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Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'Female Swimmers Sue NCAA over Male Competition, Demand Return of Trophies, Monetary Damages' Led by @Riley_Gaines_ and the Independent Council on Women’s Sports the suit accuses the NCAA and Georgia Tech "of knowingly violating Title IX." [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 6, 2024 ~ Michael @shellenberger releases THE WPATH FILES. (World Professional Association for Transgender Health). It's clear they know that 'gender affirming' treatments sterilize patients and destroy their ability to achieve orgasm both for life. "Many gender medicine patients lose sexual function, including experiencing orgasm. As such, they are not only deprived of sexual pleasure, they are significantly undermining their ability to form long-lasting romantic relationships. It’s clear from the Files that even many people within gender medicine do not understand this." Minors certainly cannot understand the implications or consequences of these irreversible decisions and many deeply regret them later in life. Cross sex hormones also cause serious complications after years including cancer and death. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Mar 5, 2024 ~ A rare voice of courage among a sea of cowards: Dr. Wayne D. Lewis Jr., the president of Houghton University in New York speaks up for female athletes.   “I reached the place where I could no longer remain silent on this issue. When I see young women with Houghton written across their uniform . . . at a competitive disadvantage, sometimes losing opportunities that are hard-earned, there is no way that I, as their president, will continue to sit on the sidelines and refuse to advocate for change.”   “A fringe agenda under the guise of making school and collegiate athletics more inclusive for transgender people has grown to the place of now unfairly displacing gifted and hardworking female athletes, obliterating the historic achievements and records of female athletes of the past, and threatening to dismantle the opportunities and protections for girls and women in sport trailblazing leaders fought so hard to create and protect."   “Too many leaders, parents, professional athletes, and people of goodwill have been silent as female athletes are humiliated, silenced, and robbed of hard-earned opportunities. That silence is complicit with the fringe agenda that threatens to dismantle girls’ and women’s athletics.” [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 5, 2024 ~ Biological male Rose Johnson (6'2") is leading LTS High School girls basketball team in Vermont to a 17-1 record. Nevermind the girl who should be playing in his place or the girls who get concussions from his elbows. What matters is that the boys get to dominate girl's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 4, 2024 ~ 'Two Trans-Identified Males To Compete In The Female Division Of The 2024 New England Track and Field Championship' Biological male, Lizzy Bidwell won the GIRLS New England Track & Field Championship high jump title. He owns the highest female jump in CT. He was 1 of 2 boys in the girls' event of 32. Girls are left cheering the boys on the sidelines in their own sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 3, 2024 ~ Dailymail, "Top girls' league faces being shut down by Football Association" Girls sports will be destroyed one way or the other. If they allow males to play, the males dominate and they get injured. If they don't, their whole league gets shut down! Sick. [Cancel Culture, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 2, 2024 ~ "Vermont Girls’ Coach Defends Decision To Forfeit Game Over Transgender Player: ‘Boys Just Play At A Different Speed’" "We withdrew from the tournament because we believe playing against an opponent with a biological male jeopardizes the fairness of the game and the safety of our players. Allowing biological males to participate in women’s sports sets a bad precedent for the future of women’s sports in general." The team was subsequently banned from future competition anywhere in the state. [Cancel Culture, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 2, 2024 ~ Another women's record falls to biological male Sadie (Camden) Schreiner. Schreiner is the new regional collegiate meet record holder in the women's 200 meter dash. Congrats to the misogynists who are succeeding in destroying women's sports and shame on the cowards enabling them. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 1, 2024 ~ Male player Henry Hanlon led SF Waldorf High School to a GIRLS Section Championship title. This 'girls' team, led by Henry rolled over team after team and of course prevailed in the finals. Shame on any adult who sat silent as this travesty unfolded. The destruction of women's sports is perpetrated by two groups of people. 1) Actual misogynists and 2) the cowards who enable them. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 29, 2024 ~ At the European Pool Championships, female player, Kim O'Brien, forfeited the women's final where she was set to play male player, Harriet Haynes. Women's rights activist @Riley_Gaines_ offered to pay O'Brien's forfeited prize money. Way to take a principled stand Kim O'Brien! [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 28, 2024 ~ 'Two Trans-Identified Males To Compete In The Female Division Of The 2024 New England Track and Field Championship' Biological males Lizzy Cohen Bidwell and Maelle Jacques displaced qualified females from their own sport. When will enough be enough? [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 26, 2024 ~ The death of Nex Benedict is the latest hate crime hoax pushed by the left and the #FakeNews. The narrative is that Nex had a history of being bullied by 3 older girls because she was 'non-binary'. The girls allegedly "beat her to death" on Feb 7. All the #FakeNews is covering. There are vigils. Blue states are crafting "Nex Benedict" laws. And they claim @libsoftiktok somehow contributed to her death. The reality is that these girls and Nex never met before the fight and there is no indication the conflict had anything to do with Nex being 'non-binary.' Nex thought they were laughing at her and instigated a fight with them by pouring water on them and pushing one into a towel dispenser. Nex was examined and released but died the next day. The autopsy has not yet revealed the cause of death but the medical examiner stated it was "not a result of trauma." Leaked reports are claiming it was an overdose of some substance but the toxicology report is forthcoming. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Trans]
