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Nov 26, 2021 ~ Chris Tomlinson, "Authorities have foiled 65 terrorist plots in France since 2015, according to official figures which also revealed that terrorist attacks have claimed the lives of over 260 people during the same time period." 60 of the 65 were radical Islamic terrorists. [Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 9, 2021 ~ Frances Martel, "Taliban Making ‘Kill List’ of Gay Afghans" “LGBT … That’s against our Sharia law,” Taliban “finance ministry” spokesman Ahmad Wali Haqmal. “We now know for sure the Taliban has a ‘kill list’ identifying LBTQ” "They will use fire, or they will behead or stone us" [Islam, LGBT, Terrorism]
Nov 9, 2021 ~ Raymond Ibrahim, "Reporting on Muslim Persecution of Christians Offends Facebook's Standards" Article that commemorates 21 Coptic Christians beheaded by the Islamic State was banned on FaceBook for violating "Community Standards." Other true similar articles and films are banned. [Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 31, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald on Democrats and the #FakeNews comparing the "Let's go Brandon" pilot to a terrorist. "It's a foundational view of liberal politics now that people who don't support Democratic politicians are criminals, terrorists, white nationalists,mentally unwell or all of" those [Biden, Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
Oct 23, 2021 ~ The Taliban behead Mahjabin Hakimi, a star on the Afgan girls' national volleyball team and displayed her head on social media as a warning for women and girls to not participate in sports as it is forbidden by Islam. The girl's family was threatened not to talk. Team disbanded. [Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 23, 2021 ~ Muslim mob attacks across Bangladesh have killed at least 6, including four Hindus" over a picture that "allegedly showed a copy of the Quran being placed at the feet of a Hindu statue." At least 70 temples were attacked. Muslims vandalized homes, temples, shops, and automobiles. [Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 20, 2021 ~ Afghanistan suicide bombing of Shiite mosque kills 47, 70 Wounded. Shiites do not practice Islam correctly according to ISIS. Taliban pay the families of the suicide bombers once again calling them "heroes of Islam." [Afghanistan, Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 17, 2021 ~ Muslim terrorist Espen Bråthen killed 5 people and injured several more in Norway bow and arrow attack. "Hello. I’m a messenger. I come with a warning. Is this really what you want? And for all who want to make up for themselves, so it’s time. Bear witness that I am a Muslim." [Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 17, 2021 ~ Muslim terrorist Ali Harbi Ali killed British Member of Parliament Sir David Amess with a knife when he was meeting with his constituents. Ali had previously been linked to Somali terrorist organization Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda-linked Islamists. Amess was a strong supporter of Israel. [Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Oct 15, 2021 ~ Scott Smith was arrested for confronting the Loudoun County school board over his daughter being raped and sodomized w forcible fellatio in the girls' bathroom by "a boy wearing a skirt." Was falsely used as an example of "domestic terrorism." Dems say these things never happen. [Crime, Education, Terrorism, Trans]
Oct 8, 2021 ~ Laura Hollis traces the Dem party progression of false smears: 'racist' smear "at least the past 40 years. But this administration has turned it up to 11; yesterday’s “racists” have become today’s “white supremacists” and – most significantly – tomorrow’s “domestic terrorists.” [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
Oct 8, 2021 ~ Eco-terrorist group Extinction Rebellion has been blocking traffic in Europe. A stroke victim stuck in that traffic for 6 hours is now paralyzed. She would not have been if not for ER. ER says oh well, “Civil resistance is not purist. People get hurt in political disruption.” [Climate Change, Health Care, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Sep 26, 2021 ~ Jet Blue passenger Khalil El Dahr charged the cockpit when the door opened shouting "Allah." Boston Herald, At "one point during the incident, they were able to understand El Dahr said 'Allah' in a raised tone." It took 6 or 7 people to restrain him and save the plane. [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 23, 2021 ~ Old Democratic Party: Obama, "As president, I have provided critical funding to deploy the Iron Dome system that has intercepted rockets that might have hit homes and hospitals and schools." New Democratic Party: "We want rockets to hit all of those things. We want dead Jews." [Israel, Terrorism]
Sep 21, 2021 ~ Indonesian security forces killed ISIS leader Ali Kalora  known for beheading and mutilating Christians. Kalora was wanted for many 'gruesome murders.' [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 21, 2021 ~ House Democrats eliminated funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. The party of Anti-Semitism predictably abandons Israel, one of America’s strongest allies. Democrats want Israel's innocent citizens including children to be hit by Hamas rockets. 'The squad' wins. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
