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Aug 19, 2018 ~ Laura Hollis, 'A Business Lesson for Socialists' - They seek to only distribute and re-distribute what exists but socialism kills the incentive for inventing new things - this is why places like East Germany fell decades behind West Germany [Socialism, Economics]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Majority of Democrats say they prefer Socialism over Capitalism - great cartoon shows two Socialism sign up - 2 doors - 1. work hard, keep half, 2. no work, free stuff - everyone is lined up at door 2 [Socialism]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Cal Thomas, 'The Seduction of Socialism' - Young people signing up out of ignorance and entitlement - ignorant of history of 100s of millions of deaths, mass starvations and poverty - numbers don't add up - Medicare for all would cost $32 Trillion [Socialism, Poverty, Entitlements]
Jul 1, 2018 ~ Democratic Socialist Ocasio-Cortez defeats a halfway sane democrat in a district with many illegals. The rest of the scared democrats trying to survive as democrats by going fully crazy - 'Abolish profit, Abolish prisons, Abolish cash bail, Abolish borders, Abolish ICE' [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Politics, Socialism, Illegal Immigration]
Jun 25, 2018 ~ Venezuela is 'a textbook example of the evolution of socialism' - nationalize companies, try to run them while seizing their profits to try to fund massive welfare states - always fails descending into mass poverty - the left never learns [Socialism]
Jun 3, 2018 ~ Walter Williams, 'Capitalism vs. Socialism' Professor Williams compares and contrasts the results - shows most of what we like was made possible by capitalism - most of what does not work well is done by government [Economics, Socialism, Walter Williams]
May 28, 2018 ~ George Harbison, 'The Evil that Must Not Be Named on Campus' - the evils of Socialism and Communism including its murderous history and collapsing nations are ignored and not taught or mentioned - explains how today's youth can love socialism [Socialism, College]
Feb 19, 2018 ~ John Sexton, 'Where are the liberals on Venezuela?' - after so many prominent liberals glorified Venezuela, socialism and Chavez, all we hear is crickets after its collapse into chaos and poverty. [Socialism]
Dec 23, 2017 ~ Socialism is crushing Venezuela. Shame how far it fell and how wonderful it used to be there before they tried socialism. Left wingers that praised the transition are now no where to be found - people are literally starving. Socialism still popular with clueless American youth. [Socialism]
Sep 26, 2017 ~ Trump's UN Speech - hailed by many as the best of his presidency so far - called out Iran for violating the deal and the 'Rocket Man' in North Korea - said problem in Venezuela is that not that Socialism has been poorly implemented - its that its been faithfully implemented. [Trump Win, North Korea, Iran, Socialism]
Sep 2, 2017 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Those Who Don't fight Evil Fight Statues' 'The left relentlessly fights racism in America, even though America is the least racist multiracial society in history' Ditto sexism. But the left turns a blind eye to the evils of Islamism, and in the past Communism. [Islam, Socialism, Dennis Prager]
Aug 19, 2017 ~ Tom Trinko, 'Nazis and the left wing'. NAZIs are left wing, not right. Besides NAZI meaning National Socialists, they are totalitarians and all about identity politics which is what the left is about. The right is about capitalism, freedom and the individual rights of all people [Socialism, Politics]
Aug 1, 2017 ~ John Stossel, 'Chomsky's Venezuela Lesson' Left Wing Useless Idiots like Chomsky, Moore, Penn, Stone still won't admit Venezuela is another massive failure of Socialism as it predictably descends into poverty and chaos. Stossel provides a long list of similar nation fates. [John Stossel, Economics, Socialism]
Jul 30, 2017 ~ Derek Hunter, 'The Murder Of Charlie Gard' - It is unlikely he could have been saved but Socialized Medicine could not let him try - no one must be permitted to get exceptional care or others might want it even if money is raised [Derek Hunter, Health Care, Socialism]
Jun 1, 2017 ~ Why using life expectancy is not useful for comparing health care systems as Bernie Sanders and other dems do - If you eliminate murders and car accidents, the United States has the world's best life expectancy numbers. [Health Care, Sanders, Socialism]
Apr 3, 2017 ~ Jerry Newcombe, Socialism is not the Source of Scandinavian Happiness - First off they don't even consider themselves socialist - they are very market based - success mostly before welfare state which pulled back - it is their culture that is responsible. [Socialism]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ Jose Cardenas, 'In Venezuela, Socialism Is Killing Venezuelans' Venezuela is in ruins. An abject failure - nation descends into poverty and chaos - all the predictable results from hyper inflation to debt - left wing useful idiots said it was going to be an 'economic miracle'. [Socialism]
Dec 17, 2016 ~ John Stossel, 'A Strong Leader'. Stossel naively assumed that the collapse of the Soviet Union would make it obvious to everyone that socialism kills prosperity and freedom. If that didn't, then the poverty in Cuba, Cambodia, Tanzania, Somalia, North Korea, etc. would [John Stossel, Socialism]
Dec 17, 2016 ~ Mario Loyola, 'Fidel Castro's Admirers: The Dunce, the Coward, and the Criminal - Why Castro's apologists aren't worth talking to' 3 Types: those ignorant of what he did, cowards for whom everything and everyone is morally equivalent and those who truly know and approve' [Socialism]
Dec 17, 2016 ~ Fidel Castro Dead at 90 - killed 10s of thousands and imprisoned and tortured many more along with his accomplices like Che - Cubans celebrate while he is still loved and lionized by the left - he lived the tyranny they dream of. [Socialism]
Dec 10, 2016 ~ George Reisman, 'Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian' For one thing, NAZI referred to the National Socialist German Workers Party. More importantly, 'the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government.' [Socialism]
Dec 1, 2016 ~ John Stossel, 'Thanksgiving Tragedy' - Pilgrims started with socialism and many starved - 'tragedy of the commons'. No one had incentive to work. They thrived after embracing private property - Bureau of Indian Affairs keeps Indians in poverty today because of the same problem [Economics, Socialism, John Stossel]

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