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Aug 4, 2019 ~ In a disgusting effort to blame Trump for the El Paso shooting, Beto lies repeatedly. Said Trump signed an order 'to ban Muslim travel to the United States'. False. Said Trump said 'that Klansman and white supremacists and neo-Nazis are very fine people'. False. 'kids in cages' [TDS, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia, Illegal Immigration]
Aug 3, 2019 ~ El Paso Shooting: because one word, 'invasion', out of a 2400 word manifesto was used by the killer and Trump, democrats and many in the MSM declare that Trump is directly responsible for the shooting. Most of the insane manifesto had 0 to do with Trump. Even had left wing ideas. [Racism, Violent Right, TDS, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Aug 3, 2019 ~ Tom Arnold tweets out fantasy about hunting and killing Donald Trump Jr. 'Looking forward to the day I'm standing over him wearing my bullet belt & safari khakis, my cartoon sized Daniel Boone buck knife in one hand his his teeny tiny tail in the other.' [TDS, Violent Left]
Aug 1, 2019 ~ Jahangir Turan was beaten to a pulp for wearing a MAGA hat in NYC by about 15 'teens'. Face purple and swollen. They beat him, 'smashed his head into a scaffold', stomped on him chanting 'Fuck Trump'. Suffered fractured cheekbone, eye socket damage, possible permanent vision loss [TDS, Violent Left, Silencing]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ Two people wearing MAGA hats in Seattle held up a sign saying 'Free hugs from a Trump Supporter.' They wanted to show that Trump supporters are not as they are being portrayed. Predictably violent left wing thugs pelted them with eggs and milkshakes. Daily violence from the left. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ Rob Reiner says Trump 'is a racist. He's made it abundantly clear his re-election is based on white nationalism. If you support him, there can be no distinction between you being a racist and a racist enabler. They are the same.' Dems are desperate to make this fake smear stick. [TDS, Fake Racism]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ Old tweet found of Illhan Omar retweeting a Tom Arnold tweet celebrating the attack of Rand Paul by his neighbor. Paul ended up in the hospital with 6 broken ribs. Part of his lung had to be removed due to the attack. Arnold called Paul who was attacked from behind 'cowardly'. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Omar]
Jul 27, 2019 ~ Cardi B. says 'police brutality is going to keep going' as long as Trump is in office. BC of Trump, police say 'I can get away with killing a black man. I can get away with beating the shit out of a black man.' Then calls Trump voters 'motherfuckers' and 'fucking racist rednecks' [TDS, Police, Race, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Jul 23, 2019 ~ University of Mississippi professor James Thomas claims pro-Trump teens are like 'Hitler Youth'. 'MAGA teens are modern day Hitlerjugend.' He previously encourage harassment of lawmakers 'Don't just interrupt a Senator's meal, y'all. Put your whole damn fingers in their salads.' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 23, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib, tweeted in 2015, 'Deport this asshole!' about Trump. Setting civility the bar ever lower because she was upset about the so called 'Muslim Ban' which was nothing of the sort. Another lie repeated enough by dems that it has gained traction. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Tlaib]
Jul 22, 2019 ~ Dems unhinged over the dog Ivanka gave to her daughter. 'Aryan breeder. Does it sit and sieg heil yet?' 'Good thing it's a white dog. Your dad hates the blacks.' Also remarks about 'kids in cages' Another fool posts that white people own dogs because they miss being slave masters [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 21, 2019 ~ According to a statement from the Georgia Democratic Party regarding the Erica Thomas hate crime hoax, an express line argument between two liberal democrats proves that 'Trump's racist rhetoric is emboldening hate across Georgia and our country'. Dem logic. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett, TDS]
Jul 21, 2019 ~ Georgia State Rep. and Minority Leader Erica Thomas was criticized by a man for having too many items in the 10 item express lane. Said 'racism and hate is getting out of control!' 'a white man' told her 'to go back to where I came from' supposed mimicking Trump's recent rhetoric. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett, TDS]
Jul 20, 2019 ~ 2016 video surfaces of Rashida Tlaib disrupting a Trump speech to business leaders at the Detroit Economics Club. Ranting and raving like a loon, screaming at the attendees 'You guys are crazy!' Had to be escorted out by security. Trump calmly watched her make a fool of herself. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Tlaib]
Jul 19, 2019 ~ Donny Deutsch all in on the 'Nazi' stuff. 'I want people to go back and look at Nazi Germany in the 1930s, but the parallels are stunning.' 'This is a man with Nazi tendencies.' Supporters enable 'white nationalists'. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake News]
Jul 19, 2019 ~ Miss World America stripped Kathy Zhu of Miss Michigan title claiming she's 'racist, Islamophobic and insensitive' because she said the hijab is a tool of oppression which it absolutely is. Women are forced under threat of violence to wear them. And she posted a true crime stat. [TDS, Fake Racism, Silencing, Fake Islamophobia, Cancel Culture]
