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Oct 3, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald confirmed that he is banned from MSNBC for telling the truth about the #RussiaHoax they loved to push. 'Once I became a critic of Russiagate I basically got banned from the network, because I became a critic of their coverage of it. I’m totally, formally banned.' [Fake News, Russia Hoax, Silencing]
Sep 26, 2020 ~ The University of Wisconsin fired student writer Tripp Grebe for writing a column disagreeing with the 'Defund the Police' movement. They also did not publish the column. So-called 'higher education' is dead. There is no free speech or free thought allowed anymore. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Police, Silencing]
Sep 26, 2020 ~ Four more people are stabbed near the Charlie Hebdo offices where the decided to re-run the cartoons that led to Islamists killing 17. 'I saw a young woman with a huge head wound, blood was running all over her face.' Follow the rules of Islam or random fellow citizens will die. [Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Sep 22, 2020 ~ Charlie Hebdo HR director Marika Bret had to flee her home and go into hiding because Islamic terrorists are threatening her after CH republished for the trial, the Mohammed drawings that led to 17 people being killed, 11 injured. 11 months later, 130 killed at Bataclan theater. [Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Sep 22, 2020 ~
Beth Baumann, "Proof the 'Silent Majority' Really Does Exist" More voters saying things like, 'We're very cautious on... what we say because of repercussions sustained in our employment... and our friend network.' 'afraid of these activists... doing some damage to their house.' [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ Andrew Sullivan, 'people literally burning Harry Potter books, like latter-day Nazis, in the cause of transgender liberation. It’s safe to say, I think, that many of these people have lost their minds... And they not only think they’re perfectly sane; they think they’re heroes.' [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ Another day, another violent Democrat attacks Trump voters unprovoked. 'Alvin Gary Shaw was arrested for punching an 84 year old woman in the face after he vandalized her Trump sign. Democrats commit political violence almost every single day. All one sided. #DontBecomeThem [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ 13 year old Omar Farouq was sentenced in Nigeria to 10 years in prison for blasphemy against Islam for using 'foul language toward Allah in an argument with a friend.' Muslims in countries like this must live in fear of saying one errant word or stepping one toe off the line. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ People on the left continue to smear Nicholas Sandmann. ACLU staffer Samuel Crankshaw says its a 'stain' on a college just to except him. 'This kid clearly is a provocateur in training with no intention of learning. He exists only to troll, intimidate and play victim.' Disgusting [Cancel Culture, Covington, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ FaceBook has censored many conservative ads recently. Brit Hume. 'Most political ads are arguably true and arguably false. Always have been. Now we have big tech censors shutting down speech on the basis of highly arguable fact checks.' They're not equipped to be truth arbiters. [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ Jonathan Zimmerman, 'If USC can punish Greg Patton, free speech on campus really is dead'. Most of 'academia' is cowering under their desks afraid to defend an obviously innocent man lest the #CancelCulture mob come for them. 'any of us could be purged... no matter' the truth. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ The left wing cancel culture mob has moved on to book burnings. They are making a show of burning the very liberal J.K. Rowling's books because of alleged 'transphobia', 'fatphobia', 'racism', 'valorization of supremacists' (you couldn't make this up). #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Silencing, Trans]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ BLM mob in Milwaukee surrounds a house with a Trump flag and American flag. They harass the man inside. Shine bright lights into the windows, yell menacing things. He holds his gun inside his house without pointing it at them. They call the police and homeowner is arrested. [BLM, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ Luis Moreno, Jr. who has been the Spanish-language broadcaster for the Carolina Panthers for the past 10 years had to resign simply for supporting President Trump. They said he could not support Trump even in his personal life and remain the Panther's announcer. #CancelCulture. [Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ Calvin Robinson "Every time I’ve spoken out against BLM using CRT, they attack me with racially derogatory terms." "Apparently, black people must all think the same way. If we go off-script, we’re race-traitors, Bounties, and coons. BLM doesn't support racial equality after all." [BLM, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ Skidmore College Professor David Peterson is fighting for his job and reputation after students attempted to cancel him for being seen in the vicinity of a 'Back the Blue' rally. He's glad this didn't happen to an untenured person. 'It would’ve been devastating for their career.' [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police, Silencing]
