voting laws with Jim Crow. Democrat narratives are always false. [Loathsome Left, Politics, Race, Racism, Rich Lowry]
Mar 24, 2021 ~ Tristan Yang, 'Columbia U’s Ultra-Woke Idea: Segregated Graduation Ceremonies' 'focus on identity reinforces campus division, as students depend more on institutional labeling to define who they are. The result is the undermining of campus unity to an almost irreparable point.' [College, Race, Racism]
Mar 24, 2021 ~ Matt Walsh, 'The narrative that white men are committing most of the violence or most of the race based violence is completely false... The reality is exactly the opposite of what we're told.' 'A black person is far, far more likely to kill a white person than the reverse.' [Crime, Fake Racism, Race]
Mar 16, 2021 ~ Columbia University will host six graduation ceremonies divided by sex, race, income, sexual orientation. Black, Asian, Latinx, LGBT, Etc. The left does everything it can to divide us. This is the world Democrats want. Separate water fountains can't be far behind. [College, Identity Politics, LGBT, Loathsome Left, Race]
Mar 16, 2021 ~ Peter Kirsanow 'Increasingly, Facts Are Considered Racist' #CanelCulture environement around race is so poisonous a Prof. was fired for stating the fact that black students (who were admitted with lower scores) get lower grades and another prof. was fired for not 'correcting' her [Affirmative Action, Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Race, Silencing]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Wesley Smith, "Why We Can’t Have ‘an Honest Conversation about Race’" Today, 'one has to agree with the #BLM, “structural racism,” and/or “critical race theory” sides of the topic even to be allowed to express an opinion. And if you don’t, CANCELED!' We see people canceled daily. [BLM, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Race, Racism, Silencing]
Mar 7, 2021 ~ Davud Reaboi, 'The savage attacks on Asians in San Francisco—like the savage attacks on Jews in NYC—are being perpetrated exclusively by young black men. The levels of casual sadism involved are shocking to civilized people, but everyone is afraid to say it out loud.' [Anti-Semitism, Crime, Fake News, Race, Racism]
Mar 2, 2021 ~ Rapper Zuby 'says the term 'people of colour' is asinine and redundant.' 'Why do we need a term that just means non-white?' 'I don't see the world that way.' 'You only need that delineation if you are a Klansman or if you are a radical leftist.' Makes White people "the other." [Race]
Feb 23, 2021 ~ Christopher Rufo continues to expose toxic critical race sludge being fed to school children. America “is built on racism” and that “America’s sickness” leads some whites to believe that black people are “not human.” Kids killed by “racist police and state-sanctioned violence.” [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism]
Feb 17, 2021 ~ Steve Sailer, 'Equity: The New Equality' '“Equity” has become the dog-whistle term used to alert the Woke that you intend to deliver to them the equality of outcome they desire rather than the equality of opportunity they deserve.' [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Identity Politics, Race]
Feb 15, 2021 ~ Christopher Rufo exposes NYC schools sending a "tool for action" to parents explaining the "8 White Identities". Hint: almost none of them are "good" except if you are a "white traitor" or beyond. You must strive to be a white traitor or you will be one of the bad white people. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism]
Feb 12, 2021 ~ Very well written takedown of 'anti-racism'. Excerpt of his book, 'THE ELECT: NEORACISTS POSING AS ANTIRACISTS AND THEIR THREAT TO A PROGRESSIVE AMERICA' How 3rd Wave Antiracists control society and silence dissent via fear of false racism charges. [Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Race, Racism]
Feb 1, 2021 ~ San Francisco school board votes to rename 44 schools at a cost of over $400k. All people in history are judged by 2021 standards. Canceled people include Washington, Lincoln, McKinley, Garfield, Monroe, Paul Revere, Roosevelt, Francis Scott Key and many more. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Race, Racism, Slavery]
Feb 1, 2021 ~ Jack Montgomery, 'UK: At Least 69 Monuments and Memorials Removed or Renamed Amid Ongoing BLM Mania' Everyone in history is being judged by 2020 standards and everyone is thereby canceled. Hume, Churchill, and dozens more. #CancelCulture #BLM [BLM, Cancel Culture, Race, Racism]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Recent Temple engineering grad. Milan Loncar was approached on a Philadelphia street corner and killed after being robbed by 2 black guys. If the races were reversed, like Ahmaud Arbery, there would be weeks of national stories about how white people are 'hunting' black people. [Crime, Race]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Jason Rantz posts video of black man Isaiah Clay Lewis drop kicking an elderly white woman in the face in Seattle as she planted flowers. 'She suffered 10 fractures to her cheekbone, nose, sinuses & eye socket.' Ignored but would be a national emergency if races were reversed. [Crime, Race, Racism]
