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Dec 21, 2021 ~ Alan Dershowitz on Kim Potter: "There were 7 other people in recent years, cops who pulled the wrong weapon and shot with real guns instead of tasers. None of them were even prosecuted... This is a racist prosecution against a white woman" bc of "the racial climate of the day." [BLM, Fake Racism, Racism]
Dec 20, 2021 ~ Just when you thought Democrats couldn't get more racist, they institute the In Her Hands program to give a guaranteed income of $850 a month no strings attached. "Guaranteed income [for black women only] is a step toward creating a more just and equitable economy." [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Economics, Entitlements, Race, Racism]
Dec 20, 2021 ~ 6 black men were charged with more than 70 robberies, thefts, and burglaries against Asian women. Charged with hate crimes bc used “ethnic slurs” and made the Asian community fearful. The #FakeNews and celebs only interested in the 1 time they thought a white guy targeted Asians. [Crime, Fake News, Racism]
Dec 19, 2021 ~ Ann Coulter, 'Will Blacks Survive the Racial Reckoning?' Coulter debunks celebrated book "White People Are Out To Get You. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness." Author's Exhibit A is another fake narrative. In prison for murder/robbery/jailbreak. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Race, Racism]
Dec 18, 2021 ~ The Denver Public Schools held a "families of color playground night." Segregation is now OK as long as you exclude the white race. Divisive poison is being injected into society constantly now in the name of something called 'equity.' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Racism]
Dec 14, 2021 ~ Rachael Rollins is confirmed US Attorney of MA. She once impersonated a police officer to threaten a citizen, then cried racism ("Emmett Till") when exposed and dismissed the story as "the rantings of a White woman." As a prosecutor she refused to prosecute crime, justified riots [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Police, Racism]
Dec 8, 2021 ~ Erin Aubry Kaplan writes article of pure hate and @nytimes publishes it. She is furious when a white couple browses her library. "Screaming at them to get off my lawn would be adopting the values of the oppressor." [she has no oppressor] "What I resented was... their whiteness." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Dec 8, 2021 ~ VP Harris met with Cora Masters Barry after Barry said, "Fuck the white — excuse me — forget the white women. They’re going to do what the white men tell them to do. … They be smiling in [your face]; they want to stay in charge. … I don’t care nothing about them." [Harris, Racism]
Dec 3, 2021 ~ Hannah Bleau, 'Woke Salvation Army Asks Donors to Apologize for White Supremacy and White-Dominant Culture' The SA adopts racist #CRT training. “Stop trying to be ‘colorblind.” Tells white people to offer "a sincere apology" to POC. "think about how you can repent and apologize." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Dec 3, 2021 ~ Thomas Lifson 'University of California system permanently abandons standardized testing for admissions' Tests were causing Asians to be > 40% of new students. So need to pick by race instead. "One wonders how the SAT can be white supremacist if Asian students are so good at it." [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Dec 3, 2021 ~ Racist organization Black Lives Matter tells people not to buy from "White companies." “Skip the Black Friday sales and buy exclusively from Black-owned businesses.” And "move your money out of white-corporate banks... and open accounts with Black-owned banks." #BLM #BlackXmas! [BLM, Racism]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Rajan Laad 'Racist gang attack on Philadelphia train targeting Asians demonstrates effect of race-hustlers on the minds of black youth' "Violent racist attack on a group of Asian-American students on a public train" by 4 black girls. Racist verbal and very violent physical abuse. [Crime, Racism]
Nov 21, 2021 ~ Monica Showalter, "Teachers' union in Canada introduces 'weighted voting' for minority members" to implement 'equity' and 'anti-racism.' It works by reducing the weight of white votes so that the weight of non-white votes equal 50% no matter how few there are. Really sick stuff. [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Racism]
Nov 18, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, 'The Racist of NBC News' "Democrats need black faces telling black people they’d better stay in line; to learn and accept their place." That's Joy Reid's job (in addition to lying non-stop and falsely accusing everyone of racism) and she does it well. @JoyAnnReid [Derek Hunter, Fake News, Fake Racism, Politics, Racism]
Nov 16, 2021 ~ MSNBC says truck drivers are bad people because they are white. "This is an industry populated by a lot of White men... aggressive truck drivers cutting them off or not being helpful. So, obviously, the more populated it is with people of color I think you’ll see less of that." [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Nov 14, 2021 ~ President Biden referrs to  Satchel Paige as "the great negro at the time." Just like Hillary Clinton saying all black people look alike, Democrats and the #FakeNews say no big deal. But of course these things would be a HUGE deal if Trump or a Republican said them. [Fake News, Racism]
