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May 25, 2024 ~ 'Joe Biden’s Terrible Tax Hikes' Biden plans to let Trump's TCJA expire. That will undo all of this: "Annual tax revenue increased by 1.1 trillion from 2018 to 2023, a whopping 33% rise. Wages for millions of Americans surged, with more than 400 companies announcing bonuses, new hires, or new investments in the United States." "Over $1.5 trillion was repatriated to the United States from overseas." [Economics, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Jan 27, 2023 ~ Stephen Moore 'It's Official: Trump's Tax Cuts Paid for Themselves' "revenues were up 40% in five years. The evidence through the first three years of the tax cut finds that the share of taxes paid by the wealthiest 1% rose as well." Tax cuts for the rich? [Economics, Tax Cuts, Trump Win]
Mar 1, 2021 ~ Larry Kudlow at CPAC, 'Real median family income rose in the 3 years before the pandemic by $6500. That is 5 times what the prior admin [did] in 8 years.' 'Record low unemployment 3.5%' Dems always lie 'tax cuts for the rich' but blue collar real wages +10%. Top 10% only +4%. [Economy, Tax Cuts, Trump Win]
Oct 22, 2020 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Joe Biden Can't Tax the Rich'. Tax increases on 'the rich' and businesses boomerang back onto the poor and middle class. They pass on the increases in the form of higher prices, lower wages, less raises, less hours, layoffs, etc. GDP goes down. Hurts 401k too. [Biden, Economics, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Mar 5, 2020 ~ Biden tells everyone who benefited from the Trump tax cuts (almost all taxpayers) that he's going to raise their taxes. He asked his crowd who benefited from Trump's tax cuts (maybe thinking no one had?) 'Guess what, if you elect me, your taxes are going to be raised, not cut.' [Biden, Tax Cuts]
Feb 11, 2020 ~ Stephen Moore, 'Defusing the Debt Bomb'. Debunks myths like 'Trump caused these deficits'. No they were 'baked into the cake' from decades of passing unaffordable programs. 'Trump tax cuts caused the deficit'. No, the tax cuts increased, not decreased tax revenue. Dems worse. [Deficit, Debt, Tax Cuts]
Dec 27, 2019 ~ Dems lie saying Trump's tax cuts and other economic reforms were 'for the rich' but numbers show that the lowest 25% of wage earners got the biggest wage increases by far. 4.5% vs avg of 3.6%. Top 25% only increased 2.9%. Due to very low unemployment leading to tight labor market [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Dec 19, 2019 ~ Bloomberg article, 'U.S. Companies' Repatriated Cash Hits $1 Trillion Under Tax Law' thanks to the Trump corporate tax cuts. 'Before the overhaul, companies were incentivized to keep profits overseas because they owed a 35% tax when bringing it back.' [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Sep 1, 2019 ~ Median household income has increased by $5000 since Trump began from $60,973 in January 2017 to $65,976 in August 2019. Median household income increased less than $1000 in all 8 years of Obama. Trump claims its really like $7000 including the tax cut. [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Jun 19, 2019 ~ Donald Trump awards Dr. Arthur Laffer the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Laffer is the 'Father of Supply-Side Economics' used by Reagan, W. and Trump. Helped usher in 'the greatest economic expansion the world has ever seen in any country, at any time' acc. to Martin Anderson. [Trump Win, Economics, Tax Cuts]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ Biden says 'First thing I would do as President is Eliminate the President's Tax Cut.' Other dems follow suit. Kamala Harris says she would eliminate the tax cuts "on day one". Would raise taxes on 90% of tax payers. Median family of 4 would see a $2000 increase. [Biden, Harris, Politics, Tax Cuts]
Apr 16, 2019 ~ In addition to allowing Americans to keep more of their hard earned money, the Trump tax cuts have saved Americans 71 million hours of tax compliance time. [Tax Cuts, Trump Win]
Apr 15, 2019 ~ Dems and celebs push the false narrative that most Americans did not receive a tax cut. Polls show Americans believing those lies. Yet fact checks show that '80.4% of earners received a tax cut, including 91.3% of the middle class.' 90% of workers received higher take home pay. [Tax Cuts, Fake News]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ Ford announced another $900 million investment in US manufacturing creating another 1000 American jobs. Recently, Toyota and Fiat Chrysler also announced significant investment in the US; billions of dollars and thousands of jobs. Regulation and taxes now favorable to business. [Trump Win, Economy, Regulations, Tax Cuts]
