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Mar 29, 2017 ~ Michael Moore Says Trump Will Cause Human Extinction, 'Historians in the near future will mark today, March 28, 2017, as the day the extinction of human life on earth began, thanks 2 Donald Trump' Just when you thought the loons could not sound more unhinged. Totally idiocy. [TDS, Climate Change]
Mar 28, 2017 ~ Deranged Democrat Andrew Alemao is arrested for throwing tomatoes at Trump. Another violent Democrat afflicted with TDS. The bigger problem is that he has become a hero to democrats and lefties everywhere. Celebrated on social media. The modern left is far worse than the right. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Mar 24, 2017 ~ A 10th grade teacher at Saratoga Springs High School in NY Compares Trump to Hitler and Mussolini and the rise of fascism. Outraged parents complain 'Trump has absolutely no relation to World War Two. There's no reason why he should be included with Stalin, Mussolini or Hitler'. [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Mar 21, 2017 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'Are We on the Verge of Violence?' Left wing thugs are stepping up their political violence based on unhinged nonsense about the other side being nazi fascists that deserved to be assaulted. These are false smears but real people are getting hurt and silenced. [TDS, Violent Left, Silencing, Ben Shapiro]
Mar 20, 2017 ~ Conservative talk show host Michael Savage is violently assaulted outside a restaurant. Violence is being encouraged against Trump and those who support him, with many progressive journalists and intellectuals silent about the wave of political violence always from the left. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Mar 19, 2017 ~ The left invents slanderous story that President Trump's top counterterrorism advisor, Dr. Sebastian Gorka swore an avowed allegiance to some Nazi group in Hungary. Fake story ran on left wing Jewish news site The Forward. [TDS, Fake News]
Mar 19, 2017 ~ Snoop Dogg makes music video where he 'Shoots' 'Fucking Clown' Trump - Dresses Trump up in clown outfit and makeup, puts gun to his head and pulls trigger. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Mar 19, 2017 ~ Maxine Waters links Trump to the KKK. 'Who knew that the Kremlin was involved in the KKK. Since when has the Klan embraced foreigners'. Ashley Judd recently told a Trump Voter 'You voted with the KKK'. 53 Million Trump voters have nothing to do with the remaining 2 thousand KKK. [TDS, Fake Racism, Russia Hoax]
Mar 19, 2017 ~ Rachel Maddow could not have looked more ridiculous. Claimed she had Trump's tax returns! Tricked people into watching her show. Hugh ratings. She only had 2 pages of one 1040 showing Trump paid $38M on $150M. A higher percentage than Obama and Bernie Sanders. Viewers furious. [TDS, Fake News, Taxes, Sanders]
Mar 13, 2017 ~ A Deranged Democrat harasses Sean Spicer in the Apple Store. 'How does it feel to work for a fascist' 'Are you a criminal as well' 'Have you committed Treason too' 'How do you feel about destroying our country Sean'. Similar disgusting divisive behavior every day from democrats. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial]
Mar 13, 2017 ~ Andrew McCarthy 'Sessions' Firing of 46 Obama-Appointed U.S. Attorneys Isn't Scandalous. 'Clinton and Obama did exactly the same them - its totally routine but the media and liberals act like its some huge scandal. Everything under Trump admin seems to be a reason to freak out. [TDS, Politics]
Mar 11, 2017 ~ Walter Williams, 'College Campus Disgrace' Prof. Bob Lange of Brandeis University says 'It is not terrorism to kill representatives of a government that you are opposed to.' Prof. Olga Perez Cox of Orange Coast College says Trump's election 'act of terrorism' 'white supremacist'. [TDS, Violent Left, Terrorism, Fake Racism, College, Walter Williams]
Mar 11, 2017 ~ 3 cops, pepper spray used in arrest of Sen. Tim Kaine's son near Trump rally at Capitol - Son of Vice Presidential candidate is one of the left wing thugs who disrupt peaceful events with their violence and hate. Nation in the grip of Trump Derangement Syndrome. [TDS, Violent Left]
Mar 9, 2017 ~ Obama administration's former Attorney General Loretta Lynch calls for violence. She says what's needed is more marching, blood and death on the streets. Recalls people who did what needed to be done. 'They've marched, they've bled and yes, some of them died.' [TDS, Violent Left]
Mar 2, 2017 ~ Reaction to Trump's speech to Congress. Charlie Sheen- 'suck a bag of soiled dicks, you FASCIST, legally retarded, DESPOTIC IMBECILE' 'Ho-ass piglet fraud' - Sarah Silverman- 'What a cunt' - Arsenio- 'KKK' - George Takei- 'White Supremist'. Trump Derangement Syndrome. [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left]
