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Jul 15, 2024 ~ A 20 yr old punk ass, Thomas Matthew Crooks tried to assassinate Trump at a PA rally. He got 5 shots off killing 1, wounding 2, grazing Trump before being killed by Secret Service. Donated to 'Act Blue.' He must have believed the Dem Party lies about Trump being the next Hitler. [Loathsome Left, Politics, TDS, Violent Left]
Jul 2, 2024 ~ "Take that bitch Trump out. Take him out Joe." "He is Hitler." "Take him the fuck out! Blow him up." I used to think people like Lea Delaria could not get any more unhinged but now several well known democrats are literally calling for Trump's assassination in public statements. [Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Apr 7, 2024 ~ Trump Derangement Syndrome #TDS is back in time for the election year. Here's actress Jenifer Lewis: "If that man gets in, as soon as he takes the oath, he will have generals walk down the steps of the Capitol. He will take a hammer and break the glass where the Constitution is, and he will tear it up in our faces and say, 'Now I'm the king of the fucking world. You will bow down, bitches.' He will punish everybody that didn't vote for him." "This motherfucker is Hitler. He didn't come to play." "That motherfucker will have us in camps." Sigh... This is what we're going to have to deal with for 8 months. [Holocaust Denial, Politics, TDS]
Mar 19, 2024 ~ Jonathan Turley, 'The Odor of Mendacity: 2024 Could Turn on Smell of Selective Prosecution from Georgia to New York' "For many citizens, mendacity, or dishonesty, is wafting from various courtrooms around the country. The odor is becoming intolerable for many Americans as selective prosecution is being raised in a wide array of cases... It has become increasingly difficult to deny the obvious selective prosecution in a variety of recent cases and opinions." "Hur described four decades of Biden serially violating laws governing classified documents." "Although Special Counsel Jack Smith could still proceed on obstruction counts, his prosecution of Trump for the retention and mishandling of national security documents is absurdly in conflict with the treatment Biden is receiving. In New York, the legislature changed the statute of limitations to allow Trump to be sued while New York Attorney General Letitia James effectively ran on a pledge of selectively prosecuting him. She never specified any particular crime, just promising to bag Trump. Ultimately, James used a law in an unprecedented way to secure an absurd penalty of roughly half a billion dollars, even though no one lost a dime because of the Trump loans. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has also come up with an unprecedented way of using a state law to effectively prosecute Trump for a federal offense that the Justice Department has already rejected." [Loathsome Left, TDS, Witch Hunt]
Mar 18, 2024 ~ 'Fani Willis Is the Resistance' "We’ve seen her like before." "James Comey, Adam Schiff, James Clapper, or the 51 former intelligence officials" "The common thread is the stretching of investigative and prosecutorial powers to — or beyond — the breaking point on the assumption that, whatever the facts, rules, or law, Trump is guilty or, at the very least, deserves whatever he gets." [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Politics, Rich Lowry, TDS]
Mar 17, 2024 ~ Democrats and all of the usual #FakeNews outlets are running with the headline that Trump said there is "going to be a bloodbath" if he is not elected. Heard in context, he was clearly referring to what will happen to the car manufacturing industry. The #FakeNews never changes. [Economy, Fake News, TDS]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ David Strom, 'The Leftist Lynch Mob Attacking Trump' @JonathanTurley says "The NY Post is out with my column on the poison pill contained in the recent $455 million judgment against Trump. In order to appeal, he has to come up with that amount or a bond for that amount." "The supposed victims of Trump's perfidy testified in his defense." They all made money. No one lost money. Strom say "These people are, in my judgment, the scum of the Earth. Whatever claims they have to protecting democracy are exposed as lies, because they are tearing up the rule of law in order to get their way." In order to destroy a political opponent, making it impossible for him to even appeal their rulings. [Loathsome Left, Politics, TDS, Witch Hunt]
