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Nov 8, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Left-Wing Jews: a Jewish and American Tragedy' 'The current charge that the Pittsburgh massacre was caused by President Trump is one of the greatest libels in American history. Virtually every left-wing columnist and commentator has spread this lie'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News, Dennis Prager]
Nov 5, 2018 ~ Cher said Trump is 'LIAR, WHITE NATIONALIST, RACIST,TRAITOR,WHO'D HAVE PHOTO OP WITH HITLER,IF HE THOUGHT IT WOULD RALLY HIS BASE' - recall previous quotes, '... Stalin ... Hitler ... GESTAPO TACTICS'. These people are more than a little unhinged. [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Nov 4, 2018 ~ In the scramble to falsely blame Trump for the Synagogue shooting, democrats can't agree if Trump is to blame because he is too anti-Semitic or too pro-Israel and pro-Jewish people. They are about evenly split proving the reason to blame Trump is irrelevant. TDS inspired hatred. [TDS, Fake News, Israel, Anti-Semitism]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ Barbra Streisand says Trump Is 'Making Me Fat' - 'I have to go eat pancakes' when he says upsetting things. [TDS]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ Julia Ioffe tweets to her 'fellow Jews' who support Trump 'I hope the embassy move over there, where you don't live was worth it.' implying that somehow that was the cause the synagogue shooting. Conservatives don't get to mourn. They always have to defend being falsely blamed. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News, Anti-Semitism]
Nov 2, 2018 ~ Jane Fonda says, 'Everybody has to vote' because 'Trump ... Third Reich and Adolf Hitler!!' [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Trump declares he is a 'Nationalist'. He was clear in explaining exactly what it means. Looking out for the good of 'your nation' vs. a 'globalist' who is more concerned about the globe. Cries of Hitler, Racist and Nazi. People falsely claimed the N in Nazi was 'Nationalist'. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake News]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Chris Cuomo said today that Trump said 'Media is the enemy of the people.' Cuomo said 'That is a phrase propagated by Stalin, used by Hitler.' Trump actually said 'fake news media is the enemy of the people' and Cuomo changed the quote making it ironically... fake news. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake News]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Barak Obama flashback, "We all agree on the need to better secure the border and to punish employers who choose to hire illegal immigrants. We are a generous and welcoming people here in the United States but those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law. We simply cannot allow people to pour into the U.S., undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, lawfully to become immigrants in this country." Trump says the same thing and he's called evil and 'racist.' [Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia, Illegal Immigration, TDS]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Julia Ioffe was fired from Politico for tweeting Trump was 'fucking his daughter'. She was then hired by the Atlantic who says Kevin Williamson is unfit to work there, but Ioffe is fine. Now says Trump is responsible for Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting for moving embassy in Israel. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Israel, Kevin Williamson]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Director James Cromwell says 'If we don't stop [President Trump] now, then we will have a revolution for real. Then there will be blood in the streets.' Sounds like a promise. Democrats don't even believe in democracy anymore. Do as we say or violence will occur. [TDS, Violent Left]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Some New York City Trash Cans have picture of white man with big gut, MAGA hat, wife beater tea shirt and they say 'Keep NYC Trash Free' - Trump supporters are trash, get it? Democrats are not even subtle with their hatred for people they imagine are 'deplorables'. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Julia Ioffe of GQ makes this preposterous claim on CNN - 'This president has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did' - totally disgusting - no pushback from CNN. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Joe Scarborough and Mika say Trump tweeted about the World Series 'to send a message, as you said, Joe, to his adoring white nationalist fans that the murdering of these worshippers was not even a concern'. A world series tweet was a message to white nationalists condoning murder [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Oct 29, 2018 ~ A teen is harassed in Seattle for wearing a 'MAGA' hat. Hat is knocked off his head and spat on. They yell at him 'Get the Fuck Out of This City' 'You're not welcome here.' Deranged democrat thugs don't get to decide who is welcome in Seattle. Democrat violence happens every day. [TDS, Violent Left]
