Apr 18, 2019 ~ Library Journal tweets, 'Library collections continue to promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence and the fact that they are physically taking up space in our libraries.' Comments show attitude beyond increasing diversity. Want to 'weed gleefully' white authors [Racism, Race, Loathsome Left]
Apr 7, 2019 ~ Black actor Isaiah Washington praises Trump for supporting the black agenda far more than Obama did. 'I voted for 44 twice... Not once in 8 years was I given any support regarding Africa or the Black Agenda, but 45 invites me to the WH to celebrate the #FirstStepAct'. [Trump Win, Race, First Step]
Apr 4, 2019 ~ Pete Buttigieg apologizes profusely for saying 'all lives matter'. This kind of crazy talk is not allowed in the modern democratic party. It is akin to believing countries can have borders or that someone in the GOP can be 'a decent guy'. [Race, Illegal Immigration]
Apr 4, 2019 ~ Nick Pilgrim book 'Black Culture Matters'. 'Pilgrim persuasively demonstrates, the most significant problems afflicting the black community today.. are not caused by white supremacy. Instead, they are the inevitable outcome of poor lifestyle choices.' 'easier to scapegoat others' [Race]
Apr 3, 2019 ~ Economist Walter Williams said, 'Most of today's major problems encountered by black people have little or nothing to do with racial discrimination and a legacy of slavery. People who make those excuses are doing a grave disservice to black people.' The enemy 'is us'. [Race, Racism, Walter Williams]
Apr 2, 2019 ~ Sheriff Clarke 'reparations have already been paid to African-Americans for the last 150 years in the form of affirmative action, hiring quotas and diversity programs like college admissions that let less qualified black students into schools by denying more qualified white...' [Race, Affirmative Action]
Mar 29, 2019 ~ White South Carolina law student Samantha Josephson was killed by black man Nathaniel Rowland, stabbed 120 times, her body dumped in the woods. "She simply, mistakenly got into the car thinking it was an Uber ride." Another crime that would be a huge deal if the races were reversed. [Crime, Race]
Mar 29, 2019 ~ Man breaks up with his girl because she's white. NYT article, 'I Broke Up With Her Because She's White'. Doesn't get why the 'woke' want this. 'I was taught that we were all one people!' But the 'woke' left who he hopes to please rejects this. He must be sufficiently anti-white. [Race, Racism]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ The University of Colorado Denver is removing all white authors from the 'American Political Thought' course. American Political Thought does not include any thoughts of the Founders of America or anyone white. Expanding diversity is good, purposefully excluding a race is bad. [Race, Racism]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ Police study finds that 80% of the robberies in San Francisco are black on Asian. An 89 year old Chinese woman was recently beaten almost to death with her own cane in San Francisco. Asians are targets in many cities around the US. Rarely are they the perpetrators. [Race, Crime]
Mar 22, 2019 ~ A 78 year old black woman was brutally and repeatedly kicked in the face and abdomen as onlookers laughed and cheered. As Armstrong Williams explained in his Jazmine Barnes article, if the perps had been white, politicians and celebrities would be furiously demanding justice. [Race, Crime]
Mar 19, 2019 ~ AOC points out that only 7 black students were admitted to Stuyvesant public high school in NYC. Calls it 'education inequality' and 'This is what injustice looks like.' The school admits 100% on test scores. Does not discriminate on race. 74% are Asian, most of whom are poor. [Race, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Fake Racism, Affirmative Action, Identity Politics]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Many dems now support Reparations which Kurt Schlichter defines as 'the notion that a bunch of people who are not guilty of slavery owe money to people who were not slaves'. He shows all the reasons why it is unjust and can't possibly work. [Race, Slavery]
Feb 16, 2019 ~ Flashback - Ayn Rand was ahead of her time in 1964 when she said, 'Today, racism is regarded as a crime if practiced by a majority, but as an inalienable right if practiced by a minority.' [Race, Racism]
Feb 16, 2019 ~ Meetup has 800 single race groups. Pat Brown started a white only yoga group modelled after a black only yoga group - used same words changing black to white - vilified as a racist - Brown is anti-segregation and just did it to shine light on racist double standards. [Race, Fake Racism]
Feb 14, 2019 ~ Senators Harris, Booker and Scott pass an anti-lynching bill in the Senate. This is important because of the large number of lynching's that are happening now -0- and because its just unacceptable that lynching is still legal! Its not. But Dems need this to be a racist country. [Harris, Race]
Feb 14, 2019 ~ Washington Post study shows that the narrative that police are targeting black people is false. Each year from 2015-2018, police killed 2 times more white people than black but every one of those are ignored by the media because don't fit the narrative. [Police, Race]