Mar 1, 2017 ~ Trump honors widow of fallen Navy SEAL Ryan Owens at Congressional Address. Dan Grilo, an Obama and Hillary Volunteer tweets. 'Sorry, Owens' wife, you're not helping yourself or your husband's memory by standing there and clapping like an idiot. Trump just used you'. Pure hate. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Mar 1, 2017 ~ Eric Guster, civil rights attorney and Fox News Legal Analyst tweets about Trump's speech to congress. 'Did Hitler draft part of this speech'. Also lies nonstop about Trump and his supporters being racists. Hitler, Fascists, Nazis, Resistance, etc. The left has lost their minds. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake Racism]
Feb 26, 2017 ~ Ashley Judd says election of Trump is worse than being raped as a child. [TDS]
Feb 25, 2017 ~ Tom Perriello, democratic candidate for Virginia governor Says Electing Trump Was a 'Political September 11' [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Feb 25, 2017 ~ Howard Dean Says of Trump Election. 'This is your Edmund Pettus Bridge. This is your Kent State'. No, this is your unhinged rhetoric. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Feb 22, 2017 ~ Rep. Maxine Waters says Tillerson and other Trump Administration people are 'A Bunch Of Scumbags' and Russians hacked the elections to get those scumbags in. Trump is supposedly rude but the other side is so much worse. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Feb 22, 2017 ~ Judd Apatow commenting on Trump winning the election - 'I feel like I've just been raped and I just don't know if I'm going to get murdered' [TDS]
Feb 18, 2017 ~ Thomas Friedman puts Trump's election in the same category as the attacks of Pearl Harbor and September 11th 2001. [TDS, Fake News]
Feb 18, 2017 ~ Dan Rather, the godfather of Fake News says Flynn scandal might be bigger than Watergate. Skepticism is called for. [TDS, Fake News]
Feb 18, 2017 ~ Joy Villa wears Trump Dress to Grammys. Massive amount of hate directed at her from the left. Always especially vicious for black supporters. Called a coon, an uncle tom, the N-word, death threats, attack, die. 'Love trumps hate' say the most hateful, intolerant people around. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Feb 18, 2017 ~ Jacob Bernstein, son of Carl Bernstein says Melania Trump used to work as a 'hooker' which is a vicious lie. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Feb 18, 2017 ~ Michelle Malkin, 'Huge Double Standard: Trump vs. Obama ' Double standard in the way Obama's first 100 days were covered vs. Trump - several very similar problems but were called 'Bumps in the Road' but are chaos and disasters for Trump. [TDS, Fake News, Politics]
Feb 14, 2017 ~ Sarah Silverman who thinks Trump supporters are 'Nazis' mistook some Utility Markings painted on the sidewalk for Swastikas. Of course she assumed the 'Nazis' that elected Trump are sending messages... Smart people but the hatred that is inside them is eating their brains. [TDS, Fake News, Holocaust Denial, Fake Hate Crime]
Feb 13, 2017 ~ David French, 'The 'Botched' Yemen Raid - A Dose of Perspective' - Clueless people using it to attack Trump because 1 American was killed - Many terrorists were killed and information was obtained - planned by Obama who had many worse raids [TDS, Fake News]
Feb 13, 2017 ~ Whoopi Goldberg says Trump not 'really much different than the Taliban'. In reality, where Democrats do not live, there is almost no similarity between President Trump and the Taliban. [TDS, Fake News]
Feb 13, 2017 ~ Steve Nelson, principal of The Calhoun School in New York City says Trump 's election is more devastating than the Vietnam War, Watergate, the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Junior and the 9-11 terrorist attacks. [TDS, Fake News]
Feb 12, 2017 ~ University of Central Florida held a workshop to teach left-wing students how to 'BASH THE FASH' with a 'Leftist Fight Club' open to everyone but Republicans. Because Republicans are the alleged 'FASH', the fascists the violent left is training to 'BASH' [TDS, Violent Left, Holocaust Denial]
Feb 12, 2017 ~ Ben Shpairo, 'The Left Won't Stop Threatening Violence Against Trump'. Unhinged left is beyond reason. Think Trump is Hitler, republicans are Nazis so they are threatening and perpetrating violence on a regular basis. Cannot dismiss their tantrums. Prepare for coming violence. [TDS, Violent Left, Holocaust Denial, Ben Shapiro]
Feb 12, 2017 ~ Deroy Murdock, "Trump Haters' Holocaust-denial Hysteria Is Utterly Groundless" Many insanely try to claim that Trump is a Holocaust denier including Tim Kaine, 'This is what Holocaust denial is' for his Holocaust Remembrance speech. Murdock says Trump can't win no matter what. [TDS, Fake News, Fake Anti-Semitism]