Sep 18, 2021 ~ Victoria Friedman, 'Syrian Teen Arrested in Germany over Islamist Plot to Attack Synagogue' His father and 2 brothers were also arrested in the plot. Anti-Semitic attacks are up over 10% in Germany. [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 16, 2021 ~ Islamic Jihadist Salah Abdeslam, the only surviving terrorist in the Paris attacks that killed 130 objected to being called a 'terrorist.' "All this is just authentic Islam. All these radicals are Muslims." "We targeted civilians but we have nothing personal against them." [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 16, 2021 ~ Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D, 'Muslim Gunmen Open Fire on Christians in Pakistan, Wounding Six' "The gunfire wounded five Christian women, one of whom was pregnant, as well as one man, Asif Masih, who was shot in both legs." [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 16, 2021 ~ Syrian refugee Mustafa Mousab Alowemer pled guilty to providing material support to ISIS. He planned to bomb a Christian Church; the Legacy International Worship Center in Pittsburgh. For every Islamic terrorist act, there's several that are thwarted by good detective work. [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Breitbart News, 'At Least 30 Dead in DR Congo Massacre Blamed on Jihadists' ISIS kills at least 30 more people in the province of Ituri in the Congo according to UN sources. [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali on how Islamists and the woke left are similar. Neither "will engage in debate. Both prefer indoctrination of the submissive and damnation of those who resist.” "Both tolerate and often glorify violence carried out by zealots.” Both “pursue ideological purity." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Investigations are showing that the Biden administration killed an innocent man and his family including 7 children in response to the ISIS attack in Afghanistan that killed 13 US soldiers. Biden's Afghan exit is one debacle after another. Total disaster by any standard. [Afghanistan, Biden, Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Trial begins for the 20 ISIS jihadists who killed 130 people and injured 100s in a multi-point attack on Paris.  9 gunmen and suicide bombers struck within minutes of each other at France’s national soccer stadium, the Bataclan concert hall and Paris restaurants and cafes. [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Byron York, 'Two Questions About Afghan Refugees' "Who did we leave behind? And two, who did we bring out?" 100s are still left behind including Americans and there is no way to properly vet the 10s of thousands we are bringing to America right from the place that birthed 9/11. [Afghanistan, Terrorism]
Sep 8, 2021 ~ 4 of the 5 GITMO detainees that Obama swapped for desserter Bergdahl are now leaders of the Taliban. Obama said that action would not hurt national security but he basically gave the our enemies their leaders back. [Afghanistan, Terrorism]
Sep 4, 2021 ~ Muslim terrorist Ahamed Aathill Mohamed Samsudeen stabbed 6 people in a New Zealand supermarket. He was quickly killed by the police or there would have been many more victims. The Sri Lankan immigrant had posted allegiance to the Islamic State was recently released from prison. [Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 31, 2021 ~ Afghan folk singer Fawad Andarabi was shot in the head by the Taliban on his family’s farm. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid explained that “music is forbidden in Islam.” Andarabi brought a lot of people joy. No one under Taliban rule will dare sing or play music anymore. [Afghanistan, Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 28, 2021 ~ After Biden made the most basic of all mistakes in Afghanistan by closing Bagram Air Base and evacuating the military before civilians, the terrorists took over and started terrorizing. Over 200 people have been killed in twin suicide bombings including 13 US service members. [Afghanistan, Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 25, 2021 ~ NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo granted clemency to David Gilbert, getaway driver for the 1981 Brink’s armored-car heist that killed Peter Paige and police officers Waverly Brown and Edward O’Grady. Dems love terrorists especially the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army. [Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
Aug 23, 2021 ~ Spike Lee's new 'documentary' spews discredited 9-11 Trutherism. "The amount of heat that it takes to make steel melt, that temperature’s not reached. And then the juxtaposition of the way Building 7 fell. Other than the 2020 election, Democrats own dumb conspiracy theories. [Anti-Science, Terrorism]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Robert O'Neill, the Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden, said Biden surrendered to the Taliban. “This president surrendered to the Taliban. Should I not be embarrassed as an American right now?” "We don’t ask the enemy for permission... And we leave with our people." [Biden, Terrorism]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Some UConn students circulate a pro free speech statement simply saying the university should protect free speech and debate. Left wingers on campus called them 'racist', 'white supremacists' and sent them a video of an ISIS beheading. The left despises debate and shuts it down. [College, Free Speech, Islam, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Terrorism]
