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Nov 9, 2023 ~ A few pages were leaked from the notebooks of transgender Nashville mass shooter Audrey Hale, who killed 6 people including 3 children. The writings indicate severe anti-white hatred. "Those crackers going to private fancy schools... I wish to shoot you weak ass dicks with your mop yellow hair." "Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots with your white privilege fuck you faggots." Its not hard to imagine where her anti-white hatred came from. Its pushed by DEI departments of every school, business and other instituions. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Guns-Mass Shootings, Illegal Immigration, Racism, Trans]
Nov 9, 2023 ~ Biological male and special forces member Alana McLaughlin overpowered the technically better fighter Celine Provost to win her Combate Global debut MMA fight. Provost laying bloodied on the canvas becomes a perfect metaphor for the state of female sports being destroyed by men. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 8, 2023 ~ The Canadian Powerlifting Union has suspended female athlete April Hutchinson from the sport for 2 years! Her crime? Calling her male powerlifting opponent a “biological man.” Martina Navratilova comments: And people still wonder why the female athletes don’t speak up more??? [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ Biological male Catherine Barnwell won the women’s 3/4 bicycle race at Treehouse CX in Massachusetts. Cowards and misogynists continue to enable males to destroy women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ Mairead Elordi, 'Physician Who Pioneered Transgender Hormone Treatments For Children Speaks Out About Dangers' Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, chief adolescent psychiatrist at Finland’s Tampere University Hospital was in charge of the gender clinic since 2011. She has since come to believe that 'gender affirming care' does far more harm than good and is dong permanent damage to many young people that really aren't gender dysphoric. They got 'droves' new patients, "90% of whom were girls aged 15 to 17, and many of them had 'severe psychiatric conditions' she said."   "Some of the girls had family issues, and 'many' were on the autism spectrum, Kaltiala said. In addition, many had suddenly announced their gender dysphoria in adolescence."   “Now they were coming to us because their parents, usually just mothers, had been told by someone in an LGBT organization that gender identity was their child’s real problem, or the child had seen something online about the benefits of transition.”   Did it help these kids? No. “The miracle we had been promised was not happening.” “What we were seeing was just the opposite,” Kaltiala said. “The young people we were treating were not thriving. Instead, their lives were deteriorating,” including the youth becoming socially isolated.   "Meanwhile, Kaltiala’s colleagues in other countries were seeing the same trend, she said." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Nov 4, 2023 ~ Now being taught in UK schools: Every identity group has its own flag EXCEPT 'straight' and 'cis.' They are blank. This shows that all wokeness is the same. The racial equivalent is that every group of people in the world are “people of color” except white people who have no color. Reject it all! [CRT DIE Wokeness, Identity Politics, LGBT, Racism, Trans]
Nov 3, 2023 ~ Caroline Downey, "Female Field Hockey Player Suffers 'Significant' Injuries after Male Opponent’s Shot Strikes Her in the Face" Cowards and misogynists continue to defy science and common sense by allowing males (who 'identify' as female) to play in female sports. The female player had her teeth knocked out. Not a big surprise. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 29, 2023 ~ Men are being allowed to completely take over women's Brazilian jiu-jitsu. So many men were competing in the last North American Grappling Association (NAGA) competition that many women dropped out. So many women dropped out, most divisions had more males than females and some divisions had no females. This disgraceful state of affairs is brought to you by cowards and misogynists.   Ansleigh Wilk summarizes, “The majority of the women feel scared to even speak out about this matter. They don’t want to be labeled a bigot or transphobic. There’s so many girls just not signing up now because they are allowing this. Women’s sports will cease to exist if this keeps up. Medals, belts, records, and money are going to be stripped right away from women.” [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 22, 2023 ~ Oli London reports, "Gymnastics Australia changes guidelines to allow Transgender athletes to compete in the women’s category and for biological males to undress in girls locker rooms and showers. 93% of 800,000 Australians involved in gymnastics are under the age of 12. Under the new rules, biological males will be allowed to compete in whichever category matches their gender identity and will be allowed to wear women’s uniforms. They will also be allowed to undress in women’s locker rooms and showers, regardless of their genitalia." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 19, 2023 ~ Biological male Liz Kocab has 'won' his 8th Championship in Women's Fencing. The misogynists at USA Fencing continue to allow men to make a mockery of women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 14, 2023 ~ Melissa Koenig, 'Trans cyclists take gold and silver in Chicago women's races' "Two transgender cyclists took home gold and silver at a women’s cycling event in Chicago... Tessa Johnson won first place in the Women’s Single Speed and Cat Half categories at the Chicago CycloCross Cup (CCC) while Evelyn Williamson placed second in the Single Speed contest." Down to one actual woman on the podium in a woman's race. Soon there will be none. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 9, 2023 ~ George M. Perry, 'Gender Ideology in Sports Harms Men, Too' A 'non-binary' category provides mediocre men a way to get prize money ahead of countless other higher performing men who get nothing because they foolishly were honest about their gender. [Tariffs, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 9, 2023 ~ AnitaB.org held the Grace Hopper Celebration, an annual convention and career fair intended for “women and non-binary technologists.” They were annoyed at how many males claimed to be 'non-binary' to join the event. "Some of you lied on your gender identity to register." This is ridiculous. They opened up the event to 'non-binary' people and then they dare to tell people they are not 'non-binary?' Newsflash: NO ONE is 'non-binary' because its a totally fake thing. If they didn't want people falsely claiming to be 'non-binary,' they should not have opened the event 'non-binary' people. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Oct 3, 2023 ~ Wesley Yang explains why Jazz Jennings who once was the 'poster child' for puberty blockers and early transition is now "a total refutation of all their claims." "The reason glorifying Jazz Jennings as a "girl brain in a boy body" to Kindergartners is bad is that Jazz was castrated and had his penis removed on television in a botched operation that required three additional surgeries and left him sterile and anorgasmic for life at 17 before he had ever had an adult relationship. He is now 100 pounds overweight and severely depressed but forever committed to pretending that his mother, the TV producers, and the surgeon who castrated him helped him discover his "true self" because he liked the color pink and lip synching to pop songs as a six year old. There can really be no other purpose to parading around this 'celebrity' than to induct other six year old boys who like the color pink and doing cartwheels into a lifetime of medicalized self-harm. Schools should not be recruitment organs for a cult of medicalized self-harm." The puberty blockers did not help because as he ages he looks more and more masculine. Another commenter: "Jazz's televised transition was managed by the best doctors Hollywood's money could buy and it was an abject disaster. This story is an example of why pediatric transitions should be banned, and proof that medical "experts" on this subject are not entitled to deference." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Sep 29, 2023 ~ Shawn McBreairty, 'Maine’s Own William (Lia) Thomas Situation Unfolding In Cross Country' "Sophomore boy Soren Stark-Chessa, who was running cross country last year as a freshman boy, now is running as a sophomore “girl” and beating the second place girls by nearly 2 minutes." "Most parents are afraid to speak up for fear of being called a 'transphobe.'" These disgraceful spectacles continue to be enabled by cowards and misogynists. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 28, 2023 ~ Professor Elizabeth Weiss @eweissunburied, 'Discussing sex is no longer allowed at Anthropology conferences' Both the the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) informed her that her scheduled panel: "Why biological sex remains a necessary analytic category in anthropology," is no longer allowed due to the ridiculous claim that very real and foundational to anthropology scientific discussion about the sex of human remains will "cause harm to members represented by the Trans and LGBTQI of the anthropological community as well as the community at large." Once again, science and truth are sacrificed at the alter of the anti-science called 'modern gender theory.' [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Silencing, Trans]
Sep 26, 2023 ~ Paul Bois, 'Transgender Man Who Raped Daughter Forced on Female Inmates' Its no surprise that the majority of 'trans' women put in women's prisons are sex offenders. Misogynists are laughing and celebrating what trans rights activists have accomplished. [Crime, Trans]
Sep 22, 2023 ~ Competetor Makani was disqualified from a Pokemon tournament in North Carolina for laughing nervously when asked for and gave 'his pronouns.' The judge who was 'non-binary' said he was being a jerk but as a student, he was just just caught off guard. Trans 'inclusion' at work. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Trans]
Sep 22, 2023 ~ Like a house of cards, trans ideology collapses under the slightest critical examinations of its claims. The next foundational card to fall is the idea that modern 'gender affirming care' is needed to prevent suicides. There were only 4 suicides out of 15,032 patients 2010-2020. [Fake News, Health Care, Trans]
