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Sep 7, 2019 ~ Beto O'Rourke said that the El Paso shooter who killed 22 people, did so 'at the invitation of our president'. And therefore, by the way, if you vote for Trump, YOU support mass shootings too! So vote for dems and they won't call you baby killers. Loathsome political tactics. [TDS, Guns-Mass Shootings, Loathsome Left]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ Dems, MSM obsessed for days with something they call Sharpigate. Trump included Alabama in list of states 'likely' to be hit. CNN which most heavily criticized Trump for this ALSO had Alabama in 'states that are under threat' list before they mislabeled Alabama. NOAA backs Trump [TDS, Fake News]
Sep 4, 2019 ~ The blacklisting continues. Democrats creating 'a database of Trump-supporter owned businesses in the Pittsburgh area, as well as tips for how to get those specific businesses closed down.' This is way beyond a 'boycott'. Targets small business to be 'closed down.' [TDS, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Aug 28, 2019 ~ Jeff Klinzman, English professor at Kirkwood Community College said 'I know who I'd clock with a bat' meaning President Trump. He also said how he would like to 'stop evangelical Christians' 'Kill them all and bury them deep in the ground.' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Aug 26, 2019 ~ New levels of insanity due to Trump Derangement Syndrome. U of Texas instructor Alex Wild, 'Trump is a Nazi. At this point, you are too if you still support him.' 'When I say (Trumpist) Republicans are Nazis, I mean they kill people of the wrong ethnicity as a matter of policy.' [TDS, Fake News, Holocaust Denial, Fake Hate Crime]
Aug 26, 2019 ~ #BoycottOliveGarden trends as many dems buy into the fake news that the Olive Garden or its parent co. donates to Trump. Was fake news but reveals that dems can't simply disagree. 'Never going to Olive Garden again screw you and Trump as well as the whole GOP your all scumbags' [TDS, Fake News, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Aug 26, 2019 ~ Another man violently attacked for wearing a MAGA hat. Two violent democrats arrested for assault in Portland for attacking a man. 'sucker punched', bloody face. 'I got mobbed by everybody that was in that bar outside. People came from the inside out, just circled me and my wife' [Antifa, Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Aug 25, 2019 ~ On CNN psychiatrist Allen Frances says 'Trump is as destructive of person in this century as Hitler, Stalin, Mao were in the last century. He may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were.' I.e. 200 million people. 0 pushback. CNN dislikes being called fake news. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake News]
Aug 21, 2019 ~ Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe said of President Trump, 'This fuxxxng racist wants to reverse the outcome of the Civil War. Over half a million lives were lost in that sacred cause. If you agree we can't let this lunatic get away with that, SAY SO!!!'. Trump is the 'lunatic'?? [TDS, Fake Racism, Slavery, Loathsome Left]
Aug 21, 2019 ~ ABC puts Sean Spicer on Dancing with the Stars. Receives much unhinged hate. Queer Eye co-star Karamo Brown says hey, Spicer is 'a good guy, really sweet guy.' Brown gets so much unhinged hate, he has to DELETE TWITTER. Bobby Berk defends Brown but then has to DELETE his tweets. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Aug 20, 2019 ~ Spike Lee says of Trump '"Why are we still asking, 'Is this guy a white supremacist?' It's not even a question anymore. I mean, the Muslim ban, all Mexicans are rapists, murderers, and drug dealers." There was no Muslim ban and Trump never said that. Dems live in a fake universe. [TDS, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia]
Aug 19, 2019 ~ Photos from the fundraiser for Illinois state Sen. Martin Sanodval depict a mock assassination of President Trump. Someone is pointing a gun in the face of a person wearing a Trump mask. Sandoval has apologized for the photos. Dems say Trump incites violence. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Aug 18, 2019 ~ Jessica Aguilar is found guilty of slapping a Trump supporter in the face during a 2017 Sacramento Trump rally. During that same rally other violent democrats attempted to attempted to block the movement of Trump supporters and 3 other 'protesters' pepper sprayed Trump supporters [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Aug 18, 2019 ~ Megan Rapinoe cites a bogus reason for Trump's feud with her. She claims 'We are everything he loves with the exception that we're powerful, strong women'. Right. That's his problem with her. Not that she said 'I'm not going to the fucking White House' and sits for the Anthem. [TDS, Fake Sexism, Fake News]
Aug 13, 2019 ~ University of Texas instructor Alex Wild reiterates that he stands by his previous claim that Trump and Republicans are implementing 'ethnic cleansing'. 'Trump's "security" plans are terrible for actual security. But pretty good if ethnic cleansing is the real goal. These people are Nazis.' [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Aug 12, 2019 ~ Family of El Paso victims Andre and Jordan Anchondo got death threats because they took a picture with Trump and Melania and the surviving baby whose father Andre was a Trump supporter. Brother Tito said Trump was there 'as a human being, consoling us and giving his condolences' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Aug 11, 2019 ~ Devastating piece by Michael Goodwin on the New York Times' fall from grace. 'a bullhorn for the Trump resistance, now depends on a willingness to deliver a certain point of view without the slightest deviation.' 'The facts be damned, they demanded their daily fix of Trump hate.' [TDS, Fake News]