Jan 24, 2019 ~ Walter Williams article, 'Who Benefits From Democratic Control' - 19 of the 20 poorest and most dangerous cities have a Democratic mayor, most have been run exclusively by democrats for decades - blacks hit hardest - Why would them keep voting for Democrats he asks? [Walter Williams, Crime, Politics, Race]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ Black murderer Curtis Cortez Jones sentenced for killing 2 white men - admitted he targeted victims based on their race 'he couldn't leave Iowa without killing a white man and that he wanted to shoot white men in the head' - media ignores. Doesn't fit their narrative. [Race, Crime, Fake News]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ Armstrong Williams devastating piece 'You're Nobody Until Somebody White Kills You'. When the killer of Jazmine Barnes was thought to be white, politicians, BLM, activists, athletes and many celebrities got involved. Yet hundreds of black child gun deaths are ignored each year. [Race, Fake Hate Crime, Guns-Mass Shootings, BLM]
Jan 16, 2019 ~ White Supremacists Ate My Homework - Ann Coulter argues that there are essentially no real 'white supremacists' or 'white identity politics' - whites are the only group not allowed to be proud of their heritage - defending attacks is racist [Race, Fake Racism]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ SiriusXM Host David Webb told CNN Analyst Areva Martin in an interview that qualifications should be more important than skin color. Martin tried to shut down that crazy talk by lecturing him about his 'White Privilege' unaware that Webb was black. Race cards are a reflex. [TDS, Race]
Jan 14, 2019 ~ RAND Corp. study of 'restorative justice' in Pittsburgh Public Schools - classrooms became more disruptive - 'substantial negative effects on math achievement' especially for black students - had 0 effect on the 'school to prison pipeline' [Race, Crime, Education]
Jan 11, 2019 ~ Dr. George Yancy gives racist speech at Wheaton University and gets 0 pushback; 'To be white is to be racist? in the end, white people are the [n-word]s.' But Wheaton won't let Ryan Bomberger give speech 'Black Lives Matter In and Out of the Womb.' [Racism, Race, Abortion, College]
Jan 11, 2019 ~ Nancy Pelosi Complains a Border Wall Discriminates Against People Entering Illegally. 'Its about a policy that is discriminatory about where people are coming into this country'. Democrats don't understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration. [Race, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Jan 10, 2019 ~ Walter Williams, 'A Glimmer of Hope for Black Education'. Maria Scruggs, president of the St. Petersburg, FL, NAACP said the 'district has shown they just can't do it. Now it's time for the community to step in.' Williams explains all the real things holding black education back. [Race, Walter Williams, Education]
Jan 2, 2019 ~ Trump boom is benefiting minorities more than white people - Black unemployment is not only at historic lows but the gap between the black and white unemployment rates is also at a historic low of 2.6% - gap averaged 6.4% during previous expansions. [Trump Win, Race, Economy]
Jan 2, 2019 ~ Malcolm X called liberals 'The worst enemy' black people have. 'The history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems.' following them 'perpetuated problems that Negros have' [Race]
Jan 1, 2019 ~ Kanye tweets support for Trump - 'Trump all day' 'Blacks are 90% Democrats That sounds like control' 'One of my favorite of many things about what the Trump hat represents to me is that people can't tell me what to do because I'm black.' [Race]
Dec 31, 2018 ~ Sheriff David Clarke, 'The Progressive Movement's Sordid Past '. History that liberals want everyone to forget. The most extreme racism against black people has been from progressives and democrats. 'Progressive ideology architects were racist to their very core... eugenicists' [Race, Racism, Politics]
Dec 15, 2018 ~ Jonah Goldberg, 'Conservative ideas about race are the only moral and sustainable path forward for a diverse society', They want what MLK Jr. wanted: Colorblind society. Treat people as individuals 'by the content of their character'. Obviously, but dems don't want these things. [Race]
Nov 29, 2018 ~ According to a Yale study by Cydney Dupree, white Democrats make themselves seem dumber when speaking to minorities in campaign speeches ... because they perceive minorities to be less competent - Democrats still think Republicans are the racist ones. [Racism, Race, Politics]
Oct 20, 2018 ~ Carl Jackson, 'Black Conservatives Aren't Sellouts, Black Liberals Are Just Duped' - Jackson shows how historically Republicans have been far better for black people than Democrats - today democrats control the worst cities for black people in the country. [Race, Politics]
Oct 7, 2018 ~ Walter Williams, 'Racial Disparities in School Discipline'. Obama DOJ guidelines to 'fix' so called 'disparate impact' in discipline led to 42.5% reduction in black suspensions and led to a massive increase in teacher assaults and non-conducive behavior. [Education, Race, Walter Williams]
