Sep 28, 2023 ~ Professor Elizabeth Weiss @eweissunburied, 'Discussing sex is no longer allowed at Anthropology conferences' Both the the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) informed her that her scheduled panel: "Why biological sex remains a necessary analytic category in anthropology," is no longer allowed due to the ridiculous claim that very real and foundational to anthropology scientific discussion about the sex of human remains will "cause harm to members represented by the Trans and LGBTQI of the anthropological community as well as the community at large." Once again, science and truth are sacrificed at the alter of the anti-science called 'modern gender theory.' [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Silencing, Trans]
Sep 16, 2023 ~ Update on black BLM activist named Zyahna Bryant who falsely accused a white girl at UVA named Morgan Bettinger of wanting to run over #BLM protesters who were lying on the road to block traffic. Bettinger was expelled after a kangaroo court, UVA released public statements implying she’s a white supremacist, her dreams of going to law school over, she became unemployable and she ended up with ongoing psychological issues as a result of the Bryant led mob ruining her life. Years later UVA admitted they wrongly expelled her and Bryant admitted she didn't ever hear Bettinger say anything. But Bettinger's life remains in ruins. So who better for Dove company to make one of their spokespeople than Zyahna Bryant? Dove needed Bryant to make people "aware of the fact that people have different bodies" and what its like to be "maneuvering through spaces in a fat body." [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 14, 2023 ~ Kim Russell, head coach of the Oberlin College women’s lacrosse team has been removed from her job that she did well for 27 years because she opposed biological males in female sports. Science was on her side but the mob was not. Loud and clear message to coaches: Shut up, obey. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ Once again, the left proves that they despise free speech and think they should decide who should and shouldn't be allowed to talk. Asshole students at Washington College shouted down Princeton University Professor Robert George as he tried to give a speech titled “The Truth-Seeking Mission of the University,” allegedly for being 'anti-trans.' These shit stains are the same everywhere. Vile tyrants who think they decide who can speak and who can hear. They start with shout downs and resort to violence if necessary. Disgusting people but there are rarely any consequences for their behavior from cowardly or sympathetic universities which just emboldens them. This has happened 1000 times and its ALWAYS the left. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ Important message from Dr. Elliot Kaminetzky, "The more I’ve learned about pediatric gender medicine the more concerned I’ve become. I feared I was a terrible bigot. I am not. Over the past few years, I’ve been speaking privately to many therapists: high profile therapists, LGBTQ+ ally therapists, specialists and generalists and yes, even trans therapists. Almost every single one of them had an array of concerns about how the medical and mental health establishment is harming children, from the researchers using the shoddiest research practices to the therapists abandoning serious assessment. (Those not concerned knew almost nothing about it and were shocked to learn about it). All of these therapists are afraid to say anything which is the scariest part of all. They have their practices, their tenure, their dinner parties, their salaries, their mortgage, their board seats, and leadership positions that they fear will all be put in jeopardy should they open their mouth. I don’t blame them. I was one of them. Until now. This is too important to be silent about. The science is not settled. There is no consensus. These kids need our genuine therapeutic help, not a fast track to puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery (see below). Every country that has been doing this before the US has since significantly altered course. We are an outlier. Therapists, your silence makes the lives of honest therapists who care to speak out so much harder. I don’t know how much longer this will last, but I can’t sleep knowing that I was silent when children are being harmed every day." [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ The Biden Administration has literally criminalized speech. Owen Shroyer was sentenced to 60 days in prison for Jan6. He did not enter the building. He was just speaking outside. They said he "amplified lies" about the election and so "helped create" the January 6th Capitol riot. [Capitol Riot, Free Speech, Silencing, Witch Hunt]
Sep 7, 2023 ~ Bombshell article by climate scientist blowing the whistle on why the public cannot and should not trust 'Science' Patrick T. Brown, 'I Left Out the Full Truth to Get My Climate Change Paper Published' "I just got published in Nature because I stuck to a narrative I knew the editors would like. That’s not the way science should work." The current [false] narrative is that climate change is driving wild fires when in reality it is AT BEST a minor factor. "I knew not to try to quantify key aspects other than climate change in my research because it would dilute the story that prestigious journals like Nature and its rival, Science, want to tell.
This matters because it is critically important for scientists to be published in high-profile journals; in many ways, they are the gatekeepers for career success in academia. And the editors of these journals have made it abundantly clear, both by what they publish and what they reject, that they want climate papers that support certain preapproved narratives—even when those narratives come at the expense of broader knowledge for society.
