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Sep 26, 2020 ~ The #BLM mob is getting increasingly more dangerous. They stopped a car in LA, surrounded it and pounded on it. Driver drove carefully through. They chased him down with vehicles and trapped him. Broke windows trying to get into the car. Another 'Reginald Denny' barely escaped. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Sep 26, 2020 ~ Another day, another violent Democrat attacks a Trump supporter. Daniel Gomez-Martinez is arrested for battery and elder abuse for attacking a 77 yr. old vet wearing a MAGA hat and a Back the Blue mask totally unprovoked. Victim was hospitalized, 'I got blood all over the place.' [Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Sep 24, 2020 ~ Antifa attacks the police in Seattle. Seattle police officer is seen on video being hit in the head with a baseball bat by a Democrat 'peaceful protester'. The city council and the mayor continue to let their officers be attacked. Side with the thugs like Democrats nationally. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 24, 2020 ~ Ann Coulter, 'Innocent Until Proven Trump Supporter'. Details of Jake Gardner case. Iraq vet. defending his dad and bar from BLM thugs attacking them. Had to kill the guy choking him. Clear self-defense but Gardner the one charged. 'It’s official: You can’t protect yourself.' [BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 23, 2020 ~ More Breonna Taylor 'protestor' violent idiocy. They stop cars, surround them and start kicking the cars until the drivers fear for their safety from the violent mob outside. Then when they drive through the mob to safety, the mob gets upset they wouldn't take their beating. #BLM [BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 23, 2020 ~ Joe Hoft, 'BLM Communist Who Pointed a Gun at Random Drivers in Louisville Identified as Robin Crandel – Is Linked to Soros-Funded Organization'. Pointed her gun into the windows of several cars passing the Breonna Taylor 'protest' she was attending. [BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 23, 2020 ~ Videos emerging of Black Lives Matter protesters harassing elderly restaurant patrons in St. Pete and threatening to “knock your old ass out.” Even sitting down at their dinner table to harass them. More 'protests' for Breonna Taylor breaking out in other cities. #BLM. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Sep 23, 2020 ~ In response to the Breonna Taylor riots, Tucker says 'So this is how America works now. You don't like a grand jury decision, so you break things, and you hurt people, and you steal what isn't yours. That's how we function now. But no country can function for long' that way. #BLM [BLM, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 23, 2020 ~ The Louisville Grand Jury does indict the police who were involved in the Breonna Taylor shooting. They had a warrant in her name, knocked, announced, were shot at. Returned fire from her boyfriend. There are riots anyway and two officers are shot. 'No justice, no peace.' #BLM [BLM, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 22, 2020 ~
Beth Baumann, "Proof the 'Silent Majority' Really Does Exist" More voters saying things like, 'We're very cautious on... what we say because of repercussions sustained in our employment... and our friend network.' 'afraid of these activists... doing some damage to their house.' [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 21, 2020 ~ Regarding Jake Gardener's death, Tim Pool says, 'We cannot live in a country where the mob is allowed to attack you, to beat you, to deck your father, and when you finally defend yourself, they say you're under arrest.' Not just the police who are no longer allowed self defense. [BLM, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 21, 2020 ~ Bar owner Jake Gardener father were attacked by BLM thugs. Gardener killed James Scurlock in self defense as video clearly shows. DA Kleine ruled self defense. #BLM shows up at Kleine's house and 'convinces' him to charge Gardener with manslaughter. Gardener commits suicide. [BLM, Fake Racism, Violent Left]
Sep 20, 2020 ~ Now #BLM 'protesters' are blocking cars and making the occupants say 'Black Lives Matter' and raise a fist to pass. 'Say Black Lives Matter. It lets us know that you're cool.' 'Put the fist up. You gotta say Black Lives Matter.' 'SAY IT! RIGHT NOW!' 'Thank you.' [BLM, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Sep 20, 2020 ~ .@ElijahSchaffer, shows video of a mob of Antifa thugs who decided a guy is a 'fascist' and forced him out. Mob screaming 'Get the fuck out of here.' Destroy his car with him and his dog in it. The dog was stepping on broken glass. Dent his doors, break windows. Call him a Nazi. [Antifa, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Sep 19, 2020 ~ A package containing the highly-toxic poison ricin was mailed to President Trump. FBI and Secret Service is investigating. [Violent Left]
