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May 15, 2023 ~ Biological male Molly Cameron takes 1st place in the Oregon Cascade Gravel Grinder bike race! Yay women! Go women! What an exciting time for women! Their sports are being invaded and destroyed by mediocre men and no one except @Riley_Gaines_ is doing ANYTHING about it! [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 15, 2023 ~ The Dublin Marathon shows the consequences of creating a non-binary category. All the winners in the NB category are males. So there are now 2 male categories and 1 female meaning men get double the money of women. Again! Women finally got equal prize money and its already gone. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 9, 2023 ~ Biological male Tara (Todd) Seplavy won the women's 3/4/5 at the Emrick Blvd Crit in Pennsylvania. Men are winning and taking spots from women in women's sports every single day. Its happening more and more, enabled by cowards too afraid to speak up and straight up misogynists who are enjoying it. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 9, 2023 ~ Trans 'woman' Halba Diouf, wins the NCAA Open women's 200m race in Nice, France in near record time. How is this still being allowed? Will no one stand up for women and girls? They're losing all they fought for and won. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 9, 2023 ~ Trans woman "Kenzie (Kenneth) Statz was 4th overall in the women's open and first in the W40-49 today at the Iola Bump and Jump mountain bike race. This race is part of the Wisconsin Off Road Series." H/T @i_heart__bikes [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 3, 2023 ~ David Hughes won the Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, taking a $5,500 prize in the women’s category. Hughes beat out 82 women who entered the tournament, PokerNews reported. As long as no one is brave enough to stop this, men will capitalize. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 3, 2023 ~ Biological man Austin Killips won the Tour of the Gila cycling championship in New Mexico. Killips finished 89 seconds ahead of his closest competitor, a woman and was awarded with the championship cup and $35,000. This was the first time this tour paid the women the same as the men but dudes got both $35,000 prizes and the women got zippo. Misogynists are cheering. Cowards are keeping their heads down and their mouths closed. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 3, 2023 ~ A woman testifying to the Louisiana House of Reps against HB 463, which would ban pediatric gender mutilation, says that she knew her daughter was actually a boy because "her food choices were odd. They were always raw green vegetables." (and she had trouble sleeping). [Anti-Science, Trans]
May 1, 2023 ~ Madeleine Kearns, 'There’s No Appeasing Transgender Activists' If you are polite to trans women by treating them as a women in some cases, they will use that against you by calling you a hypocrite for not allowing them into every girl/woman's space like sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 1, 2023 ~ "Male cyclist Cara (Cameron) Dixon won the women's category at the Dirty Reiver gravel race in the UK last weekend. Dixon was 1st overall female, beating second place by over an hour." @i_heart__bikes  As usual, Dixon would have had a mediocre finish on the men's side. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 26, 2023 ~ Essex Westford School District tells parents: "In an effort to align our curriculum with our equity policy, teachers will be using gender inclusive language... Person who produces sperm in place of boy, male. Person who produces eggs in place of girl, female." [Anti-Science, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Trans]
Apr 25, 2023 ~ Clarice Feldman, 'Erasing Women' List of awards men won. Lia Thomas, ESPN Women's History Month, Rachel Levine, USA Today Woman of the Year, Caitlyn Jenner, Glamour Woman of the Year, Laverne Cox, Glamour Woman of the Year, Laurel Hubbard, sportswoman of the year, Ebony Harper, Woman of the Year. Celia Chung, Woman of the Year. And more... [Anti-Science, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 9, 2023 ~ More info coming out about the @Riley_Gaines_ assault and kidnapping. The trans activist thugs that assaulted her and would not let her leave the classroom she was hiding in were demanding money in exchange for releasing her. “Tell her to pay us, then she can go.” No arrests yet. [College, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Violent Left]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Yes, We Are Making Kids Trans' "We’re going to look back years from now and wonder how we failed young girls so badly." "Young people in CA identify as trans at a nearly 38% higher rate than the national average. And in the Davis Joint Unified School District, in a heavily progressive city outside Sacramento, the rate is three times that of CA as a whole." [Rich Lowry, Trans]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ #FakeNews @NPR which Twitter now correctly labels as 'State Sponsored Media' makes the ridiculously anti-scientific claim that biological males have "limited scientific evidence of physical advantage" over biological females in sports. Embarrassing how fake the #FakeNews can be. [Anti-Science, Fake News, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ 'Debunked: The Transgender 'Brain Sex' Argument', by @buttonslives Christina Buttons debunks the popular narrative that trans people have the brains (or brain 'structures') of the sex they identify as. [Trans]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ Swimming champ Riley Gaines had to be barricaded in a safe room after being assaulted multiple and swarmed by transgender activists at San Francisco State University for having the very reasonable opinion that men and women's sports should be separate. Gaines lost events to men. The left, especially TRAs are getting more violent. Not content to just shut down speech they don't agree with, they physically attack those who defy them. Gaines was assaulted multiple times even WITH police protection and had to barricade in a room to prevent further injury. [Trans, Trans Athletes, Violent Left]