Jul 19, 2019 ~ Joe Scarborough claims that Trump thinks 'the country needs to be 'ethnically cleansed'. These are disgusting smears that have no basis in reality. No wonder people who watch the Fake News hate Trump and America. [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jul 18, 2019 ~ Senator Jon Tester advocates punching Trump in the face. Don't run away from Trump he says, 'I think you need to go back and punch him in the face.' [TDS, Violent Left]
Jul 18, 2019 ~ Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen compares Trump to Hitler. 'It was more reminiscent of Germany during the beginnings of the Hitler regime.' [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 18, 2019 ~ College students again shocked by Obama's words. 'We are a nation of laws. Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, and I believe that they must be held accountable.' Assume it was Trump. Call it racist, xenophobic etc. Wait til they find out Obama deported more people... [TDS, Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
Jul 18, 2019 ~ Dems look ridiculous again. Forced to vote 332-95 to table their own impeachment resolution filed by Al Green who once said Trump needs to be impeached because Democratic governor Ralph Northam dressed in black face in 1984. Pelosi has no control of the crazies in the House. [TDS, Witch Hunt, Trump Win, Impeachment]
Jul 14, 2019 ~ Tom Arnold compared the U.S. detention centers used also by Obama to Nazi Germany. 'This is exactly how it started Germany 1930's Families rounded up, separated & put in cages.' This lie does not get any more true no matter how many times its repeated by deranged democrats. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Illegal Immigration]
Jul 14, 2019 ~ Alyssa Milano posted an image comparing Vice President Mike Pence to Heinrich Himmler, one of the Nazi architects of the Holocaust. It was a split photo of Himmler visiting a REAL Nazi death camp, and Pence visiting a temporary migrant detention center used also by Obama. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Illegal Immigration]
Jul 13, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib, Congresswoman proved she did not really have a 'teachable moment' as she said the first time she publicly called President Trump a 'motherfucker'. At Netroots, she again said 'We're gonna impeach the M-F'er' to the cheers of democrats. [Loathsome Left, TDS, Tlaib]
Jul 12, 2019 ~ Washington Post column accuses Disney's Lion King remake of portraying a 'white supremacist's worldview.' And further, Pride Rock is 'a kind of Trump Tower of the African savanna.' This is not a parody or satire. This is the modern left, armed with race cards, afflicted with TDS [TDS, Fake Racism]
Jul 11, 2019 ~ Rosie O'Donnell said Trump's relationship with Ivanka has a 'creepy incest feel' and further claimed that he's 'been doing bad things with her for a very long time.' Then she called Ivanka 'a talentless, non-intelligent, non-powerful woman.' How modern dems treat first daughters. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Jul 10, 2019 ~ Amy McGrath, the democratic challenger to Mitch McConnell compared Trump winning the election to 9-11, the terrorist attack that killed 3000 Americans and injured more than 6000. 'The only feeling I can describe that's any close to it was the feeling I had after 9-11'. [TDS]
Jul 9, 2019 ~ Anderson Cooper claims 'Make America Great Again' means 'going back to an America from the '40s or '50s that's an America you could be imprisoned for being gay or sent by your family to a mental hospital'. Disgusting and false accusation. Never what MAGA at all meant to anyone. [TDS, Fake Homophobia, Fake News]
Jul 9, 2019 ~ Megan Rapinoe said she is 'not going to the fucking White House' because Trump is 'excluding people'. She then says she'll only talk to people 'that believe in the same things we believe in' and names only democrats like AOC, Pelosi and Schumer. But Trump 'excludes people'... [TDS]
Jul 9, 2019 ~ Trump wins 'the ridiculous Emoluments Case' in the US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. Case which accused him of making profits from foreign governments had no merit. Was straight harassment from 'nearly 200 congressional Democrats' led by Richard Blumenthal and Jerrold Nadler. [Trump Win, Loathsome Left, Politics, TDS]
Jul 6, 2019 ~ Joy Reid smears not only Trump but all of his voters making the disgusting accusation that they want to see Trump treat people with cruelty. 'the cruelty is the point. That's why they're doing it, right? His base wants to see this.' She apparently says this a lot, 'every week'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jul 5, 2019 ~ Biden again talks about how he would physically attack Trump. 'I'd smack him in the mouth.' Just last year Biden said of Trump, 'I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.' Talking about beating up his political opponents seems to be a theme. [TDS, Violent Left, Biden]
