Mar 1, 2020 ~ Princeton historian Allen Guelzo trashes the 1619 Project. 'is not history: it is polemic, born in the imaginations of those whose primary target is capitalism itself and who hope to tarnish capitalism by associating it with slavery.' 'it is conspiracy theory.... it is ignorance' [Race, Slavery, Fake News]
Feb 25, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Why the Left Calls Good People Racist' Prager fighting 'two more smears' after the Anne Frank lie. Fake News claims Prager said 'slavery was not bad' and 'It's idiotic you can't say the N-word'. Both are totally false. Smearing 'is the left's modus operandi'. [Dennis Prager, Fake News, Fake Racism, Slavery]
Feb 21, 2020 ~ Trump lamented that a South Korean film won best picture. "Can we get like 'Gone with the Wind' back?" TDS afflicted dems said he choose that movie for racist reasons. Ana Navarro says he meant 'Let's bring back the Civil War, let's bring back slavery.' Similar idiocy from others [Fake Racism, Slavery]
Feb 21, 2020 ~ Democrats, embarrassed or annoyed that Trump has achieved the lowest black unemployment rate in history have to deflect in absurd ways. James Clyburn says its not the lowest 'unless you count slavery. We were fully employed during slavery.' Unknown how this makes Trump look bad. [Trump Win, Economy, Slavery]
Dec 7, 2019 ~ Al Green gives more reasons why Trump must be impeached besides preventing his re-election. 'We have to deal with slavery. Slavery was the thing that put all of what President Trump has done lately into motion.' and 'discrimination as a relates to the LGBTQ community' Not satire. [TDS, Impeachment, Slavery]
Nov 30, 2019 ~ Multiple historians are slamming the NYT 1619 Project. Brown University historian Gordon Wood said 'it is so wrong in so many ways' American Civil War historian and Pulitzer Prize winner James McPherson, 'a very unbalanced, one-sided account, which lacked context and perspective' [Slavery, Race, Fake News]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ AOC makes false claim to argue why DC should be a state. 'DC was the 1st territory in the United States to free the enslaved.' It was actually one of the last. 'It's where Black Americans fled the tyranny of slavery & towards greater freedom, to DC.' [Fake News, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Slavery]
Sep 4, 2019 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Five Things They Don't Tell You about Slavery', 'Through much of human history, slavery was ubiquitous and unquestioned' All races have been masters and slaves. 95% of the African slave trade went south of the United States, Entire operation in Africa run by Africans [Slavery, Rich Lowry]
Aug 21, 2019 ~ Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe said of President Trump, 'This fuxxxng racist wants to reverse the outcome of the Civil War. Over half a million lives were lost in that sacred cause. If you agree we can't let this lunatic get away with that, SAY SO!!!'. Trump is the 'lunatic'?? [TDS, Fake Racism, Slavery, Loathsome Left]
Jul 24, 2019 ~ Cornel West discussing Trump, 'Racist' bla bla 'racist' bla bla 'racist' bla bla 'Hitler' bla bla 'Mussolini' bla bla 'proto-fascist' bla bla 'slave holders' bla bla 'misogynists and homophobes and transphobes' bla bla 'fascism' bla bla 'despot' bla bla 'racist' bla bla 'racist' [Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia, Holocaust Denial, Slavery]
Jul 9, 2019 ~ Beto trashes America. Says founded on racism and not much has changed since slavery and Jim Crow. 'This country was founded on white supremacy. Every single institution and structure that we have in this country still reflects the legacy of slavery and segregation and Jim Crow' [Race, Politics, Slavery]
Jun 21, 2019 ~ As democrats hold hearings in Congress to debate reparations, a black man blames slavery for raping a white women. 'She was a white girl. She deserved it because us minorities have been through slavery. This is what they did to us during slavery. They used to beat us and whip us' [Race, Racism, Slavery, Crime]
Jun 20, 2019 ~ Dems holding hearings on Reparations. Informed by black intellectuals that it's the democratic party that owes the reparations. The democratic party is the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, Segregation, Byrd, George Wallace and Lester Maddox. Lincoln and MLK were Republicans [Race, Racism, Slavery]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ Democrats are all for abolishing the Electoral College since Clinton and Gore allegedly won the popular vote. One tactic they are using is to falsely tie the electoral college to racism and slavery. It was created 'to preserve slavery'. Many good reasons, slavery not one of them [Fake Racism, Slavery]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Many dems now support Reparations which Kurt Schlichter defines as 'the notion that a bunch of people who are not guilty of slavery owe money to people who were not slaves'. He shows all the reasons why it is unjust and can't possibly work. [Race, Slavery]