Sep 21, 2023 ~ Biological male Rachel McKinnon who has taken many wins, championships AND records from women in women's cycling says there is no evidence that trans women have advantage in sport (a massively false claim). He then ridiculously claims that being against trans women in female sport "has had history of racism built into it over the years... who gets singled out for scrutiny is based on white women's conceptions of femininity... protecting the fragile cis white women from the rest of us." This is absurd and entirely false. Most of the trans women athletes who are criticized are white like him but he thinks that if he plays the race card in addition to the trans card, he can doubly protect himself from criticism because people will be afraid to be called a 'racist' for disagreeing in addition to being called a 'transphobe.' [Fake Racism, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 19, 2023 ~ The top five money winners in the Bronx 10 Mile 'non-binary' category are of course ALL men (as always). This is why having a trans or non-binary category doesn't work either. Men will get 2 thirds of the prize money and women, only 1 third. Trans rights destroy women's rights. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 14, 2023 ~ Kim Russell, head coach of the Oberlin College women’s lacrosse team has been removed from her job that she did well for 27 years because she opposed biological males in female sports. Science was on her side but the mob was not. Loud and clear message to coaches: Shut up, obey. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ Important message from Dr. Elliot Kaminetzky, "The more I’ve learned about pediatric gender medicine the more concerned I’ve become. I feared I was a terrible bigot. I am not. Over the past few years, I’ve been speaking privately to many therapists: high profile therapists, LGBTQ+ ally therapists, specialists and generalists and yes, even trans therapists. Almost every single one of them had an array of concerns about how the medical and mental health establishment is harming children, from the researchers using the shoddiest research practices to the therapists abandoning serious assessment. (Those not concerned knew almost nothing about it and were shocked to learn about it). All of these therapists are afraid to say anything which is the scariest part of all. They have their practices, their tenure, their dinner parties, their salaries, their mortgage, their board seats, and leadership positions that they fear will all be put in jeopardy should they open their mouth. I don’t blame them. I was one of them. Until now. This is too important to be silent about. The science is not settled. There is no consensus. These kids need our genuine therapeutic help, not a fast track to puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery (see below). Every country that has been doing this before the US has since significantly altered course. We are an outlier. Therapists, your silence makes the lives of honest therapists who care to speak out so much harder. I don’t know how much longer this will last, but I can’t sleep knowing that I was silent when children are being harmed every day." [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Sep 11, 2023 ~ Elaine Mallon, 'Biological Male Cyclists Take Gold Medals in Women‘s Championships' Men are winning women's events left and right. "Evelyn Williamson and Tessa Johnson, biological males, each won gold medals at women’s championships in Illinois." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 11, 2023 ~ Women's fencing is the next sport being destroyed by men. Biological male Eden Philpot won a women's national title and finished top 8 in TWO weapons. Biological male Elizabeth Kocab also won a women’s national title. These travesties are enabled by cowards and misogynists. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 8, 2023 ~ This website will show you the SIX HUNDRED women who have lost their medals/awards to males. This doesn't even include all the women who lost their spot on the team or spot in the semifinals/ finals/ championships to a male in the first place. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 7, 2023 ~ .@joerogan on 'trans affirming care' for children: "“What scares me about this is what they’re doing with children. It’s terrifying that they’re calling it ‘gender affirming care’ when it’s really childhood mutilation before you have the ability to figure out what ‘permanent’ means... And this idea that you should be able to make life changing choices like hormone blockers, which are not reversible, no matter what the f*** they say. They say it’s reversible. No, the changes happened to your body during puberty and if you stop those changes, that change, you can’t reverse that. You’re going to have a micro penis, you’re taking estrogen while your body is developing, you’re blocking testosterone. If you’re doing all that stuff, it’s going to have an effect on your body... And how many detransitioners are there who have horrible stories? And you’re a monster and a bigot if you even bring that up, which is f***ing insane.” [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Sep 3, 2023 ~ College soccer player Sophia Lorey was invited by the Mary L. Stephens Davis Branch Library in Davis, CA to speak about her experiences as a college athlete. But she was shouted down by a left-wing mob who silence women who think sports should be segregated by sex. Vile. [Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 3, 2023 ~ Heartbreaking video of a biological boy Joseph, who to is going by Josie. He is about to get implanted with puberty blockers. He clearly does not want to do it but is being pressured by his mom. He cries to her, "Sometimes I think I’m a boy kinda.. Will you love me if I’m a boy?" [Anti-Science, Trans]