Nov 26, 2023 ~ The Lexington, VA 'Red Hen' restaurant, famous for kicking Trump Administration Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out, refusing to serve them over political differences is closing. But diners beware. It will reopen under new name with the same garbage owners. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Jun 23, 2023 ~ Elie Mystal @ElieNYC frequently wishes violence on people he disagrees with. He called for someone to kill Justice Alito: "please take him to see the Titanic," after a sub doing that imploded. He has previously admitted to wanting to drive his car through the lobby of Trump Tower and said "I want pitchforks and torches outside this man's house," because the man held a political fundraiser for Trump. The man is unhinged and violent but #FakeNews @MSNBC continues to give him air time. [Fake News, TDS, Violent Left]
Sep 23, 2022 ~ NY AG Letitia James spent years investigating Trump and could charge him with 0 crimes. She then totally beclowns herself suing him for undervaluing his properties. 0 merit. Too absurd to comment on. She promised to sue him before elected. Called him an "illegitimate president." [Loathsome Left, TDS, Witch Hunt]
Aug 13, 2022 ~ Michael Reagan "Raiding Trump’s home in Florida under the pretext of looking for classified documents that he allegedly should not have taken from the White House was something you’d expect to see in a banana republic." "For his desperate enemies" no abuse of power is unjustified [Loathsome Left, Politics, TDS]
Aug 11, 2022 ~ In a move unprecedented in US hisotry, the FBI raided Trump's Mar-a-Lago home. Allegedly because he didn't return classified documents. Recall Hillary had classified and top secret documents in her basement and destroyed evidence when subpoenaed. Targeting a political opponent. [Politics, TDS]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Anti-Trump loon drives his car through the store front of a pro-Trump store in Easton, MA. "slamming through the glass and plowing through several racks of clothing inside the New England for Trump store." Almost hit several people. His car had an anti-Trump bumper sticker. #TDS [Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Apr 2, 2022 ~ #FakeNews CNN’s Asha Rangappa managed to tie the Will Smith slapping Chris Rock incident to President Donald Trump! "So did like anyone walk out after that happened??? Or are we getting an independent psychological case study on how Trump got normalized?" #TDS is alive and well. [Fake News, TDS]
Jan 12, 2022 ~ Flashback, Brenna Williams, '11 times VP Biden was interrupted during Trump’s electoral vote certification' Jim McGovern, Jamie Raskin, Pramila Jayapal, Barbara Lee, Sheila Jackson Lee, Raul Grijalva, Maxine Waters all tried to stop the certification of the 2016 election. [Capitol Riot, TDS]
Dec 12, 2021 ~ Textbook example of #TDS from Ethan Grey who says Trump voters don't want the pandemic to end to harm POC. "The moment that it was understood that COVID-19 disproportionately affects communities of color,... Donald Trump’s base decided that the viral pandemic was acceptable." [Coronavirus, TDS]
Sep 15, 2021 ~ Bob Woodward book exposes General Milley treason. Worried Trump would attack China. Said he would warn them in advance "General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.” [China, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Larry David reveals himself to be a #TDS infected loon screaming at former friend Alan Dershowitz in a grocery store over a photo taken with former student, Mike Pompeo. "I can’t greet my former students?” “Your whole enclave — it’s disgusting. You’re disgusting!" David yelled. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Aug 10, 2021 ~ Jim Geraghty, 'A Misleading Narrative about the Unvaccinated' Democrats lying as always try to portray Trump Republicans as the anti-vaxers but Blacks followed by Hispanics have the lowest vaccination rates and big cities have the lowest percentages. Not Trump voters. [Coronavirus, TDS]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ The hyper-partisan Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley compared Trump to Hitler and his supporters to brownshirts. "a Reichstag moment", "gospel of the Führer." He called Trump supporters "the modern American equivalent of brownshirts in the streets." No truth in any of this. [Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Jun 13, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Will Any Anti-Trump Story Hold Up?' Embarrassing exposé of the #FakeNews. 'Journalists have gotten so much wrong over the last 4 years it makes you wonder if they got anything right.' Long list of 'bombshells' all designed to make Trump look bad and all fake. [Derek Hunter, Fake News, TDS]