Jul 5, 2019 ~ Salon covers Trump's July 4th speech. 'Goebbels bla bla fascist bla bla white supremacy and male domination bla bla bigotry bla bla Fox News-watching yokels bla bla racist bla bla kids in cages bla bla white supremacists bla bla racism bla bla white supremacy' 100% straight trash [TDS, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 5, 2019 ~ Democrat TJ Helmstetter bragged about harassing a Trump supporters in a DC restaurant. Guy with gf was having lunch with MAGA hat on. TJ informs him 'we don't tolerate racism in this city'. Also says they are 'Nazis' and 'racist pieces of shit' based on nothing but his own TDS. [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 2, 2019 ~ Anti-Trump Left wingers from the Revolutionary Communist Party were burning American Flags outside of the White House on July 4th. Arrested for 'felony assault on a police officer and malicious burning'. Trump supporters and vets stepped in to save some flags from burning. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 2, 2019 ~ AOC says the United States is headed toward fascism. 'Are we headed to fascism? Yes. I don't think there's a question.' [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Jun 25, 2019 ~ U.S. women's soccer team co-captain Megan Rapinoe said 'I'm not going to the fucking White House'. She also won't stand for the American Anthem while representing America on the US team. Says Trump is anti-gay even though he is probably the most pro-gay president yet. [TDS, LGBT]
Jun 25, 2019 ~ Joy Reid compared Trump to infamous segregationist Democrat Alabama Governor George Wallace. 'He's just Republican George Wallace.' ' a 3rd of the country that does not like the idea that we're becoming a more multiracial society. Where women have a lot of asserted rights' [TDS, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Jun 25, 2019 ~ Rosie O'Donnell agrees with AOC that the US is running concentration camps. 'Yeah, the concentration camps'. And a surprising number of them! 'There are over 100,000 camps' more than 2000 per state! 1000s of people are travelling 1000s of miles to get into our concentration camps [TDS, Illegal Immigration, Holocaust Denial, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ Don Lemon compares Trump to Adolf Hitler on CNN to argue for de-platforming Trump. 'Think about Hitler? if you could look back in history, would you say, "Well, I'm so glad that person was allowed a platform so that they could spread their hate and propaganda and lies"' [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Silencing]
Jun 17, 2019 ~ Paul Curry, Democrats must answer for the 2020 election, 'Where's the apocalypse? Where is the doom and gloom we were assured would follow Donald Trump's ascendency to the presidency? Where is the economic meltdown? Where is the tyrannical usurpation of power?' [TDS, Politics]
Jun 15, 2019 ~ Sarah Sanders steps down as White House press secretary. She has always been a class act in the face of vicious and cruel treatment not seen before Trump. They made fun of her looks, her accent, her clothes, chased her out of restaurants, called her a liar, etc. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Dem. Rep. Marsha Fudge smears Trump and his voters on the floor of Congress. 'many who support the president's administration are either racists, steeped in religious beliefs, ignorant, or as my mother used to say, just plain dumb.' Calls Trump a 'gangster' and 'mobster'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Jun 6, 2019 ~ Christian Toto, 'Confessions of an Accidental Culture Warrior'. Why people who were apolitical in the past must fight back. 'the Left declared war on' us. 'chased out of restaurants', 'homes under assault', 'deplatformed', false charges of racism and other isms, careers destroyed [TDS, Silencing, Politics, Violent Left]
Jun 5, 2019 ~ A Florida woman stabbed herself in the stomach three times because 'I'm tired of living in Trump's country, I'm tired of Trump being president.' she told police. 'According to a police report. She had blood all over her legs, hands, and face.' [TDS]
Jun 5, 2019 ~ Nancy Pelosi is afraid impeachment is a losing strategy for the dems but she does want to see Trump imprisoned. 'I don't want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison.' [TDS, Witch Hunt, Politics, Impeachment]
Jun 5, 2019 ~ UK liberals just as unhinged and violent as US liberals. Pro Trump Londoner tried to debate left wing mob of protesters. They kicked him, shoved him and threw a milkshake in his face, 'screaming hysterically in his face that he was a Nazi'. Baseless violent attacks are now daily. [TDS, Violent Left, Holocaust Denial]
Jun 5, 2019 ~ Benton Stevens, a 7 year old from Texas, raised $22,000 for a border wall with his lemonade and hot chocolate stands. Comedian Zachary Fox tweeted out a picture of someone purposefully about to run over Stevens with his car. Twitter allows. 100s of thousands of likes, retweets. [TDS, Violent Left, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Jun 5, 2019 ~ Bette Midler tweets about stabbing Trump, 'Maybe someone in his camp can gently give him a shiv.' She previously tweeted about him and his family being hanged 'GOOD AND HIGH!'. Conservatives are being banned for speech but the left regularly calls for violence without consequence [TDS, Violent Left]
Jun 3, 2019 ~ Bette Midler spreads fake quote about Trump. She claimed in 1998 he said Republicans are 'the dumbest group of voters in the country.' She said it was plausible because Republicans ARE dumb and 'it sounded so much like "All Mexicans are rapists"'. Which is ANOTHER FAKE QUOTE! [Fake News, TDS]

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