Nov 4, 2017 ~ Snoop Dogg poses for a picture with a dead Trump. Snoop Dogg stands over his corpse that has a toe tag that says 'Trump'. The picture says 'Make America Crip Again'. In the picture Snoop Dogg is standing over the corpse taking a picture with his phone. Somehow this is ok by dems. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Nov 4, 2017 ~ Keith Olbermann said 'Trump and his family have done more damage to America than bin Laden and ISIS combined.' Textbook TDS. [TDS, Terrorism, Islam, Loathsome Left]
Oct 29, 2017 ~ Maxine Waters says 'I will go and take Trump out tonight'. Her audience cheers a direct threat on the President's life - Most dems say no big deal but would have been unacceptable if said about Obama. This comment comes months after a Bernie Bro tried to take out GOP Senators. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 29, 2017 ~ Kathy Griffin calls Trump a Nazi and smears Trump supporters: 'They are psychos. They're nuts.' 'he is a Nazi. There's a Nazi in the Oval Office' [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Oct 21, 2017 ~ Charles Blow, NYT columnist compares Trump to Hitler. 'very reasonable and sage comparisons can be drawn between Hitler's strategies and those of others.' Like Trump. Because Trump is 'using mass deception as masterful propaganda.' Trump lies and Hitler lied, so... same. [TDS]
Oct 21, 2017 ~ Lloyd Marcus, 'Blacks Trashing Trump from the Pulpit' Black conservatives are reporting that hateful rants against Trump are becoming common things they have to endure by Pastors AT CHURCH. [TDS, Race, Religion]
Oct 17, 2017 ~ Robert De Niro at NYC Charity Event calls Trump a 'lowlife' and a 'motherfucker' - says 'Fuck you, Donald Trump [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Oct 15, 2017 ~ Paul Krugman of New York Times displays extreme Trump Derangement. Says 'Trump enjoys seeing others hurt'. He says that Trump knows he 'can't do this president thing' knows he will likely be removed by 25th amendment. He 'can still hurt a lot of people. And he surely wants to.' [TDS, Fake News]
Oct 12, 2017 ~ CNN contributor Brian Karem says Trump is pandering to his 'base that includes David Duke and white supremacists and the Nazi Party'. The left continues to smear tens of millions based on a few thousand at best. Blitzer to his credit does push back on these accusations. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Oct 9, 2017 ~ Jackson Hole High School by English teacher Carin Aufderheide makes a quiz question 'Napoleon has the gun fired for a new occasion. What is the new occasion?' One of the choices was 'He was shooting at Trump'. Parents outraged. Textbook TDS. Would never happen to Obama. [TDS, Violent Left]
Oct 9, 2017 ~ Deranged Dem Edith Masias faces felony charges after taking a UC Riverside College student's MAGA hat and making violent threats. 'You're not safe... We need to make racists scared' False accusations of racism based on no evidence. Victim, 'Free speech is under attack on campus.' [TDS, Violent Left, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing, College]
Oct 9, 2017 ~ University of Nevada, Las Vegas history professor Tessa Winkelmann says Trump is to blame for the Las Vegas massacre. She claims to be vindicated because she predicted people would die from him being elected. Police found NO MOTIVE but TW says it was Trump North Korea rhetoric. [TDS, North Korea, Guns-Mass Shootings, Fake News]
Oct 8, 2017 ~ Drexel University professor George Ciccariello said Las Vegas shooting was due to 'White Supremacist Patriarchy' and 'Trumpism' 'This is what happens when they don't get what they want'. 'They' is white people told they are entitled to everything. Routine garbage from the left. [TDS, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Oct 8, 2017 ~ Judd Apatow says the Trump administration reforms that restore due process back in campus rape investigations is 'com[ing] through for their rape base'. How hate filled, vile and TDS addled do you have to be to believe 10s of millions of people want rapes on campus. Truly sick. [TDS, Loathsome Left, College, Due Process]
Oct 1, 2017 ~ Jen Statsky, comedy writer for Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Parks and Recreation and Broad City said, 'if you support Trump you should have your children taken away'. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Sep 28, 2017 ~ Hillary Clinton interviewed by Charlie Rose. He asks about Trump 'he's no different than Putin?' She responds 'Well, hopefully he hasn't ordered the killing of people and journalists and the like'. Hopefully? She's implying that maybe he has? Textbook Trump Derangement Syndrome. [TDS, Hillary]