Jun 4, 2021 ~ Rick Manning, 'Corporate Media's Hate for Trump Caused Them to Ignore the Story of the Century' They dismissed as coincidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was researching coronaviruses in bats right where the pandemic started just because Trump put 2 and 2 together. [Coronavirus, Fake News, TDS]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Nancy Pelosi says '76 years after the Holocaust, shadows of dark forces of hate are again emerging in our nation with disturbing displays… even inside the United States Capitol on January 6.' Democrats continue to deny the horrors of the Holocaust after calling Trump Hitler. [Capitol Riot, Holocaust Denial, TDS]
Mar 20, 2021 ~  Ryan Girdusky, 'Anti-Asian violence can’t be blamed on Trump supporters' Democrats never let a crisis go to waste. They are pushing an idiodic narrative that Trump's 'Wuhan' nickname for #COVID19 is responsible for anti-Asian violence but that has less than ZERO to do with it.  [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Mar 2, 2021 ~ New #FakeNews pushed by the NY Times and several Dem politicians is that the uptick in anti-Asian violent crime is because Trump said "China virus."  Washington Post, 'videos show Black perpetrators in many of the recent attacks on Asian Americans.' Nothing to do with Trump. #TDS [Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Racism, TDS]
Mar 1, 2021 ~ Salon article compares Republicans to Nazi era “good Germans” meaning they ignore and rationalize the evil that TrumpHilter is perpetrating. Conservatism is 'now just a flimsy rhetorical shield for fascism.' Trump has 'normalized right-wing terrorism and political violence.' #TDS [Fake News, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Mar 1, 2021 ~ George Stephanopoulos asks why there is a 'surge in anti-Asian hate crimes here in America.' Ridiculous fool Sen. Mazie Hirono says it is because Trump called #Covid19, the 'China flu.' That has less than 0 to do with why Asians are under attack in inner cities and she knows it. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Racism, TDS]
Feb 23, 2021 ~ A man skating around Wollman Rink in Central Park with a Trump 2024 flag was tackled and attacked by another skater while another took the flag. The crowd cheered. Violence against Trump supporters is still acceptable and common. Democrats have attacked Trump supporters for years [Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, TDS, Violent Left]
Feb 22, 2021 ~ New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio closed two big ice skating rinks because they were managed by the Trump Organization. 'New York City doesn’t do business with insurrectionists.' This put 250 people out of work and tons of low income kids lost access to the popular rinks. [Capitol Riot, Loathsome Left, Rich Lowry, TDS]
Jan 31, 2021 ~ David Lee Preston, 'Is it wrong to compare Trump to Hitler? No.' 'Trump’s ability to incite followers under the banner of white nationalism has enabled us to better understand Hitler’s sway over the Germans.' Cites the fake 'Muslim ban' and the 'Charlottesville Lie.' [Charlottesville, Fake Islamophobia, Fake Racism, TDS]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Spike Lee compares Trump to Hitler, who committed genocide against 6 million Jews and killed millions of other people. 'President Agent Orange [Donald Trump] will go down in history with the likes of Hitler.' Dennis Prager has called this kind of thing a form of Holocaust Denial. [Holocaust Denial, TDS]
Jan 22, 2021 ~ Alec Baldwin dreamed of a noose for Trump. 'I had a dream Trump was on trial for sedition. And outside the courthouse, a noose was hung from a makeshift scaffold.' #TDS [TDS, Violent Left]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ CNN's Don Lemon says if you voted for Trump you are with the Klan, Nazis, the Capitol rioters, for slavery, for putting people in concentration camps, etc. Very small minority. The overwhelming majority of people doing political violence are Democrats. 1000 to 1. [Holocaust Denial, Slavery, TDS, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jan 12, 2021 ~ PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller recorded by Project Veritas. 'Trump is close to Hitler' 'Go to the White House and throw Molotov cocktails' Trump voters 'intolerant horrible people' 'Americans are so fucking dumb' 'What's great is that COVID is spiking in all the red states' [Coronavirus, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Jan 6, 2021 ~ Violent Democrat David Delgado was sentenced to 4 years in prison for attacking and repeatedly punching a man because he was wearing a MAGA hat. Delgado also stole his hat. The man was seriously injured. [TDS, Violent Left]
