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Jan 14, 2024 ~ Fitness expert and influencer Jillian Michaels spoke out on allowing biological males in female sports. "Sports is biological. It just is. And I think that you’re starting to actually see women get hurt." "We’re going to systematically destroy women’s sports." #SaveWomensSports [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ Biological male Tate Drageset has been dominating girl's volleyball in high school. He won national titles with USA Volleyball teams in different age groups, earning MVP honors at the Girls Junior National Championships, and was named the California Interscholastic Federation’s Division 5 Player of the Year for 2022-23. Now he is getting a scholarship to play on the women's team at @UW, taking a spot from a woman. [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ Biological male Sadie Schreiner sets the women's school record at Rochester Institute of Technology in the 300m run. Not only did he win the race, stealing victory from women, its yet another female record that will almost certainly never be held by a female again. Disgraceful. [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 9, 2023 ~ A biological male was allowed to take 1st place in the 2023 Southern Region Oireachtas Irish dancing competition in Dallas, TX in a category for females. The girls who have trained for years but don't have the physical advantages he does are outraged. The boy now heads to Worlds. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 9, 2023 ~ Biological male Kylie (Kyle) Small wins the USA Cycling Women's Singlespeed National Championship race. Another women's NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP is won by a man. This is not a national championship, its a national disgrace. How are we allowing this to be done to women? Congratulations to the real winner: Jennifer Malik. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 4, 2023 ~ Biological males Tessa Johnson and Evelyn Williamson placed 1st and 2nd in the Women's Illinois State Cyclocross Championship. The real winner, Kristin Chalmers was the only biological woman on the woman's podium. The real 2nd and 3rd place finishers get no credit or prize money. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 3, 2023 ~ 'Trans U-turn sees female pool players threaten to sue governing body' "30 professional female pool players are threatening to sue their governing body for sex discrimination after it allowed transgender players to compete in women's competitions." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 24, 2023 ~ Biological male Francesca Needham wants to sue the South Yorkshire Woman's Football league for 'discrimination' when teams boycotted his team out of safety and fairness concerns. Needham is much larger and stronger than the women, one of whom suffered a broken knee blocking him. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 24, 2023 ~ Biological male Meghan Cortez-Fields is being called Lia Thomas 2.0 after setting swimming records and coming in first or second place in several female swimming events. First place and broke a school record in the 100-yard butterfly at the Cougar Splash Invitational. First place in the 200-yard individual medley and second place in the 200-yard butterfly. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 16, 2023 ~ Another female pool player forfeits the final of a championship match rather than play a biological male. Lynne Pinches conceded the final of the Ladies Champion of Champions National in Wales rather than play biological male Harriet Haynes. Haynes wins by default. Total disgrace. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 15, 2023 ~ Biological male Athena Ryan took 1st place in a field of 55 girls at the Coastal Mountain Conference Championships in Santa Rosa, CA. Congratulations to the real winner, Josie Hill. How long will this disgraceful madness be allowed to continue? Who will stand up for girls? [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 15, 2023 ~ Katia Bissonnette withdrew (for safety and fairness) from the The 2023 Provincial Golden Glove Championship match after finding out her opponent, Mya Walmsley is a biological male. Walmsley wins by default. Good job Champ! So stunning and brave forcing women out of their sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 14, 2023 ~ "Top Female Pool Champion Refusing to Play against 'Transgender Women'" Alexandra Cunha reacted to the "decision of the World Eightball Pool Federation (WEPF) to allow men who identify as women to compete in the women’s category." She said no, she's not going to play any biological males. "I’m fifth in the world, but I’m risking throwing everything away over this because I hate unfairness." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 9, 2023 ~ Biological male and special forces member Alana McLaughlin overpowered the technically better fighter Celine Provost to win her Combate Global debut MMA fight. Provost laying bloodied on the canvas becomes a perfect metaphor for the state of female sports being destroyed by men. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 8, 2023 ~ The Canadian Powerlifting Union has suspended female athlete April Hutchinson from the sport for 2 years! Her crime? Calling her male powerlifting opponent a “biological man.” Martina Navratilova comments: And people still wonder why the female athletes don’t speak up more??? [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ Biological male Catherine Barnwell won the women’s 3/4 bicycle race at Treehouse CX in Massachusetts. Cowards and misogynists continue to enable males to destroy women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 3, 2023 ~ Caroline Downey, "Female Field Hockey Player Suffers 'Significant' Injuries after Male Opponent’s Shot Strikes Her in the Face" Cowards and misogynists continue to defy science and common sense by allowing males (who 'identify' as female) to play in female sports. The female player had her teeth knocked out. Not a big surprise. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 29, 2023 ~ Men are being allowed to completely take over women's Brazilian jiu-jitsu. So many men were competing in the last North American Grappling Association (NAGA) competition that many women dropped out. So many women dropped out, most divisions had more males than females and some divisions had no females. This disgraceful state of affairs is brought to you by cowards and misogynists.   Ansleigh Wilk summarizes, “The majority of the women feel scared to even speak out about this matter. They don’t want to be labeled a bigot or transphobic. There’s so many girls just not signing up now because they are allowing this. Women’s sports will cease to exist if this keeps up. Medals, belts, records, and money are going to be stripped right away from women.” [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 22, 2023 ~ Oli London reports, "Gymnastics Australia changes guidelines to allow Transgender athletes to compete in the women’s category and for biological males to undress in girls locker rooms and showers. 93% of 800,000 Australians involved in gymnastics are under the age of 12. Under the new rules, biological males will be allowed to compete in whichever category matches their gender identity and will be allowed to wear women’s uniforms. They will also be allowed to undress in women’s locker rooms and showers, regardless of their genitalia." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 19, 2023 ~ Biological male Liz Kocab has 'won' his 8th Championship in Women's Fencing. The misogynists at USA Fencing continue to allow men to make a mockery of women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 14, 2023 ~ Melissa Koenig, 'Trans cyclists take gold and silver in Chicago women's races' "Two transgender cyclists took home gold and silver at a women’s cycling event in Chicago... Tessa Johnson won first place in the Women’s Single Speed and Cat Half categories at the Chicago CycloCross Cup (CCC) while Evelyn Williamson placed second in the Single Speed contest." Down to one actual woman on the podium in a woman's race. Soon there will be none. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 9, 2023 ~ George M. Perry, 'Gender Ideology in Sports Harms Men, Too' A 'non-binary' category provides mediocre men a way to get prize money ahead of countless other higher performing men who get nothing because they foolishly were honest about their gender. [Tariffs, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 29, 2023 ~ Shawn McBreairty, 'Maine’s Own William (Lia) Thomas Situation Unfolding In Cross Country' "Sophomore boy Soren Stark-Chessa, who was running cross country last year as a freshman boy, now is running as a sophomore “girl” and beating the second place girls by nearly 2 minutes." "Most parents are afraid to speak up for fear of being called a 'transphobe.'" These disgraceful spectacles continue to be enabled by cowards and misogynists. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 21, 2023 ~ Biological male Rachel McKinnon who has taken many wins, championships AND records from women in women's cycling says there is no evidence that trans women have advantage in sport (a massively false claim). He then ridiculously claims that being against trans women in female sport "has had history of racism built into it over the years... who gets singled out for scrutiny is based on white women's conceptions of femininity... protecting the fragile cis white women from the rest of us." This is absurd and entirely false. Most of the trans women athletes who are criticized are white like him but he thinks that if he plays the race card in addition to the trans card, he can doubly protect himself from criticism because people will be afraid to be called a 'racist' for disagreeing in addition to being called a 'transphobe.' [Fake Racism, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 19, 2023 ~ The top five money winners in the Bronx 10 Mile 'non-binary' category are of course ALL men (as always). This is why having a trans or non-binary category doesn't work either. Men will get 2 thirds of the prize money and women, only 1 third. Trans rights destroy women's rights. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 14, 2023 ~ Kim Russell, head coach of the Oberlin College women’s lacrosse team has been removed from her job that she did well for 27 years because she opposed biological males in female sports. Science was on her side but the mob was not. Loud and clear message to coaches: Shut up, obey. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 11, 2023 ~ Elaine Mallon, 'Biological Male Cyclists Take Gold Medals in Women‘s Championships' Men are winning women's events left and right. "Evelyn Williamson and Tessa Johnson, biological males, each won gold medals at women’s championships in Illinois." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 11, 2023 ~ Women's fencing is the next sport being destroyed by men. Biological male Eden Philpot won a women's national title and finished top 8 in TWO weapons. Biological male Elizabeth Kocab also won a women’s national title. These travesties are enabled by cowards and misogynists. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 8, 2023 ~ This website will show you the SIX HUNDRED women who have lost their medals/awards to males. This doesn't even include all the women who lost their spot on the team or spot in the semifinals/ finals/ championships to a male in the first place. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 3, 2023 ~ College soccer player Sophia Lorey was invited by the Mary L. Stephens Davis Branch Library in Davis, CA to speak about her experiences as a college athlete. But she was shouted down by a left-wing mob who silence women who think sports should be segregated by sex. Vile. [Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 30, 2023 ~ Oberlin College Head Women’s Lacrosse Coach Kim Russell released documentary called "Burned at the Stake" after being subjected to massive workplace abuse for opposing biological men competing in women's sports. They threw the "unsafe" lie at her and drug her thru DIE hearings. This is an absolutely heartbreaking and infuriating story of #CancelCulture at its most toxic. The mob kept trying to make her apologize for being on the side of science and women's rights and nothing she could say was acceptable to the mob. Her treatment keeps thousands silent. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 27, 2023 ~ Woodstock Union High School snowboarding coach David Bloch was fired from his job because he expressed his (very true) opinion that boys have athletic advantage over girls in sports. His team was playing a girl team with a biological male on it and they said he was 'bullying.' [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 25, 2023 ~ Biological male Claire (Ivan) Law won the women's P/1/2/3 Northwest Champion elimination bike race at the Jerry Baker Velodrome in Washington. Biological males continue to be allowed to take victories, records, spots and prize money from women in women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 25, 2023 ~ Male bike racer Kiana Gysin won the women's Zuricrit fixed gear race in Zürich. Biological males continue to be allowed to take victories, records, spots and prize money from women in women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 18, 2023 ~ The “Comedy Unleashed” comedy festival in Edinburgh Scotland has been canceled because one comedian, Graham Linehan said that men can’t become women, woman can’t become men, and “women deserve single sex spaces and fairness in their sports.” The entire festival was shut down! [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 16, 2023 ~ Biological male Anne Andres set the Canadian women's national deadlift record at the CPU (Canadian Powerlifting Union) Westerns Championship. Andres beat all of the biological women in the the championships by 463 lbs. The cowards and misogynists in CPU allowed this disgrace. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ Texas passes the "Save Women's Sports Act" barring biological males from competing in women's and girl's sports. A few brave states and governors are following the science and protecting women and girls in their sports and spaces, standing up to the small but outspoken mob (which uses violence if necessary). [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) founder Kim Shasby Jones begs the USTA (United States Tennis Association), "Women’s tennis is turning into a laughing stock because of these terrible policies prioritizing the mental health and identity of men over women who have discovered a love of tennis. The women are calling us and begging for help to be allowed to play fairly. They have complained; they don’t know where else to turn. Men are winning national titles, taking the place of women on team tennis, and competing in women’s tournaments across the country. We need to let the women and girls playing tennis know that they deserve to be treated fairly and recognized for their accomplishments." Martina Navratilova agrees: "Come on @USTA- women’s tennis is not for failed male athletes- whatever age. This is not right and it is not fair." Very sad that this is still being allowed to happen by cowards and misogynists. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ 'Parents Pull Daughters From Sports Team Over Safety Concerns After Boy Deemed Allowed To Compete' About 50 parents and athletes within Green Bay Area Public School District met with officials because a male would be allowed to compete on a high school sports team and use the girls locker rooms." To accomodate a few confused boys, girls are no longer participating in their own sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 5, 2023 ~ 6 ft biological male Brooklyn Ross has been competing in NCAA tennis on the woman's side. Jackie Fulkrod stepped down as as president of the Cheyenne Tennis Association board because they were allowing Ross to compete against women in the Wyoming Governor’s Cup. "Very unfair." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 1, 2023 ~ Canadian rugby player Ash Davis was named "hardest hitter" in the men's league. Davis now identifies as 'nonbinary' which he thinks means he should play in the woman's league. Predictably he started injuring women. The women stayed silent for “fear of being labeled transphobic.” [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 31, 2023 ~ Eliza Mondegreen, 'Trans Activism and the Road Not Taken', "It wasn’t necessary to put the trans movement on a collision course with reality, fairness, common sense, medical ethics, toleration for difference, freedom of speech and conscience, and the basic recognition that sex matters." Instead of making reasonable accomodations for people with gender dysphoria, we've sacrificed biological reality, women's rights, female sports, child safety, LGB rights, language and common sense. "When your goal is to reorganize society from top to bottom and fundamentally transform our ideas about human identity and embodiment, 'just believe I’m a person and I’m going through it' doesn’t cut it." [Anti-Science, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 30, 2023 ~ Olympian Sharron Elizabeth Davies asks this about allowing biological men to compete win women's events: “Every day I wake up and go, ‘how are we here? How has this happened? Why has this happened? Who allowed this to happen? And how is everybody so scared when not a single piece of science backs up the inclusion of anyone who’s gone through male puberty into women’s sports as being fair.” Who allowed this to happen? Cowards and misogynists. #SaveWomensSports [Anti-Science, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ Only Republicans will protect women and girls in sports. The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023 would amended Title IX to clarify that biological males cannot compete in female sports. 100% of the yeas, 219 were Republican. 100% of the nays, 203 were Democrat. [Anti-Science, Politics, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ California is adding 3 more states to the list of states employees are banned from traveling to bringing the number to 23! Almost half the country! To be on the allow list, a state must allow males be permitted to compete in female sports because that's fair and scientific. [California, Cancel Culture, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 15, 2023 ~ The organization that governs world cycling, Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), has banned trans athletes from women’s competitions. @Riley_Gaines_ writes: "UCI has joined the likes of FINA (swimming) & World Athletics (track & field) and prioritized fairness in sport." Huge! [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 14, 2023 ~ Yuliah Alma, '“An Injustice” : Former Canadian Olympic Head Coach Speaks Out Against Results Of 2016 Olympics, Calls For Sex-Segregated Sport' The last straw for him was in the women’s 800m where all three medalists were male. Not a single woman on was stage in the woman's event. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 14, 2023 ~ Biological male, Valentina Petrillo, medals in the women’s 400-meter T12 race at the 2023 Paris World Para Athletics Championships. Petrillo has claimed several women’s records and titles, including Italian visually impaired runner’s records for the 200M and the indoor 400M. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 10, 2023 ~ A "16-yo girl banned from YMCA and kicked off her swim team for opposing a naked male in their locker room." @Riley_Gaines_ reports. YMCA allows males to be in the girls locker room even when minors are changing. "There’s nothing I can do about it," they say. [Anti-Science, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 7, 2023 ~ Just when you thought the trans cult could not get any more delusional and deranged, the CDC claims transgenders can 'chestfeed' babies. "Some transgender parents who have had breast/top surgery may wish to breastfeed, or chestfeeding their infants." "Lactation induction is beneficial for gender identity, irrespective of milk production outcomes." Disturbing photos show men attempting to breast feed helpless infants. Pure child abuse. The frustrated, starving baby is being used as an affirmation prop for sick men as it gets fed puss filled, hormone and chemical filled garbage instead of the mother's milk it needs. This is a bridge too far for many people who tried to support even men competing against women in sports. [Anti-Science, Trans, Trans Athletes]

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