Apr 6, 2023 ~ Finland's Tampere University's professor of youth psychiatry Riittakerttu Kaltiala says minors with gender confusion should NOT be 'transitioned' because four out of five children who identify with the opposite sex feel differently in adolescence. Its not that uncommon. [Gender, Trans]
Apr 6, 2023 ~ Sanity is starting to surface here and there. Swim England has banned biological men from competing in the women's side of the competition. An 'open' category was created for trans and non-binary swimmers. The cowardly NCAA is still destroying sports for college women. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 6, 2023 ~ Study: 'Is Social Gender Transition Associated with Mental Health Status in Children and Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria?' No significant differences in pathological indicators such as mood disorders, anxiety and suicide attempts between gender dysphoric adolescents who did and didn’t socially transition. [Trans]
Apr 3, 2023 ~ Biological male Breanna Gill wins the WPGA Tour of Australasia at the #AusWomensClassic. Another trophy, win and prize purse is taken from biological women who no longer have their own sports. As usual, these injustices are enabled by cowards and misogynists. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 1, 2023 ~ Avi Silverberg, the head coach for Team Canada Powerlifting, identified as a woman and shattered the female bench press world record. He did that to prove how absurd the rules are allowing men to 'self identify' as women. He took the record away from ANOTHER MALE, Anne Andres. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 1, 2023 ~ Sanity is starting to prevail in certain corners. The World Athletics Council banned male athletes who identify as women from competing against biological females at international events. @martina praised the “step in the right direction.” The sports world is “finally waking up” [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 1, 2023 ~ ESPN honored biological male, Lia Thomas as part of its Women’s History Month recognition. No deserving WOMEN to celebrate I guess. These organizations cannot erase women fast enough. Thomas took wins and records from deserving female athletes and @ESPN celebrates it. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 31, 2023 ~ Days after trans activists announce an upcoming “Trans Day of Vengeance” to avenge the 'trans genocide' they claim is happening but which is not real, trans killer Audrey Hale shot up a Christian elementary school killing 3 little kids and 3 adults before police killed her. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Trans]
Mar 27, 2023 ~ Trans activists got violent again. This time at the "Let Women Speak" conference in New Zealand. The violent thugs attacked Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull before she could speak. If not for the protection of her security, she could have ended up severely injured or dead. "I genuinely thought if I fell to the floor I would never get up again, my children would lose their mother and my husband would lose his wife. My security saved my life today, no words can express my gratitude." "If women can’t name ourselves, speak about our lives, our bodies, our boundaries and our rights, in public and in ordinary language - then we lose EVERYTHING. We cannot let these people intimidate us into silence. Time to stand up folks, like the lady says." [Silencing, Trans, Violent Left]
Mar 26, 2023 ~ EJ Rosetta, "Trans Rights Activism has reached a dangerous level, populated primarily by aggressive males and emotional (largely vulnerable) young women." 5 examples she gives. She lost her job twice. "Trans Rights Activists have sent me over 200 death & rape threats." Made sure she knew they knew where she lives. They drove her father to a stroke and mother to a nervous breakdown. She finally had to move when they threatened her at her home.  A trans woman followed her into restroom and touched her with his penis for misgendering him. "I have become ashamed of the LGBTQ community & how we are terrorising women & girls & removing their rights to single sex spaces." "I have become almost completely housebound due to the vitriol aimed at me by TRA’s who continue to threaten & harass me. I am shown pictures of penises & told to suck them almost every single day." "Let me be clear - I have been a trans ally for a decade. That is now over. Trans Rights Activism is no longer in the hands of trans people - they are people who call themselves LGBTQ allies but are actually men (the male kind) who hate women & hate lesbians. They use the trans cover to commit their hatred of women under the guise of 'equality'. I cannot support this any longer. The LGBTQ movement has become Trans Focussed & while I am not anti-trans, I AM anti-intimidation." [LGBT, Trans, Violent Left]