Aug 31, 2023 ~ Andy Ngo reports, "A Portland #trans activist with a violent criminal history allegedly destroyed a teen girl's car & smeared feces all over. The suspect allegedly told police the girl was 'transphobic.' Vivian Shemansky was released the same day from jail." Its unclear what the girl did to offend 'Vivian', but he does not even come close to passing for a female so it was probably an honest mistake. [Crime, Trans, Violent Left]
Aug 30, 2023 ~ Gays Against Groomers comments on indoctrinating children with gender ideology; "Children are trusting. You can tell them anything and they’ll believe it as truth. That's why telling kids they could have been born in the wrong body is so harmful. They don't know what that ultimately means and it will only confuse them. It is not reality. No child is born in the wrong body. Leave the kids alone." [Anti-Science, LGBT, Trans]
Aug 30, 2023 ~ The president of WPATH admits that boys given puberty blockers (at Tanner Stage 2) have never been able to have an orgasm as an adult. And they become sterilized for life. Children have no idea what they are giving up. Adults who perform or support this are monsters. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Aug 30, 2023 ~ Oberlin College Head Women’s Lacrosse Coach Kim Russell released documentary called "Burned at the Stake" after being subjected to massive workplace abuse for opposing biological men competing in women's sports. They threw the "unsafe" lie at her and drug her thru DIE hearings. This is an absolutely heartbreaking and infuriating story of #CancelCulture at its most toxic. The mob kept trying to make her apologize for being on the side of science and women's rights and nothing she could say was acceptable to the mob. Her treatment keeps thousands silent. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 27, 2023 ~ Wesley Smith, 'Denmark Joins the European "Gender-Affirming Care" Backpedalers' "By 2018, Denmark’s centralized gender service was medically transitioning 65% of referred youth." Now its down to 6%. Not yet 0% but MAJOR progress! [Health Care, Trans]
Aug 27, 2023 ~ Woodstock Union High School snowboarding coach David Bloch was fired from his job because he expressed his (very true) opinion that boys have athletic advantage over girls in sports. His team was playing a girl team with a biological male on it and they said he was 'bullying.' [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 25, 2023 ~ Biological male Claire (Ivan) Law won the women's P/1/2/3 Northwest Champion elimination bike race at the Jerry Baker Velodrome in Washington. Biological males continue to be allowed to take victories, records, spots and prize money from women in women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 25, 2023 ~ Male bike racer Kiana Gysin won the women's Zuricrit fixed gear race in Zürich. Biological males continue to be allowed to take victories, records, spots and prize money from women in women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 25, 2023 ~ 'Over half of transgender prisoners in Wisconsin are sex offenders' Meaning the MAJORITY of 'trans-women' they are putting in women's prisons are MALE sex offenders! With predictable results. Only misogynists (and Democrats) could possibly support this. [Crime, Trans]
Aug 20, 2023 ~ Beege Welborn, 'Tragedy: When a colon just won't work as a vagina' Puberty blockers prevent penis development so insufficient material is available for a 'neovagina.' Some doctors try to use colon material with horrific results including death. At best, these medical patients for life are left with a very poor substitute for a vagina and will likely never be able to experience orgasm. "You are left sexually crippled for life, because you made a decision as an 11 year old." This madness, this barbarism has got to stop. [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Aug 19, 2023 ~ Ben Appel, 'Homophobia in drag' "All around me, it seemed, straight people were spontaneously identifying into my community and then policing our behaviours and customs. I began to think that this broadening of the ‘trans’ and ‘queer’ umbrella was giving a hell of a lot of people a free pass to express their homophobia." "I learned about current medical practices in Iran, where gay sex is illegal and punishable by death, and where medical transition is subsidised by the state to ‘cure’ gays and lesbians who, the theocratic elite insists, are ‘normal’ people ‘trapped in the wrong bodies’. I privately drew