To put it bluntly, climate science has become less about understanding the complexities of the world and more about serving as a kind of Cassandra, urgently warning the public about the dangers of climate change. However understandable this instinct may be, it distorts a great deal of climate science research, misinforms the public, and most importantly, makes practical solutions more difficult to achieve."
"In reality, though, the biases of the editors (and the reviewers they call upon to evaluate submissions) exert a major influence on the collective output of entire fields. They select what gets published from a large pool of entries, and in doing so, they also shape how research is conducted more broadly. Savvy researchers tailor their studies to maximize the likelihood that their work is accepted. I know this because I am one of them.
Here’s how it works.
The first thing the astute climate researcher knows is that his or her work should support the mainstream narrative—namely, that the effects of climate change are both pervasive and catastrophic and that the primary way to deal with them is not by employing practical adaptation measures like stronger, more resilient infrastructure, better zoning and building codes, more air conditioning—or in the case of wildfires, better forest management or undergrounding power lines—but through policies like the Inflation Reduction Act, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions."
"This type of framing, with the influence of climate change unrealistically considered in isolation, is the norm for high-profile research papers. For example, in another recent influential Nature paper, scientists calculated that the two largest climate change impacts on society are deaths related to extreme heat and damage to agriculture. However, the authors never mention that climate change is not the dominant driver for either one of these impacts: heat-related deaths have been declining, and crop yields have been increasing for decades despite climate change. To acknowledge this would imply that the world has succeeded in some areas despite climate change—which, the thinking goes, would undermine the motivation for emissions reductions."
"I left academia over a year ago, partially because I felt the pressures put on academic scientists caused too much of the research to be distorted... But climate scientists shouldn’t have to exile themselves from academia to publish the most useful versions of their research. We need a culture change across academia and elite media that allows for a much broader conversation on societal resilience to climate.
The media, for instance, should stop accepting these papers at face value and do some digging on what’s been left out. The editors of the prominent journals need to expand beyond a narrow focus that pushes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. And the researchers themselves need to start standing up to editors, or find other places to publish."
[Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Climate Change, Fake News, Free Speech, Silencing]
Sep 7, 2023 ~ Harvard ranks last in the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) annual college free speech rankings. Based on survey data from 55,000 students Harvard got a 0 out of 100, the lowest score ever recorded. Saying anything unapproved is sure cancelation. Self censor. [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Silencing]
Sep 5, 2023 ~ The ADL used to be an organization that opposed and exposed anti-semitism. Today they are a hard left entity that attempts to censor people for having non-left ideology regarding all kinds of topics like trans issues and border enforcement. @elonmusk is suing them (ironically) for defamation. "Our US advertising revenue is still down 60%, primarily due to pressure on advertisers by @ADL (that’s what advertisers tell us), so they almost succeeded in killing X/Twitter!" He's not taking it lying down. [Cancel Culture, Fake Anti-Semitism, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 3, 2023 ~ College soccer player Sophia Lorey was invited by the Mary L. Stephens Davis Branch Library in Davis, CA to speak about her experiences as a college athlete. But she was shouted down by a left-wing mob who silence women who think sports should be segregated by sex. Vile. [Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 30, 2023 ~ Oberlin College Head Women’s Lacrosse Coach Kim Russell released documentary called "Burned at the Stake" after being subjected to massive workplace abuse for opposing biological men competing in women's sports. They threw the "unsafe" lie at her and drug her thru DIE hearings. This is an absolutely heartbreaking and infuriating story of #CancelCulture at its most toxic. The mob kept trying to make her apologize for being on the side of science and women's rights and nothing she could say was acceptable to the mob. Her treatment keeps thousands silent. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 27, 2023 ~ Woodstock Union High School snowboarding coach David Bloch was fired from his job because he expressed his (very true) opinion that boys have athletic advantage over girls in sports. His team was playing a girl team with a biological male on it and they said he was 'bullying.' [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 19, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'She was cancelled. Now she is fighting back' Janet Roberson was fired from Compass Real Estate for objecting to gender ideology instruction at a school board meeting. Though she had nothing to say about race, she was called a 'racist' and a 'nazi' because of course these are the standard tools of the mob. Sadly, but unsurprisingly, her employer caved to the mob. [Cancel Culture, Fake Homophobia, Fake News, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Silencing]