Sep 23, 2018 ~ Walter Williams, 'Reasoning About Race'. Williams explains why many things that look like racial discrimination are really discrimination based on crime stats. and other real things. Gives examples of how even black cabbies and Jesse Jackson behave in ways some claim is racist. [Race, Crime, Walter Williams]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ Heather Mac Donald's new book, 'The Diversity Delusion- How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture' - Tackles fake ideas like 'White Privilege, Toxic Masculinity', 'Rape Culture'. [College, Race, Gender]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ David French tries to be nuanced about Police Shootings - of course not all are legit - the question is are the ones that are not legit racially motivated - media and agitators never look at the white deaths - but facts show the same very rare issues exist regardless of race. [Police, Race]
Sep 9, 2018 ~ Pastor who eulogized Aretha Franklin faces backlash for calling out black on black murders and lack of fatherhood issues. Liberals very upset because something other than racism was blamed. Pastor does not back down. Says 'change must come from within us'. [Race, Cancel Culture]
Sep 8, 2018 ~ Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond criticizes Kavanaugh for writing 'in the eyes of government we are just one race'. Judging everyone equally without consideration to superficial things like race was Republican MLK's dream but it's the last thing modern Democrats want. [Race, Kavanaugh]
Aug 27, 2018 ~ Ta-Nehisi Coates makes ridiculous statement, 'when you're white in this country, you're taught that everything belongs to you' - privilege is about being American, living now, having 2 parents, etc. Not about your skin color. [Fake News, Race]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ The New York Times has an advice column about how to 'cure' white skin privilege - it starts 'I'm riddled with shame. White shame... my literal existence hurts people like I'm always taking up space that should belong to someone else.' [Fake Racism, Race]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Jack Cashill, 'Paramount Owes America an Apology for Jay-Z's Series about Trayvon Martin' - ignores the fact that Trayvon was the one who attacked - leaves impression Trayvon was begging for life when his dad says that wasn't his voice. It was Zimmerman's [Race]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Larry Elder says Anne Hathaway Is Making 'Race Relations' Worse. After very rare white kills black incident Hathaway says 'ALL black people fear for their lives DAILY'. But black people commit more than 80% interracial violent crime. And commit more than 90% of black murders. [Race, Fake Racism, Larry Elder]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ SPLC declares white on black violent crime to be a problem when it is rare compared to black on white violent crime. Almost all inter-racial violent crime is black on non-black. Judgement against Chicago for releasing white girl in a black neighborhood leading to her death. [Race]
Jul 31, 2018 ~ Huge double standard - The rare white person that kills or assaults black person crime is met with street protests - 'White supremacy slashes throats, it stabs, it lynches' - But never protests or outrage for the far more common black person kills or assaults white person. [Race]
Jul 23, 2018 ~ Scott Morefield, 'The Destructive Effects Of The Media's Misleading, Racially Charged Headlines' - always leave out the race of black or Hispanic assailants - always emphasize the race of white assailants. Divisive. Also condescendingly claim asking black people for ID is racist. [Fake Racism, Racism, Race]
Jul 17, 2018 ~ E.W. Jackson, 'The Racist Left'. Original definition of racism is obsolete. 'The new standard is that white people are not allowed to disagree with or dislike any person of minority background.' Exceptions: liberals can attack black conservatives and can 'vilify all white people' [Racism, Race]
Jul 17, 2018 ~ Thomas Lifson, 'The price of racial demagoguery' - Baltimore sets new per capita murder record - Baltimore residents blaming murder increase on lack of police after BLM protesters demanded pullback - Ferguson Effect. BLM has gotten more black people killed than any other group. [Police, Race, BLM]
Jul 16, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, 'What They Didn't Teach in about Slavery in My High School' - Arab traders enslaved far more Africans than European - Of the 10.7 million Atlantic slaves taken, most went to South America - less than 400K went to America - all races have been slaves and masters. [Slavery, Race, Larry Elder]
Jul 10, 2018 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'The Strange Career of White Privilege'. 'Once race rather than character became preeminent, stranger ideas followed... in our racist present, someone of mixed descent seeks to pass as non-white to obtain advantage.' Using ethnic name be 'career changing'. [Race]