Mar 22, 2023 ~ Biological male, Tiffany Thomas has won the Randall's Island Crit cycling event in NYC beating all the real women in the race. He's 46 and only trained a few years. Like Lia Thomas, Tiffany Thomas is making a mockery of women's sports while cowards and misogynists enable it. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 18, 2023 ~ Trans-identifying male, Valentina Petrillo breaks record and wins 8th women’s title in the 200m F50 at the Italian Indoor Masters Championships. This disgrace, enabled by cowards and misogynists, is happening all over women's sports. These records MUST BE returned to women! [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 17, 2023 ~ World Rowing decides to allow biological males to compete in Women's Rowing. @Martina Navratilova says, "I call BS on this… a sport where strength is paramount, this is a truly disgraceful decision." Cowards and misogynists are destroying women's sports. #SaveWomensSports [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 17, 2023 ~ Women's cycling champion Hannah Arensman leaves the sport due to having to compete with biological males. "It has become increasingly discouraging to train as hard as I do only to have to lose to a man [who has] an obvious advantage over me, no matter how hard I train." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 15, 2023 ~ Men are taking over women's sports and you're not even allowed to protest. The Vermont Principals’ Association announced that Mid Vermont Christian School would be ineligible to participate in sporting events because they refused to play a team with a man on it as it is unfair. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 15, 2023 ~ Biological male Anne Andres is breaking women's power lifting records. Some women have been boycotting but a Minnesota district court ruled that USA Powerlifting must allow transgender athletes to compete in the women’s division. Women's sports are being destroyed by misogynists. [Gender, LGBT, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 15, 2023 ~ Biological male Chloe Barnes joined the Brookline High School girls’ track team in Massachusetts and surprise, surprise, they WON the High School State Finals!! Yea girls!! This insanity has got to stop. This situation is created by cowards and misogynists. #SaveWomensSports [Gender, LGBT, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 12, 2023 ~ IMPORTANT. Whistleblower: Queer, left of Bernie Sanders Jamie Reed worked at a gender clinic, 'I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle.' "What’s happening to children is morally and medically appalling." "By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to “do no harm.” Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care." "What is happening to scores of children is far more important than my comfort. And what is happening to them is morally and medically appalling." "Sometimes clusters of girls arrived from the same high school." "The girls who came to us had many comorbidities: depression, anxiety, ADHD, eating disorders, obesity. Many were diagnosed with autism, or had autism-like symptoms. A report last year on a British pediatric transgender center found that about one-third of the patients referred there were on the autism spectrum." "Frequently, our patients declared they had disorders that no one believed they had. We had patients who said they had Tourette syndrome (but they didn’t); that they had tic disorders (but they didn’t); that they had multiple personalities (but they didn’t)." "To begin transitioning, the girls needed a letter of support from a therapist—usually one we recommended—who they had to see only once or twice for the green light. To make it more efficient for the therapists, we offered them a template for how to write a letter in support of transition. The next stop was a single visit to the endocrinologist for a testosterone prescription. That’s all it took." "When a female takes testosterone, the profound and permanent effects of the hormone can be seen in a matter of months. Voices drop, beards sprout, body fat is redistributed. Sexual interest explodes, aggression increases, and mood can be unpredictable. Our patients were told about some side effects, including sterility. But after working at the center, I came to believe that teenagers are simply not capable of fully grasping what it means to make the decision to become infertile while still a minor." "Many encounters with patients emphasized to me how little these young people understood the profound impacts changing gender would have on their bodies and minds. But the center downplayed the negative consequences, and emphasized the need for transition." "There are no reliable studies showing [transition improves mental health]. Indeed, the experiences of many of the center’s patients prove how false these assertions are." "clinics like the one where I worked are creating a whole cohort of kids with atypical genitals—and most of these teens haven’t even had sex yet. They had no idea who they were going to be as adults. Yet all it took for them to permanently transform themselves was one or two short conversations with a therapist." "Being put on powerful doses of testosterone or estrogen—enough to try to trick your body into mimicking the opposite sex—-affects the rest of the body. I doubt that any parent who's ever consented to give their kid testosterone (a lifelong treatment) knows that they’re also possibly signing their kid up for blood pressure medication, cholesterol medication, and perhaps sleep apnea and diabetes." 18 year old crying she "wants her breasts back." "In front of the team, the doctors said that my colleague and I had to stop questioning the 'medicine and the science' as well as their authority. Then an administrator told us we had to 'Get on board, or get out.'" " Biden admin "Dr. Levine, the U.S. assistant secretary for health, said that clinics are proceeding carefully and that no American children are receiving drugs or hormones for gender dysphoria who shouldn’t." "I felt stunned and sickened. It wasn’t true. And I know that from deep first-hand experience." [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Mar 12, 2023 ~ Catherine Salgado, 'Antifa Violently Assaults Bystanders at Detransition Awareness Rally' As usual they chant stupid shit while violently assaulting people who dare to disagree with them. "Go home Nazis,” “F*ck the fascists,” and “F*ck the Police.” [Anti-Science, Police, Trans, Violent Left]