Aug 18, 2023 ~ The “Comedy Unleashed” comedy festival in Edinburgh Scotland has been canceled because one comedian, Graham Linehan said that men can’t become women, woman can’t become men, and “women deserve single sex spaces and fairness in their sports.” The entire festival was shut down! [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ Viral video shows Yorkshire Police officers entering their home and dragging an autistic girl away for making a “homophobic public order offense.” She said one of the officers looked like a lesbian "like nana." Innocent remark. No ill intent. Nations with free speech be thankful. [Free Speech, Silencing]
Aug 3, 2023 ~ First Amendment violations from the Biden Administration continue to be exposed. They literally told Facebook "to change the algorithm so that people were more likely to see NYT, WSJ, any authoritative news source over Daily Wire" and others. Despite what their users posted. [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Aug 1, 2023 ~ Celebrated biologist Richard Dawkins continues to trash "trans ideology." "Sex really is binary. There’s no question about it. You’re either male or female. And it’s absolutely clear. You can do it on gamete size, you can do it on chromosomes. To me as a biologist, [it's] distinctly weird. People can simply declare, I am a woman, though I have a penis. Helen, what do you think lies behind this odd distortion of reality?" Regarding how they have tried to cancel dissenters, "It’s bullying. And we’ve seen the way JK Rowling has been bullied, Kathleen Stock has been bullied. They stood up to it, but it’s very upsetting that this tiny minority of people has managed to capture the discourse and to really talk errant nonsense." [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 30, 2023 ~ Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) has been ordered to pay student Maggie Dejong $80,000 for censoring her views and creating a toxic environment for her. Some woke students "reported" her for having "harmful rhetoric" on #CRT and Kyle Rittenhouse. Instead of defending her right to speak, SIUE prevented her from participating in discussions and did not give her the opportunity to defend herself. [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 30, 2023 ~ Raymond Ibrahim, "‘Shut Up or Else!’ The True Link between Islam and the Left" Very insightful piece that explains why the left aligns with an anti LBGT, anti woman theocracy. Both are ideologies that do not stand up to scrutiny. They both protect the dogma with authoritarian strictness using severe consequences including violence for questioning it. Heresy and Apostasy are dealt with very severely both to maintain control as well as serve as examples for keeping the rest in line. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Homophobia, Islam, Loathsome Left, Religion, Silencing]
Jul 30, 2023 ~ More evidence surfaces on how much the Biden Administration violated the 1st amendment by demanding social media companies censor information, even information they knew was true but didn't want repeated: "Surgeon General wants us to remove true information about side effects." [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Jul 28, 2023 ~ #CancelCulture rolls on. Dr. Mark Tykocinski has resigned as president of Philadelphia's Thomas Jefferson University because he liked some tweets that the mob disapproved of. Tweets that were critical of trans surgeries for children and some that were critical of Covid vaccines. [Cancel Culture, College, Coronavirus, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 28, 2023 ~ Richard Bosshardt, a surgeon and a member of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) was canceled for not wanting to go along with all of the DIE poison doctors are required to parrot like affirming the ACS is 'racist.' "If we discover racism in the ACS, let’s deal with it. But if we state blandly and generally that the ACS is racist, I think that’s wrong." Members of the mob cried about how much 'harm' his questions had done. He was banned with no due process. "To say that I can’t raise an objection to something as controversial as DEI — I don’t care if you’re for it or against it, I like to see the conversation. And this is what’s being basically prevented." “This kind of cancellation has been going on everywhere.” Most people see the cancellations and toe the line with self censorship. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 26, 2023 ~ Newsweek: 'Nobel Prize winner who doesn't believe climate crisis has speech canceled' The IMF canceled the speech Nobel Prize winning physicist Dr. John Clauser was supposed to give on climate models after they found out he thinks "there is no real climate crisis." As usual, there is only the approved narrative, and the censored narrative. Anyone not on board with the approved narrative, no matter how credentialed, must be silenced and deplatformed. [Cancel Culture, Climate Change, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 25, 2023 ~ How much do the Democrats despise free speech and love censorship? They tried to censor a CENSORSHIP HEARING. @RobertKennedyJr was embarrassed by his own party. "This is an attempt to censor a censorship hearing," he exclaimed as they tried to silence. LOL, what clowns! [Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ 'Jamie Sarkonak: Toronto principal bullied over false charge of racism dies from suicide' The left levels false charges of racism all day everyday but their effect is still ruinous to good people's lives. Sometimes the effect is deadly. He simply questioned if Canada was as racist as the DIE training was asserting. "Canada wasn’t perfect, he said, but it still offers a lot of good. For the rest of the training session, and throughout a follow-up training session the week after, facilitators repeatedly referred to Bilkszto’s comments as examples of white supremacy. The experience was humiliating — particularly because Bilkszto placed a great emphasis on equality and anti-discrimination during his career." DIE 'education' is vile poison that destroys good institutions and people. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ Olivia Murray, "Tenured academic signals his belief in the sex binary, gets accused of 'serious misconduct'" "David Richardson, a tenured professor at Madera Community College, a gay conservative, was put on administrative leave because he won't use 'non-binary' pronouns. [Cancel Culture, College, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ "University ‘blocks’ academic from her own gender wars research over ‘dangerous’ data" In another #CancelCulture story almost to dystopian to believe, Dr Laura Favaro did a study asking if researchers felt censored on gender issues. "Scholars told her that they had threats of violence in the gender debate, hostility from colleagues, and others said they felt their careers 'can’t survive that sort of backlash', and that they have to have 'secret conversations' to avoid reprisal and because 'we are all so afraid'." In an effort to prove her findings right, Favoro's paper was blocked, she was fired and all her data was confiscated. Discussion and debate is not allowed regarding trans issues indicating the trans activists KNOW their side would lose any fair arguments. They therefore have to bully, cancel, deplatform and censor any opposition. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ A #CancelCulture story that's almost comically absurd. Arizona State University invited Dennis Prager and Charlie Kirk to speak at the Lewis Center. 34 ultra left wing profs. objected so they canceled the event, fired the director of the Lewis Center and CLOSED the Lewis Center! The professors that got the event canceled falsely claimed that Prager and Kirk are "white nationalist provocateurs ... purveyors of hate who have publicly attacked women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, [and] institutions of our democracy." Lies and smears. [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ Democrats look ridiculous by trying to censor RFK Jr. in a hearing on CENSORSHIP. They truly despise free speech. They falsely accuse him of being a racist and an anti-Semite then don't allow him to respond. Wasserman Schultz "Please ask the witness to stop talking." What clowns! [Fake Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Jul 14, 2023 ~ Northwestern Prof Michael Bailey, 'My Research on Gender Dysphoria Was Censored. But I Won’t Be.' The article, “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parent Reports on 1655 Possible Cases” was pulled due to activist bullying despite "ample evidence." [Anti-Science, College, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 10, 2023 ~ Sarah Arnold, 'Facebook Shadow Banned Tucker Carlson's 'Anti-Vaccine' Video At the Request of the Biden WH' Serval examples of Biden admin telling Facebook to censor and FaceBook copmlying. Blatent 1st Amendment violation. [Coronavirus, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Jul 6, 2023 ~ Important post: Liberals being surprised that theirs is the side of hatred and intolerance is a sadly common experience. But its so typical of the difference between today's right and left. The right likes discussion and debate and will almost always engage in such things respectfully. The left despises those things. Shuts them down by any means necessary including violence. They think they represent the one true, pure and moral opinion about every subject and will seek to DESTROY you if you step one toe out of line on even one topic even if you agree with them on others. #CancelCulture[Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 5, 2023 ~ John Sexton, 'UCLA refused to hire a psychology professor after grad students complained he'd been critical of DEI on a podcast' #CancelCulture and #CRT, #DIE at its finest. He was against mandatory 'diversity statements.' You must repeat their mantras to get hired. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ Gay Madera Community College Professor David Richardson, was put on leave for 'serious misconduct.' His crime was to believe that gender is binary and thus be unwilling to use 'non-binary' pronouns which “frustrate communication for ideological reasons.” No dissent is allowed! [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ AMC pulled the documentary about trans detransitioners called'No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care' after trans rights activists objected to the public seeing that was contrary to their ideology. This is typical. Only their side gets to talk. They shut down dissent. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ "Leftists Hate Diversity: New York City Venue Cancels 'BLEXIT' Event" Music Hall of Williamsburg in New York City canceled an upcoming BLEXIT event featuring Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, and Brandon Tatum" The left despises free speech. Shuts it down. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ Feminist K. Yang was attacked by trans activist mob for holding a sign opposing dehumanizing terms for women like 'bleeder.' "I'm a former trans rights activist & LGBT non-profit whistleblower. I was just kicked, hit, pushed, mobbed by dozens of people in Washington Square Park.♂️who identify as♀️called me 'bitch' & assaulted me." They tried to destroy her sign but she would not let go. This is typical violent mob behavior that TRAs use to eliminate dissent to their ideology. [Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Violent Left]
