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Jul 16, 2024 ~ Rep. Mary Miller @RepMaryMiller says, "The House just passed my bill to protect girls' sports by blocking Joe Biden's radical Title IX rewrite. It's a great day for our daughters and granddaughters, who deserve protection from Biden’s radical attempt to force men into their private spaces & athletics." If the Senate Democrats don't shoot it down, Biden will. Democrats erase women by destroying Title IX. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 29, 2024 ~ '53-Year-Old Trans-Identifying Swimmer Shares Locker Room with Teen Girls' Biological "male swimmer Nicholas Cepeda, who now identifies as Melody Wiseheart, was allowed to compete in the women’s 1500-meter freestyle for ages sixteen and up at the Trojan Cup in Ontario. Cepeda placed second in the category." "Parents also told the the Sun that they had created makeshift tents out of towels in the locker room so that young girls did not have to change in front of Wiseheart." You could not even make this up 10 years ago. Wiseheart is transgender and transageist and since identity IS reality in the new gender cult, Canada allows this. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 25, 2024 ~ "Transgender Athlete Who Won NCAA Title Threatens to ‘Take All the Records‘ in Track Events" Biological male CeCé Telfer already has won female NCAA championships. He now says "I plan on going back to New England, hitting up all the indoor competitions, and taking all the names, all the records, and everything." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 24, 2024 ~ Male player Maeryn Gellhaus joins the women's Edmonton Rugby team after playing over 300 games on the men's team. Women are worried about their saftefy but the league is more concerned about "discrimination” lawsuits than their potential injuries." The player's concerns are being ignored because the league has to follow 'the current guidelines.' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 23, 2024 ~ The Take Back Title IX ("Protect Women's Sports") bus was vandalized with profane, anti-woman messages and the bus pelted with eggs. The goal of the effort led by @martina, @Riley_Gaines_ and other top female athletes is to keep women's sports free from males. [Trans, Trans Athletes, Violent Left]
Jun 22, 2024 ~ .@i_heart__bikes points out that males have won in TWO categories in the Grinduro Pennsylvania bike WOMEN’s bike race. Eva (Matthew) Kloiber wins the women's 31-40 category. Jacqueline (Jacob) Mautner wins women's 41-50category. How is this madness still allowed to happen? [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 18, 2024 ~ 'Boys Take Track & Field Titles from Girls in Five States' Its getting ridiculous how often its happening and how few people are willing to stand up for girls. Driven by misogynists, enabled by cowards. Girls are forced to the sidelines in their own sports. https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2024/06/17/boys-take-track-field-titles-from-girls-in-five-states/ [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 18, 2024 ~ 'Oregon track and field coach says school district fired him after he advocated for transgender law changes' Lake Oswego high school track & field coach John Parks, who has taken his team to the state championship 3 years in a row was fired after standing up for girls in sports. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 4, 2024 ~ "Boy Wins Medals in Hawaii Girls’ Track and Field, Awarded ‘Outstanding Athlete’" "At Kea’au High School, half of the 'girls' relay team is now boys" Lana Huff "would have ranked 565th in the state for the boys if he hadn’t switched to the girls' team." Now he's winning medals and has qualified for the state championships, taking that spot away from a girl. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 26, 2024 ~ Biological male, Veronica Garcia, decisively won the Washington high school girls 400-meter dash state championship. Meanwhile, biological male Aayden Gallegar continues to rack up victories like the Oregon girls’s 6A 200meter race. When will this madness end? [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 6, 2024 ~ Biological male Sadie Schreiner continues to dominate women's track, taking victories and records from biological females. 'Sadie' won the 200 and 400 at the D3 meet, setting records for both. Had he competed on the male side, he would have been last. Instead, he set records. Dr. Wayne D. Lewis Jr., president of Houghton University objected: "Biological males’ participation in women’s athletics is wrong. Most Americans and most of the world know it to be wrong. A fringe agenda under the guise of making school and collegiate athletics more inclusive for transgender people has grown to the place of now unfairly displacing gifted and hardworking female athletes, obliterating the historic achievements and records of female athletes of the past, and threatening to dismantle the opportunities and protections for girls and women in sport trailblazing leaders fought so hard to create and protect." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 5, 2024 ~ Biological male Alicia Paans (formerly Johnny) plays on the University of Michigan women's water polo team. He's killing it (surprise), scoring lots of goals. Women's sports are being turned into a farce by the woke, anti-science gender cult. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 29, 2024 ~ Two of the three winners on the podium of the women's pro elite Gorge Gravel Grinder bicycle race in Oregon were biological males: Chloë Spritz (Cole) and Claire Law (Ivan). They would have finished near last in the male division. Why does this cheating continue to be allowed? [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 28, 2024 ~ JK Rowling on the left destroying women's rights and the lives of women and girls and criticizing her because people on the right agree with her. JK can admit the right is right about these issues. The left is so tribal, they have to disagree with the right no matter how wrong that makes them. "The truth is that the left has fucked up monumentally on gender identity ideology and until it owns the mistake, it will continue to hand the right valid talking points. As more and more PMCWs realise this, they’ll take shameless refuge in accusations that we, the women criticising the injustice and insanity of gender identity ideology, were enabling the far-right. The fact is that they’ve done exactly that, by refusing to accept that there was anything wrong with a movement that was causing serious harm to troubled young people, trampling all over women’s rights and seeking to remove single-sex services for the most vulnerable. The sense of betrayal women on the left feel towards men like Bragg will take a long time to disappear, if it ever does. I think we all take some grim satisfaction, though, in the fact that evidence of the PMCWs’ misogyny and complicity is a matter of public record, because the panicky back-pedalling and whitewashing that’s just begun is quite something to behold." [Anti-Science, Politics, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 27, 2024 ~ Biological male Aayden Gallagher continues to dominate Oregan women's track and field, regularly winning the girl's 200 and 400m events. As a high school sophmore he's already 0.2 seconds away from Flo Jo's world record speed. This farce brought to you by cowards and misogynists. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 25, 2024 ~ The Flying Bats with their 5!! male players continue to dominate their women's football league shutting out another team, this time 12-0. @OkayBiology reports "Male players scored 9 of the 12 goals in this football match between women." Teams cannot opt out of this unfair humiliation or they "would be subject to disciplinary action" and "punished for discrimination." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 21, 2024 ~ Biological male track runner Veronica Garcia is another male taking wins from deserving girls. In March, he won the woman's varsity 400m in Washington. @wiaawa Now, he's being credited with "leading" his East Valley GIRLS' team to Victory in the 1600 Sprint Medley. Pure cheating. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 20, 2024 ~ Biden destroys women's and men's rights in one move. It alters Title IX so that it includes males in female spaces. So that the main thing that protected women and girls now erases them. And they went back to the no due process kangaroo courts for campus sex accusations that we had before Trump restored due process. Riley Gaines explains, "The new rewrite means: - men can take academic AND athletic scholarships from women - men will have FULL access to bathrooms, locker rooms, etc - men could be housed in dorm rooms with women - students and faculty MUST compel their speech by requiring the use of preferred pronouns." [Anti-Science, Biden, College, Due Process, Feminism, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 20, 2024 ~ "West Virginia Girls 'Step-Out' Of Track & Field Meet To Protest Transgender Competitor" The Bridgeport Middle School girls' track & field team all scratched on their events to protest competing against a biological male. @Riley_Gaines_ commented, "It's a sad day when the middle school girls have to be the adults in the room." Update: The girls are suspended from future cometitions as a punishment. People always ask, "Why don't the girls just refuse to compete with the boys?" This is why... [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 14, 2024 ~ Biological male Aayden Gallagher won the Girls 200m Varsity race in Sherwood, Oregon. He set a new record for the girls race. Once again, misogynists and their coward enablers have allowed males to not only take victories but actual female records in the record books. Shameful. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ '24 Women Quit Aussie Soccer League After Trans Athletes Injure Players, Dominate League' "Two dozen young women have quit an Australian soccer league after officials allowed one team [Flying Bats] to add five transgender athletes, some of whom went on to injure girls on other teams." And the team with 5 males is unsurprisingly dominating. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 3, 2024 ~ 'Trans athlete "was suspended for leering at girl on rowing team"' "'The male athlete was caught staring openly at one of the female athletes while she changed her clothes in the women’s locker room and remarked, "oooh t*tties!"' 'When a female athlete nearby asked if it was the first time he had seen female breasts, the male responded, "uhh yeah" with a laugh. The male athlete was suspended for this incident.' "He injured three opponents in basketball game before other team gave up. The student competed as female in rowing, volleyball, hurdles, shot put and tae kwon do."   'Our daughters have stayed quiet because they are afraid. We tried to speak up for them, and we were shut down. We tried to speak to leadership at all levels. [But] name-calling and the threat of mental health is being used as emotional blackmail to keep us all quiet while women are harmed and devalued.' 