Feb 13, 2019 ~ The federal government collected a record figure in individual income taxes in calendar year 2018, according to Treasury figures. Proving again that tax cuts usually increase rather than decrease revenue to the Treasury. Laffer Curve counter intuitive. Dems don't understand it. [Economy, Economics, Tax Cuts]
Feb 13, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris lies about Trump Tax Cuts - Calls it 'a middle-class tax hike to line the pockets of already wealthy corporations and the 1%'. Opposite of the truth. 91% of the middle class got a cut. Only 5% got an increase, most of those are high income. [Fake News, Harris, Tax Cuts]
Jan 28, 2019 ~ Dems are still lying saying the Trump tax cuts only benefited the wealthy and was increase for middle class - 80% of Americans got a tax cut, 91% of the middle class - only 5% saw any increase and almost all of those were very high earners [Economy, Tax Cuts]
Nov 8, 2018 ~ 45% of US households, nearly 78 million individuals, have no federal income tax obligation - tax cuts were not 'for the rich' as dems lie but those without 'skin in the game' don't care about tax cuts - top 50% pay more than 97% of taxes [Taxes, Tax Cuts]
Oct 21, 2018 ~ Deficit hits $779 billion for FY2018 - Controlling the Debt Is Gonna Be Painful - It is a lie that the deficit is mostly caused by the tax cuts - but it is true that disaster awaits if unsustainable entitlements are not addressed. [Deficit, Debt, Tax Cuts]
Sep 23, 2018 ~ Laffer curve proved again - With lower tax rates, income tax revenue went UP 9% which will bring in an $1T in additional taxes over 10 yrs. Democrats said tax cuts would increase the deficit. Cuts also led to wage & salary increases and other higher economic activity. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Sep 8, 2018 ~ More than 120 utilities across the country are lowering rates for customers because of money saved by the GOP tax cuts according to atr.org. [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Four Blue States, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Maryland file a ridiculous lawsuit claiming the Trump Tax Cuts $10K SALT deduction cap unfairly targets their rich people. They do this while simultaneously lying to the public that Trump's tax cuts are 'for the rich'. [Tax Cuts, Politics]
Jul 3, 2018 ~ Donald Trump oversees groundbreaking of a new Foxconn plant in Wisconsin they are building thanks to new tax policy - investing $10 Billion to create 13,000 more jobs [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
May 28, 2018 ~ United Technologies announced that they will take advantage of the GOP Tax Cuts to invest $15 billion in the US, repatriating cash from overseas to create 35,000 jobs - Dems still trying to sell 'crumbs' idea [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Apr 20, 2018 ~ Kroger announces vastly expanded benefits for employees thanks to Trump and GOP tax reform [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Apr 17, 2018 ~ Steve Moore explains how Trump tax cuts are already paying for themselves due to the economic growth they are creating - this is the dynamic scoring the CBO could not take into account and dems said wouldn't happen. [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Apr 12, 2018 ~ Southwire has announced that they will be distributing some $9 million to bonuses and benefits thanks to the GOP Tax Cut legislation [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Apr 3, 2018 ~ Trump win - McDonald's announced it would triple the amount of funding allocated to its employee tuition-assistance program due to the GOP tax reform bill signed into law last year [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Apr 2, 2018 ~ Economy booming - Jobless Claims Hit Lowest Level Since the Nixon Administration - now more than 4 million workers have received tax cut bonus, plus countless benefit improvements rolled out to workers - most Americans got a tax cut. [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Feb 10, 2018 ~ Due to tax cuts, Chipotle rolls out new benefits, cash bonuses due to tax cut - $1000 bonuses to 71,000 employees plus additional family leave, also added life insurance and short-term disability insurance coverage. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Feb 10, 2018 ~ Due to tax cuts CVS to hike wages, introduce paid parental leave with windfall from new tax law - 240,000 employees - starting hourly wage increased from $9 to $11 per hour - $425 million being returned to workers. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Feb 10, 2018 ~ Major Hypocrisy from dems regarding the Trump Tax Cuts - they lie non-stop about it being 'tax cuts for the rich' while at the same time HOWL about how taxes are being raised on the very wealthy and only the wealthy in blue states. They even can't make their lies consistent. [Tax Cuts]
