Jul 20, 2021 ~ Muslim member of the Fairfax County School Board, Abrar Omeish, is under fire by The Pride Liberation Project for not being a "100% ally". "Ms. Omeish made incredibly harmful comments", “emotional violence.” Demand she apologize, affirm queer lifestyles, and attend pride parades. [Cancel Culture, Green New Deal, Islam, LGBT, Religious Freedom]
Jun 2, 2021 ~ Michael Brown, 'Leah Sharibu: Say Her Name' In 2018, the Boko Haram faction of ISIS kidnapped 110 Christian girls in Nigeria. Those who converted to Islam were returned. The others were killed or enslaved and raped. Leah Sharibu is one who refused to convert and is still enslaved [Islam, Religion, Religious Freedom, Terrorism]
May 1, 2021 ~ Once dismissed as hypothetical hyperbole, quoting the bible is now considered 'hate speech' in the UK. Pastor John Sherwood was arrested in London for reading actual bible quotes deemed to 'homophobic.' Taken in handcuffs and spent the night in jail. No 1st Amendment in the UK. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Religious Freedom, Silencing]
Mar 23, 2021 ~ Baker Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop is being sued for the third time. This time for not baking a cake celebrating gender transition. He simply doesn't bake cakes that send messages opposed to his Christian values but the left just can't leave him alone. He must submit. [Loathsome Left, Religious Freedom]
Nov 29, 2020 ~ SCOTUS rules against Cuomo in 'Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo' Cuomo tried to 'limit the capacity of churches and synagogues to ten people' while having no restrictions in other situations. [Religious Freedom, SCOTUS]
Oct 16, 2020 ~ Ronn Torossian, 'Double standards against Jews in NYC' Cuomo and De Blasio praised and participated in large gatherings for #BLM protests but won't allow Jews to safely congregate, pray and hold funerals. 'A blatant double standard.' If people can eat and protest, they can pray. [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Coronavirus, Religious Freedom, Silencing]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Supreme Court upholds Trump Administration rule exempting conscientious objectors from Obamacare's birth-control and abortifacient mandate. The Little Sisters of the Poor celebrate. Biden promises if he is elected, he will restore the mandate forcing the sisters to fund abortion. [Abortion, Health Care, Obamacare, Religious Freedom, SCOTUS]
Apr 22, 2020 ~ Thomas D. Williams, 'Islamic radicals severely beat 23-year-old Lydia Nabirye in Eastern Uganda, after the woman shared her Christian faith with a Muslim woman who subsequently converted to Christianity.' Both women were beaten. Muslims are not permitted by Islam to convert. [Islam, Religion, Religious Freedom]
Apr 10, 2020 ~ Cake Maker Jack Phillips is sued again for not making a cake related to 'gender transitioning'. At this point it is obvious that activists seek him out to try to force him to make cakes that conflict with his values. He has already won at SCOTUS regarding same sex marriage. [Religious Freedom, Trans, LGBT, SCOTUS]
Mar 6, 2019 ~ Jack Phillips, the Colorado cake shop owner who was sued by the state's civil rights commission for not baking a cake for a gay wedding in 2012 won at the Supreme Court 7-2. Now CO state is dismissing the case for the 2nd time. [LGBT, Religious Freedom, SCOTUS]
Jun 10, 2018 ~ Supreme Court rules in favor of Jack Phillips, the guy who didn't want to be forced to bake a cake for a gay wedding - he won but people say the ruling was too narrow - National Review editors say it was 'Broad Enough to Matter'. [Religious Freedom, SCOTUS]
Jan 16, 2017 ~ Brent Bozell, 'Freedom of Association Is Great - for Liberals'. Rockettes, dress makers and others refuse to work with the Trump Administration based on their 'principles' - won't give the same freedom to Christian bakers, florists and photographers - dissent is ok for them only. [Religious Freedom]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ Some Rockettes, other entertainers and dress makers are choosing not to render services for the Trumps. But that is just the kind of freedom of association that Christian bakers, florists and photographers were asking for and told they could not choose. [TDS, Religious Freedom]