'The rowing team also required the male athlete to room with them on trips. The girls spoke to us about quitting rowing because of the intimidation of being forced to be in a hotel room alone with a male,' via @MailOnline [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 31, 2024 ~ The National Organization of Women (NOW) completely embarrasses itself with this post somehow linking opposing males in female sports to something called the "white supremacist patriarchy" LOL! They say, "Repeat after us: Weaponizing womenhood against other women is white supremacist patriarchy at work. Making people believe there isn't enough space for trans women in sports is white supremacist patriarchy at work." It would be impossible to parody this garbage. Its a satire of a parody. You're a 'white supremacist' if you think males should not compete in female sports? How much woke-crack would you have to smoke before that starts to make sense? And sure throw the 'patriarchy' in there. Clowns... [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 27, 2024 ~ Biological male Vicki Piper won the Woman's Masters National Weightlifting Championship (71K category) in Reno, NV. He also set the event record. It was the first woman's championship he entered. Shame on USA Weightlifting for turning women's weightlifting into a farce. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 26, 2024 ~ FIVE biological males help The Flying Bats win The Beryl Ackroyd Cup "women's" soccer competition in Sydney. The final game was a 4-0 shutout. The top scorer for the Bats is male. The goalie is male. Men are dominating women's sports across all disciplines but few speak out because the consequences are so severe. The girls were not allowed to speak out or forfeit or they would be heavily fined. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 24, 2024 ~ Biological male Noa-Lynn van Leuven wins the PDC Women's Series Dart Tournamaent in Wigan. The real winner, Katie Sheldon is forced to take 2nd place because the Professional Darts Corporation @OfficialPDC allows men to compete on the women's side. Shame on them! [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 24, 2024 ~ Biological male Kyle Small won the Maverick Classic Crit in Grand Junction, CO. The misogynists at @usacycling allow these farces to continue, robbing women of victories in their own sports. Congrats 'champ.' h/t @i_heart__bikes [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 19, 2024 ~ 'Minnesota Appeals Court Affirms State Law Preventing Ban on Trans Athletes' Incredibly, the court ruled that the state cannot ban males from participating in female sports because its a violation of THEIR rights! Forget the rights of women and girls. [Anti-Science, Loathsome Left, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'Female Swimmers Sue NCAA over Male Competition, Demand Return of Trophies, Monetary Damages' Led by @Riley_Gaines_ and the Independent Council on Women’s Sports the suit accuses the NCAA and Georgia Tech "of knowingly violating Title IX." [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 5, 2024 ~ A rare voice of courage among a sea of cowards: Dr. Wayne D. Lewis Jr., the president of Houghton University in New York speaks up for female athletes.   “I reached the place where I could no longer remain silent on this issue. When I see young women with Houghton written across their uniform . . . at a competitive disadvantage, sometimes losing opportunities that are hard-earned, there is no way that I, as their president, will continue to sit on the sidelines and refuse to advocate for change.”   “A fringe agenda under the guise of making school and collegiate athletics more inclusive for transgender people has grown to the place of now unfairly displacing gifted and hardworking female athletes, obliterating the historic achievements and records of female athletes of the past, and threatening to dismantle the opportunities and protections for girls and women in sport trailblazing leaders fought so hard to create and protect."   “Too many leaders, parents, professional athletes, and people of goodwill have been silent as female athletes are humiliated, silenced, and robbed of hard-earned opportunities. That silence is complicit with the fringe agenda that threatens to dismantle girls’ and women’s athletics.” [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 5, 2024 ~ Biological male Rose Johnson (6'2") is leading LTS High School girls basketball team in Vermont to a 17-1 record. Nevermind the girl who should be playing in his place or the girls who get concussions from his elbows. What matters is that the boys get to dominate girl's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 4, 2024 ~ 'Two Trans-Identified Males To Compete In The Female Division Of The 2024 New England Track and Field Championship' Biological male, Lizzy Bidwell won the GIRLS New England Track & Field Championship high jump title. He owns the highest female jump in CT. He was 1 of 2 boys in the girls' event of 32. Girls are left cheering the boys on the sidelines in their own sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 3, 2024 ~ Dailymail, "Top girls' league faces being shut down by Football Association" Girls sports will be destroyed one way or the other. If they allow males to play, the males dominate and they get injured. If they don't, their whole league gets shut down! Sick. [Cancel Culture, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 2, 2024 ~ "Vermont Girls’ Coach Defends Decision To Forfeit Game Over Transgender Player: ‘Boys Just Play At A Different Speed’" "We withdrew from the tournament because we believe playing against an opponent with a biological male jeopardizes the fairness of the game and the safety of our players. Allowing biological males to participate in women’s sports sets a bad precedent for the future of women’s sports in general." The team was subsequently banned from future competition anywhere in the state. [Cancel Culture, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 2, 2024 ~ Another women's record falls to biological male Sadie (Camden) Schreiner. Schreiner is the new regional collegiate meet record holder in the women's 200 meter dash. Congrats to the misogynists who are succeeding in destroying women's sports and shame on the cowards enabling them. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 1, 2024 ~ Male player Henry Hanlon led SF Waldorf High School to a GIRLS Section Championship title. This 'girls' team, led by Henry rolled over team after team and of course prevailed in the finals. Shame on any adult who sat silent as this travesty unfolded. The destruction of women's sports is perpetrated by two groups of people. 1) Actual misogynists and 2) the cowards who enable them. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 29, 2024 ~ At the European Pool Championships, female player, Kim O'Brien, forfeited the women's final where she was set to play male player, Harriet Haynes. Women's rights activist @Riley_Gaines_ offered to pay O'Brien's forfeited prize money. Way to take a principled stand Kim O'Brien! [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 28, 2024 ~ 'Two Trans-Identified Males To Compete In The Female Division Of The 2024 New England Track and Field Championship' Biological males Lizzy Cohen Bidwell and Maelle Jacques displaced qualified females from their own sport. When will enough be enough? [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 25, 2024 ~ Ramapo College senior Meghan Cortez-Fields continues to break female school records even though he is male. He's broken 2 records in the last 3 months. Cowards and misogynists continue to allow these travesties of justice to occur. These records must be returned to their owners! [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ 'Trans Controversy Erupts When Girls Basketball Game Ends In Forfeit Following Three Injuries' "Once the third was injured, the remaining five expressed concern to [the coach] about continuing to play." The male player was over 6 feet tall with facial hair. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ Trans women have ruined the loved and popular world wide 'Parkrun.' "Before parkrun wiped the data, at least 16 female parkrun course records (outright & age group) were held by males, & on >150 occasions a male finished '1st Female.' Instead of properly addressing the problem, "Parkrun has [cowardly] removed all gender, course and age records from its website." No more records will be kept (accomplished by erasing all women's records) but this does not help the problem of males winning female events. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ Riley Gaines points out that women's sports are being destroyed by BOTH male and female trans athletes. "Men who identify as women compete in the women's category. Women who identify as men (while taking PEDs) also compete in the women's category." Both are unfair. It must stop. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 12, 2024 ~ Biological male Maelle Jacques won the New Hampshire GIRLS' high school state title in high jumping. @NHIAA_LOA Yay girl power!! Congrats to the Kearsage HS 'girls' team... Their wins are totally legit because he identifies as a girl. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 11, 2024 ~ Biological male Maelle Jacques has won 1st place four times while competing as a girl in track jumping competitions is predicted to take 1st place again at the upcoming New Hampshire state championship. Cowards continue to enable the destruction of women's sports by misogynists. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 8, 2024 ~ They said it would never happen! An ENTIRE TEAM of biological males 'dominating' women in their own sport. Who can be silent anymore other than the most cowardly or misogynistic. There were women on the Seneca Sting but they rode the bench. “Centennial was just outmanned,” explained David Menzies, Outkick's reporter at the event. '5 Transgender Players Dominate Toronto Women‘s Collegiate Volleyball Competition' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 31, 2024 ~ Biological male Sadie (Camden) Schreiner, broke two MORE women's collegiate track records. One day sanity will catch up with this trend and males will no longer be allowed to compete. But when that happens, these records (and all like them) MUST be returned to their rightful owners or men will FOREVER hold records all over women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 28, 2024 ~ Surfing company Rip Curl @ripcurl dropped surfing legend Bethany Hamilton for opposing men surfing in the women's league and then biologcal male surfer Sasha Lowerson as a women's ambassador. Martina Navratilova says "it stinks." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 28, 2024 ~ Caroline Downey, 'USA Climbing Backs Down after Trans Activists Object to Testosterone Limits for Males Competing against Females' Even with the testosterone limits, biological males have a significant advantage in climbing (a power sport) over females. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 22, 2024 ~ Biological male Henry Hanlon is leading The San Francisco Waldorf High School girl's basketball team to a five-game win streak. Hanlon leads the team in scoring. Some High Schools are refusing to play due to the unfairness of Waldorf playing males against girls. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 22, 2024 ~ Biological male Hailey Davidson wins the NXXT Women’s Classic Golf Tournament. Another championship. Will take a spot on the LPGA. @Martina Navratilova says "This really needs to end sooner rather than later. Male bodies, however they might identify, do not belong in women’s sports!" Right. [Trans, Trans Athletes]

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