Oct 29, 2018 ~ Sarah Silverman said Trump 'went full Hitler' because he called himself a nationalist - She also bizarrely claimed that meant he was a 'racist' - all it actually means is he puts American interests above the interests of other countries. THAT'S IT! [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Oct 29, 2018 ~ Howard Dean proves that liberalism has become a religion - 'This has now become a struggle about good versus evil. And the President of the United States is evil.' - No debate - just finger pointing, accusing and shaming- 'We're good, you're evil'. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Oct 29, 2018 ~ Tree of Life Synagogue shooting - 11 Dead, 10 Wounded - Nut goes in with 3 pistols, says 'All Jews Must Die' - Anti-Semitic Shooter hated Trump for being Pro-Israel and thought Trump was a puppet of the Jews. Regardless, the loathsome left find ways to blame Trump for this. [Anti-Semitism, Guns-Mass Shootings, TDS]
Oct 25, 2018 ~ More presidential assassination porn - this time from the New York Times - The publish a short story about President Trump being assassinated. 'He sighted on the center of the president's back, and squeezed the trigger'. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 25, 2018 ~ Bruce Michael Alexander is arrested for groping a woman on an airplane - The man defended himself by blaming President Trump. 'The president of the United States says it's OK to grab women by their private parts'. [TDS]
Oct 21, 2018 ~ Rapper T.I. makes video with a Melania look alike in her clothing doing a strip tease in the oval office - barely a peep from democrats and main stream media - nation would have gone ballistic if anything like that was done to Michelle Obama. Conservative women are fair game. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Oct 20, 2018 ~ Proud Democrat Daniel Frisiello pleads guilty to sending white powder laced letters to the homes of the Trump sons - 'you are getting what you deserve' he wrote - incident sent Vanessa Trump to the hospital. [TDS, Violent Left]
Oct 20, 2018 ~ It's nutty enough that some on the left are blaming Trump for Khashoggi's death but Representative Joaquin Castro, D-TX claimed he heard the hit was ordered Jared Kushner - Khashoggi was killed by Saudis in Turkey. [TDS, Fake News]
Oct 17, 2018 ~ Kanye West's support for Trump gets him called token negro, Uncle Tom, white supremacist. CNN commentator Bakari Sellers says 'Kanye West is what happens when Negros don't read.' Tara Setmayer calls West a 'token negro'. Don Lemon laughs. Herschel Walker calls this 'bullying'. [Racism, Silencing, TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Oct 14, 2018 ~ Breitbart lists 594 Acts of Violence and Harassment From Democrats and Leftists Against Trump Supporters so far. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 14, 2018 ~ Johnny Mackay's pickup truck was burned to the ground in Vancouver, Washington shortly after he put two Trump bumper stickers on it. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ Unhinged and lying MSNBC Panelist Elie Mystal says 'Trump has delivered for these people on the things that they care about most; he has delivered racism for these people. He has delivered misogyny for these people'. [TDS, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Sep 26, 2018 ~ Paul Krugman of the totally 'real news' New York Times, 'Starting to look like two possible outcomes: Trump and a number of others end up in jail, or thousands of journalists end up in prison camps.' You couldn't make up Trump Derangement Syndrome fueled fake news like this. [TDS, Fake News]
Sep 23, 2018 ~ Project Veritas Catches Deep State Red handed - Employees admit to sabotaging Trump administration from within DOJ etc. - 'Resist everything ... Every level. Fuck shit up' 'Nothing to lose. It's impossible to fire federal employees'. [TDS, Witch Hunt]
Sep 22, 2018 ~ Jack Black announces 'Donald Trump's a piece of shit' while receiving his star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame - finishes up by calling Trump 'that asshole'. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Sep 19, 2018 ~ Stormy Daniels describes Trump's Penis. CNN decides this is an important story for a 'news organization' to cover. Jake Tapper dedicates an entire segment to Trump's penis and how it's 'distinctive in a certain way'. Democrats are riveted but the network's ratings keep dropping. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ Joe Scarborough makes unhinged claim that Trump has 'has done more damage to the dream of America than any foreign adversary ever could' - Then says 'more than any terrorist attack ever could'. [TDS, Terrorism]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ Climate Alarmists and Fake News Media politicize hurricane Florence. Washington Post says Trump 'Complicit' in a hurricane well within historical norms and had nothing to do with climate change or Trump. US has had the biggest reduction in CO2 emissions of anyone in Paris Accord. [TDS, Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 12, 2018 ~ Maxine Waters brags that she threatens Trump supporters 'all the time' - Her democrat audience laughed at that comment and applauded - Waters has no idea those comments are leading to real violence. Or maybe she does. [TDS, Violent Left]