Aug 9, 2019 ~ Billionaire owner of Equinox and SoulCycle fitness centers facing calls for boycotts and protesters at his house for hosting a Trump fundraiser. Not good enough says Elie Mystal, 'I go farther, I want pitchforks and torches outside this man's house.' Dems already way ahead of him [TDS, Violent Left, Cancel Culture]
Aug 9, 2019 ~ Joaquin Castro's dox list of Trump donors is starting to have the desired effect. People on the list are being harassed. 'You're a racist' 'We hope that you burn in hell and your business will go with you' 'I think you're a scumbag and I fucking despise everything you stand for' [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Aug 9, 2019 ~ Donnie Deutsch joins in the smear that says Trump is responsible for the El Paso shooter, and then so are all his voters. If you vote for Trump he says 'you own the blood that happens, you own Charlottesville.' This is disgusting and cannot be permitted to work politically. [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Aug 8, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris joins in the false smear of President Trump. 'he is a racist? He is someone who gives, who empowers white supremacists, and who condones their behavior.' President Trump CONDONES the behavior of WHITE SUPREMACISTS. Harris thinks you're stupid enough to believe that. [Fake Racism, Harris, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Aug 8, 2019 ~ Kyle Smith explains the no win situation the dems want to set up, 'Trump Can Do No Right'. They demand Trump denounce racism and white supremacy and when he does (for the 100th time in his presidency), they say he's not doing it right, it 'rings hollow' or he's never once done it [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Kyle Smith]
Aug 8, 2019 ~ Despite VERY tough competition, Mika Brzezinski won the 'most insane comment' category regarding Trump and El Paso. 'isn't it okay to deduce that at this point this is what he wants?... I mean this is a president who seems to want these things to happen.' Congrats Mika! [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Aug 8, 2019 ~ Andrew Stein, dem longtime borough president of Manhattan writes long article in The Hill debunking the smear. 'Donald Trump is no racist. I have known him since 1973 and have never seen any indication or any form of racism. In fact, quite the contrary' Gives many many examples. [TDS, Fake Racism]
Aug 7, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren jumps on the bandwagon and says 'yes', Trump is a 'white supremacist'. 'He has talked about white supremacists as fine people.' Total lie, debunked many times. 'He's done everything he can to stir up racial conflict and hatred in this country.' No, Democrats do. [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Charlottesville]
Aug 7, 2019 ~ Trump donors in San Antonio speak out against their doxing by Joaquin Castro which he said was designed to get them to 'think twice'. 'what he did is sickening. I think it's disgusting? He's not a racist, I'm not a racist' as dems are 'totally trying to be brainwash people' [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 7, 2019 ~ MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace falsely claimed that Trump is 'talking about exterminating Latinos' on the heals of their 'Heil Hitler' fake news. 'You now have a president, as you said, talking about exterminating Latinos.' In other news, MSNBC does not like being called FAKE NEWS. [TDS, Fake News, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Aug 7, 2019 ~ Apparently Trump is sending dog whistles to Nazis. In a textbook example of #TDS, former assistant FBI director for counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi appearing on #FakeNews MSNBC explains that Trump ordering the normal number of half mast days for the flag in response to the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings means he is sending coded messages to Nazis, "The numbers 88 are very significant in neo-Nazi and white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter 'H' is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them the numbers 88 together Stand for Heil Hitler." The #FakeNews and US 'intelligence' agencies wonder why they've lost credibility with the American people. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Student Loans, TDS]
Aug 6, 2019 ~ The new fake smear. Every Trump donor is guilty of supporting 'racism' or 'white supremacy' (when in reality none are) and should be publicly shamed. Joe Scarborough 'Any business that donates to Trump is complicit and endorses the white supremacy' This can't be allowed to work [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 6, 2019 ~ The new smear. Every Trump donor is guilty of supporting 'racism' or 'white supremacy' and should be publicly shamed. Rashida Tlaib, 'They don't like it when you name their donors. The public needs to know who funds racism.' Does the public need to know who funds anti-Semitism? [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Tlaib, Anti-Semitism]
Aug 6, 2019 ~ Seems to be universal buy in from dems on the false idea that Trump and all of his supporters are evil racists who must be shamed or worse. Texas Dem Congressman Joaquin Castro, brother of Julian Castro doxed 44 Trump donors and their employees targeting them for harassment. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Aug 5, 2019 ~ Reza Alsan: Trump supporters must be eradicated. 'The President is a white nationalist terror leader. His supporters - ALL OF THEM - are by definition white nationalist terror supporters. The MAGA hat is a KKK hood. And this evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.' [TDS, Violent Left, Fake Racism]
Aug 4, 2019 ~ Reza Alsan tells Kellyanne Conway 'You are 'the depraved evil' we need to eradicate.' after she called for unity. Alsan takes the fake narrative to its violent extreme. Trump and supporters are evil racists who incite violence and so must be eradicated. Twitter allows comment. [TDS, Violent Left]