parallels between the anti-gay laws and practices of Iran and what I saw developing in the West." "Then, I learned about what was happening to gender-nonconforming kids – that they were being prescribed off-label drugs to halt their natural development, so that they’d have time to decide if they were really transgender. If so, they would then be more successful at passing as the opposite sex in adulthood." "I learned the actual statistics: nearly all children who are prescribed puberty blockers go on to receive cross-sex hormones. Blockers don’t give a kid time to think. They solidify him in a trans identity and sentence him to a lifetime of very expensive, experimental medicalisation. I wondered how different these so-called trans kids were from the little boy I had been." "I learned that for decades after their invention, synthetic ‘sex hormones’ were used by doctors and scientists who sought to ‘cure’ homosexuality, and by law enforcement to chemically castrate men convicted of committing homosexual acts." "if I had been a young boy now, I likely would have been prescribed puberty blockers and gone on to medically transition." [Anti-Science, LGBT, Trans]
Aug 18, 2023 ~ The “Comedy Unleashed” comedy festival in Edinburgh Scotland has been canceled because one comedian, Graham Linehan said that men can’t become women, woman can’t become men, and “women deserve single sex spaces and fairness in their sports.” The entire festival was shut down! [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 16, 2023 ~ "Lesbian Speed Dating Event Shut Down for Only Allowing 'Adult Females'" Author Helen Joyce, “This story is immensely distressing. Lesbians being investigated for bigotry simply because they have the temerity to hold a speed-dating event from which men are excluded." [LGBT, Trans]
Aug 16, 2023 ~ Biological male Anne Andres set the Canadian women's national deadlift record at the CPU (Canadian Powerlifting Union) Westerns Championship. Andres beat all of the biological women in the the championships by 463 lbs. The cowards and misogynists in CPU allowed this disgrace. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ WSJ, @SwipeWright, Colin Wright, "A Biologist Explains Why Sex Is Binary, In an effort to confuse the issue, gender ideologues cite rare ambiguous ‘intersex’ cases." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ Texas passes the "Save Women's Sports Act" barring biological males from competing in women's and girl's sports. A few brave states and governors are following the science and protecting women and girls in their sports and spaces, standing up to the small but outspoken mob (which uses violence if necessary). [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) founder Kim Shasby Jones begs the USTA (United States Tennis Association), "Women’s tennis is turning into a laughing stock because of these terrible policies prioritizing the mental health and identity of men over women who have discovered a love of tennis. The women are calling us and begging for help to be allowed to play fairly. They have complained; they don’t know where else to turn. Men are winning national titles, taking the place of women on team tennis, and competing in women’s tournaments across the country. We need to let the women and girls playing tennis know that they deserve to be treated fairly and recognized for their accomplishments." Martina Navratilova agrees: "Come on @USTA- women’s tennis is not for failed male athletes- whatever age. This is not right and it is not fair." Very sad that this is still being allowed to happen by cowards and misogynists. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ 'Parents Pull Daughters From Sports Team Over Safety Concerns After Boy Deemed Allowed To Compete' About 50 parents and athletes within Green Bay Area Public School District met with officials because a male would be allowed to compete on a high school sports team and use the girls locker rooms." To accomodate a few confused boys, girls are no longer participating in their own sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 9, 2023 ~ If you incur student debt in a gender studies program (which Biden will force taxpayers to fund), you can learn the thoughts of trans writer Andrea Long Chu who was given the Pulitzer prize for such insights as "The asshole [is] a kind of universal vagina through which femaleness can always be accessed. Getting fucked makes you female because fucked is what a female is." [College, Feminism, Gender, LGBT, Student Loans, Trans]
Aug 5, 2023 ~ 6 ft biological male Brooklyn Ross has been competing in NCAA tennis on the woman's side. Jackie Fulkrod stepped down as as president of the Cheyenne Tennis Association board because they were allowing Ross to compete against women in the Wyoming Governor’s Cup. "Very unfair." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 1, 2023 ~ Canadian rugby player Ash Davis was named "hardest hitter" in the men's league. Davis now identifies as 'nonbinary' which he thinks means he should play in the woman's league. Predictably he started injuring women. The women stayed silent for “fear of being labeled transphobic.” [Trans, Trans Athletes]

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