Dec 14, 2020 ~ Debra Messing hopes President Trump gets raped in prison. 'I hope you live a long life in prison where you become the most popular boyfriend to the all inmates.' She is attacked for the homophobic tweet but she clarifies that she is simply wishing violence on Trump, sheesh. #TDS [Homophobia, Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Dec 7, 2020 ~ Deranged Democrat in St. Clair Shores, Michigan pulls up to a house with a Trump sign and throws an explosive at the house video shows. Windows blown out and hole blown in living room floor. Fortunately there were no injuries [TDS, Violent Left]
Nov 17, 2020 ~ Robert de Niro compares Trump to Hilter and Mussolini. 'It’s the same playbook as Mussolini, as Hitler, as a dictator, wannabe dictators.' #TDS [Holocaust Denial, TDS]
Nov 9, 2020 ~ Lauri Regan, 'The True Deplorables' After losing in 2016, Dems rioted, screamed 'Not My President', called Trump 'illegitimate', demanded faithless electors, skipped his inauguration, created the Russia Hoax, bogus impeachment charges, demonized and dehumanized Trump supporters. [Fake News, Impeachment, Loathsome Left, Russia Hoax, TDS, Ukraine Hoax]
Nov 9, 2020 ~ LGBTQ Nation claims, 'Joe Biden will be the first president to enter the White House supporting marriage equality.' This is total #FakeNews. @realDonaldTrump was the first but the left has to lie and or pretend he is a cartoon villian: all bad and no good. [Fake News, LGBT, TDS]
Nov 7, 2020 ~ A #BLM protester holds effigy of a beheaded Donald Trump while Biden supporters sing "Fuck Donald Trump" in Madison, Wisconsin. Kathy Griffin reposts her ISIS inspired severed head of Trump. Joe Biden claims the 'better angels' are back in charge! [Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Nov 4, 2020 ~ Coincidentally the day after the election, Democratic Governor of Oregon Kate Brown finally ordered the National Guard to Portland. Mobs of Biden voters have been burning, destroying and terrorizing the city for months but accepting this help would have been accepting Trump help. [Antifa, BLM, TDS, Violent Left]
Nov 2, 2020 ~ CNN and MSNBC contributor BandyX . Lee claims that Trump is not like Hitler because Hitler was better! 'At least Hitler improved the daily life of his followers, had discipline, and required more of himself to gain the respect of his followers.' Lee opines on the sanity of others. [Holocaust Denial, TDS]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ Rob Reiner has always had textbook #TDS but his #TDS has now gone next level. He says Trump’s strategy is to 'kill as many Americans as possible.' They've totally lost their minds folks... [TDS]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ The famous @nytimes leaker called 'Anonymous' who was a supposed 'senior official in the Trump Administration' was revealed to be Miles Taylor, a deputy chief of staff at Homeland Security. He was in no position to know what he claimed to know. Exposes the @nytimes as #FakeNews. [Fake News, TDS]
Oct 24, 2020 ~ The vile Lincoln Project, which is running false and slanderous billboards about Ivanka and Jared appears to have helped Iranian disinformation go viral. They promoted #FakeNews about the Proud Boys trying to intimidate voters into voting for Trump. Proud Boys did no such thing. [Fake News, Iran, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Oct 21, 2020 ~ Hampden, Maine Police Department looking for a woman who 'has been picking up dog feces and putting it in mailboxes, specifically of people who have Trump signs outside and she has been also defacing Trump signs.' She is on video but has not yet been identified. #TDS [Loathsome Left, Silencing, TDS]
Oct 20, 2020 ~ Pyxant Labs executive Pam Stevenson smears Trump supporters from work acc. 'midwest morons' 'ignorant trumpanzees' 'douchebags chant to their fat orange God' 'retardo trump' 'ignorant white supremacists' 'Are you midwesterners really this retarded' 'have sex with your own family' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Oct 20, 2020 ~ Gov. Cuomo not only takes no responsibility for the bad decisions that led to NY having the worst #Covid19 response in the nation, he insanely said, 'I hold Donald Trump responsible for every death in New York from COVID' See https://whathappened.com/commentary/blaming-trump-for-a-global-pandemic-from-china/ for what really happened in NY [Coronavirus, Fake News, TDS]
Oct 20, 2020 ~ Crazy loon Elizabeth Warren scares college students by saying he threatens 'all life' on Earth. Not even just human life. 'Donald Trump threatens the existence of human life, of all life, on this planet.' #FakeNews #TDS [Climate Change, Fake News, TDS]

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