Mar 11, 2023 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'Doctors: 4 out of 5 children will outgrow gender confusion' Which is why "Finland's leading expert on 'pediatric gender care,' Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, does not support surgical or chemical/hormone therapy for prepubescent children who express gender confusion." [Health Care, Trans]
Mar 11, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'British Medical Journal: the evidence is very weak for "gender affirming care"' "The evidence is weak to non-existent that it helps children, while the evidence that it creates permanent health problems is growing." Norway, Sweden, Finland, France and the UK are backing off." [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Mar 10, 2023 ~ Leftists in Canada are just as bad as US Democrats. Biological male Adam Laboucan raped an infant and killed a toddler but since he now claims he's a 'woman', the dumbass leftists who despise real women and children decided he belongs in a woman's prison with mother-baby unit. [Anti-Science, Loathsome Left, Trans]
Mar 10, 2023 ~ Democrats continue to erase women. They think International Women's Day was a perfect day to give a biological man an International Women of Courage Award. Jill Biden proudly gives male Alba Rueda this award instead of an actual deserving woman. Democrats are misogynists. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Mar 1, 2023 ~ Textbook groomer. NY Post: 'NY teacher forced girl, 9, to use male pronouns — causing suicidal thoughts' This teacher regularly indoctrinated her 5th graders. Told them to try being gay, try being trans. Tried to force a girl to be a boy until she was suicidal. [Loathsome Left, Trans]
Feb 24, 2023 ~ Christina Buttons, 'Transgender Patients On Hormones Had 7x The Risk Of Stroke, 6x The Risk Of Heart Attack, According To New Study' by the American College of Cardiology. Even non-surgical 'transitioning' has a lot of dangerous side effects. [Health, Trans]
Feb 20, 2023 ~ UK Telegraph, "The Tavistock clinic ignored evidence that 97.5% of children seeking sex changes had autism, depression or other problems that might have explained their unhappiness." Children as young as 10 were put on puberty blockers "after as little as 20 minutes’ consult." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Feb 20, 2023 ~ Scotland's first minister, Nicola Sturgeon resigned from office after losing popular support over disastrous decisions related to putting trans women in female prisons. She insisted on putting a male rapist of women into a woman's prison. The outcry forced him back to men's prison. [Trans]
Feb 20, 2023 ~ The the EEB (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) Language Project recommends the terms 'male' and 'female.' Instead use “sperm-producing” or “egg-producing” to avoid reinforcing “heteronormative views.” Because "much of western science is rooted in colonialism, white supremacy and patriarchy, and these power structures continue to permeate our scientific culture." FFS! [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Trans]
Feb 20, 2023 ~ After a mom brags about transing her 2 year old. Colin Wright says "In all likelihood this little boy would have simply grown up to be a gay man. But his mother joined a cult that says boys who act 'girly' must really be girls. He is now on the trans train that will likely end in sterilization, body mutilation, and a life-long medical dependency." [Anti-Science, CRT DIE Wokeness, Trans]
Feb 7, 2023 ~ Christina Buttons, "‘I Feel Like I Am Leaving A Cult’: Mother Regrets Transitioning Her 4-Year-Old Son" Allowed her 4 year old to choose his gender. Picked girl. Great! Then the 3 year old wanted to be a girl too. Then mom realized kids don't know shit. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Feb 6, 2023 ~ Surfing champion Bethany Hamilton of the 'Soul Surfer' movie says she's not going to compete in the World Surf League anymore if they allow biological men to surf in the women’s events. She says women's surfing will be ruined if they start to allow biological males. Obviously. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 1, 2023 ~ There's not only hundreds of 'genders', you can now identify as more than one at the same time. Tri-gender is when you are a man, a woman AND non-binary all at the same time. No, this isn't nonsense. It's all totally real. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Jan 30, 2023 ~ Explosive revelation from the Correctional Service of Canada. 44% of incarcerated “Transwomen” are sexual offenders. Information is from two recent official publications. 'Examination of Gender Diverse Offenders' and 'Gender Diverse Offenders with a History of Sexual Offending.' (ht: @goinglikeelsie) Only misogynists would house sexually offending males in women's prisons. [Crime, Trans]

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