Nov 9, 2021 ~ Bill Maher, "When people say to me sometimes, ‘boy, you go after the Left a lot these days, why?’ I’m like ‘Because you’re embarrassing me!’" "I am what you might call an old school liberal who was brought up with the crazy idea that segregating by race is bad. Symbols of unity matter and purposefully fragmenting things by race reinforces a terrible message, that we’re two nations hopelessly drifting apart from each other. That’s not where we were even 10 years ago, and it’s not where we should be now.”" [CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Nov 9, 2021 ~ Viral video of a black woman who blatantly rear ended a guy stopped at a light (on vid) ranting and raving that HE hit HER car. "That's why you white people get all this fucking privilege." "I'm about to beat the fuck out of this bitch. I'll beat your motherfucking ass bitch." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Nov 8, 2021 ~ #FakeNews MSNBC says this about Winsome Sears “The problem is, here, they want white supremacy by ventriloquist effect. There is a black mouth moving but a white idea running on the runway of the tongue of a figure who justifies and legitimates the white supremacist practices.” [Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Nov 8, 2021 ~ Police in Basingstoke, UK launch a 'hate crime probe' because signs saying "It's ok to be white" were put up. It's ok to say #CancelWhitePeople, "be less white," "all white people are racist," "white people, you are the problem," "white people are dumb" but THIS is 'hate speech!' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Nov 3, 2021 ~ Christopher Rufo exposes Walmart's #CRT employee indoctrination which babbles about “white supremacy culture” and "white supremacy thinking.” White employees are expected to to climb the “ladder of empowerment for white people” to create their new “anti-racist identity.” [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Nov 2, 2021 ~ Dennis Prager, "Leftists truly believe that blacks are intellectually and morally inferior to whites. The evidence? They do not believe blacks should be held to the same intellectual and moral standards to which leftists hold whites." They demand we accept any behavior or results [Affirmative Action, Dennis Prager, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism]
Oct 31, 2021 ~ Rutgers Professor Brittney Cooper spews race hate. "White people are committed to being villains." "We got to take these motherfuckers out." History = "White people showed up being raggedy and violent and terrible and trying to take everything from everybody." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism, Violent Left]
Oct 30, 2021 ~ .@realchrisrufo exposes poisonous #CRT based training for AT&T employees. Cops are racist. Society is racist. "White people, you are the problem." "You are the sole reason it has flourished for centuries." "Racism is a uniquely white trait. Black people cannot be racist." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Oct 30, 2021 ~ Harvard allows only Black people into certain theatrical performances. "We have designated this performance to be an exclusive space for Black-identifying audience members." Its unreal what's happening in this country. The left wants to undo all the progress we've made on race. [Race, Racism]
Oct 29, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald on the staged Nazis, "The Democratic party believes it owns race... that it owns the accusations of racism... racism is now their little toy that they get to exploit and play with any time they want.. Its just something they use to destroy anybody that opposes them." [Fake Racism, Politics, Race, Racism]
Oct 26, 2021 ~ Touré said Condoleezza Rice is "a soldier for white supremacy" because she said #CRT was unproductive because it makes white people and children feel guilty and makes black people "feel disempowered by race." Touré said, "They should feel guilty." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Oct 26, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Rationality Is Not a White Male Thing' Democrats insist that Black people and women are not capable of thinking rationally. Phoebe Cohen, “This idea of intellectual debate and rigor as the pinnacle of intellectualism comes from a world in which white men dominated.” [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism, Rich Lowry]
Oct 23, 2021 ~ Dr. Susan Berry, 'Whistleblower Teacher Ramona Bessinger Says She Faced ‘Escalating Retaliation’ for Exposing Critical Race Theory Curriculum' Declined participation in the white 'privilege walk' and resisted segregating her students by race. Punished for exposing the curricula. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Oct 20, 2021 ~ Emma Colton 'Chicago museum fires all of its mostly white female, financially well-off docents for lack of diversity' Though they worked very hard, they were "not a demographically representative population." In 2021 you can once again be fired for your skin color thanks to dems. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Oct 15, 2021 ~ Once again white women are told how they are allowed or not allowed to wear their hair. Vanessa Hudgens and Emily Ratajkowski wore braids on Rihanna’s annual Savage x Fenty lingerie show. OMG! "Why are white women in braids???... I need answers." "rihanna has white mfs in braids" [Cultural Appropriation, Racism]
Sep 24, 2021 ~ Two White students are kicked out of a multicultural space at Arizona State University. Accused "You are racist." for having a 'Police Lives Matter' sticker. The black women demanded they leave, "This is OUR space." "White is not a culture. What’s white culture? Stealing things?" [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Racism]
Sep 22, 2021 ~ David Thomas, 'Buffalo Philharmonic: No White or Asian Conductors Need Apply' Eliminated the “blind audition” because while completely fair by design, it was not producing the skin color mix for the racial bean counters. Advertise jobs with list of races that can apply. [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Sep 16, 2021 ~ Kenin M. Spivak "The Folly of ‘Woke’ Math" The bogus effort to "dismantle white supremacy" in math is harmful to "everyone, including those who need it most." Driven by people who don't believe Black people can do math and so think destroying math itself will 'protect' them. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Racism]