Sep 23, 2017 ~ Katie Pavlich 'Former NYT Reporter Shames White House: 11-Yr-Old Frank Mowing the Rose Garden Was Dangerous Child Labor' Feel good story for all except the kill-joy left. Trump took picture with him. Steve Greenhouse calls it child labor. Real problem is teens don't work anymore. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Sep 16, 2017 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'Two Resistances' - 'Appropriating the name of heroic World War II fighters to characterize a loosely formed alliance of Trump resisters has since proven a mockery of history' and true Holocaust victims. There is a bigger quite resistance against this lunacy. [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Sep 14, 2017 ~ Anthony Bourdain said that if he was asked to cater a dinner for President Donald Trump, he would poison the food. When asked what he would serve if asked to cater a dinner for President Trump, he said 'Hemlock', a deadly poison. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Sep 14, 2017 ~ Feminist group UltraViolet attacks Starbucks, Nike etc. because they have stores in a Trump building and therefore they are accused of promoting racism, white supremacy and nazis. This getting beyond ridiculous. [TDS, Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Aug 27, 2017 ~ Insane and vile Maxine Waters says Trump is actually in the KKK - also calls the White House, the 'White Supremacists House' 'White Nationalists, KKK, & Duke celebrated Trump's election b/c he is one of them!' [TDS, Fake Racism]
Aug 27, 2017 ~ White teen girls show up at Howard University wearing Trump hats wanting to have lunch. They were harassed with profanity until forced to leave. One had her hat stolen off her head. 'We were harassed continuously.' Lots on twitter called for them to be physically attacked. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 26, 2017 ~ Clemson University Professor Bart Knijnenburg says 'Trump voters' and those in the 'GOP' are 'all racist,' 'I admire anyone who stands up against white supremacy. Violent or non-violent. #PunchNazis.' - Tweets other violent messages. [TDS, Fake Racism]
Aug 26, 2017 ~ BLM Cofounder Patrisse Cullors says BLM can't meet with Trump 'because we wouldn't have done that with Hitler.' 'Trump is literally the epitome of evil, all the evils of this country - be it racism, capitalism, sexism, homophobia'. 'this president... is killing our communities.' [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Fake Homophobia, BLM]
Aug 5, 2017 ~ Maxine Waters is so obsessed with impeaching Trump over this fake Russian conspiracy theory that she wants to impeach Pence too who she confused with Putin. 'When we finish with Trump, we have to go and get Putin' 'Putin or Pence?' Behar asks. 'Pence'. Insanity enabled by the MSM [TDS, Russia Hoax, Impeachment, Witch Hunt]
Aug 5, 2017 ~ Kyle Smith, 'The Pathetic Journey of 'Mattress Girl' Emma Sulkowicz'. First a total lie about being raped that only Democrat Senators fell for, then doing an actual porn, and now being whipped nearly naked on stage. The new show allegedly has something to do with Trump. [TDS, Fake Rape, Kyle Smith]
Aug 3, 2017 ~ Student Diversity Chair at the University of Central Florida, Grayson Lanza said 'Trump Supporters are not welcome on our campus'. No diversity of thought is allowed by the 'Diversity' Chair. Lanza is also Communications Director for the Young Democrats of Orange County, Florida. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture, College]
Aug 2, 2017 ~ Montclair State University Women and Gender Studies Professor Kevin Allred tweeted that he wished someone would shoot Donald Trump. 'I wish someone would just shoot him outright.' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, College]
Jul 29, 2017 ~ Former special assistant to President Obama, Jon Wolfsthal calls the Boy Scouts 'Nazi Youth' because they clapped for Trump when he addressed them. This Nazi, Fascist nonsense is getting ridiculous and is an insult to real Holocaust victims. [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 29, 2017 ~ Rosie O'Donnell sparks outrage by promoting a Trump-killing video game. You can kill Trump in a number of ways like pushing him off a cliff or into a volcano. She tweets out 'Push Trump Off A Cliff Again'. How fun! No wonder Trump supporters are being violently attacked. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 20, 2017 ~ Tiana Lowe, 'Third-Wave Feminist Bullies Are Destroying Feminism' - attacking Ivanka Trump again complaining about the clothes she wears - she can't be taken seriously in a pink dress they say as she is working with world leaders ON WOMEN'S ISSUES [TDS, Feminism]
Jul 20, 2017 ~ The unhinged left goes nuts because Trump who was at the G20 Meeting for the purpose of talking with world leaders talked to Putin after dinner - they really have lost it. The Democratic party has become loony conspiracy nuts. [TDS, Russia Hoax]