Feb 8, 2018 ~ 100s of large companies and more every day have announced bonuses, raises, new hiring, expansion, money repatriation, etc. due to Trump Tax Cuts - Democrats said it wouldn't happen. Then when it did, they dismiss it all as 'crumbs'. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Feb 4, 2018 ~ Lowe's Announces $1,000 Bonuses and Expanded Benefits Due to Tax Reform [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Jan 28, 2018 ~ Due to tax cuts, Home Depot hourly employees to receive up to $1000 bonuses - Home Depot has 406,000 employees. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Jan 27, 2018 ~ Due to GOP tax cut, Starbucks Announces Employee Raises and the disbursement of $250 million in bonuses and expanded benefits - between $500 and $2000 bonus per employee [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Jan 24, 2018 ~ Due to GOP tax cut, 22,000 JPMorgan Chase workers are getting a raise to between $15 and $18 per hour - also hiring 4000 new workers, opening 400 new branches - increasing small business loans by $4B, philanthropic $ by 40% [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Jan 24, 2018 ~ Disney to Give over 125,000 employees in the U.S. a one-time cash bonus of $1,000, as well as make a new $50 million investment into an education program for employees thanks to GOP tax cuts. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Jan 21, 2018 ~ Software Company Spellex Corporation CEO Credits 'Trump Tax Cut and Jobs Act' for $1,000 Employee Bonus Checks - the 'memo' section of each $1,000 bonus check read, 'Trump Tax Cut and Jobs Act' [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Jan 21, 2018 ~ Apple announces plans to repatriate $250 billion in overseas cash and will contribute $350 billion to the US economy over the next 5 years - will hire 20,000, give $2500 bonuses - credits Trump Tax Cuts [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Jan 20, 2018 ~ Democrats Keep Beclowning Themselves With Tax Reform Lies. Continue to disparage the obvious benefits workers are getting. Schumer 'There's nothing about this bill that is suited to the needs of the American worker or the American economy.' [Tax Cuts, Economics]
Jan 20, 2018 ~ Due to Trump Tax Cuts, Waste Management announced that 34,000 employees will receive $2,000 'special bonuses' - Pelosi continues to roll her eyes at the 'crumbs' real Americans appreciate. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Jan 14, 2018 ~ Due to Trump Tax Cuts, Fiat Chrysler will spend $1 billion to revamp its Warren Truck Assembly Plant and bring back 2,500 jobs from Mexico to Michigan by 2020. Also, a one-time bonus of $2,000 for 60,000 employees. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Jan 13, 2018 ~ Bruce Bialosky, 'The New Tax Bill explained in Simple Terms and Without the Snarky Comments' - dem tax cut for the rich talking point is a lie, 'even the left of center Brookings Institute's Tax Policy Center states 80% of Americans will receive a significant tax cut.' [Tax Cuts, Economics, Fake News]
Jan 11, 2018 ~ Jamie Dimon explains how the tax cuts are good for America - his and other companies will give bonuses, raises, hire more, bring money back to the US etc. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Jan 11, 2018 ~ Because of Tax Cuts, Walmart to raise its starting wage to $11, far above the federal minimum - expanding maternity and paternity leave, giving employees bonuses. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Jan 8, 2018 ~ Over 1 Million Workers Have Received a Bonus Since The Trump Tax Bill Became Law - dems either silent or still trying to pretend this is a tax cut for the rich. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Dec 30, 2017 ~ Bernie Sanders says the Trump Tax plan 'is a very good thing, and that's why we should have made the tax breaks for the middle class permanent'. LOL! The only reason they're not permanent is because the democrats insisted they expire. Pelosi is fuming Bernie told the truth. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Sanders]
Dec 28, 2017 ~ Erika Haas, 'Companies Praise Tax Bill, Announce Plans to Reinvest in Workers'. Democrats confounded. Immediate benefits flow to workers which they said would not happen. At least 19 companies announce bonuses, raises and US expansion so far. Dems look silly minimizing those. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economy]
Dec 27, 2017 ~ Trump Win - Sinclair Broadcasting Group is giving $1,000 bonuses to 9000 workers after Trump tax bill passed - They praise the tax bill and what will be its effects for American businesses and workers. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economy]

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