Feb 25, 2024 ~ Ramapo College senior Meghan Cortez-Fields continues to break female school records even though he is male. He's broken 2 records in the last 3 months. Cowards and misogynists continue to allow these travesties of justice to occur. These records must be returned to their owners! [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 23, 2024 ~ Its impossible to pinpoint exactly when trans ideology jumped the shark. I say it was when they came up with the 'non-binary' concept. Or perhaps the 'gender fluid' concept? But the shark is far in the rear view mirror for this chick. She's 'tri-gender': male, female and non-binary at once. But she's NOT 'gender fluid' because she experiences them "at the same, time all the time". She doesn't change between them. [Anti-Science, Religion, Trans]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ 'Trans Controversy Erupts When Girls Basketball Game Ends In Forfeit Following Three Injuries' "Once the third was injured, the remaining five expressed concern to [the coach] about continuing to play." The male player was over 6 feet tall with facial hair. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ Spencer Lindquist finds universities are still creating and requiring toxic, racist DIE #CRT and woke gender theory classes. Like 'Decolonial Queerness', 'Gender Archaeolxgy', 'Interrogating Whiteness: Privilege, Racism, and Anti-Racism', 'Anti-Colonial Theory and Practice.' [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Trans]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ Trans women have ruined the loved and popular world wide 'Parkrun.' "Before parkrun wiped the data, at least 16 female parkrun course records (outright & age group) were held by males, & on >150 occasions a male finished '1st Female.' Instead of properly addressing the problem, "Parkrun has [cowardly] removed all gender, course and age records from its website." No more records will be kept (accomplished by erasing all women's records) but this does not help the problem of males winning female events. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ Riley Gaines points out that women's sports are being destroyed by BOTH male and female trans athletes. "Men who identify as women compete in the women's category. Women who identify as men (while taking PEDs) also compete in the women's category." Both are unfair. It must stop. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 12, 2024 ~ Biological male Maelle Jacques won the New Hampshire GIRLS' high school state title in high jumping. @NHIAA_LOA Yay girl power!! Congrats to the Kearsage HS 'girls' team... Their wins are totally legit because he identifies as a girl. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 11, 2024 ~ Biological male Maelle Jacques has won 1st place four times while competing as a girl in track jumping competitions is predicted to take 1st place again at the upcoming New Hampshire state championship. Cowards continue to enable the destruction of women's sports by misogynists. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 11, 2024 ~ The American College of Pediatricians reviewed more than 60 studies on mental health in adolescents with gender dysphoria and concluded "There are no long-term studies demonstrating benefits nor studies evaluating risks associated with the medical and surgical interventions provided to these adolescents.  There is no long-term evidence that mental health concerns are decreased or alleviated after 'gender affirming therapy.' Many individuals who have been treated with “GAT” later regret those interventions and seek to align their gender identity with their sex. Because of the risks of social, medical, and surgical interventions, many European countries are now cautioning against these interventions while encouraging mental health therapy." [Health Care, Trans]
Feb 8, 2024 ~ They said it would never happen! An ENTIRE TEAM of biological males 'dominating' women in their own sport. Who can be silent anymore other than the most cowardly or misogynistic. There were women on the Seneca Sting but they rode the bench. “Centennial was just outmanned,” explained David Menzies, Outkick's reporter at the event. '5 Transgender Players Dominate Toronto Women‘s Collegiate Volleyball Competition' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 1, 2024 ~ Dr. Richard Dawkins again tries to explain that sex is binary to the trans cult: "The way the non-binary faithful obsess about intersexes, and about individuals who can’t produce gametes, amounts to a pathetic clutching at straws while they drown in postmodern effluent. Yes, some fish change from sperm-producing male to egg-producing female (or vice versa). That very statement relies on the gametic definition of male & female. Ditto hermaphroditic worms & snails who can produce both male & female gametes. In any case, the existence of intersexes is irrelevant to transexualist claims, since trans people don’t claim to be intersexes. Also, as if it matters, humans are not worms, snails, or fish. The rare tetra-amelia syndrome (babies born without limbs) does not negate the statement that Homo sapiens is a bipedal species. The rare four-winged bithorax mutation does not negate the statement that Drosophila is a Dipteran (two winged) fly. Similarly, the occasional individual who can’t produce gametes doesn’t negate the generalisation that mammals come in only two sexes, male and female, defined by games size. Sex is binary as a matter of biological fact. "Gender" is a different matter and I leave that to others to define." It must be exhausting to have to keep explaining basic biology to cultists. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Jan 31, 2024 ~ Biological male Sadie (Camden) Schreiner, broke two MORE women's collegiate track records. One day sanity will catch up with this trend and males will no longer be allowed to compete. But when that happens, these records (and all like them) MUST be returned to their rightful owners or men will FOREVER hold records all over women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 31, 2024 ~ Richard Dawkins debunking another religion: the trans cult. "This ridiculous article (shame on the once-great Scientific American) ignorantly misunderstands the nature of the sex binary: 'Actual research shows that sex is anything but binary'. Sex is not defined by chromosomes, nor by anatomy, nor by psychology or sociology, nor by personal inclination, nor by “assignment at birth”, but by gamete size. It happens to be embryologically DETERMINED by chromosomes in mammals and (in the opposite direction) birds, by temperature in some reptiles, by social factors in some fish. But it is universally DEFINED by the binary distinction between sperms and eggs. You may argue about 'gender' if you wish (biologists have better things to do) but sex is a true binary, one of rather few in biology." [Anti-Science, Fake News, Trans]
Jan 28, 2024 ~ Surfing company Rip Curl @ripcurl dropped surfing legend Bethany Hamilton for opposing men surfing in the women's league and then biologcal male surfer Sasha Lowerson as a women's ambassador. Martina Navratilova says "it stinks." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 28, 2024 ~ Caroline Downey, 'USA Climbing Backs Down after Trans Activists Object to Testosterone Limits for Males Competing against Females' Even with the testosterone limits, biological males have a significant advantage in climbing (a power sport) over females. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 22, 2024 ~ Biological male Henry Hanlon is leading The San Francisco Waldorf High School girl's basketball team to a five-game win streak. Hanlon leads the team in scoring. Some High Schools are refusing to play due to the unfairness of Waldorf playing males against girls. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 22, 2024 ~ Biological male Hailey Davidson wins the NXXT Women’s Classic Golf Tournament. Another championship. Will take a spot on the LPGA. @Martina Navratilova says "This really needs to end sooner rather than later. Male bodies, however they might identify, do not belong in women’s sports!" Right. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ Fitness expert and influencer Jillian Michaels spoke out on allowing biological males in female sports. "Sports is biological. It just is. And I think that you’re starting to actually see women get hurt." "We’re going to systematically destroy women’s sports." #SaveWomensSports [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ "‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Is Increasingly Being Recognized as Unscientific" "'Experts' profess certainty that “gender-affirming care” alleviates mental-health distress. They arrive at this conclusion through deeply flawed studies that rely on patient self-reports of mental health. But other clinical indicators suggest that medical transition in fact exacerbates mental-health distress." "Lower life expectancy among those who medically transition is also likely attributable to the regimen of cross-sex hormones that transitioners take. Previous research has documented that cross-sex hormone therapy is associated with increased risk of heart disease and obesity. A new study published by University of California, Davis, researchers also hints at greater [thyroid] cancer risk." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Jan 4, 2024 ~ UN Women appoints biological male Munroe Bergdorf as its "UK Champion." In order to signal wokeness, trans women are even preferred over biological women, not only erasing women from their own spaces, but appointing males to be the literal 'representatives' of women. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Gender, Trans]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Free Speech Is Already Dead in Great Britain' A man is hauled in for 'offensive' speech on Twitter including disagreeing that a biological male IS a woman. "Is there any lawful excuse why you made these tweets?" Thank God for 1A. [Anti-Science, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ Biological male Tate Drageset has been dominating girl's volleyball in high school. He won national titles with USA Volleyball teams in different age groups, earning MVP honors at the Girls Junior National Championships, and was named the California Interscholastic Federation’s Division 5 Player of the Year for 2022-23. Now he is getting a scholarship to play on the women's team at @UW, taking a spot from a woman. [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ Biological male Sadie Schreiner sets the women's school record at Rochester Institute of Technology in the 300m run. Not only did he win the race, stealing victory from women, its yet another female record that will almost certainly never be held by a female again. Disgraceful. [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 9, 2023 ~ A biological male was allowed to take 1st place in the 2023 Southern Region Oireachtas Irish dancing competition in Dallas, TX in a category for females. The girls who have trained for years but don't have the physical advantages he does are outraged. The boy now heads to Worlds. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 9, 2023 ~ Biological male Kylie (Kyle) Small wins the USA Cycling Women's Singlespeed National Championship race. Another women's NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP is won by a man. This is not a national championship, its a national disgrace. How are we allowing this to be done to women? Congratulations to the real winner: Jennifer Malik. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 4, 2023 ~ Biological males Tessa Johnson and Evelyn Williamson placed 1st and 2nd in the Women's Illinois State Cyclocross Championship. The real winner, Kristin Chalmers was the only biological woman on the woman's podium. The real 2nd and 3rd place finishers get no credit or prize money. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 3, 2023 ~ 'Trans U-turn sees female pool players threaten to sue governing body' "30 professional female pool players are threatening to sue their governing body for sex discrimination after it allowed transgender players to compete in women's competitions." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 27, 2023 ~ 'Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority Retaliates Against Alumnae For Standing Up For Women, Revokes Lifetime Membership After 50 Years Of Sisterhood': Sorority kicks out women to make room for men. Patsy Levang and Cheryl Tuck-Smith were kicked out because they objected to a 6'2" 260 lb man joining. Tuck-Smith said, "KKG has become a political tool rather than an organization that promotes women. My dismissal simply spurs me on to educate others about the dangers of DEI which in reality does not support diversity, equity and inclusion." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Silencing, Trans]
Nov 26, 2023 ~ Trans author Gretchen Felker-Martin known for threatening to slit Harry Potter author @jk_rowling’s throat said this of Osama bin Laden: "Blowing up the World Trade Center is probably the most principled and defensible thing he did." Left wingers have always been violent but only recently have their antisemitism and anti-Americanism revealed that they are genocidal in their hearts. And the people they want to commit genocide against most likely includes you... [Anti-Semitism, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Trans, Violent Left]
Nov 24, 2023 ~ Biological male Francesca Needham wants to sue the South Yorkshire Woman's Football league for 'discrimination' when teams boycotted his team out of safety and fairness concerns. Needham is much larger and stronger than the women, one of whom suffered a broken knee blocking him. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 24, 2023 ~ Biological male Meghan Cortez-Fields is being called Lia Thomas 2.0 after setting swimming records and coming in first or second place in several female swimming events. First place and broke a school record in the 100-yard butterfly at the Cougar Splash Invitational. First place in the 200-yard individual medley and second place in the 200-yard butterfly. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 16, 2023 ~ Another female pool player forfeits the final of a championship match rather than play a biological male. Lynne Pinches conceded the final of the Ladies Champion of Champions National in Wales rather than play biological male Harriet Haynes. Haynes wins by default. Total disgrace. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 15, 2023 ~ Biological male Athena Ryan took 1st place in a field of 55 girls at the Coastal Mountain Conference Championships in Santa Rosa, CA. Congratulations to the real winner, Josie Hill. How long will this disgraceful madness be allowed to continue? Who will stand up for girls? [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 15, 2023 ~ Americans should really value the 1st Amendment. Recently, 2 men were arrested in Canada for a private conversation between them on an unapproved topic. Now a British woman is hauled in under the 'Malicious Communications Act' tweets opposing modern gender ideology scientifically. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Nov 15, 2023 ~ Katia Bissonnette withdrew (for safety and fairness) from the The 2023 Provincial Golden Glove Championship match after finding out her opponent, Mya Walmsley is a biological male. Walmsley wins by default. Good job Champ! So stunning and brave forcing women out of their sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 14, 2023 ~ "Top Female Pool Champion Refusing to Play against 'Transgender Women'" Alexandra Cunha reacted to the "decision of the World Eightball Pool Federation (WEPF) to allow men who identify as women to compete in the women’s category." She said no, she's not going to play any biological males. "I’m fifth in the world, but I’m risking throwing everything away over this because I hate unfairness." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 10, 2023 ~ This woman is a tragic example of how a woke education turns people into pathetic, helpless victims. They 'collect' as many victim cards as they can and throw them out one by one to try to escape responsibility for their actions. 'As an indigenous person', 'non-binary', 'social anxiety', 'you're trying to intimidate me', 'generational trauma', 'triggering', 'PTSD around white people', 'you're being a white man' (for arresting her for driving drunk) etc. And notice the causal racism that woke people think is acceptable; that it's 'traumatic' to BE AROUND white people. Imagine if such a thing was said about any other race. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism, Police, Racism, Trans]
Nov 9, 2023 ~ A few pages were leaked from the notebooks of transgender Nashville mass shooter Audrey Hale, who killed 6 people including 3 children. The writings indicate severe anti-white hatred. "Those crackers going to private fancy schools... I wish to shoot you weak ass dicks with your mop yellow hair." "Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots with your white privilege fuck you faggots." Its not hard to imagine where her anti-white hatred came from. Its pushed by DEI departments of every school, business and other instituions. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Guns-Mass Shootings, Illegal Immigration, Racism, Trans]

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