Jul 29, 2022 ~ Two black teens are charged with a hate crime for attacking a white woman on the NYC subway while saying things like, "I hate white people." "You’re going to get what you deserve! All white people are going to get what they deserve." "You probably like Trump! Don’t you?" [Crime, Racism]
Jul 21, 2022 ~ Democrats as always are the real racists. They're calling GOP Rep Mayra Flores “Miss Frijoles” and “Miss Enchiladas” shortly after Jill Biden compared Hispanic people to tacos. They often call Black people who don't toe the party line the n-word and Uncle Tom. #WalkAway[#WalkAway, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jul 17, 2022 ~ Kenin Spivak, 'Resegregating American Education' Truly sad how far backward we've gone. Students told "to submit their pronouns and to select the racial affinity group(s) they intend to join." LGBTQIA+ further subdivided into BIPOC or white. Needed "to dismantle white supremacy." [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ Jill Biden spoke at something called a LatinX IncluXion event and insulted Latinos everywhere not just by calling them a vulgar term they hate: La-tinks, but also by comparing them to tacos. "The diversity of this community, as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio." [Biden, Politics, Racism]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ CA mom Chelsea Boyle may sue Viejo Elementary for punishing her 7-year-old daughter because she wrote "any life” next to the words “Black Lives Matter” on a BLM picture she made for her black friend. But she wanted to include her other friends too. She was barred from making pictures for her friends and made to sit on the bench for 2 weeks during recess. And she was forced to apologize for saying 'any life.' So heartbreaking. The girl did not understand why she couldn't include her other friends. This is the poison Democrats inject. Viejo Elementary principal Jesus Becerra deemed the drawing to be 'racist' and 'inappropriate'; he stands by his actions. [BLM, California, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Racism, Silencing]
Jul 15, 2022 ~ Spencer Lindquist, "‘Dead Honky’ – University of Denver College of Education Department Chair Commits to ‘Death of Whiteness’" Prof. D-L Stewart write an article called 'Dead Honky'. Says “whiteness is itself a violence.” Its unbelievable how much poison is injected into our society by open racists. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jul 15, 2022 ~ Ryan Mills 'Florida Contractor Sues Biden Administration for Awarding Infrastructure Contracts Based on Race, Gender' "The Biden Admin have trampled on this foundational principle by giving tens of billions in special treatment to small businesses based on race and gender." [Affirmative Action, Biden, Racism]
Jul 15, 2022 ~ Abigail Anthony, 'How Universities Weaponize Freshman Orientation' "The diversity, equity, and inclusion bureaucrats have designed a comprehensive ideological boot camp that formally establishes what is morally acceptable... a framework for permissible and proscribed speech." [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism, Silencing]
Jul 7, 2022 ~ A "BIPOC lounge" was setup at Gen Con so that racists don't have to see or associate with white people. The left is openly and proudly racist. BIPOC is a (heavily redundant) term invented to simply mean "non-white." Everyone in the world is included in BIPOC except white people. The term allows the racist left to exclude or discriminate against the race they deem to be undesirable. [Racism]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Democrats continue to be outraged that all Black people do not obey them. @GeorgeTakei calls Clarence Thomas "a clown in Blackface." @gummibear737, "In other words, Black man, know your place... They get angry when the Black man doesn't act the way they think they should." [Loathsome Left, Racism, SCOTUS]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ The NFL appoints rapper Ice Cube to lead its "economic equity" program. Ice Cube's songs contain anti-Semitic, anti-Asian lyrics. Referring to Asian shopkeepers as "little Chinese motherfucker[s]." Music producer as "white Jew... Put a bullet in his temple." Buds with Farrakhan. [Anti-Semitism, Racism]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Bridgewater State University is being sued by Donna Johnston for being asked "to defend her whiteness" as part of her interview process. Told “Black students may not be able to relate to you because of your white privilege.” Her response was not adequate for the #CRT inquisition. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Black man Deundrea Holloway killed White 8 month pregnant Liese Dodd, de-capitated her and threw her head in a dumpster. Another of many crimes that the #FakeNews ignores that would be huge stories if the races were reversed. [Crime, Fake News, Race, Racism]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Democrats show they are the true racists. Samuel L. Jackson and many other dems call Justice Thomas "Uncle Clarence". Many others call him the literal N-word and other racist slurs. Democrats demand that Black people do as they say or be subjected to this kind of treatment. [Abortion, Loathsome Left, Racism, SCOTUS]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ The University of Cincinnati is excluding white and Asian students from its STEM program. They offered research opportunities only to “talented UC undergraduates from under-represented groups.” This kind of open racism violates federal civil rights laws. [College, Racism]