Feb 2, 2019 ~ A social justice mob ruined a young author's career before it started - Amélie Wen Zhao had a $500K advance on a Young Adult Trilogy - forced to give it up by a Twitter mob - falsely accused of 'anti-blackness' for what were ultimately bogus reasons. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Silencing, Slavery]
Dec 27, 2018 ~ David Hookstead, 'LeBron James Makes Insane Claim About NFL Owners And Slavery' - 'In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality'. Actually they are employers of employees who make millions playing ball. Voluntary employment. [Fake Racism, Slavery]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ New Andrew Gillum fake talking point. Ron DeSantis 'authored a book justifying slavery'. The claim is too absurd to even try to rebut. All Gillum seems to know how to do is falsely play the race card - finds a way to do it every day. [Fake Racism, Slavery]
Oct 18, 2018 ~ AIE, 'Thomas Sowell on Slavery and This Fact — There Are More Slaves Today Than Were Seized from Africa in Four Centuries' "Although slavery was a worldwide institution for thousands of years, nowhere in the world was slavery a controversial issue prior to the 18th century. People of every race and color were enslaved -- and enslaved others. White people were still being bought and sold as slaves in the Ottoman Empire, decades after American blacks were freed." [Slavery]
Oct 10, 2018 ~ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims Electoral College is 'a shadow of slavery's power on America today' - she may not appreciate the wisdom of the electoral college but its incoherent to claim it has something to do with slavery. [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Slavery]
Jul 16, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, 'What They Didn't Teach in about Slavery in My High School' - Arab traders enslaved far more Africans than European - Of the 10.7 million Atlantic slaves taken, most went to South America - less than 400K went to America - all races have been slaves and masters. [Slavery, Race, Larry Elder]
Apr 2, 2018 ~ Fake News - Larry King Says the Second Amendment Was Created by Southern Senators so they could be able to Fight Off Slave Uprisings - hopefully he is just senile and not actually that stupid [Guns-Mass Shootings, Fake News, Slavery]
Feb 19, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the US or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed. White slaves were still being sold in Africa after Black slaves were freed in America. The history of slavery is not simple. [Slavery, Race, Larry Elder]
Dec 26, 2017 ~ Jesse Jackson on the NFL Protests, 'To go from picking cotton balls to picking footballs and basketballs without freedom is not very much progress' Incredibly absurd to compare players voluntarily playing sports for millions of dollars a year to SLAVES! 'not very much progress'? [Fake Racism, Slavery]
Dec 5, 2017 ~ Estimated 640 young girls, some younger than 12, from Iraq's Turkmen minority community who remain under the shackles of sexual slavery at the hands of ISIS face honor killings if they escape and return to their families. 'About 2,900 Yazidi women and girls remain missing.' [Islam, Terrorism, Slavery]
Dec 5, 2017 ~ Africans are being sold at Libyan slave markets thanks to Hillary and Obama. CNN report with video showed migrants in Libya being auctioned off as slaves. 'We came, we saw, he died,' she joked. But overthrowing Gadhafi was a humanitarian and strategic disaster. Way worse. [Slavery, Hillary]
Oct 29, 2017 ~ Walter Williams, 'Slavery'. Slavery was the norm in world history until Western Civ. ended it. ALL peoples have been slaves and masters. Over 100 Million white Americans had ancestors that came through Ellis Island after 1900. Only 5% of Americans descend from slaveholders. [Walter Williams, Slavery]
Oct 23, 2017 ~ Daily Mail exposé 'Child miners some as young as 4 living a hell on Earth so YOU can drive an electric car'. Child slavery, horribly mistreated, most will developed serious health problems. Car batteries need 33lbs of Cobolt. Imagine over 1 billion cars needing 33lbs of Cobolt. [Climate Change, Energy, Slavery]
Sep 23, 2017 ~ Leah Barkoukis, 'The Left Is Now Triggered By Cotton'. Using cotton as decor is being called racist symbol of slavery. Hobby Lobby is shamed for using cotton in a display. Nashville's Lipscomb University Pres. shamed for using it in centerpiece of dinner held FOR black students. [Fake Racism, Slavery, College]
Sep 2, 2017 ~ Hysteria to destroy everything related to slavery reaches such a level of idiocy that ESPN pulls an Asian football announcer off the University of Virginia game because his name is Robert Lee. Cannot make this up? [Fake Racism, Slavery, College]
Feb 12, 2017 ~ Georgetown professor and Muslim Scholar Jonathan Brown defends Islamic slavery and 'non-consensual' sex. Unfortunately, he is right if you accept the premises. IF Mohamed is THE prophet of God and moral example and he kept sex slaves and other slaves then it must be ok. [Islam, Slavery]