Jan 21, 2021 ~ The Black Liberation March in New York City turned violent. Dozens of officers were injured. Violence from the left is still the norm and happens almost daily. Democrats are still in a tizzy because some Republicans, for the first time, acted like Democrats exactly once. #BLM [BLM, Race, Violent Left]
Dec 30, 2020 ~ Mob of black teens attack car containing Max Torgovnick and his mother. Video shows them smashing bikes into the car, jumping on the windshield breaking it. trying to open the doors, banging and breaking the windows, kicking the car. Would be national emergency if races reversed. [Crime, Race]
Dec 28, 2020 ~ Rodney Stevens, 'Racism is no longer systemic in the United States. Trust me.' Dems 'fail to acknowledge how much has improved with regard to race in this country.' 'racism still exists but it is no longer systemic. Those who claim that racism is everywhere today are delusional.' [Fake Racism, Race, Racism]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ Walter Williams, 'Correct Diagnostics Needed' By misdiagnosing the problems black people face as being caused by 'racism', we can't fix those problems because we're addressing the wrong cause. 60% grade school education gap between blacks and whites in DC but more money spent. [Education, Fake Racism, Race, Walter Williams]
Nov 5, 2020 ~ Despite falsely being called a 'racist', 18% of blacks Voted Trump vs. 11% for Romney, 5% McCain. Massive Hispanic support carried Florida. Zapata Cty, TX that went +43 for Obama went +5 Trump. Trump won Native American counties +40 that Obama won +20. LGBT Trump support 2X 2016. [2020 Election, Fake Racism, Politics, Race]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ Laura Hollis, 'Obesity: The American Health Crisis We Should Be Talking About' The differences in #COVID19 death rates in populations correlate with obesity. 42% of Americans are obese. 4.7% of South Koreans. Among Americans, death rates correlate well with race obesity rates. [Coronavirus, Health, Race]
Oct 25, 2020 ~ Left wing CNN pundit Van Jones on Trump helping African Americans, 'Every time people made a prediction that Donald Trump was going to sell us out, turn on us, wasn’t going to use political capital, he came harder… Donald Trump has got to get the credit. He stood up.' [Race, Trump Win]
Oct 24, 2020 ~ White woman Chelsea Handler tells black man 50 Cent what he is and is not allowed to do. 'I had to remind him that he was a Black person, so he can’t vote for Donald Trump.' Democrats 'remind' black people to stay in their place and obey them. Serious consequences if they do not. [Loathsome Left, Race, Racism]
Oct 24, 2020 ~ #BLM is violently protesting in San Bernardino over a black man killed by a white officer. Video shows, Mark Bender was fighting the cop, and was shot when he went for his gun. As usual, none of that mattered to #BLM who blocked traffic, keyed cars, punched a woman in the face. [BLM, Police, Race, Violent Left]
Oct 24, 2020 ~ Senators Tom Cotton and Kelly Loeffler urged the DOJ to investigate the “alarming trend of apparent racial segregation in schools” Segregated housing, graduations, cafes, student unions, white RAs getting 'White accountability' training. Violations of Title VI Civil Rights. [Race, Racism]
Oct 22, 2020 ~ Larry Elder, 'The No. 1 problem in the Black community is that 70% of Black kids are [raised out of wedlock]... kids growing up without a father are 5 times more likely to live in poverty, 9 times more likely to drop out of school and 20 times more likely to end up in prison. [Crime, Education, Larry Elder, Poverty, Race]
Oct 16, 2020 ~ Kurt Zindulka, 'Stigma of ‘White Privilege’ and ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Damaging White Working Class Boys: Report' This vile and toxic worldview tells innocent children that 'they are the problem and they should make amends for simply being who they are.' Causing resentment and anger [Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism]
Oct 16, 2020 ~ Ice Cube on President Trump's responsiveness to the Contract With Black America, ' I put out the CWBA. Both parties contacted me. Dems said we’ll address the CWBA after the election. Trump campaign made some adjustments to their plan after talking to us about the CWBA.' [Race, Trump Win]
Oct 16, 2020 ~ U. of Minnesota webinar 'Deconstructing & Decentralizing Whiteness'. A '12 step program' for white people wanting to 'recover and reclaim our full humanity' Step 1. Admit to your 'white supremacy' Step 5. 'We confessed our mistakes and failings.' More steps about white supremacy. [College, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Race]

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