Jun 15, 2022 ~ San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich "I’m sick and tired of 50 and 60 and 70-year-old white men screwing up all of our lives." Besides being total BS, its unreal how acceptable its become to openly disparage white people and how common it is for Democrats to do it. [Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jun 8, 2022 ~ Democrats are now 'race norming' grades "in an effort to equalize test scores among racial groups." Oak Park and River Forest HS [IL] will “require teachers next school year to adjust their classroom grading scales to account for the skin color or ethnicity of its students." Black students "can no longer be docked for missing class, misbehaving in school or failing to turn in their assignments." The soft bigotry of low expectations have turned into the hard bigotry of no expectations. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Racism]
Jun 7, 2022 ~ Instructional video from CA on how to educate in an 'anti-racist' manner. Says teachers should teach white kids to "take a back seat and be quiet". "Helping people of privilege learn how to be a little quieter." This #CRT based poison must be eliminated from education. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Racism, Silencing]
Jun 7, 2022 ~ Vid of extremely brutal beating of a white woman by a black man robbing a store. Larry Elder says, "Reverse the races, and @CNN and @MSNBC would be playing this horrific video on a loop." Punches her face dozens of times on the ground then gets up and starts stomping on her head. [Crime, Larry Elder, Race, Racism]
Jun 7, 2022 ~ Flashback: The @nytimes HIRED a person who tweeted: '#CancelWhitePeople', 'fuck white women' 'kill men', 'kill more men' 'all are men garbage' "Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants." @daveweigel@feliciasonmez[Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Racism, Sexism]
May 24, 2022 ~ U of South Carolina sued on a Title VI violation for creating their Business Success Academy was restricted to people who "identify as African American or Black, Hispanic, LatinX, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian, Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, or Two or More Races." #CRT[Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
May 24, 2022 ~ A popular racist and NAACP President named Bishop Talbert Swan posted on Twitter, "Whiteness is an unrelenting, demonic force of evil." Would this kind of hate speech be allowed against any other races? [CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Racism]
May 24, 2022 ~ New York comedian Tyler Fischer is suing his talent agency AGI for racial discrimination. He has them on tape saying "We love you. Everyone here loves you and thinks you’re a star, but we’re not taking you because you’re white." Many others reporting the same happened to them. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
May 22, 2022 ~ People in The First United Church of Oak Park, IL was told to 'Fast from Whiteness.' "We must love our redeemer more than our whiteness, and kneel before our redeemer who is a dark-skinned man." Why are some churches joining in on the #CRT inspired poisonous race hatred? [CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism, Religion]
May 22, 2022 ~ Alana Mastrangelo, 'Princeton Prez Demands Tenured Prof Be Fired After He Opposed Giving Black Colleagues Special Treatment' Cowardly Princeton University President Christopher Eisgruber wants professor Joshua Katz fired for wanting to treat all races equally. Update: Fired.[Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
May 21, 2022 ~ Chinese man David Chou perpetrated a mass shooting at the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church in California. He sealed the doors shut and then killed 1 and wounded 5 others before being stopped. This was an anti-Taiwanese hate crime. The media is oddly uninterested in this mass shooting. [Crime, Guns-Mass Shootings, Racism]
May 21, 2022 ~ Journalist Safia Kessas who dared to interview Angela Davis while being white now has to be under police protection to protect her from violent racist activists who claim she was 'too white' to interview Davis. Her police protection was also called 'racist' by the racists. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Police, Racism, Silencing, Violent Left]
May 21, 2022 ~ .@libsoftiktok exposes illegal hiring practices at @Dropbox. Head of design, Jasmine Friedl who says she needs "less white people" in her life says she "prioritizes BIPOC candidates in her hiring process." "I choose to prioritize folks in our BIPOC and URM communities." [Affirmative Action, Racism]
May 17, 2022 ~ Black nursing home worker Jadon Hayden, who recorded himself punching a white elderly veteran in the face DOZENS OF TIMES in a Detroit nursing home in May 2020, just had his case dismissed. Another case that would be a national scandal and huge story if the races were reversed. [Crime, Health Care, Racism]
May 4, 2022 ~ Racist actress Amanda Duarte says being pro-life is racist. "THE ENTIRE ANTI-ABORTION MOVEMENT IS ABOUT WHITE SUPREMACY... they need those babies to grow up and be trained to be racist voters." "Stop having white children... no one wants to fuck your disgusting little white kids" [Abortion, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Apr 25, 2022 ~ "There are very few places where you will find bigotry more overt and hateful than when the liberal-left speaks about members of minority and marginalized groups they think they own and should control, yet who refuse to submit to their decreed orthodoxies." Glenn Greenwald [Loathsome Left, Racism]
Apr 13, 2022 ~ Frank James is arrested for mass shooting in Brooklyn subway. Shot 10 people, injuring 19. Many black supremacist postings. Prayed "O Black Jesus Kill all the whiteys." "I really want to kill them because they're white." Praised cop killers and Islam. 12 priors. Terror watch list [Crime, Guns-Mass Shootings, Islam, Racism, Terrorism]