Jul 20, 2017 ~ Louise Mensch, a former member of UK Parliament Says Trump and Bannon Facing 'Execution' For Espionage - unhinged conspiracy theorist nutcase, but has a scary number of democrat followers. [TDS, Fake News]
Jul 20, 2017 ~ After making many many false charges of racism and bigotry and also suing the Trump Administration, the NAACP is insulted that he won't come to their dinner. [TDS, Fake Racism]
Jul 15, 2017 ~ Merkel defends Ivanka Trump for sitting in on G-20 meeting - Left hyperventilates for bogus reasons - ignores the real story that she was instrumental in securing $50 million from US for Women's Entrepreneur Finance Initiative Fund [TDS]
Jul 13, 2017 ~ Maine State Rep. Scott Hamann Threatens Trump - 'Trump is a half term president, at most, especially if I get within 10 feet of that pussy' - Trump supporters are stupid and 'have their head up their ass'. This kind of loathsome, violent rhetoric becoming more common from dems. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jun 30, 2017 ~ Chris Matthews suggests Trump might want to execute Jared Kushner, 'So the son-in-law - you know, one good thing Mussolini did was execute his son-in-law.' 'That was an extreme measure. But this is a strange situation'. What has happened to these people? TDS. [TDS, Violent Left]
Jun 13, 2017 ~ A new 'Julius Caesar' play for Shakespeare in the Park in Central Park, NY features a Trump looking Caesar who is assassinated by the senators - liberals cheer - wife speaks with a Slavic accent. The left's Trump assassination fantasies are poorly disguised. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jun 11, 2017 ~ CNN Host Reza Aslan calls Trump a 'piece of shit' for pushing travel ban after more and more Islamic Terrorism - Long history of vulgarity - exposed many times by Sam Harris as an apologist for Islamic violence & FGM - fired by CNN. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Islam]
Jun 4, 2017 ~ Kurt Schlichter, 'The Left Freaks Out As Everything It Tries Makes It Look Stupider' from trying to overturn a democratic election, to parading around dressed as genitalia, to going all in on a ridiculous Russian Collusion conspiracy theory. Trump Derangement Syndrome [TDS, Women's March, Russia Hoax]
Jun 4, 2017 ~ Kathy Griffin blows up her career by taking photos of herself holding up the severed bloody head of Donald Trump ISIS style. 11 yr old Baron sees it in TV and is traumatized. Kept blaming white men for the mess. 'I've dealt with white guys trying to keep me down my entire career' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
May 30, 2017 ~ Hillary Clinton declares she's 'part of the resistance'. Very sad what has happened to once sane people. [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
May 30, 2017 ~ Stephen Moore, 'No, Trump Didn't Cause Obamacare to Fail' - new ridiculous argument from the left trying to explain Obamacare's long predicted implosion as now Blue Cross follows other major carriers by pulling out of markets - lost $100 million [Health Care, Obamacare, TDS]
May 28, 2017 ~ Democrats look idiotic with over-the-top rhetoric on Trump budget - 'unimaginable cruelty' and other totally ridiculous characterizations for a budget not even being cut - just slows the growth. No one is listening to dems anymore because everything is the end of the world. [TDS, Budget]
May 28, 2017 ~ CNN host cracks the whip, rebukes Bob Schieffer for 'normalizing' President Trump. Schieffer simply said Trump's speech in Saudi Arabia was not bad. How dare he? Nothing good must be said about Trump. Them's da new rules. Must not 'normalize' or 'humanize' this monster. Resist! [TDS, Loathsome Left]
May 21, 2017 ~ Maxine Waters explains on MSNBC that Trump must be impeached for saying 'Crooked Hillary' because 'calling Hillary crooked, the "lock her up, lock her up," all of that was developed I think that was developed strategically with people from the Kremlin, with Putin.' Pure insanity. [TDS, Russia Hoax, Impeachment]
May 21, 2017 ~ Democrat party sinks into new depths of vulgarity and depravity. CA Democratic Party Chair John Burton to the crowd. 'All Together Now, Fuck Donald Trump!' Crowd Holds Up Two Middle Fingers and says it with him. They say Trump is bad but democrats are orders of magnitude worse. [TDS, Loathsome Left, California]
May 19, 2017 ~ SNL fat shames Sarah Huckabee Sanders - makes fun of her looks, what she wears, has her eating constantly - a new low even by SNL standards - not funny, just mean. 'My mother is a big Southern hamburger.' They would never treat a democrat woman remotely this shamefully. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
May 16, 2017 ~ House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tweeted, "Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts." Democrats are all in on a bogus "stolen election" conspiracy theory. They do this every time they lose. [2020 Election, Politics, Russia Hoax, TDS]