Aug 13, 2021 ~ Mark Steven Domingo was found guilty of providing material support to terrorism and attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. Domingo converted to Islam in 2018. Created an IED with nails to do max organ damage. Planned to die a martyr. [Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Islamists are filling the vacuum left by the US withdrawal. |Jihadist commanders have ordered imams in areas they have captured to bring them lists of unmarried women aged from 12 to 45  for their soldiers to marry because they view them as 'qhanimat' or 'spoils of war.'" [Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 1, 2021 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Jan. 6 Was Deplorable. It Was Not a Coup' It was not 'terrorism.' It was not an insurrection. It was not like 9/11, Pearl Harbor or the Civil War. All absurd things Democrats have claimed. It was "a political protest that got out of control." There was no plan. [Capitol Riot, David Harsanyi, Terrorism]
Jul 27, 2021 ~ Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. 'France Honors Catholic Priest Martyred by Islamic Terrorists' "The Catholic Church and the French state commemorated Monday the fifth anniversary of the martyrdom of Father Jacques Hamel, whose throat was slit by two jihadists while he celebrated Mass." [Islam, Terrorism]
Jul 20, 2021 ~ ISIS kills pagans in Iraq. "With success from Allah, brother Abu Hamzah al-Iraqi... launched towards a gathering of the Rafidah pagans... Then he detonated his explosive vest amidst them, killing more than 30 of them and wounded at least 35 others, and all praise is due to Allah" [Islam, Terrorism]
Jul 1, 2021 ~ Somali man stabs 9 people in Wuerzburg Germany killing 3 women shouting “Allahu akbar” twice and talked about Jihad after his arrest. Islamic terrorist attacks still happen regularly in the western world which has opened its doors to Muslim immigrants. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 13, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald 'Democratic Senators and activist groups promoting a false, conclusively disproven narrative about the Pulse shootings for their own benefits. Anti-LGBT animus was not part of that massacre.' Lying 'dishonors the memory of the victims - & the LGBT cause.' Lie nonstop [Guns-Mass Shootings, Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 10, 2021 ~ Cori Bush executes textbook Democrat playbook. @IlhanMN was not criticized because she compared the US to the Taliban and Hamas. It was due to racism and Islamophobia. 'Enough with the anti-Blackness and Islamophobia.' Still an amateur because she could have charged sexism too. [Fake Islamophobia, Fake Racism, Omar, Terrorism]
Jun 10, 2021 ~ Illhan Omar @Ilhan compares the US to the Taliban and Hamas terrorists. 'We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban.' ONLY 7 Democrats would sign the statement condemning her. Democrats truly hate America. [Anti-Semitism, Israel, Loathsome Left, Omar, Terrorism]
Jun 8, 2021 ~ The former head of Israel’s space program, Avi Har-Even was killed by Muslim terrorists who set the Efendi Hotel where he was staying on fire. [Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Jun 5, 2021 ~ 13 people are on trial in France for their roles in the massive harassment campaign of French teen 'Mila' who was critical of Islam. Mila received at least 100,000 hate messages sent to her including so many graphic death threats that she has to be under 24 hr. police protection. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Jun 2, 2021 ~ Biden lies repeatedly in Tulsa speech, He says that black entrepreneurs 'don’t have lawyers. They don’t have accountants.' Said 'terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today.' And blacks suffer today from the effects of millions in KKK. All lies! [Biden, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
Jun 2, 2021 ~ Michael Brown, 'Leah Sharibu: Say Her Name' In 2018, the Boko Haram faction of ISIS kidnapped 110 Christian girls in Nigeria. Those who converted to Islam were returned. The others were killed or enslaved and raped. Leah Sharibu is one who refused to convert and is still enslaved [Islam, Religion, Religious Freedom, Terrorism]
May 20, 2021 ~ A recording captures the difference between Israelis and Palestinians. IDF warns of bombing. 'Bomb whatever you want... We want to die.' 'But you have a responsibility for children's lives.' 'If the children need to die then they'll die...This is how we reveal your cruelty.' [Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
May 20, 2021 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'If You Side with Hamas, Your Anti-Semitism Is Showing' 'Israel allows Muslims full freedom of worship throughout Israel, particularly on the Temple Mount.' Hamas targets civilians. Israel hits military targets giving ample warning. Hamas embeds military in schools. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
May 19, 2021 ~ #BLM sides with Hamas. 'Black Lives Matter stands in solidarity with Palestinians.' Consistent as they side with criminals who attack the police and condemn the cops defending themselves. Here they side with terrorists attacking Israel and condemn Israel for defending herself. [BLM, Crime, Israel, Police, Terrorism]
May 19, 2021 ~ Austin Bay, 'Holding Islamic State Terrorists Accountable for the Yazidi Genocide in Iraq' By 2014, 'ISIS fighters would massacre at least 5,000 Yazidi men.' By 2016 'Yazidi death toll was estimated at 10,000' Eventually, nearly 10,000 women and children would be enslaved.' [Islam, Slavery, Terrorism]

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