Sep 12, 2018 ~ Deranged Democrat Farzad Fazeli attacked Republican Congressional Candidate Rudy Peters with a switchblade knife while on profanity laced Anti-Trump Rant - the blade malfunctioned or Peters might be dead. Arrested for felony assault, criminal threats, brandishing a weapon etc. [TDS, Violent Left]
Sep 12, 2018 ~ Democratic Socialist of America member threatens To Shoot Up MAGA Event At Trump International Hotel - 'I am coming with a gun and i expect to get numerous bloodstained MAGA hats as trophies'. Message was posted on Twitter account owned by DSA. [TDS, Violent Left, Socialism]
Sep 12, 2018 ~ College of Southern Nevada professor Mark Bird brings a gun on campus and shoots himself in order to protest Donald Trump. [TDS, Violent Left, College]
Sep 12, 2018 ~ Broadway Star Carole Cook jokes about Trump's assassination - 'Where's John Wilkes Booth When you Need Him?' Latest in a very long line of prominent celebs joking about or openly calling for Trump to be assassinated. Prominent people, no consequences. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Sep 8, 2018 ~ A 'Pussy Hat' design is withdrawn for the Ireland Trump Protest after activists insist that some women have penises - otherwise, left wingers thought dressing up as genitalia was an awesome idea. [TDS, Trans, Gender]
Sep 7, 2018 ~ Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md introduces a meaure to create a panel to evaluate if Trump should be declared 'unfit' and removed from office via the 25th Amendment. This stunning example of Trump Derangement Syndrome has 67 co-sponsors. Dems still trying to overturn the 2016 election. [Loathsome Left, Politics, TDS]
Aug 27, 2018 ~ Robert Reich says its not enough just to impeach Trump - Must 'Annul His Presidency' getting rid of all appointments, laws, etc. - reversing everything since election - Pence can't be allowed to stay either - Entire election must be made void. Democrats have 0 remaining sanity. [TDS, Impeachment, Loathsome Left]
Aug 26, 2018 ~ Laura Hollis, 'When the President's Behavior Is Reprehensible' - Most of Trump's bad behavior has precedent in previous presidents - all of them democrats. Democrats have ignored bad behavior in their own President's but act like Trump is the end of the world. [TDS, Politics]
Aug 25, 2018 ~ CNN contributor Ana Navarro said about the First Lady of the United States, 'Melania suffered oxygen deprivation to the brain' [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Aug 25, 2018 ~ John Brennan loses his security clearance and rightfully so. Ridiculously accused Trump of treason and of being a traitor - monetized his clearance to become a pundit on MSNBC and elsewhere to recklessly bash Trump non-stop. [TDS, Witch Hunt]
Aug 21, 2018 ~ NY Gov Andrew Cuomo peddles the same tired democrat party lies and hatred for America - 'In Mr. Trump's America, the points on the compass are not north, south, east, or west. They are sexism, racism, bigotry, and intolerance'. [TDS, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Aug 20, 2018 ~ Rep. Alcee Hastings D-FL tells joke to Democrat Party audience - 'A crisis is if Donald Trump falls into the Potomac River and can't swim. And a catastrophe is anybody saves his ass.' - the Democrats laughed and cheered! [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Aug 19, 2018 ~ Democrat Senator Jon Tester's Senate campaign poster made by Pearl Jam features Trump lying dead in front of the White House and a bald eagle eating his corpse as Tester flies above smiling. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Aug 19, 2018 ~ NY Times columnist Michelle Goldberg said on MSNBC 'He would certainly like to.' after Katy Tur pointed out that Trump 'is not rounding people up and murdering them without any due process.' [TDS, Fake News, Due Process]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ NYT Racist Sarah Jeong says 'I was equating Trump to Hitler before it was cool.' She praises her own derangement saying 'How fucking prescient was I on Trump = Hitler' - about as prescient as a typical Holocaust Denier. [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ USA Today opinion piece titled 'Donald Trump Broke the Presidency. It's time to get rid of the job altogether' proposes 'It's time to amend the Constitution and abolish the presidency' [TDS]

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