Sep 19, 2020 ~ Democrats are promising violence (as usual) if Trump and McConnell try to confirm a Supreme Court Justice before the election. So many examples. Reza Aslan, 'If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire fucking thing down.' After Democrats burned and destroyed all summer. [Loathsome Left, SCOTUS, Violent Left]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ Another day, another violent Democrat attacks Trump voters unprovoked. 'Alvin Gary Shaw was arrested for punching an 84 year old woman in the face after he vandalized her Trump sign. Democrats commit political violence almost every single day. All one sided. #DontBecomeThem [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ ‘Monty Python’ Star Eric Idle repeatedly compares Trump to Hitler. He calls Trump rallies 'Nazi Rallies'. He's called Melania Trump a 'twat' and called Ivanka Trump a 'witch' 'may we burn her?' Thinks he's on the side of 'good people.' 'Trump and his cesspit' are the 'assholes.' [Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ Isaiah Cantrell was arrested for destroying a 90 year old statue of Jesus in El Paso because 'skin color of the statue was the wrong color,' said Cantrell. Yesterday also a statue of Mary was torn down in New York City (motive unknown). [Race, Religion, Violent Left]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ 91% of the 637 U.S. riots between May 26 and Sept. 12 were linked to Black Lives Matter #BLM, according to analysis by the US Crisis Monitor, a joint project of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University. [BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ BLM mob in Milwaukee surrounds a house with a Trump flag and American flag. They harass the man inside. Shine bright lights into the windows, yell menacing things. He holds his gun inside his house without pointing it at them. They call the police and homeowner is arrested. [BLM, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ Great example of what happens when mob justice tries to replace police. In Milwaukee, the mob heard missing girls were at a house. 'the police don’t do shit... is us taking our own shit into our own hands.' They burned the house down, people were shot. The girls were never there. [Police, Violent Left]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ Three months of rioting, perpetrated by Democrats and denied by other Democrats will exceed $2 Billion in damage and many lives lost. Democrats want you to believe that $2 Billion in damage either didn't exist or was 'mostly peaceful.' [Violent Left]
Sep 16, 2020 ~ Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca who once advocated spreading Covid19 at Trump rallies is the subject of an ethics complaint for encouraging rioters to harm officers and for telling black cops they should "be ashamed" and white cops she "expects this". Calls cops 'animals'. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 15, 2020 ~ Kristina Narayan, legislative director for Democratic Oregon House Speaker Tina Kotek was arrested for participating in an anti-police riot. The Democrats are the party of lawlessness. The always stand with the criminal against the police no matter the circumstances. [Police, Violent Left]
Sep 14, 2020 ~ Another day brings another video of a despicable Democrat overturning Trump tables. A man walks up to some Trump tables and sweeps the contents onto the ground and then overturns the tables chanting, 'Fuck Trump N-word, Fuck Trump N-word.' This kind of stuff happens constantly. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 14, 2020 ~ The Progressive Think Tank 'Gravel Institute' posted that Blue Lives Don't Matter after two Compton officers were shot in the head ambush style. In response to a Blue Lives Matter tweet, Gravel Institute said, 'Say it with me: they don't.' [Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 14, 2020 ~ Lynwood City Manager Jose Ometeotl, Near L.A. posted ‘Chickens Come Home To Roost’ about the two police officers in Compton that were shot in the head by a #BLM activist. 'The fact that someone randomly opened fire on deputies is to be expected in the society we live in today.' [BLM, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 14, 2020 ~ Kevin Wharton Price, leader of the Afrika Town Coalition and advisor to LA Mayor Garcetti, commented on the 2 cops in Compton who were shot in the head. 'Celebrate today because the oppressor has been slain.' 'This lightens my heart.' 'a start of retribution' 'a very good start.' [BLM, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 13, 2020 ~ New #BLM riots in Lancaster PA. Another black man, Ricardo Munoz, was executed by the police for NO REASON AT ALL!  JK. As usual, the body cam video shows the shooting to be totally justified. The man was charging at the police with a raised knife. BLM calls for 'justice' anyway? [BLM, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 13, 2020 ~ Matt Walsh correctly blames Democrats for police ambushing. 'When you make up an absurd fable about racist police hunting black men, and then police start getting executed randomly in the street, that blood is on your hands... The Democrat Party is full of cop killers.' #BLM [BLM, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 13, 2020 ~ A #BLM 'protester' walks up to a police car in Compton and shoots 2 officers in the head, one a mother. Videos show people celebrating. BLM at the hospital where the officers are fighting for life, 'We hope they die.' 'Y`all gonna die one by one.' Block the emergency room doors. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 13, 2020 ~ Violent #TDS afflicted Cher calls for Trump to be killed. Says 'trump's a mass murderer' and 'THE PUNISHMENT IS DEATH'. Michael Moore says 'Trump is a mass killer.' These people are loons. Fauci says that Trump responded 'very early', strongly and correctly to #COVID19. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ Violent Democrat Carlos Espriu is arrested for trying to firebomb the East Valley Republican Women Federated office. He broke the windows with a baseball bat, then threw Molotov cocktails into the offices. Democrat vandalism and political violence is quite common. [Violent Left]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ Rhode Island University professor, Erik Loomis said that 'Reinoehl killed a fascist. I see nothing wrong with it, at least from a moral perspective.' Aaron ‘Jay’ Danielson was not a 'fascist'. These violent Democrats think if they label someone, they now can assault or kill them. [College, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Bryan Michael Kelley, the violent Democrat who used a powerful laser to injure the eyes of police officers at an #antifa riot is arrested by the Portland Police and charged w/class B felony assault, felony unlawful use of a weapon and more. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy, the two violent Democrats who attacked a 7 year old outside the DNC destroying his signs, stealing his hat were arrested on felony charges of robbery, conspiracy and hate crimes, as well as a misdemeanor charge of endangering the welfare of a child. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ BLM attacks #WalkAway again. Does not allow Straka to talk to the media. Chases them 5 blocks assaulting them, stealing and smashing a cell phone. 'Go Faster!' yells the BLM thug chasing them away. 'You want me to show you violence! I will show you violence.' BLM=Terrorism. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ #BLM shouted over a Sen. Kelly Loeffler campaign event with Tom Cotton. They had to leave early. Despicable but typical behavior. Loeffler says the election is a 'stark choice' between order and chaos. Loeffler has received 'multiple threats against my life' if doesn't sell team. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ #BLM shouted over a Sen. Kelly Loeffler campaign event with Tom Cotton. They had to leave early. Despicable but typical behavior. Loeffler says the election is a 'stark choice' between order and chaos. Loeffler has received 'multiple threats against my life' if doesn't sell team. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 6, 2020 ~ Byron York, 'Princeton University group studies 3 months of Black Lives Matter protests… report reveals nearly 570 violent demonstrations--riots--in nearly 220 locations spread all across country.' Doesn't include Antifa riots which are everywhere as well. Violent Left. [Antifa, BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 5, 2020 ~ Brandon Straka of the #WalkAway Campaign was again physically attacked by BLM. 'This was the most terrifying moment of my life... 30-40 BLM began throwing bottles at us & chasing us. They stole my employee’s phone &smashed it. We had to run for 4-5 blocks.' [#WalkAway, BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 5, 2020 ~ Kylee Zempel, 'After A Century Serving Kenosha, Rode’s Camera Shop Is A Pile Of Ashes' 'Tom has been pouring his life into Rode’s for the past 41 years' 'lost it all.' They are not going to rebuild. Why would they? Could happen again the next time a black man reaches for a knife. [BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 5, 2020 ~ Black Lives Matter protestors continue to create conflict throughout the nation. Getting more brazen screaming at restaurant diners in Pittsburgh as they drink their drinks. They assault a black store manager in Pittsburgh after mobbing his McDonald's. [BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 5, 2020 ~ Violent Democrats continue to riot nightly in Portland. A Molotov cocktail thrown at police set one of the rioters on fire. They were trying to set police officers on fire. So, who rushed in to put out the fire that was intended for the police? The police did. #BlueLivesMatter [Antifa, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 5, 2020 ~ BLM riots again in downtown New York City, causing another estimated $100,000 in property damage. They were 'protesting' police handing of Daniel Prude situation. Prude was harming himself, threatening others. Had to be restrained. Apparently choked on vomit due to PCP overdose. [BLM, Violent Left, Police]
Sep 5, 2020 ~ Evidence is released showing Antifa killer Michael Reinoehl stalked and laid in wait before executing Trump supporter Aaron "Jay" Danielson. Video shows Reinoehl peaking around the corner hand already on the gun as Danielson and friend were walking by not interacting with anyone. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Sep 4, 2020 ~ Trump supporters cannot hold a rally without being physically attacked by BLM or Antifa. Therefore, they hire security to protect them from the inevitable violence. A BLM guy would not take his hands off the #WalkAway security guy at the Dallas #WalkAway Rally and was dealt with. [#WalkAway, Antifa, BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 4, 2020 ~ BLM terrorizing Rochester NY, after death of Daniel Prude. They trash businesses, break into apartment buildings, run through restaurants overturning tables and chairs sending diners running, setting fires. Prude choked on puke from PCP OD. Was restrained waiting for ambulance. [BLM, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 3, 2020 ~ Michael Reinoehl, the "100% Antifa" thug who executed Jay Bishop in cold blood was killed by federal agents trying to apprehend him. He was armed and would not be taken alive. Antifa celebrated Bishop killing, 'not sad a fucking fascist died.' 'He was a fucking Nazi'. Not true. [Antifa, Police, Violent Left]

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