Nov 26, 2021 ~ Not to be outdone by #BLM, the Women's March pens their silly hate filled Thanksgiving message: "It was an oversight on our part to not make the connection ($14.92 donation) to a year of colonization, conquest, and genocide for Indigenous people, especially before Thanksgiving." [BLM, Loathsome Left, Women's March]
Oct 18, 2020 ~ The Women's March is BACK BABY, for an important cause: Preventing a woman from getting on the Supreme Court. Thousands in close proximity with no social distancing. But its OK because their message (calling Trump a 'penis') transcends safety. #WomensMarch2020 #WomensMarch [Abortion, SCOTUS, Women's March]
Sep 26, 2020 ~ As usual, the left goes right to racial slurs and attacks whenever a black person does not do as they say. Tamika Mallory, who had to resign from the Women's March' for Anti-Semitism said 'Daniel Cameron is no different than the sell-out negroes that sold our people into slavery' [Anti-Semitism, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism, Slavery, Women's March]
Nov 7, 2019 ~ Protesters from the Women's March harass guests and visitors at the Trump International Hotel. Recruited for a 'Noise Protest' for the GOP strategy meeting. 'BYO pots, pans, whistles, drums'. Used all of those. Chanted at visitors. Blocked the path of people. Police had intervene [Women's March, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 16, 2019 ~ The Women's March cut ties with three of its co-founders: Linda Sarsour, Bob Bland, and Tamika Mallory over issues of anti-Semitism. They also dismissed Zhara Billoo who denounced 'all terrorism, including all that regularly committed by the US military and Al Qaeda, the Israeli Defense Forces and ISIS.' [Women's March, Anti-Semitism, Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 22, 2019 ~ Linda Sarsour links to an article that says the Jewish community is waging a 'profound war on black people' Mercy Morganfield, former head of the Women's March D.C. chapter had enough, 'Linda Sarsour is an anti-Semite. She can't help it.' [Anti-Semitism, Women's March]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Women's March' occurs with a tiny fraction of its original numbers - Almost entirely a vulgar hate fest directed at Trump - signs had lots of profanity and often referenced their genitalia - 'Pussy = Power', 'Pussy is God' for example. Sad what feminism has turned into. [TDS, Gender, Women's March, Feminism]
Jan 14, 2019 ~ The DNC and others drop partnerships with the Women's March over the group's anti-Semitism. The Women's March insists that it is still a welcoming and inclusive place for all pro-choice, non-white women who hate Trump... and Jews. [Anti-Semitism, Gender, Women's March]
Dec 31, 2018 ~ The Northern California Women's March in is canceled by organizers because the participants would be 'overwhelmingly white'. That is unsurprising as Eureka is in is 74% white. The women who wanted to march will be silenced for having the wrong skin color. Dem identity politics. [Women's March, Identity Politics, Racism, Silencing]
Dec 29, 2018 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'The Left Lends Cover to Anti-Semitism'. The left's anti-Semitism problem goes way beyond ties to Farrakhan and the Women's March. Shapiro gives many other examples. Alice Walker, David Icke, Marc Lamont Hill, Cornel West, Toni Morrison, James Baldwin, Al Sharpton. [Anti-Semitism, Women's March, Sharpton, Ben Shapiro]
Dec 28, 2018 ~ Jeff Dunetz, 'Farrakhan Is Only A Tiny Part Of Women's March Leaders' Anti-Semitism'. David Krayden, 'Venessa Wruble Says She Was Muscled Out For Being Jewish'. Ties to the deeply racist, anti-Semitic and anti-LGBT Nation of Islam. Claims that Jews ran the slave trade [Women's March, Anti-Semitism, Islam]
Dec 16, 2018 ~ Tablet magazine has published a deep-dive on the genesis of the Women's March - Anti-Semitism a part of the Women's March from the start - Far beyond close ties to Farrakhan - 'in bed with the Nation of Islam since day one'. [Women's March, Anti-Semitism, Islam]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Dems are furious at white women for mid-term losses. Say white women who vote for the GOP are stupid at best, racist at worst. 'There's a lot of work to do, white women. A lot of learning. A lot of growing' says the racist, condescending Women's March. 'white women gonna white'. [Racism, Sexism, Politics, Women's March, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ The Women's March, which once called Trump's pick of XX 'a death sentence for thousands of women in the US' before they even knew who XX was proving they couldn't care less about the facts, is calling Susan Collins a 'rape apologist' and a 'traitor to women'. [Kavanaugh, Women's March, Fake Rape]
Dec 18, 2017 ~ Linda Sarsour accused of enabling sexual assault as director of the Arab American Association. Asmi Fathelbab said, 'She oversaw an environment unsafe and abusive to women' Sarsour called Fathelbab a liar, body shamed and intimidated her. Man was 'a good Muslim, always at Mosque' [Me Too, Women's March, Islam]
Aug 20, 2017 ~ David French, 'Media, Tell the Truth: The Women's March and Black Lives Matter Embrace Terrorists' True hatred and violence is on the left; Women's March and Black Lives Matter support cop killers, domestic terrorists, antisemites, jihadists, dictators, terrorists against Israel. [Violent Left, Women's March, BLM]
Jun 10, 2017 ~ Pro Life Women are not allowed to march in the Women's March. Ridiculously claim you can't be pro-life AND pro-woman. They and the left allow no diversity of thought. The March says, 'Nonsense, The Women's March welcomes all pro-choice, non-white women who hate Trump... and Jews.' [Abortion, Anti-Semitism, Women's March]
Jun 4, 2017 ~ Kurt Schlichter, 'The Left Freaks Out As Everything It Tries Makes It Look Stupider' from trying to overturn a democratic election, to parading around dressed as genitalia, to going all in on a ridiculous Russian Collusion conspiracy theory. Trump Derangement Syndrome [TDS, Women's March, Russia Hoax]
May 12, 2017 ~ The so-called 'March for Science' just another left wing, anti-Trump rally disguised as a support for science. Same hateful intersectional nonsense the women's march embraces. Women's march advises: dress as genitalia and demand tax free tampons if you want to be taken seriously. [Anti-Science, TDS, Women's March]
Feb 13, 2017 ~ Susan Stamper Brown, 'Leftists are Fake Feminists' - Linda Sarsour, one of the Women's March organizers says 'Sharia is reasonable' and hates on real feminists Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Brigitte Gabriel who bravely fight for truly oppressed and brutalized women. [Islam, Feminism, Women's March]
Jan 21, 2017 ~ Women's march. Millions in cities day after inauguration dressed as genitalia, protesting supposedly losing their rights. Madonna says she dreams of blowing up the white house. Tells Trump to 'suck a dick'. Ashley Judd, 'I feel Hitler in these streets' Pro Life women not welcome. [TDS, Women's March, Violent Left, Holocaust Denial, Abortion]