Sep 16, 2020 ~ John Oliveira, of New Bedford, MA installed an electric fence around his Trump lawn sign after 6 of his previous signs were stolen. Democrats are constantly stealing or destroying Trump signs, vandalizing homes or cars with Trump signs or stickers, attacking Trump supporters. [Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 14, 2020 ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains what the 'woke left' and 'radical Islam' have in common.  'Only their truth matters and no one else's' 'They don't want to debate.' 'They're bringing statues down everywhere.' 'They hate America.' 'They want to destroy America.' They are both a religion. [Cancel Culture, Islam, Silencing]
Sep 14, 2020 ~ Another day brings another video of a despicable Democrat overturning Trump tables. A man walks up to some Trump tables and sweeps the contents onto the ground and then overturns the tables chanting, 'Fuck Trump N-word, Fuck Trump N-word.' This kind of stuff happens constantly. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 13, 2020 ~ Students at Skidmore College are calling for art professor David Peterson to be fired for attending a Back The Blue rally. He said he was just listening. But the mob said he's 'engaging in hateful conduct that threatens Black Skidmore students.' Mob pressured his students to drop [Cancel Culture, College, Loathsome Left, Police, Silencing]
Sep 12, 2020 ~ #CancelCulture keeps happening at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism. A Dean was canceled for praying for 'good police officers'. The school deleted 2 items 'too friendly to police.' Now demanding station manager be fired over Jacob Blake comments. [Cancel Culture, College, Police, Silencing]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ USC Prof Greg Patton was suspended for using a Chinese word that a group of black students thought sounds like the N-word. A letter from alumni representing more than a dozen nationalities wrote in and saved his job. They said his use of the word was proper and correct. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ Sunny Hostin called black people who spoke at the RNC, 'people props'. Leo Terrell said she should be 'ashamed of herself'. 'the Democrats’ playbook is – no black can leave the plantation, we have to remain, if not, we will be called names.' [Politics, Race, Racism, Silencing]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy, the two violent Democrats who attacked a 7 year old outside the DNC destroying his signs, stealing his hat were arrested on felony charges of robbery, conspiracy and hate crimes, as well as a misdemeanor charge of endangering the welfare of a child. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ UCLA students are calling for the cancelation of Eli Gafni, the chair of the computer science department, for defending a colleague’s use of the term 'Wuhan virus.' Gafni said using the term 'could have been innocent' And he's not going to be the 'PC police.' Silencers outraged. [Cancel Culture, College, Coronavirus, Silencing]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ BLM attacks #WalkAway again. Does not allow Straka to talk to the media. Chases them 5 blocks assaulting them, stealing and smashing a cell phone. 'Go Faster!' yells the BLM thug chasing them away. 'You want me to show you violence! I will show you violence.' BLM=Terrorism. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ #BLM shouted over a Sen. Kelly Loeffler campaign event with Tom Cotton. They had to leave early. Despicable but typical behavior. Loeffler says the election is a 'stark choice' between order and chaos. Loeffler has received 'multiple threats against my life' if doesn't sell team. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ #BLM shouted over a Sen. Kelly Loeffler campaign event with Tom Cotton. They had to leave early. Despicable but typical behavior. Loeffler says the election is a 'stark choice' between order and chaos. Loeffler has received 'multiple threats against my life' if doesn't sell team. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 3, 2020 ~ Michael Barone 'Were The Lockdowns a Mistake?' 'increasingly seems to be yes.' 'the apparent success of South Korea... Taiwan, Singapore, New Zealand. . . could never be replicated in the continental, globalized United States' The lockdowns merely delayed the inevitable at great cost [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing, College]
Sep 3, 2020 ~ USC Professor Greg Patton has been placed on leave after students complained his pronunciation of a Chinese 'filler word' 'nei ge' sounded like the n-word. 'Our mental health has been affected' said the 'Black MBA Candidates c/o 2020' who had to 'endure the emotional exhaustion'. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing, College]
Sep 3, 2020 ~ Zuckerberg shuts down internal conversations that when someone argued that racism is not the explanation for most of these shootings. That 'personal responsibility and adherence to the law' must be looked at. Zuck says stuff like that makes 'our Black community' uncomfortable. [Race, Crime, Police, Silencing]
Sep 1, 2020 ~ John McWhorter, 'Academics Are Really, Really Worried About Their Freedom' 'fear for their career because they don't believe progressive orthodoxies.' But dissent is 'violence'. 'white people are to identify and expunge their complicity in white supremacy'. See people canceled. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Aug 31, 2020 ~ Violent Democrats cheered and celebrated in Portland when Jay Bishop was executed for being a Trump supporter, 'I am not sad that a fucking fascist died tonight!' The crowd laughs and cheers. See Andy Ngo vid. Bishop was a Blue Lives Matter, Patriot Prayer member. Not fa fascist. [Antifa, BLM, Silencing, Violent Left]