May 26, 2023 ~ Cynisca Cycling kicked three-time cycling Olympian Inga Thompson from its board because she opposes biological males being allowed to compete in female sports. "I was shamed for speaking out." "The media really has effectively shut down all dialogue about" it. She says speak up. [Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 25, 2023 ~ College student Olivia Krolczyk was given a 0 on her final project proposal for using the term "biological woman." The prof said it was "a solid proposal" but terms like that are "exclusionary and are not allowed in this course as they further reinforce heteronormativity." It made total sense that she needed to use that term as the paper was discussing the fairness of trans women competing with biological women in sports. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 9, 2023 ~ More info coming out about the @Riley_Gaines_ assault and kidnapping. The trans activist thugs that assaulted her and would not let her leave the classroom she was hiding in were demanding money in exchange for releasing her. “Tell her to pay us, then she can go.” No arrests yet. [College, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Violent Left]
Apr 8, 2023 ~ All of a sudden, the woke, DIE pukes decided that the word 'ladies' is now problematic. So much so that the top candidate for superintendent of Easthampton Public Schools had his offer withdrawn when it was discovered that he’d used the word “ladies” in an email to two women. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Apr 6, 2023 ~ Woke children at the University of Albany in NY shut down another free speech event with their disruptions and uncivil behavior. The left could not despise free speech more. Left wing college cry bullies do this ALL THE TIME. They think only they should be allowed to speak. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Mar 31, 2023 ~ Wayne State University professor Steven Shaviro criticized the Stanford Law spoiled children because they shouted down Judge Duncan instead of killing him. "I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down." Of course, sick bastards like Shaviro get to decide who is 'racist', 'homophobic' and 'transphobic' and thus worthy of being murdered. [Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Mar 27, 2023 ~ Another mob of spoiled, woke, violent children shut down Author Mary Eberstadt's speech at Furman University. Other conservative speakers were mobbed. Needed security. Never "experienced a crowd so uninterested in learning, and so unwilling to hear.” “filled with malice.” Typical [CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Mar 27, 2023 ~ Trans activists got violent again. This time at the "Let Women Speak" conference in New Zealand. The violent thugs attacked Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull before she could speak. If not for the protection of her security, she could have ended up severely injured or dead. "I genuinely thought if I fell to the floor I would never get up again, my children would lose their mother and my husband would lose his wife. My security saved my life today, no words can express my gratitude." "If women can’t name ourselves, speak about our lives, our bodies, our boundaries and our rights, in public and in ordinary language - then we lose EVERYTHING. We cannot let these people intimidate us into silence. Time to stand up folks, like the lady says." [Silencing, Trans, Violent Left]
Mar 18, 2023 ~ Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan writes 'My Struggle Session at Stanford Law School.' Very detailed account of how a woke mob was allowed to cancel his speech, enabled by a DIE dean Tirien Steinbach. The mob continues to bully students and Dean Jenny Martinez behind cowardly black masks. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Mar 11, 2023 ~ Left wing crybullies do what left wing crybullies do so often. The Stanford Federalist Society invited 5th Circuit Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan to speak but the left wing children shouted him down until they stopped the speech. The Stanford DIE dean there Tirien Steinbach enables the mob and makes a stupid speech saying she's glad they are shouting him down. "I’m glad this is going on here." Truly embarrassing how far so called 'higher education' has fallen. [College, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Mar 10, 2023 ~ Social Science Research Services survey reveals women in academia more in favor of censoring speech they don't like compared to men. More likley to support shouting down speakers, requiring compelled speech like DIE statements. More favor punishment for refusing DIE 'training'. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing]
Mar 10, 2023 ~ As predicted, 'woke' censorship did not stop with Roald Dahl’s books. They made 100s of changes to Dahl's books without his permission and now author R.L. Stine (Goosebumps anthology) is saying they are doing the same to him! These tyrannical censors have no right to do this. Update: Now Ian Fleming's James Bond novels like 'Casino Royale' are being 'revised' by the woke censors. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing]
Feb 20, 2023 ~ William Spruance, 'What Happened at Georgetown Law with Covid?' Free Speech at so called 'higher education' institutions is dead. The mob is in charge. Free thinkers must be punished with ferocity sufficient to deter others from daring even to question. Spruance was suspended for asking reasonable questions about absurd Covid policies and forced to undergo psychiatric evaluations and worse! [College, Coronavirus, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]