Apr 11, 2022 ~ George Leef, 'Woke Ideology Rapidly Spreading throughout Medical Schools' "hiring and tenure decisions in medical schools are now often dependent on currying favor with DEI apparatchiks. Say something that isn’t in line with leftist ideology, and your career is in danger." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Race, Racism]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ CA law requiring corporations based in the state to include racial minorities and LGBT people on their executive boards was struck down by a judge in LA. Declared unconstitutional which it obviously was. Democrats want all jobs filled by skin color, gender and sexual orientation. [Affirmative Action, California, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ @MrAndyNgo video, "On Thurs night, a mob of militant #BLM activists at @UBuffalo had to be held back by police as they tried to shut down an event featuring black conservative @AllenWest. Extremists from mob assaulted a videographer at one point & chased a student organizer." [BLM, Racism, Violent Left]
Apr 2, 2022 ~
Racist #FakeNews MSNBC’s @TiffanyDCross says white people should not be allowed an opinion on Will Smith: “It is utterly ridiculous to center this in the opinions of white folks … The jumping-off point should not be, ‘Oh, but what might the white people think about it?’” [Fake News, Racism]
Apr 1, 2022 ~ Andrew Sullivan 'The Problem With Jon Stewart
How painfully, cringingly super-woke must a comedian get to stay relevant?' Sullivan is lied to and ambushed. Title is racist. Stewart called @sullydish a 'racist' and a 'motherfucker' and says there's been no progress since slavery. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Mar 30, 2022 ~ Vassar College in New York withdrew a story because "The majority of our quotations came from white students." "not the only issue in the article" " Journalism has "historically been a white-centric, often elitist field." "privilege and lack of diversity." [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Mar 19, 2022 ~ Binghamton U. Prof Ana Maria Candela prioritized non-white students. "We try to give priority to non-white folks, to women." "if you are white, male, or someone privileged by the racial and gender structures... we will often ask you to hold off on your questions or comments." [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism, Silencing]
Mar 19, 2022 ~ Woke poison is making its way to the hard sciences. A paper from Seattle Pacific University is called 'Observing whiteness in introductory physics.' The paper says it "imaginges new possibilities for physics teaching and learning" with the "the goal of dismantling whiteness." [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Racism]
Mar 19, 2022 ~ .@MrAndyNgo reports "Black male [Tammel Esco] punched a 67-year-old woman 125 times & stomped on her head in Yonkers, NY after calling her an 'Asian b—.' She suffered brain bleeding & facial fractures." The #FakeNews ignores - gave up trying to pin #AsianHate on white people. [Fake News, Racism]
Mar 6, 2022 ~ Ben Philippe, a black Barnard College English prof. wrote about mass killing white people with poison gas. "I'll smile as we raise glasses to your good, white health, while the detonator blinks under the table, knowing the exits are locked and the air vents filled with gas." [College, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism, Violent Left]
Feb 17, 2022 ~ Several woke school board members in San Francisco were voted out in a landslide (75%) because they shut down competitive admissions saying "meritocracy" is racist, accused Asians of using "white supremacist thinking" and called them "house n-words", renamed Lincoln, Washington. [California, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Feb 17, 2022 ~ NYC mayor Eric Adams accuses the media of racism. "I’m a black man that's the mayor, but my story is being interpreted by people who don't look like me. We gotta be honest." "How many Blacks are in the editorial boards? How many Blacks determine how these stories are written?" [Fake Racism, Racism]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Wheeler School in Providence, RI holds events that exclude white people. "The students of color affinity group will meet tomorrow... If you identify as a student of color or multiracial, please join us!" Welcome to the world the left is bringing. Open racism and segregation. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Feb 10, 2022 ~ @NPR writes article on thumbs up emojis to let white people know that no matter what they do, its problematic. Using a white emoji "asserts their privilege." Brown demonstrates "a lack of awareness of your white privilege." Yellow lets them to avoid "confronting their whiteness." [Fake News, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Racism]
Jan 28, 2022 ~ John Sexton, 'This story about Seattle Public Schools' director of ethnic studies is pretty remarkable' Director of ethnic studies for SPS, Tracy Castro-Gill oversaw #CRT based math overhall. Test scores for all races cut in HALF. Accused school of "explicit acts of Whiteness." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jan 15, 2022 ~ Grant High School in Portland, Oregon injects textbook #CRT poison into their curriculum. Whites have “white fragility” (discomfort and defensiveness) “when confronted by information about racism.” “Privilege for Sale” game. A “Pyramid of White Supremacy.” "2 sides to the story." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jan 11, 2022 ~ Rav Arora, "There are real, accredited university courses that instruct anti-white racism: 'Race Theory & the Problem of Whiteness' (Arizona State University) and 'Abolition of Whiteness' (Hunter College). Yale hosted a speech titled 'The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind'" [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jan 11, 2022 ~ Rav Arora, "‘Minority privilege’ now more common amid the growing ‘war on whiteness’" "Minorities are increasingly becoming privileged while growing numbers of white people face discrimination." Employers, schools, health care providers etc. employ aggressive afirmative action. [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]