Aug 31, 2020 ~ The violent Democrat Michael Forest Reinoehl, who executed Jay Bishop in cold blood just for being a Trump supporter was both Antifa and BLM. He had a BLM tattoo on his neck and in writings has said, 'I am 100% ANTIFA all the way!... like all wars there will be casualties.' [Antifa, BLM, Silencing, Violent Left]
Aug 30, 2020 ~ BLM got Star Parker's 'Success Sequence' billboards pulled down by threatening media company with violence. Her organization UrbanCURE informed that the data shows if you finish high school, get a job and get married before having kids, chance of poverty is low regardless of race [BLM, Violent Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Aug 30, 2020 ~ Doug Lucas, 'I Think I'm a Coward'. Lucas feels guilty that he is constantly self-censoring to avoid the violent, bullying and cancel culture left. 'I'm a member of the old silent majority, now the silenced majority.' He comes to the 'conclusion that I must do something.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Aug 30, 2020 ~ Pro-Trump protester Jay Bishop is executed. Shot to death by Antifa in Portland. Trump supporters drove trucks with American flags and Trump flags. Antifa activists blocked traffic and threw things at the vehicles. They then shot Bishop just after saying 'We got them right here!' [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Aug 30, 2020 ~ Acc. to Andy Ngo @MrAndyNgo, '700 black bloc militants and their supporters rampaged through Oakland, Cal. They chanted "death to America" while starting fires and smashing cars and buildings.' Has video as usual. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 30, 2020 ~ Acc. to @EmilyValdezKNX, 'SWAT Called out in Woodland Hills after someone from an apartment on #VenturaBoulevard shoots at pro-Trump caravan of cars. Tire on vehicle was shot out.' The violent left has escalated dramatically. Have long assaulted Trump supporters, now shooting. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 27, 2020 ~ Christopher Rufo follows up on the Sandia National Labs 3-day reeducation camp for white people. One engineer, Casey Peterson 'emailed all 16,000 employees denouncing critical race theory'. 'It is cancer and we need to get it out of the labs right now.' Went viral. Put on leave. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Race, Racism, Silencing]
Aug 26, 2020 ~ Headlines from just one day: 'Islamists Storm Christian Church in Nigeria, Killing Four Worshipers', 'France Pays Tribute to Six Citizens Killed in Suspected Islamist Terror Attack', 'Nigeria: Islamic Court Sentences Young Singer to Death for Blasphemy'. No one can dissent. [Islam, Terrorism, Silencing]
Aug 26, 2020 ~ Violent Democrat Marquise Damarius Asomani was arrested by the Fort Mill, NC Police Department, for firing his gun out his window at a political gathering of Trump supporters. Charged with 9 felony counts. 'I think it's a shame that we can't show our support for our president.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 23, 2020 ~ The two deranged Democrats who tore up Trump signs and stole a 7 year old's MAGA hat and then punched his parents have been arrested. Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy charged with robbery, conspiracy, endangering the welfare of a child and offensive touching. Happens routinely. [Trump Win, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 22, 2020 ~ After two deranged democrats took Trump political signs and destroyed them, stole the MAGA hat of a 7 year old and punched the 7 year old's parents all unprovoked, that 7 year old got a call from the White House and now ' Riley will be getting a very special replacement hat'. [Trump Win, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 21, 2020 ~ Viral video of two women outside the Democratic Convention taking the signs of Trump supporters and tearing them up, then stealing a MAGA hat from a kid and refusing to give it back. When the parents follow asking for the hat back, the violent Democrats punch them. Very common. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 20, 2020 ~ Jon Jussero, a Seattle journalist posts video of him and his crew attacked and threatened by BLM for doing their job. 'I tried to leave but they surrounded my car put items on windows & continued to terrorize me. One man threaten to break my vehicle windows & come to my home.' [BLM, Violent Left, Silencing]
Aug 20, 2020 ~ Matt Walsh, 'Leaked Audio Suggests Goodyear's Discriminatory Policies Are Even Worse Than First Reported' The associated audio says 'black lives matter' is allowed. 'white lives matter', 'all lives matter' and 'blue lives matter' are 'not appropriate'. [Racism, Race, Police, Silencing, BLM]
Aug 17, 2020 ~ Goodyear diversity training is leaked. Shows Black Lives Matter messages are acceptable at Goodyear but Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, MAGA attire are not. Goodyear says they allow no political speech except 'equity issues'. But All/Blue Lives Matter are not political. [BLM, CRT DIE Wokeness, Silencing]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ Victory for free speech. YouTube has finally remonetized the channel of conservative commentator and comedian Steven Crowder after banning advertisements on his content over a year ago. [Free Speech, Tech Bias, Silencing]
Aug 7, 2020 ~ Two elderly women stand up to the violent left wing mob in Portland trying to destroy a police station. Put out fires. Endure thugs screaming obscenities in their face and pouring paint on their head. Millons hang their heads in shame as they remain silent to keep their jobs. [Antifa, BLM, Crime, Loathsome Left, Police, Silencing, Violent Left]

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