Aug 4, 2019 ~ A lying narrative takes shape. Trump is directly responsible for the El Paso shooting. Booker articulates it, 'he is responsible because he is stoking fears and hatred and bigotry. He is responsible because he is failing to condemn white supremacy.' He's condemned it MANY times. [TDS, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia, Illegal Immigration]
Aug 4, 2019 ~ In a disgusting effort to blame Trump for the El Paso shooting, Beto lies repeatedly. Said Trump signed an order 'to ban Muslim travel to the United States'. False. Said Trump said 'that Klansman and white supremacists and neo-Nazis are very fine people'. False. 'kids in cages' [TDS, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia, Illegal Immigration]
Aug 3, 2019 ~ El Paso Shooting: because one word, 'invasion', out of a 2400 word manifesto was used by the killer and Trump, democrats and many in the MSM declare that Trump is directly responsible for the shooting. Most of the insane manifesto had 0 to do with Trump. Even had left wing ideas. [Racism, Violent Right, TDS, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Aug 3, 2019 ~ Tom Arnold tweets out fantasy about hunting and killing Donald Trump Jr. 'Looking forward to the day I'm standing over him wearing my bullet belt & safari khakis, my cartoon sized Daniel Boone buck knife in one hand his his teeny tiny tail in the other.' [TDS, Violent Left]
Aug 1, 2019 ~ Jahangir Turan was beaten to a pulp for wearing a MAGA hat in NYC by about 15 'teens'. Face purple and swollen. They beat him, 'smashed his head into a scaffold', stomped on him chanting 'Fuck Trump'. Suffered fractured cheekbone, eye socket damage, possible permanent vision loss [TDS, Violent Left, Silencing]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ Two people wearing MAGA hats in Seattle held up a sign saying 'Free hugs from a Trump Supporter.' They wanted to show that Trump supporters are not as they are being portrayed. Predictably violent left wing thugs pelted them with eggs and milkshakes. Daily violence from the left. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ Rob Reiner says Trump 'is a racist. He's made it abundantly clear his re-election is based on white nationalism. If you support him, there can be no distinction between you being a racist and a racist enabler. They are the same.' Dems are desperate to make this fake smear stick. [TDS, Fake Racism]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ Old tweet found of Illhan Omar retweeting a Tom Arnold tweet celebrating the attack of Rand Paul by his neighbor. Paul ended up in the hospital with 6 broken ribs. Part of his lung had to be removed due to the attack. Arnold called Paul who was attacked from behind 'cowardly'. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Omar]
Jul 27, 2019 ~ Cardi B. says 'police brutality is going to keep going' as long as Trump is in office. BC of Trump, police say 'I can get away with killing a black man. I can get away with beating the shit out of a black man.' Then calls Trump voters 'motherfuckers' and 'fucking racist rednecks' [TDS, Police, Race, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Jul 23, 2019 ~ University of Mississippi professor James Thomas claims pro-Trump teens are like 'Hitler Youth'. 'MAGA teens are modern day Hitlerjugend.' He previously encourage harassment of lawmakers 'Don't just interrupt a Senator's meal, y'all. Put your whole damn fingers in their salads.' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 23, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib, tweeted in 2015, 'Deport this asshole!' about Trump. Setting civility the bar ever lower because she was upset about the so called 'Muslim Ban' which was nothing of the sort. Another lie repeated enough by dems that it has gained traction. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Tlaib]
Jul 22, 2019 ~ Dems unhinged over the dog Ivanka gave to her daughter. 'Aryan breeder. Does it sit and sieg heil yet?' 'Good thing it's a white dog. Your dad hates the blacks.' Also remarks about 'kids in cages' Another fool posts that white people own dogs because they miss being slave masters [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 21, 2019 ~ According to a statement from the Georgia Democratic Party regarding the Erica Thomas hate crime hoax, an express line argument between two liberal democrats proves that 'Trump's racist rhetoric is emboldening hate across Georgia and our country'. Dem logic. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett, TDS]
Jul 21, 2019 ~ Georgia State Rep. and Minority Leader Erica Thomas was criticized by a man for having too many items in the 10 item express lane. Said 'racism and hate is getting out of control!' 'a white man' told her 'to go back to where I came from' supposed mimicking Trump's recent rhetoric. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett, TDS]
Jul 20, 2019 ~ 2016 video surfaces of Rashida Tlaib disrupting a Trump speech to business leaders at the Detroit Economics Club. Ranting and raving like a loon, screaming at the attendees 'You guys are crazy!' Had to be escorted out by security. Trump calmly watched her make a fool of herself. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Tlaib]
Jul 19, 2019 ~ Donny Deutsch all in on the 'Nazi' stuff. 'I want people to go back and look at Nazi Germany in the 1930s, but the parallels are stunning.' 'This is a man with Nazi tendencies.' Supporters enable 'white nationalists'. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake News]
Jul 19, 2019 ~ Miss World America stripped Kathy Zhu of Miss Michigan title claiming she's 'racist, Islamophobic and insensitive' because she said the hijab is a tool of oppression which it absolutely is. Women are forced under threat of violence to wear them. And she posted a true crime stat. [TDS, Fake Racism, Silencing, Fake Islamophobia, Cancel Culture]

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