Sep 16, 2021 ~ Rosie Pentreath, 'English Touring Opera drops half its orchestra' They are prioritizing “increased diversity in the orchestra. This is in line with the firm guidance of the Arts Council" "Many of these members have been performing with ETO for 20 years or more." Sickening racism. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Sep 9, 2021 ~ A White woman in a gorilla costume threw an egg at Black gubenatorial candidate @larryelder and assaulted her team. The #FakeNews media which ridiculously called Elder a white supremacist ignores the story which would be called a racist hate crime if Elder was a Democrat. [Fake News, Larry Elder, Loathsome Left, Racism, Violent Left]
Sep 5, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Biden's Casual Racism and Dementia' Biden calls Black man Cedric Richmond, 'boy.' "I’m here with my senior adviser and, um, boy who knows Louisiana very well." Hunter also gives long list of racist and totally false statements Biden has made over the years. [Biden, Derek Hunter, Racism]
Sep 4, 2021 ~ Virginia’s Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) is implementing a radical form of #CRT indoctrination. "Racial equity will be at the center of every decision that the school division will make." "Let go of ‘colorblindness." "Talk about race, racism and systems of oppression." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Sep 3, 2021 ~ Brian Netzel has sued American Express over their racist #CRT diversity trainings. He was fired for objecting to the required toxic indoctrination. AMEX has a "zero tolerance policy" for any dissent that America is 'systemically racist' and the policy to hire based on race. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Sep 3, 2021 ~ Democrats are mad at Ruth Bader Ginsberg for not retiring when Obama could have replaced her. "Thanks you old dead white bitch" one 'feminist' spews. Notice how 'white' is so easily and commonly thrown around as a pejorative by Democrats. No one would do this to any other race. [Abortion, Racism, SCOTUS]
Aug 28, 2021 ~ NY teacher Paul Rossi who wrote 'I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated' has been canceled. He refused to participate in “restorative practices” for the alleged harm he did to students of color. Almost every one else appeases the #CRT bullies to save their jobs. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Aug 28, 2021 ~ Popular and successful ESPN NBA reporter Rachel Nichols finally got cancelled after a private conversation was made public where she complained about unfairly losing her spot due to a Black reporter to fulfill diversity quotas. Nichols said that was a violation of her contract. [Affirmative Action, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Erika D. Smith of the #FakeNews LA Times writes article titled, 'Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy.' Smith says Elder is 'skinfolk but not kinfolk.' Liberals demand black people parrot their views or they falsely smear them and try to bully them into silence. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Racism]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Christopher Rufo exposes Bank of America forcing #CRT poison onto its employees. White people "contribute to racial tension, hatred and violence... have more limited imagination and creativity." "Policing grew out of efforts to control the labor of poor and enslaved people." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Police, Racism, Slavery]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ Jacob Bliss, 'Uber Eats Drops Jay Cutler For Anti-Mask Views' Cutler doesn't support masking school children which is a very reasonable position. But dissent is no longer allowed in our society. Another reason not to use them. @UberEats charged delivery fees based on skin color. [Cancel Culture, Coronavirus, Racism, Silencing]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ Dr. Susan Berry, "162 Minnesota School Principals Sign Pledge to ‘De-Center Whiteness’" Principal, "My work, every single day, is to work against the ways in which white supremacy defines the field of education." "organized whiteness ensures domination through" PTA @GTPrincipals [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Betsy McCaughey, 'The Anti-White Infrastructure Bill' "The infrastructure bill the Senate passed on Tuesday discriminates against whites at every turn." "The bill unfairly favors black and brown Americans and treats whites like second class citizens." Many examples given. [Affirmative Action, Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Tim Pearce, "Oregon Suspends High School Graduation Standards To Make ‘Equitable’ Rules For ‘Students Of Color’" Grads will no longer have to demonstrate a 10th grade proficiency to enable "equitable graduation standards." They choose to eliminate testing rather than fix the gap. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ John Murawski, 'Medicine is getting major injections of woke ideology' "Differences of any kind,  in income, education, school performance, and, of course, health, are manifestations of racism and racism alone." Equity outcomes "may necessitate tolerating a greater loss of life." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care, Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Atlanta parents were shocked to find out that Mary Lin Elementary School had been separating students into white and black classrooms. This was the idea of the school's Black principal in the name 'equity' or something trendy like #CRT. Democrats are bringing segregation back. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]

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