Feb 12, 2017 ~ Piers Morgan told to 'Fuck off' by Jim Jefferies because Piers said 'There is no Muslim ban' which is true. Jefferies then compared Trump to Hitler. Morgan says 'Trump is not the new Hitler'. Jefferies then sticks his middle finger in Morgan's face. Real Time audience cheers! [TDS, Fake News, Fake Islamophobia, Holocaust Denial]
Feb 12, 2017 ~ Meryl Streep makes a fool of herself again. Calls Trump supporters 'armies of brownshirts' referring to Hitler's uniformed Nazi enforcers. [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Feb 12, 2017 ~ Daniel Payne, '16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won'. And we're only a few months in. Oddly, all of the 'mistakes' are all in one direction. The direction of making President Trump look bad. Therefore this has to be intentional bias, not honest mistakes. [TDS, Fake News]
Feb 5, 2017 ~ Crazy NYU Prof Shrieks at NYPD to Beat Up Trump Supporters. Says the cops are 'fucking assholes' for protecting 'nazis', aka Trump voters. 'You're protecting the Nazis!... You should kick their ass!... It's not up to these students to kick the ass of a neo-nazi!. No Nazis there. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial, College, Silencing, Police]
Feb 5, 2017 ~ Chelsea Handler Xenophobic Elitist criticizes Melania Trump. Condescendingly sniffs that Melania can 'barely speaks English' and other similar nasty comments - Melania speaks 5 languages - Handler only 1. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Feb 4, 2017 ~ Sarah Silverman goes further than crazy Rosie calling for Marshall Law to stop Trump. Silverman calls for military coup against 'fascist' Trump. 'WAKE UP & JOIN THE RESISTANCE. ONCE THE MILITARY IS W US FASCISTS GET OVERTHROWN. MAD KING & HIS HANDLERS GO BYE BYE'. Insane TDS. [TDS, Violent Left, Holocaust Denial]
Jan 30, 2017 ~ Political violence by deranged democrats continues to ramp up. 10 leftist thugs beat up 4 Trump supporters after chasing them down at the Portland Airport. Knock one unconscious. Taunt him as they kick him - 'That's right Nazi boy' - video online. [Antifa, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Jan 29, 2017 ~ Katie Rich, SNL writer, smears Barron Trump as 'country's first homeschool shooter' on Twitter - follows Rosie O'Donnell tweeting that he may have autism - Already no comparison to how previous first families were treated. Katie Rich is suspended indefinitely. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Jan 22, 2017 ~ Video of a hateful, intolerant, deranged democrat berating a Trump supporter on a sitting next to her on a plane. Said she would vomit on him and demanded her seat be changed. Said he makes her sick. Called him a bigot. Said he couldn't use the armrest. Kicked off the plane! [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Jan 22, 2017 ~ Nicole Kidman tweets that maybe he should be given a chance since he won. The deranged left let her have it. The typical liberal mob enforcers bully her into silencing. She had to backtrack and clarify that sorry, nevermind. She just supports the constitution. Carry on resistance [TDS, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Jan 22, 2017 ~ California Episcopal Church will no longer mention the president by name in prayers when praying for the President now that Trump is president. They have always named presidents. TDS and the bullying liberal mob both partly to blame. [TDS, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Jan 21, 2017 ~ Women's march. Millions in cities day after inauguration dressed as genitalia, protesting supposedly losing their rights. Madonna says she dreams of blowing up the white house. Tells Trump to 'suck a dick'. Ashley Judd, 'I feel Hitler in these streets' Pro Life women not welcome. [TDS, Women's March, Violent Left, Holocaust Denial, Abortion]
Jan 14, 2017 ~ Trump Derangement Syndrome derails the Golden Globes - Meryl Streep conflates legal immigration with illegal immigration and claims that Trump is not only opposed to both, he wants to kick out all foreigners. Typical but very dishonest smear. Completely untrue. [TDS, Illegal Immigration, Fake News]
Jan 14, 2017 ~ Rosie O'Donnell calls for martial law to delay the inauguration. 'FULLY SUPPORT IMPOSING MARTIAL LAW - DELAYING THE INAUGURATION.' tweeted the person suffering from severe Trump Derangement Syndrome. Just imagine the outrage if anyone suggested that about Obama's inauguration. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Jan 14, 2017 ~ 67 House Democrats announce they are skipping President Trump's Inauguration. Some cite Trump's 'disrespect' of John Lewis which was simply a response to Lewis' greater disrespect of calling him an 'illegitimate president'. No other President has been treated so disgracefully. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Jan 13, 2017 ~ Trump responds to John Lewis calling him illegitimate. 'Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results.' [TDS, Russia Hoax, Politics]

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